Thursday is GURPSDay, and as of today, GURPSDay is about six months old. Oh, and it's also my 15-year anniversary. That picture there to the right is probably from 2000 or 2001, when we got engaged. A long road and two children later, we're still here, and I'm gaming more than ever, so something must have worked.
And something else worked too, because thanks to the mad programming skills and debugging savvy of the proprietor of RPG Jutsu, we finally got TBone's GURPS Diner on the rolls. Turns out the site was rejecting the wget request, and Merlin did something to make our request for that data look nicer. I think the command was something like wget -whiskey -filetmignon.
But we got 'em all, and some new bloggers are on the list, including Martin Ralya and his Yore blog, as well as a feed to Shane Plays - he does podcasts. To celebrate, I'm giving you the last 25 posts for all the blogs on the list. So buckle up.
As always, if you're interested in having your blog consolidated here, navigate over to The Instructions Page and drop me a line.
RogerBW's Blog (Roger Bell-West)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Treasures 2: Epic Treasures, Matt Riggsby (6/04/16)
Pyramid 89: Alternate Dungeons II (5/05/16)
Robots After the End Designer's Notes (4/22/16)
GURPS Powers: The Weird, William H. Stoddard (4/14/16)
GURPS After the End 1: Wastelanders, Jason Levine (4/07/16)
Pyramid 88: The End Is Nigh (3/17/16)
Pyramid 87: Low-Tech III (3/10/16)
Nuclear Legacy Designer's Notes (2/25/16)
Pyramid 86: Organizations (2/04/16)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 17: Guilds, Matt Riggsby (1/28/16)
RPG Jutsu (Merlin Avery)
Dungeon Fantasy – Why I think it’s D20 for GURPS! (5/26/16)
Combo – The Killer Instinct in Advantages (5/20/16)
Dark Fantasy – The Horrific End to Heroes (2/15/16)
Computers – The Digital World Primer (2/10/16)
GURPS – Vampire the Masquerade (2/08/16)
Death – How to Deal With Immortal PCs (2/04/16)
Future Jutsu – Coming Soon to a Site Near You (2/04/16)
Cinematic Reality – Armor of the Big Screen (2/03/16)
Rules Lawyer – GMs are Self Destructive (2/02/16)
Radiation – The Math of Rads (2/01/16)
Gaming Ballistic (Douglas Cole)
Aeon Campaign S2E9 - Trust and Betrayal (6/07/16) - In S2E9 of the Aeon Campaign, we complete the fight that we set up at the end of Episode 8, having taken it out from the populated area in the cafe and arranged to move it to a more friendly arena. By the end of the fight, we've captured and arrested three, including the primary, and turned two more to our side. Eamon and Yukio (PC and NPC ally) are badly injured.
Reloading Press: .50 BMG (12.7x99mm) (6/06/16) - This installment of the Reloading Press brings you the legendary .50 BMG. Almost defining the genre of big-bore rifles and "I'll take overpowered rifles for $200, Alex" in the hands of most PCs, these powerful cartridges can reach out for well over a mile and still penetrate pretty serious armor. Some of the longest and most accurate shots in the world have been taken with this platform.
GURPS Day Summary May 27 - June 1, 2016 (6/02/16)
Transcript: Hunter and PK talk After the End (6/02/16) - Thursday is GURPSDay, and a little bird provided me with this sweet, sweet transcript of the SJGamesLive interview of PK Levine by Hunter Shelburne, talking about After the End a lot, and GURPS in general a bit. It's 10,000 words long, so there's a lot there!
Reloading Press: .600 Nitro Express (15.7x76mmR) (6/01/16) - The Reloading Presss brings you the monster .600NE (and briefly discusses it's larger cousin, the .700NE). You can do more damage, more accurately, at higher rates, with lower platform cost with any number of modern weapons and chamberings. But you won't be sporting a $150,000 rifle that is a work of art, either. So you make the call . . .
Aeon Campaign S2E8 - Countdown to freedom (5/31/16) - In S2E8 of the GURPS Aeon campaign, we reap the benefits of last week's plans. Our goal is to delay our quarry from finding out that the entire session last time was a distraction to get his abused wife into witness protection. We succeed, he gets royally pissed off, and at the last moment attempts to attack us in a public place with three powerful metahumans. We withdraw, taking the fight to an unpopulated area . . .
Sensible Master Plans redux (5/29/16) - When working on master plans for both good guys and bad guys, or even talking about courses of action for a team to pursue, make sure that you can answer six questions that show you're working towards success. Better start by defining success, then . . .
That was too easy (stories are conflict) (5/26/16) - Everything went our way in S2E7 of the Aeon Campaign. I've had that backfire before on me as a GM. When is total success a good game, and when is it boring? Why was THIS smooth sail a ripping success?
GURPS Day Summary May 20 - May 26, 2016 (5/26/16)
Aeon Campaign S2E7 - The Best Laid Plans . . . (5/24/16) - Aeon S2E7 has our heroes come up with a plan, execute the plan, and actually overachieve in the objectives of the plan as all the players pitch in successfully to make the plan even better. We spend bucketloads of karma doing so, but in the end, it's a perfect mission. At least for now.
GURPS Day Summary May 13 - May 19, 2016 (5/19/16)
Aeon Campaign S2E6 - Breaking up is hard to do (5/17/16) - In S2E6 of the Aeon Campaign, we continue to investigate Congressman Singleton at the behest of our mostly-criminal associate. We successfully dig up some dirt, are obviously seen doing so, and come to the conclusion we've kicked over quite the anthill.
Reloading Press: .380 ACP (9x17mm) (5/16/16) - The reloading press presents the .380 ACP. When you're looking for a concealable, accurate pistol, for 100 years the answer was found in the .380 ACP. Still considered one of the lowest-powered 'acceptable' self-defense chamberings by some (and dangerously underpowered by others), it's hard to argue with a weapon you can hide in the palm of a hand!
GURPS Day Summary May 6 - May 12, 2016 (5/12/16)
Aeon Campaign S2E5 - Relationship status: complicated (5/10/16) - In S2E5 of the Aeon Supers campaign, we get a visit from an old friend of Eamon's, a super who suffered extreme injuries in the Riker's Island breakout. He's looking for a miracle - fortunately he used to date one, but they're on the outs. We get a proposition that very much has more to it than meets the eye.
Reloading Press: .416 Barrett (10.6x83mm) (5/09/16) - If you need to reach out over a mile and touch someone, and have thousands of dollars to spare, consider the .416 Barrett from your platform of choice. It hits for 12d and the right rifle and ammo will deliver basically Acc 7 . . . so this is a serious platform for serious shooters.
May is GURPSDay recruitment month (5/07/16) - GURPSDay is great - but it could be more. Get the word out, sign up, and generally let's try and get 100 blogs on the list by the end of May!
GURPS Day Summary April 29- May 5, 2016 (5/06/16)
We all have it coming, kid (5/05/16)
Reloading Press: .224 BOZ (and 10mm APDS) (5/04/16) - After some discussions offline about how to get the most body-armor-defeating punch out of a pistol, I come to the realization that when comparing extreme bottleneck rounds like the .224 BOZ with saboted rounds like the very same cartridge launched from a 10mm APDS . . . you really want the APDS. In GURPS, anyway.
Aeon Campaign S2E4 - Endgame and near-disaster barely averted (5/03/16) - This session was more or less an exercise in how not to tackle a super-genius super-soldier who has anticipated our every move. Fortunately, the Foresight advantage exists, and I had the Karma points to completely ret-con the situation to our advantage. So victory, but honestly we didn't deserve it from where I was sitting. This is also my 800th post on Gaming Ballistic
Aeon Campaign: S2E3 - Rescue (5/03/16) - This is a session report by one of the other players in the Aeon game, since I was in Malaysia. The team diffuses a lot of bombs, and eventually recovers the kidnapped Commander, only to find out that the entire kidnapping was a complete diversionary tactic. Who was the real target? It was . . .
GURPS Day Summary April 22- April 28, 2016 (4/29/16)
Lessons from Monteporte (4/24/16) - Two thoughts brought about from a D&D post that have broad applicability. Tangible play-aids help keep track of stuff in ways that a sheet of paper does not. And even player character have a sell-by date . . . or they should.
Penang Review: After the End 2 - The New World (4/23/16) - Comprehensive review of GURPS After the End 2.
The Collaborative Gamer (Joseph Linden)
Gazetteer: The Wistwilds (5/04/16)
Temian’s New Loadout (4/29/16)
What should Temian spend his money on? (4/19/16)
Good people are talking about me! (4/16/16)
Temian’s New Skills! (4/16/16)
What should Temian spend his points on? (4/14/16)
The Adventures of Temian Fell – Episode 6 – Treachery in Eldervale (4/12/16)
The Adventures of Temian Fell – Episode 5 – The Book of the Corrupted Seal (4/07/16)
Quick update on Temian! (4/05/16)
The Adventures of Temian Fell – Episode 4 – The Castle of Heirloom Peak (3/31/16)
Code by Clockwork (Jeff Demers)
GURPS: Ascension Campaign Living World Document (Power Templates, Kits, Races, etc) (6/07/16)
GURPS Calculator: 2.3.1 Released! (6/02/16)
GURPS Calculator - Enhancements, Character Sharing, and GCA Importing (5/24/16)
GURPS Calculator 2.3 has been released! GCS Importing for all! (5/12/16)
GURPS Calculator - GCS Importing launch on May 12th! (5/04/16)
GURPS Calculator WIP 2.3 and Alpha Testing (4/07/16)
GURPS Calculator - Character Screens and GCS Importing Continues (3/10/16)
GURPS Calculator - Character Screens and GCS Importing (2.3 Work in Progress Update) (3/02/16)
GURPS Calculator 2.2 release (2/11/16)
GURPS Calculator 2.2 Work In Progress Update (2/04/16)
GURPS Calculator 2.1.1 Released (1/28/16)
GURPS Calculator 2.2.4 Released (Old Android App) (7/22/13)
Shane Plays (Shane Stacks)
How To Create A GURPS Character (6/07/16)
GURPS! – Radio Show / Podcast Ep. 40 (3/09/16)
Don't Forget Your Boots (Mitch French)
The Portland Apocalypse, Session #3: “Giant robots?” (5/08/16)
Character: Brody MacFlarnatarnastan, Dwarven Demolisher (4/21/16)
Medicine For The Mundane (4/14/16)
Lunch, Defined (3/28/16)
Nerd Rage! or, Fighting When You Don’t Know How (3/26/16)
Thieving From The Wastelands (3/09/16)
The Portland Apocalypse, Session #2: “Those guys are trying to steal that stuff we stole!” (3/07/16)
Reviewing Party Status Before The Hike (3/05/16)
Scrounging and Searching (2/03/16)
The Portland Apocalypse, Session #1: “Going off the rails” (1/04/16)
Northport (Denis McCarthy)
Borderland Provinces: a Review (5/24/16)
Divination Driven Plotting and a lesser Divinity (5/12/16)
Meditations on Recent Mail, S&W Appreciation Day goodies and critical failure expectations (4/20/16)
Things I am grateful for about S&W (4/14/16)
WhiteStar and GURPS Space (4/07/16)
Traffic Patterns and Art Sales (4/02/16)
Sheepfolk and other races (3/29/16)
Ludlow and Razakeel: Apprentices at large (3/23/16)
Astral Reavers and Void Mystics (2/24/16)
Mercenaries and Murder Hobos (2/16/16)
Improvised Radio Theatre - With Dice (RogerBW)
Carry On Up the UNIT HQ (6/01/16)
There Ought To Be A Housekeeping Section (4/01/16)
Random Political Shenanigans Generation Table (3/01/16)
Groupies Wearing Corsets and Top Hats (1/01/16)
The Rough Wheels of their Intellects (11/01/15)
Find Our Werewolf, Please, and Try Not to Get Eaten By Him (10/01/15)
A Step Over into the Anything Can Happen (9/01/15)
Politically Subversive Occultism Disguised as Pornography (5/01/15)
Why Feudalism Is Not A Good Idea (4/01/15)
Corrupt and Decadent Astrophysicists (3/01/15)
Fragments of the Last War (Bryan Timms)
Its Hour Come Round at Last - Doctor Thomas McKinley (6/06/16)
Its Hour Come Round at Last - Trahaearn Taliesin (Tali) (6/06/16)
Its Hour Come Round at Last - Harris Benjamin (6/03/16)
Its Hour Come Round at Last - Reginald Smythe III (6/03/16)
Its Hour Come Round at Last 3 (6/01/16)
Its Hour Come Round at Last 2 (5/20/16)
Its Hour Come Round at Last 1 (4/27/16)
Its Hour Come Round at Last - Patronage and Espionage Agencies (4/12/16)
Its Hour Come Round at Last 0 (4/11/16)
Fragments of the Last War 24 (3/02/16)
Fragments of the Last War 23 - A Game for Knights, part 4 (2/15/16)
Fragments of the Last War 22 - A Game for Knights, part 3 (1/27/16)
Fragments of the Last War 21 - A Game for Knights, part 2 (1/08/16)
Fragments of the Last War 20 - A Game for Knights, part 1 (12/25/15)
Fragments of the Last War 19 (11/12/15)
Fragments: Pathfinder, Savage Worlds, Fate (9/18/14)
Issues, Places, Faces (8/11/14)
Dark Paths and Wandered Roads (Jason Woollard)
Sundered Lands 7 (6/09/16) - The newest adventures in the Sundered Lands of Palladium, our GURPS: Palladium Fantasy campaign.
Simple Tricks IV (6/02/16) - The Crew makes their way across the galaxy, brokering shady deals, purchasing cold weather gear and looking for a missing son. On the snowy world of Ando Prime, they find some answers and end up in the crossfire of a gunfight in a snow filled canyon! The continuing saga of the Crew of the Painted S'kytri in our GURPS: Star Wars campaign, Simple Tricks and Nonsense.
Grand Duchy 81 (5/26/16) - The members of the Grey Company are led to the Traldar village of Ronkan. They are greeted by a warm welcome... and screams in the night! Summary of the latest play session of The Grand Duchy of Adventure, our GURPS: Mystara campaign.
Sundered Lands 6 (5/19/16) - The Guardians agree to help Lavinia find out what has happened to her ship, the Blue Nixie. Their investigation quickly turns into a blind assault in the harbor. The newest adventures in the Sundered Lands of Palladium, our GURPS: Palladium Fantasy campaign.
Simple Tricks III (5/13/16) - Take Him Home. The crew of the Painted S'kytri take their beloved Captain "home" to Socorro for an honorable burial. They have to make a few stops along the way, though. The continuing saga of the Crew of the Painted S'kytri in our GURPS: Star Wars campaign, Simple Tricks and Nonsense.
Grand Duchy 80 (5/05/16) - The Grey Company leads the northern charge against the "mutts," enemies of the lizard riders. The "mutts" have some divine magic on their side... will the Grey Company be able to overcome? Summary of the latest play session of The Grand Duchy of Adventure, our GURPS: Mystara campaign.
Sundered Lands 5 (4/21/16) - The Guardians of Bletherad meet the person they have been seeking and agree to help her regain her family ship and fortune. The newest adventures in the Sundered Lands of Palladium, our GURPS: Palladium Fantasy campaign.
Grand Duchy 79 (4/15/16) - The Grey Company assist the lizard riders in their foray against the "mutts" of the valley. Summary of the latest play session of The Grand Duchy of Adventure, our GURPS: Mystara campaign.
Sundered Lands 4.3 (4/12/16) - Seeker and Moonscar slink around the seedy part of Essanos over on the Shadowshore. (part 3/3) The newest adventures in the Sundered Lands of Palladium, our GURPS: Palladium Fantasy campaign.
Sundered Lands 4.2 (4/10/16) - Fortis and Valinya fly across the harbor in search of the local mages guild, the Witchwardens. (part 2/3) The newest adventures in the Sundered Lands of Palladium, our GURPS: Palladium Fantasy campaign.
Sundered Lands 4.1 (4/10/16) - Silver the Dragon (in female Elf form) and Arn the Dwarf (also in female Elf form) secure lodgings for the party. (part 1/3) The newest adventures in the Sundered Lands of Palladium, our GURPS: Palladium Fantasy campaign.
Grand Duchy 78 (4/01/16) - The Grey Company explorers further into the valley, experiences a snakebite, skirts some ruins, gets bugs in their faces, finds some dead bodies and is accused of murder by lizard riding strangers. Another exciting episode of the Grand Duchy of Adventure, our GURPS Mystara campaign.
Sundered Lands 3 (3/24/16) - The companions finally arrive in the city of Essanos and begin their search for the mysterious blonde girl said to be the key to defeating the Chaos Lords. The newest adventures in the Sundered Lands of Palladium, our GURPS: Palladium Fantasy campaign.
Grand Duchy 77 (3/17/16) - The Grey Company cautiously continues their exploration of the quiet valley. Challenges continue to present themselves, but they are overcome. Summary of the latest play session of The Grand Duchy of Adventure, our GURPS: Mystara campaign.
Simple Tricks II (3/15/16) - The Lambda Heist. The Crew of the Painted S'kytri infiltrate, assault and steal from an Imperial base on a backwater moon. Episode II of our ongoing GURPS: Star Wars campaign.
Sundered Lands 2 (2/25/16) - The newly reunited Guardians recover from a battle with demons, speak with the dead, catch a ride on ship with some old friends and nearly lose one of their own to a deadly demon disease! The Lopan Aftermath - the newest adventures in the Sundered Lands of Palladium, our GURPS Palladium Fantasy campaign.
Grand Duchy 76 (2/18/16) - The Grey Company completes another leg of their journey only to begin a new one. At the end of the mountain trail, they pass a blocked gate and enter a quiet, unsettling valley. An undead horde tries to eat Iris and I share a souped up version of Turn Undead. The next installment of our GURPS Mystara campaign.
Simple Tricks I (2/11/16) - Episode I of our brand new GURPS:Star Wars campaign! The Crew of the Painted S'kytri mourns the loss of a good friend and find themselves in the middle of an old-fashioned cantina shootout!
Sundered Lands 1 (2/04/16) - The return to our old GURPS Palladium fantasy campaign after quite some time away. The companions meet an old friend and battle some demons!
Grand Duchy 75 (2/03/16) - The Grey Company deals with hazards from above and below. The rain continues falling and they find a giant, angry lizard in a gorge!
Grand Duchy 74 (1/28/16)
Grand Duchy 73 (1/21/16)
Simple Tricks 0 (1/18/16)
Grand Duchy 72 (1/14/16)
Wandered Roads 45 (12/10/15)
Save vs. Hollowing (Anton L.)
GURPS Melee Damage (6/08/16)
50-point One-Shot Kill Attack in GURPS (6/01/16)
Me and GURPS (5/31/16)
Stats for Darkest Nights Imps (5/09/16)
Cadiz Redemption (Michael Wolf)
Session 8 - October 27 - October 29 5002AD (5/27/16)
Session 7 - October 24 - October 27 5002AD (5/19/16)
Session 6 - October 21 - October 24 5002AD (5/01/16)
Session 5 - October 16 - October 21 5002AD (4/16/16)
Session 4 - October 13 - October 16 5002AD (3/31/16)
Session 3 - October 9 - October 13 5002 AD (3/02/16)
Session 2 - October 7-October 9 5002AD (2/15/16)
Session 1 - October 2-October 7 5002AD (2/02/16)
Characters (2/02/16)
Background (2/02/16)
Celti's Chatter (Patrick Burroughs)
On Blindness (2/23/16) - In which, the author rejects munchkinism with disadvantages and suggests a limit.
On Improvisation (2/22/16) - In which, the author GMs by the seat of his pants.
Holistic Technology (1/29/16) - In which the author takes cyber-physical systems in Altered States to extremes.
What's the Frequency, Kenneth? (1/28/16) - In which the author talks about frequency limitations in GURPS.
An Altered State of Mind (1/25/16) - In which the author discusses GURPS, cyberpunk, world-building, and Altered States.
GURPS Aging Calculator (1/23/16) - In which the author talks about programming for games and the GURPS aging rules.
The Lands of Nandeme (Charles Saeger)
Game log 22 May 2016 (5/31/16)
Sola Scriptura XII: DF 3, Chapter 4: New Capabilities (5/08/16)
DF skill cheat sheet, redux (5/08/16)
DF skill cheat sheet (5/07/16)
Game Log Mayday 2016 (5/02/16)
New DF Monster: Minions (5/01/16)
Sola Scriptura XI: DF 3, Chapter 3 (4/23/16)
Game log for 17 April 2016 (4/21/16)
Sola Scriptura X: Dungeon Fantasy 3: The Next Level, Chapter 2: Mixing Professions (4/10/16)
Game log 3 April 2016 (4/04/16)
Working on an adventure (4/02/16)
Sola Scriptura IX (3/22/16)
Sola Scriptura VIII (3/17/16)
Sola Scriptura VII (3/10/16)
GURPS One-Page Adventures (3/08/16)
Game log for 28 February 2016 (2/29/16)
Sola Scriptura VI (2/27/16)
Sola Scriptura V (2/26/16)
Sola Scriptura IV (2/24/16)
Sola Scriptura III (2/20/16)
Sola Scriptura II (2/17/16)
Sola Scriptura I (2/14/16)
Game log for 31 January 2016 (2/01/16)
What the hell is a tarakk? (1/30/16)
Let's GURPS (Pseudonym)
Review: Dungeon Fantasy 13: Loadouts (6/09/16) - It's such a simple idea, but it is astoundingly helpful.
Math: How To Not Die - Spending Points on HT or HP (6/08/16) - Do I want HT or HP?
Making A Character: The Ballad of Donna Nesbit and The No-Good Guys (6/07/16) - Walking through the decision making process of building a character.
Review: Dungeon Fantasy 12: Ninja (6/06/16) - It promises one thing, and it executes exceptionally on that one thing!
CER: The Natural Encyclopedia: Breeder - Wolf, Shadow (6/05/16)
Fundamental: How to Not Die - Advantages and Skills (6/04/16) - An index of important survival advantages and skills for new players.
Review: Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 3: Born of Myth & Magic (6/03/16) - A great list of unique monsters inspired by mythology and insane wizards going too far.
Cross-Post: GURPSDay Summary and Reflections (6/02/16)
Review: Dungeon Fantasy 11: Power-Ups (6/02/16) - A fun catalog of abilities that I solidly recommend for any Dungeon Fantasy GMs.
Fundamental: How to Not Die - Active Defenses and Quick Contests (6/01/16) - A summary of the three important active defenses, and three other ways one resists attacks in GURPS.
Houserule: Piecemeal Attributes (5/31/16) - Where I talk about allowing players to buy attributes in parts.
Fundamental: How to Not Die - Attributes and Secondary Characteristics (5/30/16) - What attributes and secondary characteristics should I invest in, and why, if I don't want to die?
Review: Dungeon Fantasy 10: Taverns (5/29/16) - It is surprisingly good, but still I would say this is a secondary or maybe even tertiary priority when speaking to the "must-have" dungeon fantasy books.
Fundamentals: Attacking Twice in a Turn (5/28/16) - A list of ways someone can achieve the ability to attack twice per turn.
Fundamentals: What can I do during combat? (5/27/16) - An index of fundamental combat options for new players. Not all GMs allow all options.
Cross-Post: GURPSDay Summary and Reflections (5/26/16)
Review: GURPS Calculator and GCS Integration (5/26/16) - A review of GURPS Calculator, specifically in regards to the GCS integration.
Skill: Seamanship (5/25/16) - Thoughts on the crewman skill in general, and the seamanship skill in specific.
Session Capture: Bad Company Session 0, Our Heroes learn to crawl before they learn to walk, and then trip over a waist high bush (5/25/16) - Bad Company Campaign Session 0 Recap.
Racial Template: Fishmen (5/24/16) - Fish People!
Random Encounters: Mountain Road (5/23/16) - More combinations of random things to kill or deal with if travelling is stuck in a lull.
Review: Supporting Cast: Age of Sail Pirate Crew (5/22/16) - A trimmed down Swashbucklers. In a lot of ways, in the vein of simply running a game, it is better, but it is not exactly a surrogate.
CER: Alternate Dungeons II (5/21/16)
CER: Howling Tunnels Characters (5/20/16) - Some CER values for the monsters on the Iron Emblem tumblr
Cross-Post: GURPSDay Summary and Reflections (5/19/16)
Dice and Discourse (Joseph Mason)
Warehouse 23 Top Ten (4/22/16)
Shared Doc for Online Game Character Sheets (3/10/16)
Making Traps Fun (2/25/16)
GURPS in Fallout, or Fallout in GURPS (11/05/15)
GURPS Fallout Character Survey (10/15/15)
GURPS Lost Mine of Phandelver (10/07/15)
Skill + (7/12/15)
GURPS Misconceptions: Rules required (7/02/15)
The Disadvantages of GURPS (Part 2) (6/28/15)
The Disadvantages of GURPS (6/25/15)
Recap: Nexus 5 - Raiding the Castle (3/24/15)
Recap: Nexus 4 - To the Castle (3/19/15)
Recap: Nexus 3 - Minotaur to Bugbear (3/12/15)
Recap: DF Nexus 2 - The Dark Woods (3/04/15)
Dungeon Fantasy and Threshold-Limited Magery (2/27/15)
Recap: DF Nexus Session 1: Something Wicked in the Wind (2/26/15)
DF Setting: Nexus (2/26/15)
Technomancer Campaign Planning Form (1/23/15)
Technomancer: Racial Templates (1/10/15)
GURPS in 2015 (1/06/15)
Lanton: The Recolin Events (12/02/14)
Lanton: History of the North (11/29/14)
Campaign Planning Form: Hunter Zero (8/22/14)
Recap: DF Sessions 22 & 23, Zerst 03 (8/14/14)
My struggles with Dungeon Fantasy (part 3) (8/11/14)
Set Adrift on 3D6 (Conner)
No one is an atheist in the dungeon… (6/07/16)
These are the people in your neighborhood 2: Electric Hullabaloo (6/02/16)
Dungeon Fantasy Interlude – Rude, Crude, and maybe a third thing, but probably not: A barbarians guide to arms & armor! (6/01/16)
Who says murder hobos cant be pretty? (5/27/16)
Dungeon Fantasy Interlude: Is that a wand your pocket, or are you just happy to see me? (5/25/16)
Dungeon Fantasy Interlude: One bourbon, one scotch, & one beer. And for my 2nd course, I’ll have… (5/18/16)
Dungeon Fantasy S01E04: Apprenticing, for fun and profit! (5/17/16)
And now for something completely different! (5/12/16)
These are the people in your neighborhood (5/08/16)
All that glitters is not gold.. Sometimes it’s a mixture of gold and silver! (5/06/16)
Armin's GCA 5 Blog (Armin Sykes)
Store bits, get bits, edit bits (3/15/16)
Extending the Party a bit (3/10/16)
Bits of conditional fencing (3/06/16)
A bit of a grab bag (3/04/16)
Grab bag of bits and bugs (2/27/16)
Still improving Party bits (2/24/16)
A specific problem bit addressed (2/21/16)
A little more GM bits work (2/17/16)
A little bit for GMs perhaps (2/10/16)
So few bits, so much time (1/29/16)
Hard Maths (CTA)
Playbook: Focus Enchantment (6/03/16)
Playbook: Alternative Reluctant Killer (4/04/16)
GURPSGen (4/02/16) - Posting a still in-development bunch of Python programs for GURPS.
Equipment Locker: Battlesuit Point Defence (3/05/16)
Utility Closet: Balance Calculations for Damage, Armour and Penetration (3/03/16)
Playbook: Zero-G Dodge (3/01/16)
Ars Mundi: The Serpens Codex (2/28/16)
Equipment Locker: Laser Sword (2/26/16)
Equipment Locker: The Swordstaff (2/24/16)
Ars Mundi: Redpowder (2/17/16)
World-R-Us: Alexandria (2/15/16)
Playbook: High-Cyclic Controlled Bursts for Ultra-Tech Guns (2/13/16)
Equipment Locker: Karpov Arms LBV-M47 (2/11/16)
Introns (2/09/16)
Game in the Brain (Justin Aquino)
Professional vs Technical (6/08/16)
My notes on Organization in TRPGs (6/06/16)
GURPS Lite Character Creation May 31 Report (6/01/16)
My notes in using Zones (5/30/16)
Leadership and Teamwork in TRPGs (5/23/16)
Crosspost: GURPS Day Impact on Game in the Brain (5/16/16)
GURPS day cross post - Appreciating the Work (5/11/16)
Running GURPS more narratively Part 3: implications (5/09/16)
Profession Skill Scope (5/02/16)
Running GURPS More Narratively Part 2; Faster GURPS Combat April 2016 Update (4/27/16)
Merchant Skill decoupled in GURPS (4/20/16)
Collaborative Gamer's Solo Campaign is a GMing Practice Session (4/15/16)
Running GURPS more Narratively (4/13/16)
GURPS Lite Constructive Review (4/07/16)
GURPS Magic Notes 26: 2016 Update (3/30/16)
GURPS Languages (3/23/16)
Progress report 11C Random Character Generation Booklet (3/16/16)
When Certainty Fails 40% of the time, and Luck has a greater factor to Success than skill. (3/14/16)
GURPS updated Effort level March 2016 (3/09/16)
GURPS Random Character Creation Draft (3/07/16)
Role-Playing Elements as Player Character Cards (2/25/16)
Scoping GURPS Crusades Character Creation and Campaign Book 4E (12/24/15)
Memory House Rule, based on Studies (7/28/15)
2015 Houserules update on GURPS Wealth (7/16/15)
GURPS Houserules: No more double pay, Households, Relationships (3/05/15)
Chain Link and Concrete (M. Eversberg II)
Technique: Airbursting Hand Grenades (6/09/16)
Playing with Fragmentation Grenade Variables (6/08/16)
The M26A2 / M57 Fragmentation Grenade (and the M26A1 / M61) (6/07/16)
When in doubt, FRAG OUT! (Throwing and Resolving Damage on Fragmentation Grenades in GURPS) (6/06/16)
Bayonets Revisited (6/05/16)
All Out Attack: Long Should Have Encumbrance Penalties (6/02/16)
Intermediate Cartridges and Follow-up Shots (5/25/16)
The M16A2 Rifle (5/13/16)
The Calico M955-A Submachine Gun (5/11/16)
The ArmaLite AR-18 Rifle (5/09/16)
The Personnel Armor System for Ground Troops (PASGT) (5/07/16)
Ballistic Limits and Backface Deformation on GURPS Bulletproof Vests (5/03/16)
Potential Problems with GURPS Ballistic Armor (4/28/16)
GURPS Fencing Weapon Rules are Bunk (3/25/16)
Skill Defaults for Brawling and Untrained Striking (9/07/15)
Devise and Revise: US Marine Corps L.I.N.E (7/17/15)
Devise and Revise: Huang Bo Nien's Xingyi Fist and Weapon Instruction (7/15/15)
Devise and Revise: US Army Combatives, 1992 (7/13/15)
M231 Firing Port Weapon (6/28/15)
The Bradley Fighting Vehicle (6/28/15)
We're Paratroopers! We're meant to be surrounded! (6/16/15)
Not all Swords are Good at Parries (5/29/15)
Shields, on me! (5/28/15)
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