
With the recent announcement from Epic Games about their new MOBA, Paragon, little has been said about, or shown, but for one MOBA lover a new world has been opened. So far they have only released 2 videos demonstrating what they have to offer but to myself and many others it looks very good so far. Although the aspect of a 3rd person MOBA is not new, with such games as smite, they have implied already that they plan on using the terrain like no other developer has.

(Paragon Gameplay – First Look)

You will be able to “gank from above” when coming into a lane, this is a really big change and adds a whole new aspect to the game itself – not to mention strategy. Paragon will follow along the lines of other MOBA games, so far they have announced a typical 5 vs. 5 battle with 3 lanes and the jungle gameplay we expect from a MOBA. With the current build and the amount of time they have to build (Paid early access in Spring of 2016 and open beta in summer of 2016) there is no saying what they will change in Paragon.

We should expect at least a few new game modes, variety is the spice of life, and MOBA’s. Only 5 champions have been announced so far; Sparrow, Steel, Twinblast, Dekker and Grux. Each one seeming to fill each of the typical roles in a MOBA. One thing I am most excited about this game is that they used the word “Action based combat”.

(Paragon Trailer)

Although Smite already offers that, I don’t feel like it’s being used to it’s full potential. Epic Games is known for their action based games, having that experience and knowledge will surely help. They also seem to be incorporating a different type of masteries, although not a lot of information has been giving yet, they are using “Cards” as masteries, not entirely sure how this will translate in the game and or future gameplay.

One last thing that is very exciting is the engine that they will be using when developing this game, Unreal Engine 4 – I hope Epic Games use the tech to it’s fullest extent. If they this right it could define  and break boundaries for MOBAs. Paragon is set to be released in late 2016, for both PC and PS4, nothing has been yet been said about Xbox One. Being one of the few MOBAs that is on consoles as well will give them a advantage for time to come.

The post Will Paragon and EPIC Games take over MOBA Gaming? appeared first on Gamer Buzz.

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