
The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) project for financial services is taking longer than planned.

Developed by the Financial Stability Board at the direction of the G20, the LEI is meant to provide a way for participants in finance to understand the relationships of corporate entities. The FSB operates under the auspices of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel.

Bank for International Settlements (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The need for a better system arose after the Lehman crash when banks scrambled to understand which entities they had business with and how they were related to each other.

That’s probably neither news nor a surprise to anyone who has been following this plan to develop a unique alphanumeric identify for each financial entity in the world, perhaps eventually extending to nonfinanicals and, in the world of whiteboard utopias, to individual instruments.

The system to register LEIs is working on a federated model, a rejection of the effort led by US agencies a few years ago to use a centralized model.

A federated model is more complex, but the political reality, which Americans were slow to recognize, is that not many countries want to turn over their financial firms’ identity data to the US. And that was before the NSA revelations.

First to move on LEIs was the US Commodities Future Trading Commission (CFTC) which requires it for swaps data reporting. It called the identifier the LEI until it ran into opposition over imperial over-reach. It then staged a tactical retreat and re-labeled it the CFTC Interim Compliant Identifier (CICI), placing the IDs in a holding pattern until the Financial Stability Board in Basel creates a central regulatory body which is expected to take another three to five months, starting with the establishment of a foundation, with a board of directors, to run it. The process requires a great deal of international coordination.

“It goes back to nature of a federated data model,” said a regulatory expert. “Some countries want to maintain control and ensure the quality of data in their systems. Everybody wants to be in charge of their own systems, so the process of agreeing on a common approach will be difficult.”

Beside the US, Germany is the only other country that has created an operational  registration authority. France and England are working on the process. The regulators in Switzerland see movement in Russia and Turkey, and in Asia and the Middle East and look forward to hearing from Latin American countries soon.
“You would think it is an IT problem, but it is more political,” said a well-informed observer.”

US efforts to apply American rules internationally — extraterritorially — have met some pushback from the European Union, Russian and Japan.

“If I am a branch of a US bank in Europe, whose rules should I comply with — European or US rules? The US says everyone has to comply with its rules no matter where you are — there is a bloody fight going on about this,” noted a Swiss observer.

The cause of international harmony hasn’t been especially helped by the CFTC’s issuing CICs for the central banks of France, China and Russia, presumably with invoices for the registration. (The CFTC did not return calls on the topic.)

“The CFTC has issued numbers for entities outside the US and asked them to send the CFTC payments,” said a person involved in the LEI planning.

One perplexing result of the CFTC CICI registration process is that it has ended up with somewhere around 168 states, if you take into account all of the different spellings in the filings. (An IT friend asks why they use free-form fields for states rather than drop-down menus which enforce correct spelling.)

Moreover, say Europeans, the American registration doesn’t have information that continental regulators require, such as headquarters addresses, business registry names and numbers.

“The Germans are doing it right,” said a regulator. “CFTC moved too fast and too aggressively, and they pissed off everybody in the process.”

In the federalized structure of the global LEI, local operating units (LOU) will be responsible for registering firms in their country, or perhaps region if several countries decide to establish a joint LOU.

Tim Lind, global head of mid office at Thomson Reuters, said that the process is missing the Central Operating Unit that will coordinate LEIs.

“The central operating unit is the key that will make or break this whole initiative; its absence is potentially going to create chaos. The central operating unit is the conduit by which LEI flows to end users through market data vendors. We expected to engage with the central operating unit that would connect with the locals, validate the unit and ensure the local operating units are adhering to standards in quality and in a  technical perspective.”

Bill Meenaghan, global product manager for Omgeo ALERT, said current plans are for the LEI to go live toward the end of this year and be functional in 2014.

“It seems to be moving along; once you get into it, you realize there are a lot of details to check off, so the end of year target seems to be moving.”

The federal process opens the potential for duplicates, he added. It just needs a rigorous process to govern it. Germany and the CFTC seem to be cooperating on their pre-LEI identifier and Asia leaders such as Singapore, Malaysia and Japan are looking into it. The CFTC has said it will recognize pre-LEIs from other countries rather than insisting that they use CICIs.

“Just as long as we don’t get into a world of multiple LEIs for Asia, Europe and the US…” he said.

“The global LEI initiative is critical to bringing much-needed transparency to the financial markets, ultimately improving risk management capabilities and making it easier to detect market abuse across jurisdictions,” Meenaghan added. “Clients can now use legal entity data in ALERT to gauge their level of exposure to an entity, as well as their aggregate exposure to a parent.”

Omgeo has added entity- and fund-level fields and data to Omgeo ALERT, its global database for account and standing settlement instructions so ALERT clients are now able to use LEI data to gauge their exposure to both individual entities and on an aggregate level to parent entities.

Users can look up LEI registrations on a free Web site, http://www.p-lei.org which daily basis collects the pre-LEI data published by the pre-LOUs, consolidates into a single file using a common data schema, and publishes the result. The site is operated by GS1, Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI), FIX Protocol Ltd., and Tahoe Blue Ltd.

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