

GALAK-Z has certainly caught my interest! I don't often like 2D space shooters, but when it looks this gorgeous I might take the punt on it.

Originally a PS4 game, so it's great to see the developer expand into our territory with it. It's actually their second Linux game, so we seem to have another Linux-friendly developer.

I must say, it actually looks really quite good. It would certainly make a great living room game for Steam Machine's with full controller support. The visual style and animations look really fun too, I'm so very tempted to pick it up.

About the game

Prepare for the bar to be raised on deep-space 2D dog-fighting! GALAK-Z is a modern, A.I. and physics-driven open-world action game, viewed through the lens of the classic 16-bit space shooter. Powered by the next-generation Cyntient AI platform, GALAK-Z puts players in control of anime-inspired spacecraft inhabiting procedurally generated worlds.

In GALAK-Z both stealth and skill are required to defeat truly intelligent enemies. You will be forced to outsmart enemies that think, react and cooperate like seasoned pilots! Master your ship’s sublimely-honed controls as you blast enemies, unleash missile salvos, and even toss your opponents, mech-style, to their explosive demise.

You can find GALAK-Z on Steam.

If you have tried it, let us know if it's worth trying out.

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