
Thank you Islanders for having made 2015 GEBIS Spring Fest such a success!  More than 1,100 people showed up on March 28 between 9:30AM and 4PM; and originally planned three sessions (2 hours each) have turned into non-stop celebration in our Little Sands complex.

CBC TV coverage: 3/26  Compass at 6(video: 21:15-); Buddhist Prayer Chant (video); Buddhist monks reveal simple life (photo gallery);  3/28  Maritimes Saturday (video: 11:10-); Little Sands Buddhist monks holding Saturday open house (article); 3/30  Compass at 6 (video: 21:58-)  CBC Radio:  3/25 MainStreet PEI  3/30 Island Morning   Guardian: 3/27 A Spring Fling  3/28  Buddhist Opening Doors 3/31 Open House Success;   Eastern Graphics 4/1 Little Sands Buddhist Monks Hold Open House

Preparation & Volunteers

Reception & Presentation, Q&A

Not even 9 am, guests already started to show up at the reception desk.  Volunteers provided those heartwarming gifts and guidance for each guest.

Venerable Dan then started his 30-plus-session day by offering general overview on the mandates and activities of the organization, an orientation of the following 2-hour facility and display tour of the complex, and finally showing how Buddhists greet each others by joining the palms and say “Ni How (how are you)” and “Shay Shay (thank you)”.

Monastic’s Way of Life

Living quarter was open to the public and guests got to have a feel about how simple a monk’s life is!

Exhibits and video presentation on monk’s course work and a typical day at the monastery were on display.  Rooms were filled with Islanders, in which many showed enthusiasm on how and why monks train rigorously on dialectics — an integral part of their curriculum which helps strengthen understanding of the scriptural knowledge and conviction.  Of course, many more cannot get their eyes off of the butter sculpture.

Alliance Organizations’ (Lay Followers’) Exhibits

Featured among the display booths were the English study groups in Charlottetown and Montague, Moonlight International Foundation, Grain Essence Garden, Splendid Essence Restaurant, and Sino Mutual Society(SinoMu).

Islanders glanced through information on the history how study groups have developed over the past 5 years, and have influenced quite a few, who actually implement the concept called Observe Merit and Appreciate Kindness (OMAK) in daily life and gain happiness and inner peace.

Many also came to appreciate the work done by this layperson group responsible for the conveyance of Buffaloland Park and contributing in significantly improving the health management of the herd.  Also shown were the bilateral visitations by PEI and Taiwan farmers and businesspersons in 2014, as part of the continuing exploration of potential opportunity for collaboration and trades.

Nice Treats to your Palates & Eye-popping Arts in …. Lighthouse & NFL Ferry

By now, you may have already heard about this highlight of the event from other news source.  Monks do dedicate most of their time in studying classic scriptures in Buddhist doctrine, and the butter sculptures and creative work like this is only something they do in their spare time.

People were obviously so very impressed with this art piece, a great gesture by monks who have used gingerbread, red-dyed white chocolate for the lighthouse, while using butter to make a NFL Ferry M.V. Confederation.  Varieties of cookies, biscuits among other delicacies and treats were replenished frequently to butter up their special guests, while they perused this amazing artwork, and feel the appreciation toward Islanders shared amongst the monastic community.

Prayer Hall Tour

It is actually …… beyond description…..  So please refer to pictures and you really have to come join us next time.  Monastics greeted guests with informative session on elements, icons, culture, and tradition in this shrine where monks pray on a daily basis  Many guests are first-timers to a monastery.

Farewell & More

When people continued to call after 4PM that day and showed their interest to participate, we realized that how much interest this event has drawn.  For those who have missed it because it was on a Saturday or in winter, or any other reason, we would like to welcome you and try our best to accommodate your need.  We are all ears and learning…..

Lost & Found, and any other inquiries, including recipes of those dishes catered: please contact us.

Many thanks to our media friends who have provided support for our event –  Radio: CBC’s Karen Mair, Maggie Brown; Ocean 100’s Kerri Wynne MacLeod; TV: CBC’s Sara Fraser, Jessica Doris-Brown, Bruce Rainnie, and Elizabeth Chiu; Newspaper: Guardian’s Steve Sharratt & Carolyn Drake, Eastern Graphics’s Chris McGarry.

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