December 13, 2012 - Koro Island, Fiji
Dec 2 – 10 2012
We leave Puerto Viejo after nearly two months. We learned a lot here, about ourselves, natural healing using local herbs and plants, and keeping in touch with friends and family as we had great internet service.
During our time, the biggest event for us happened in Guatemala, where Rick’s oldest daughter Leah gave birth to her first child Ari Sol. A month early, but all was well … we were able to us skype video call to see Leah, dad Cody, and Ari Sol … so happy for them!
We were okay with leaving Costa Rica, especially after we had a beautiful sunny day prior to our departure, after almost two weeks of steady rain … rain is a necessary element to life, but it’s a bit challenging for us when we don’t see the sun for that long … We said our farewell (for now) to Pamela our host in Puerto Viejo, grabbed our taxi and headed to the bus stop to head to San Jose.
We arrived in San Jose around 3:30 in the afternoon and immediately felt the intensity and pressure of the city with taxi drivers surrounding us and very aggressively seeking our business. The noise, cars and concrete were another solid reminder of how increasingly uncomfortable we are becoming in populated environments, especially large cities. The hotel was comfortable and the staff was very friendly. Everything was flowing well... the flight to Houston was uneventful, when we landed and had the opportunity to again experience USA security, immigration and customs. Wow … long lines, giving us ample opportunity to practice patience. A bright side though in the immigration line we were told go to the other side of customs to more lines that just opened, As we walked up, a customs officer came over and said quietly, “Canadian?. Go over there.” Like it was something “covert” (very funny) … so we did, had a great little chat with him, and then went thru with no problem … he was very friendly, and we really appreciated it. We had chosen to put 3 hours between our flight, so it was a breeze for us having almost an hour and half left before boarding.
The flight to LA was uneventful as well ... More friendly, helpful people (at Denny’s and at our hotel) … it’s great when people in the service industry love what they do and are customer focused and friendly. Rick had the opportunity to chat with his son, Sean that afternoon, for the first time in a couple of months, since he was off working and traveling too!
We had a 9:30pm flight to Fiji, so got to the airport in LA early enough to have an awesome dinner at a restaurant there, Ahi Tuna salad!!! , got through a very small security line and Rick had a chance to use the airport wireless to talk to Melanie and Nylin on video skype too! The 11 ½ hour flight was better than anticipated, we had a chance to sleep, stretch etc… we do find we move through time very quickly. Landing in Nadi (pronounced Nandi) to a band and a flower for Susan’s hair J, the lovely Fijian people were welcoming and friendly. We stayed at a cute little place called the Sandalwood Inn with fantastic staff, quiet and they had our room ready at 7am!!! Ben the driver gets a special mention as he spent 2 hours with us in the morning going around shopping for some things, took us on the local bus… so nice. We slept for a few hours and headed to a local place for a fantastic Fijian meal, with again great service and friendly warm hospitality… one can easily feel at home here!
Off to Suva we go the next day, short, beautiful flight across the country and met by Suresh, Matthew and Lotus’s friend in Suva. He spent a long day with us as we filled our shopping list in various places, on a hot, sunny Fijian day. We packed up 7 boxes and a shovelbroom and dropped off for the ferry on Monday. A fairly good night at the local Best Western and then off with Suresh again to pick up a few last minute things and to the airport… The small 8 passenger plane had enough room to take all our belongings (other than the boxes already on the ferry) right away, which was great as we thought we were going to have to ship them – yeah!! A beautiful little flight through the Fiji island, brought us to our new home on Koro around Noon. Matthew, Kumara and Ron picked us up at the airport and we drove to the other side of the island home. It was wonderful to meet them, and exciting to be here!!
Can’t say enough about the wonderful people, locals and others we have met. Such a warm, welcoming, generous spirit here… we have been happy to receive and look forward to giving back where we can.
Next entry will be more about our first week and any musings about our new lifestyle we have to share.
Love and Namaste,
Susan and Rick