I was reading this article this morning, about Disney cutting ties with PewDiePie, a YouTube star (I’ve never heard of him?) who had included antisemitic content in his videos. This guy has continually claimed that all the antisemitic content he’s produced (which includes statements such as ‘death to all Jews’ and ‘Hitler did absolutely nothing wrong’) is a joke, and that people who are offended simply don’t understand the context, suggesting that it’s ‘laughable’ that he might agree with these viewpoints. So far so unsurprising: we’ve heard all this before.
But at the bottom of the article it points out the response to these videos by the Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi website, which now describes itself as ‘the number 1 PewDiePie fansite’. The Daily Stormer stated: “He could be doing all this only to cause a stir things up and get free publicity […] Ultimately, it doesn’t matter, since the effect is the same; it normalizes Nazism, and marginalizes our enemies.”
The point is this: if you are making racist or antisemitic jokes, it doesn’t matter if you were only joking, or messing around, or that you would never subscribe to those views; the effect is the same. Regardless of whether you agree with what you are saying, you are emboldening, normalising and legitimising Nazis. You are permitting fascism to take root in our society. Jokes matter. This is where extreme views creep in, take hold and are normalised. Think about what you’re saying: words have power. Stop normalising Nazis.
I couldn’t disagree more. If we can’t laugh about a tragedy then we’ve already lost the war. I’ve personally seen all those polemic videos, and all he did was being sarcastic. I get that not everyone likes black humour, but this has just gotten out of hands.
Are you Jewish? Because I’m finding the idea that we should be laughing about the Holocaust pretty disgusting. There’s ways to mock Nazis, yes, but laughing at the death of six million Jews is not the way to do it.
That always translates to “I feel comfortable making fun of things I have not experienced”. Like, you’re so brave? Congrats? Joking about killing Jewish people isn’t funny tho??
Its called Black Humor and some do find it funny. Its just a Joke. And even if you dont find it funny you know that it wasnt meint seriously
Awesome, actual Nazis say that antisemitic jokes help them, Jewish people say it hurts them. And hey, just because you don’t “mein” it, doesn’t mean that people have to accept your shitty attempt at humour.
What I know is that these jokes perpetuate the oppression of Jewish people and if you think that is “black comedy” then good for you but it’s also contributing to a culture of hate and you get what you deserve on that shit.
oh chill, he was seeing how far people would go for 5 bucks and was suprised as the rest that people would agree to say slurs. he’s not normalizing society, tumblr needs to stop freaking out over tiny things
Oh, he was surprised that poor people would say exactly what HE told them to say? He could have had them say anything, he chose antisemitism for shock value and is shocked at the legitimate backlash.
You chill bby.