
Spreadsheets Tracks Data for Intimate Couples

Spreadsheets, a new app for your iPhone, is helping you add that little extra somethin’ to your glamorous or not so glamorous sex life because who doesn’t want to know how many thrusts they can perform in an hour?

So even after watching the video, the concept of Spreadsheets is still kind of vague. So what exactly is Spreadsheets?

“Spreadsheets is a mobile app that monitors your performance in bed to provide statistical and historical feedback. Find out how many thrusts per minute you’re averaging, how long you go for, and exactly how loud it gets. Keep a record of your encounters, date, time, and performance.” 

It even has it’s own definition:

Spreadsheets \’spred-,-shēts\ , verb,:=

1. Using technology to track sexual performance

2. The act of sexual intercourse

The only thing required is an iPhone, the app, a bed, and your partner. Spreadsheets essentially quantifies your sex life through different statistics from duration, decibel levels, thrusts, etc. It allows consumers of all kinds to gamify their current sex lives by adding an extra element. Being able to quantify and see how you perform has become a part of everyday living whether it be for work or play. In fact, we recently covered another app that gamifies the whole relationship dynamic anyway, why not go all the way?

Quantifying ones self has become more than just data or statistics. It’s become an avenue for self glorification. In relation to Spreadsheets, people can rate themselves on how they perform under the covers, compare it to past statistics, or even compare it to other peoples’ statistics.  The idea of the quantified self has taken a more personal approach via Spreadsheets. They potentially give people the chance to improve on previous recorded statistics like duration or thrusts. However recording data and knowing what to do with it are two very different things. Thus it has yet to be seen whether or not this information will actually help improve one’s sex life.

Do you feel the need or desire to quantify your sex life? Let us know your thoughts below:

CC Image by kenwood


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The post Spreadsheets Wants to Track Your Thrusts in Bed appeared first on Gamification Co.

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