
In this edition of the Affiliate Buzz, host James Martell is joined by guest Todd Cochrane from RawVoice and GeekNewsCentral. The two talk about the lucrative opportunities for affiliate marketers to offer tools to eager podcasters. Podcasting has exploded onto the affiliate marketing scene, and presents a unique revenue opportunity. This episode of the Affiliate Buzz will help you better understand everything you need to produce a successful podcast.

How Far Podcasting Has Come in Recent Years

James begins by giving a quick review of Todd’s background in this emerging industry. Then the episode kicks off with Todd sharing how he got started in the world of podcasting and what he’s seen along the way. The two also discuss the following:

How Todd went from a military career to one in podcasting

Differences between early podcasting and today’s tools

What plug-ins Todd helped build to grow the industry

Next James recommends a free WordPress tool for anyone who plans on doing a podcast. It’s one that he uses for his own podcasts and also recommends to all of his clients.

What Tools Can Help You Get Ahead in Podcasting

Then after a short break, Todd talks about the tools a podcaster needs to be successful. He also describes where his affiliate program fits in with these tools, and describes goals that he has for the program. Then James and Todd move along to the following topics:

What plugin is best to integrate podcasts to iTunes

How can podcasting help affiliates find success

What do affiliates need to know about podcasters

This episode of the Affiliate Buzz wraps up with some advice for how to market via podcasts that promote different products and services. James and Todd explain how this differs from creating a blog post, and offer advice about specific tools you can use to run a successful podcasting campaign. Subscribe to the Affiliate Buzz now to stay on top of the latest news about the internet marketing industry, and if you have any questions about this podcast or anything else, please visit the Affiliate Buzz Facebook page.

Learn more about Todd Cochrane via the links below:

Raw Voice: http://www.rawvoice.com/

Geek News Central: http://geeknewscentral.com/

Grab Your FREE Copy of the Affiliate Marketing ‘Answer’ Book here:

Download: http://jamesmartell.com/

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