

I've just replaced my win8 sdk by the june 2010 directx sdk, because of issues with d3d11 effects and more.

This all worked out, but one thing remains..

I've ported all my code to use directxmath, which was shipped from the win8 sdk onwards.

To prevent I have to go back to xnamath, I'm trying to add the directxmath headers (directxmath*, directxcol*, directxpack*) to my include folder. But so far directxmath.h gives me loads of compilation errors, for example:

I've noticed that I've tried the _306 and _308 version so far, but the win8 SDK I believe should have t he _305 version.

Can someone help we in getting the mentioned headers from the win8 SDK? (version _305, found in directxmath.h)

Or maybe there's something else I need to do in my VS project to make it work?

Note that with the win8 sdk installed, same VS 2010 version, same project, it did work fine.

Any help is appreciated.

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