
Pirate King Cannonwalker Gives 12-Hour Filibuster in Opposition of Proposed Grog Care Repeal

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Los Padres was overrun this afternoon. Reports say Hamm and some of his allies escaped Padres to lick their wounds and prepare a counterattack. Hamm expressed his wishes in finding some way to prevent future invasions by the new undead threat.

Los Padres was overrun this afternoon. Reports say Hamm and some of his allies escaped Padres to lick their wounds and prepare a counterattack. Hamm expressed his wishes in finding some way to prevent future invasions by the new undead threat.




==January 5th, 2017==


'''Pirate King Cannonwalker Gives 12-Hour Filibuster in Opposition of Proposed Grog Care Repeal'''




















'''PORT ROYAL, JA - '''TLOPO players everywhere watched in stupor as Richard Cannonwalker, noted democratic-anarchist Pirate King of the Brethren Court, delivered a historically long filibuster before the Dev Team, which has of late threatened to "repeal and replace" Grog Care, a system implemented to protect Basic Access players and those below Level 50 from the Groggy effec, which handicaps at-risk pirates after defeat in battle.





"The Groggy effect is a constant reminder to the disadvantaged that, if you are Basic Access or not of Mastered level, you will be subject to punishments the wealthy and otherwise fortunate are not," Cannonwalker was quoted as saying approximately three hours into his speech. "The levels of health and voodoo disparity between the Basic and Unlimited is already at historically high levels, and this unfair disadvantage only further propagates this gap. This has got to change."





Much to the amusement of those present, the Pirate King began his filibuster by carrying in a large poster depicting a post from the TLOPO Dev Team last year from the popular social media website, Twittarr. "We were the first and only POTCO emulator to state there will be no cuts to grog insurance for Basic Access players," the tweet said. "POR copied us."





The seemingly contradictory tweet in question was responsible for bringing many players to TLOPO during its pre-beta days, promising to mitigate a controversial feature that many players regarded as a stain on the vanilla game. When reports surfaced that funds for Grog Care were being cut and that the program may be removed altogether, many players were outraged, feeling cheated that the Dev Team had seemingly gone back on their word.





Cannonwalker concluded his filibuster by asking the Dev Team (or as he called them, the "Powers-That-Be") to remember that their playerbase will always be comprised mostly of free players, and that acting against their best interest could jeopardize their already dwindling traffic. Before the Dev Team could commence a formal vote on the Grog Care issue, a surprise test fire from the Debt Star interrupted the meeting, prompting a reschedule to next week.

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