
Ah Bittersweet Candy Bowl a really cute and charming webcomic that began back in 2006. The characters are all lovable in there own ways and appeal to different people of all taste. That is the beauty that is Bittersweet Candy Bowl ~.

I myself have just gotten into reading BCB a 7 months ago. After binging threw all the comics up till now I realized young Michael has quite the hatedom along with Lucy and Sandy.

Now on to the defense Excellcior !

Rejected Lucy’s confession:

Um wasn’t he and still is dating Sandy if I’m not mistaken ?

Started being a jerk to his friends (especially towards Lucy):  Yes, yes I know what Mike did was wrong. His friends were at equal fault as well. They always took Lucy’s side and pegged him as the bad guy and her as the angel. Mike seemed to have got fed up with Lucy and everyone’s crap towards him he just snapped. .

Again while this was wrong it was justified to a degree. Lucy shouldn’t have bullied him so much and I think Taeshi wanted to show “ You can forgive those who’ve wronged you. You will never truly forget the pain ”. Many people who have been bullied in the past find it hard to forgive or forget.

Declared his hatred of Lucy including giving her a “ The Reason you suck ” sending her into despair: This in my opinion was a long time coming and like I pointed out above and justified to a degree after enduring the constant bullying from Lucy in past. Granted Lucy has tried her best to make up for that. She realized it was to late and Mike was done with the bad treatment.

So in the end Mike,Lucy and their friends all made mistakes. Nobody is perfect and the point is Mike And Lucy don’t deserve all this hate from the fandom.

Peace Dion out :D


Reminds of Arnold and Helga’s relationship and the episode where she threw glue and feathers on him and mocked him. He got fed up and threw paint back at her and ultimately was the one  who got in trouble not Helga.

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