
On the Business Innovation site, we deliver the top blogs, news and featured content on business innovation for professionals looking to grow and gain a competitive business advantage.

We cover hot topics and thought  leadership on mobile applications, cloud computing, big data, real-time analytics and the top challenges facing  executives and leaders in sales & marketing, finance, human resources and much, much more.

Each week, we curate and publish the top ten posts of the week from across our content categories. We hope you find these articles valuable, informative, and interesting.

Top Ten Business Innovation Posts of the Week

The Top Apps For July 2013

Mobile – By SAP.Info, @SAPinfo

You get an email and it’s almost all in German, wouldn’t it be nice to have a true translation rather than the gibberish some of the online tools produce? There’s an app for that and it’s one of the top ones for July. Check out this one as well as a few others that make your business day easier.

Thought Leaders And Frequent Flyers: Why Do We Have So Many?

Business Innovation – By Celia Brown, @celiabrown

It seems these days there are more than less of those claiming to be thought leaders in their respective fields. But what defines a true thought leader and how do they produce thought leadership?

Navigating The Waters Of Mobile Tech On Cruise Ships

Mobile – By CJ Castillo, @CjCastillo

Typically, cruise ships and mobile devices don’t work hand in hand. However, many cruise lines are listening to their customers mobile habits and making accommodations sure to please.

Hard Work Is Overrated

Human Resources – By Ted Coine, @tedcoine

Can’t say it any better than Ted, “not all work is created equal”. There’s a big difference between real work and hard work and knowledge plays a big role.

The Influence Of Social Media On The Banking Industry

Industries – By Banking View, @SAPforBanking

Although many say social media isn’t for everyone, there’s one industry that should jump on the bandwagon but just haven’t yet – banks. Some are ahead of their peers, check out how they’re using it and what results they are seeing.

The Uncomfortable Implications Of An Open Internet
Business Innovation – By Nick Petri, @NCPetri

It may go down as one of the great unanswered questions, who actually invented the Internet? Do you think that person believed it would grow to the open source of information it is today? Nick shares his ideas on the Internet age.

5 Ways To Lead Through A Setback

Human Resources – By John Bossong, @JohnBossong

A setback is inevitable. No matter the effort you put in organizing and preparing for a launch it has the possibility to fail. If it does, what do you do? Here are 5 suggestions.

Telepathy One: Meet The Newest Google Glass Competitor

Mobile – By Joe Hewitson, @ProseJoe

Predicted as the next wave of consumer technology, Google Glass now has a competitor that promises a better price tag and a different design, but their approaches are very different.

The NSA Conundrum For Technology Companies: Whos Watching Whom?

Industries – By Susan Galer, @smgaler

How far should data collection go? Is privacy a myth we tell ourselves? Susan shares some interesting facts and asks some good, hard, questions about the future of privacy.

Jay-Z And Samsung: Music + Mobile

Mobile – By Jen Cohen Crompton, @jenz036

With the recent announcement of Jay-Z’s new album being available to Samsung users 72 hours before the release, one has to ask what’s in it for Samsung?

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