
As corporate lore tells us, back in 1872 the two largest railroad owners, Cornelius Vanderbilt and Tom Scott, formed an unlikely alliance to try and increase transport rates to the country’s largest oil refiner, John D. Rockefeller. Rockefeller responded by leapfrogging railroad transportation with the daring new concept of building pipelines for oil transportation (originally building 4,000 miles of pipeline), delivering what customers wanted – oil – and in the process reinvented his business and America forever. Reinventing business around customers continues to be part of the fabric of American enterprise.

To get a view of how top businesses are reinventing business around the customer in our fast-paced digital world, on January 29, 2015 I moderated a conversation with four industry leaders from education, retail, luxury service and customizable lifestyle. Below are their quotes:

Neil Gaydon, CEO, SMART Technologies, who reinvented education with the ubiquitous SMART Board, which are in 2.7 million schools enabling 70 million students to connect digitally with anything written on the new smart blackboards.

Leontyne Green Sykes, CMO, IKEA US, who manages the full IKEA US marketing bandwidth including retail customer interaction for the 40 IKEA US megastores.

Paul Leone, President, The Breakers Palm Beach, who has held this position since 1994, successfully leading this 119-year old, family-owned independent luxury resort in Palm Beach, Florida, a 140-acre oceanfront property frequently cited as one of the top in America.

Martin Rawls-Meehan, cofounder and CEO, Reverie, who has reinvented customizable lifestyle by reinventing the bed to be customizable. Within a decade Reverie has already sold over one million adjustable beds, and also has 60 Reverie-branded stores in China.

How do you see the customer experience changing over the next few years, and what will you do to capture those new customer opportunities?

Martin Rawls-Meehan, Reverie: The world is changing from a technology standpoint. It’s almost impossible not to be connected these days. Lifestyle in the home is already very different today than it was 20 years ago. People are working on their laptops in bed. They’re also watching television or streaming videos in bed. The idea of an adjustable foundation and customizable mattress that adjusts to these modern bedroom habits – and that may also have integrated home automation features that can connect up to your iPhone or your iPad – is not just cutting-edge technology anymore, it’s becoming an expectation of the connected lifestyle. I think that as technology changes and advances and there’s more and more integration in technology across the board, our product, which is really a technology furniture product, will need to continue to evolve with that expectation.

The other changing tide of customer experience is the increasing realization of the importance of sleep. The mattress industry is a $15 billion industry [US market], which is a fraction of the market size of pharmaceutical products like AMB and over-the-counter sleep products like melatonin. Our industry is not doing so well when we stack ourselves up against other industries promoting an element so critical to maintaining your health and well-being. So our goal here at Reverie is to grow the entire mattress category by promoting the importance of sleep and integrating lifestyle technology into our products to support truly restorative sleep.

Neil Gaydon, SMART Technologies: “When it comes to technology, we believe people want to keep it simple. You get a new piece of technology, and if you can’t figure it out quickly, you don’t bother using it. But of course, doing simple is extremely difficult.

This is best exemplified by a new product we recently launched called “SMART kapp.” We looked at the old-fashioned dry-erase board, which was invented in the 1950s, and the flipchart, which was invented in the late 1800s – and they haven’t really changed since then.  In fact, we would describe those products as the last analogue holdout in a digital world.

Everyone uses these tools – in boardrooms and meeting rooms and other places – and they love them because they just pick up a pen and they work. But the problem is you can’t save anything you’ve written. You can take a photograph but it’s often difficult to read, and if you’ve got remote attendees when you’re writing on your flipchart, no one can see it apart from those in the room.  So that’s a big problem.

Recognizing this and focusing on our vision of enabling inspired collaboration, we’ve reinvented the dry-erase board in the simplest way. You walk up with a dry-erase pen, you write on SMART kapp, and then something absolutely magical happens… because whatever you write on kapp instantly appears on any device, anywhere in the world, in real time. It can be saved to Google Drive, Evernote, as a PDF – however you want to save it.

Reaction to SMART kapp has been spectacular. Everybody says, “This is so simple.  It’s so intuitive.  I knew how to use it before I even got started.”  We’ve seamlessly joined together the analogue and digital worlds with this amazing product. And it proves that in the end, simplicity wins.

Leontyne Green Sykes, IKEA: Consumers increasingly don’t have as much time as they had in the past, so they are looking for convenience and accessibility. They want their homes to work and be functional, so they are finding retailers that meet these needs – ones they can shop.

There’s a lot of interest in customizable home furnishing. Our customers tell us they want their home to represent who they are as an individual and not look like a cookie cutter catalogue or brochure.  This has generated a different approach in making sure that the way we present our offering shows a width and depth of style, color and  design – all of that – and doing it in a way that delivers to a money proposition value for our customers. Also, people are looking for more choices and options when they make their purchases.  It’s so interesting because we have people who ask me all the time, ‘But don’t you need to sit on the sofa?  Do most customers want to sit on that sofa?’  The reality is customers are quite smart.  They are very clear on what they want and actually, a large percentage of furniture is being purchased online where someone may not be sitting on that sofa before making their choice. So in general, a lot has changed. I think we have to continue to be solution-oriented and provide as many home furnishing options as possible.”

Paul Leone, The Breakers: People are time-starved in many aspects of their lives, particularly on the personal front, so we have to be even more respectable of their leisure time with us. We see this as an obligation but also an opportunity because The Breakers is well suited to help our guests bask in the precious time spent with loved ones and friends.

In recognition of this trend, we are streamlining processes from the point of making a reservation to the point a guest departs, and even post-departure, to allow our guests to maximize their experience.  Exceptional experiences and lasting memories are what our guests truly value when staying at The Breakers.

What’s a unique customer experience practice that you have today?

Paul Leone, The Breakers: I can think of three unique customer experiences, which we refer to as “signature experiences”, because they are highly differentiated and best-in-class offerings.

The first is our beach and pool bungalow experience.  Many resorts use the term bungalow or cabana when referring to what is an awning-like structure where guests can have some private space in the shade; in contrast, our beach and pool bungalows are 400 square-feet and include a living room, dining area, full bathroom, an outdoor shower and outdoor deck; set just steps from the Atlantic Ocean.  And, our bungalow concierge staff tends to our guests’ every need, from serving meals in the bungalow to arranging for a massage.

The second is our new ocean fitness center, which we unveiled this past November. This is another highly differentiated product by virtue of its size, over 6,000 square feet; its location 52 feet above the Atlantic Ocean, and its interior design.  Every aspect of this fitness center is unique, especially the equipment — the most advanced available — as well as the music and video content. Rather than buy a “one-size-fits-all” package of equipment from a single vendor, our team identified the best piece in each equipment class, along with some very unique pieces to assemble a collection that I have not seen at any other resort.  Again, in addition to the space and equipment, it is the staff of highly trained and service-oriented fitness instructors that personalize the experience for our guests to take it to another level of service.

Finally, our Sunday Brunch is truly one of a kind, for which you need at least three hours to properly experience!  It’s not just a great meal but virtually an event in and of itself against the backdrop of an awesome setting.  An amazing array of high-quality, delicious food is served in the historic Circle dining room, built in 1928, with its magnificent rotunda and ocean views. Brunch guests find it to be incredibly special, the most unique, highest-quality brunch of its kind.

Martin Rawls-Meehan, Reverie: Our customer experience is integrally connected with our product design because our mattresses have a unique support technology in the Dream Cell foam springs, which allows us to customize the softness or firmness of our mattress to suit an individual’s preferences. Somebody who is 6’4”, 220 pounds will likely prefer a different softness or firmness level and zoning than somebody who is 5’5”, 120 pounds. You often see these pretty significant comfort differences in couples, in particular.

So one of the things that we did is we created an algorithm that’s a part of our customer sales experience that everybody gets when they interact with our brand. It’s on an iPad app, so if you’re at home or in a store when you call into our Customer Care Team, we take basic biometric information about you, including some of your sleeping preferences, and that tells us with a high level of confidence what the proper orientation of our Dream Cell foam springs are going to be in the mattress for you. Then, we can customize the sleep system where, say, the left side is one way for Mrs. Jones and the right side is another way for Mr. Jones. We’ve found that that works very, very well, and people appreciate that level of customized service that they can’t get from any other product.

Leontyne Green Sykes, IKEA: The concept of the IKEA store in and of itself is the unique experience; what we like to call a “Family Fun Day Out.” It’s about coming into an IKEA store to be inspired by our interior design, the functionality of our products and having home furnishings and accessories for your entire home under one roof. It’s also about enjoying  a nice meal in our restaurant. Or even dropping off your child in Småland, while you – the parent shops.  The concept around IKEA is very much around providing a totally unique experience for our customers.

Neil Gaydon, SMART Technologies: To create solutions people love, we have to be extremely close to our customers – so that we understand their challenges and needs.  In today’s schools, children have laptops, tablets and personal devices.  This can lead to what we’ve coined as ‘device-olation’ – which means isolation as a result of these devices, which doesn’t encourage collaboration or co-creation.  To prevent device-olation, we developed software called SMART amp. Amp is simple to use, and it glues all these devices together regardless of manufacturer or platform. SMART amp enables kids to share ideas in real-time with teachers and each other, uniting the classroom.

Our engineers didn’t develop amp in isolation; they developed it based on real, live experience in classrooms.  They went in and taught classes in schools, so that they knew firsthand how to hone the product and create a fully customer-centric solution. The end result… teachers and students are amazed how we’ve brought them together in unimaginable ways.

What is the connection between culture and your customer experience?

Leontyne Green Sykes, IKEA: I’m not sure if you’re aware, but IKEA originated in Småland, Sweden; the rigorous farmlands of southern Sweden.  IKEA Founder, Ingvar Kamprad is from Småland. This region consists of humble people who have a deep respect for nature. They also are strongly independent and determined to overcome obstacles.  Understanding that, we consider ourselves to be resourceful, innovative people with a very straightforward, no nonsense approach to providing home living solutions for the many people. We also are committed to being sustainable in all of our business practices. It is this foundation, this commonly shared Småland spirit, that lays the foundation of our corporate culture. We are a global IKEA family focusing on providing our customers with these same humble, innovative, and straightforward solutions for their home furnishing needs.

Paul Leone, The Breakers: Last night at dinner someone said to me, ‘You must have an incredible training department and an incredible director of training.’ I replied, ‘Actually, we do have an incredible training department and director, but it’s not about the training, it’s about the hiring and our company culture.’  We certainly train our staff but, more importantly, they come to the game with a natural, authentic humanity.  They want to serve others.  They care about people. In terms of our organization, our team knows that our number one priority is to care about them so they’ll do a better job caring about our guests.  Certainly, our guests are a top priority, but I’m not afraid to say our team comes first, and the people who work here know that. The compliment I hear literally every day of the week goes like this, ‘I’ve never been to another resort with more friendly, caring people.’  It’s exactly what I would want to hear.

Martin Rawls-Meehan, Reverie: We have a saying around here that the world would be a better place if people slept better. Sleep is a key element of people living better and healthier lives and we take that very seriously. I think everybody that’s part of our Team has a strong passion for what they do. One of our core values is greatness, and we want to be great in everything we do. We want to deliver great products. We want to deliver great service. We don’t think that we can succeed in our mission to help people sleep better to live better if we’re not great in all aspects of our business. I can say with confidence that everyone on our Team is extremely passionate about that mission, and about our values.

And that passion and always striving for greatness from our team has proven results by coming up with many of our best ideas. For example, we have 101-night money-back guarantee, and that was something that didn’t just come to me. One of our team members said, ‘Hey, we want to make sure that people have an opportunity to sleep on this and try it out and if they really don’t like it, we should take it back with a full refund.’ Nobody else does that.

Neil Gaydon, SMART Technologies: The world of technology is incredibly fast moving, and so you can’t sit on your laurels, even for a minute.  You have to constantly innovate and come up with the next great thing, because if you don’t, you won’t have a future. Companies need a culture that’s restless for success, but at the same time, that wraps itself around real customer issues and problems.  Our overriding mantra is about creating a better world of collaboration, which leads to better ideas and greater success.

When I became CEO, our first priority was creating a customer-centric culture where our processes, systems, organizational structure and decisions centered on the customer.  We then adopted what we call, the three Cs, which are our values: Curious about technology and how we can do things better, Connected to our customers, and Courageous enough to take risks and make tough decisions. We then measure our success by ensuring everything we deliver is on time, on quality, and on margin.  These values and success metrics are what ultimately lead to our customers’ delight.

This article was written by Robert Reiss from Forbes and was legally licensed through the NewsCred publisher network.

The post How Industry Leaders Reinvent The Customer Experience With Ideas Like ‘Device-olation’ appeared first on The Customer Edge.

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