
Also known as "Making a smaller signature: For dummies", "How I learned to stop worrying and love the spoiler", "another TL;DR post by Joe" or "Your signature is too fucking big."

This particular post has been created on the state of all of your signatures. Namely that they are too big. But fear not! For I have committed research and hours of testing so that I may present a few solutions to your shitty sigs. This thread will be updated, as I have some more information to gather.

I will make sure to keep this fairly brief, considering the necessary information.

First off, the size of your signature.

My rule of thumb for these is if I can scroll over it and it takes up less than half of my screen, it is a-okay. Otherwise, it is shit. Of course, this depends on how zoomed in you are.

I generally zoom so that the forum stops at the edges of my window, just before the sideways scroll bar appears, or as close as possible. I recommend everybody performs the check on this setting. Zooming is generally done by control + scroll wheel, unless you are on a Macintosh.

Secondly, how to fix the problem.

There are a few solutions, involving the use of spoilers, spoilers, a little bit of HTML and even more spoilers. You all know how to use spoilers so I won't go into that too far, besides the fact that spoilers within spoilers is possible (with a quick hack).

Yes, HTML is possible in signatures.

How to put a spoiler inside another spoiler:


[/spoiler][spoiler]text[/spoiler](additional spoilers)

Now, this only works for one level deep. There's a way to extend it, though.



[/spoiler][spoiler]text[/spoiler](additional spoilers)

(additional spoilers)

Will go another level deep. Then you could theoretically add on from there.

As you can see, this uses a small bit of HTML, namely the
element. Because this is HTML, it only works in signatures. Sorry about the forum posts.

There is more info on
here if you're interested. I won't bore you with additional info.

Next is the use HTML to make your signature smaller. Some useful elements are the tag (a bit different from the [img] tag), specifically alignment (which I used in my own signature), and the

Using the tag, you can align an element to the left, right, or center of your signature, and have the text end up on the left or right of it. The guide I linked for it is brief enough for you to figure it out from there.

Using the
tag, you can organize your signature into columns or rows, so that it takes advantage of the white space available (that you aren't using) already in your signature. Refer to what I linked for more info on that.

For more information on HTML, if you're interested, there are many ways to learn about it online, such as all the sites I linked, W3Schools, or Codecademy.

If you have a question, leave it below. If you have more info, leave it below.

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