
Don't be frustrated! Now, buy three RS 07 fire capes on RSorder, you will be able to get an extra one cape for free, as well as a chance to get a free Jad Pet...
Are you busy farming Jad Pet now? Wait one minute, and RS Gold sailing to the oceans of Gielinor is in development and will be released as a skill next year. It is announced that this skill will allow players to not only build a ship, but also explore the random... EXP drop tracks, Jad pet, Slayer assignment and GE web page first come to Runescape 2007 in August as scheduled. Besides, there are some amazing changes and updates about Music Cape for Ironmen, Zamorak Mage fight in Wilderness and more....
While exploring new slayer masks, you should never miss the upcoming double XP weekend on September 25. Now, it is time for panic sell and buy! If you are planning to get prepared for this event, here are some training advices to runescape 2007 fire cape buy resources in RS 3. Here it is:Rs gold in www.4rsgold.com

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