

Emergency Feeding Program

Today, June 16, all loose change in the offering will be given to the Emergency Feeding Program. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

FOOD OF THE MONTH for the Eastside Emergency Feeding Program: School’s Out – and your gifts of 18 oz. plastic jars of peanut butter and/or a 7 ¼ oz. box of macaroni and cheese will help replace the loss of free school lunches as we enter the summer months. Please put all donations in labeled boxes near both entrances. Thanks for helping the Sunday School kids help others!

The Mission and Outreach Ministry Team would like to announce that they will no longer be sponsoring the annual Rummage Sale.  Lael O’Neal, Shirley Hirsch and several others have worked tirelessly for many years to bring about this fantastic fundraising event, but they have decided that it is time to put their energy toward other endeavors.  Perhaps you, or a group of which you are a part, would like to take on this event? In the meantime, donations of items are no longer being accepted.  Thanks for your support!





Taizé Worship Returns This Summer

Taizé Worship Services will be held in the sanctuary on Wednesdays, June 26, July 24, and August 28, at 7:30 pm. The Taizé service is one of song and meditation. It was established in the 1940’s in Taizé, France, by several Christian brothers, and it thrives there now, as well as in many other places of the world.

Each service will be preceded by a potluck supper at 6:30 pm. The church will provide the main course; please bring a salad or dessert to share. Stay tuned for more information.


DISCOVER Bellevue First -- Sunday, June 30

This gathering, hosted by Pastor Steve, is for anyone who wants to find out more about Bellevue First United Methodist Church. Learn about our church’s history and ministry; learn how to be connected; find out how to join; tour the facility. This group will gather on Sunday, June 30, immediately following worship at approximately 11:15 am for about 1 hour. Childcare is available by calling the church office at 425-454-2059.

Garden Tour – June 29, 10 am – 2 pm

It’s not too late to purchase a ticket to tour Jean Walker’s garden.

There’ll be refreshments and door prizes too! Tickets will be available for $10 after church on June 23 or by calling the office (425-454-2059). Proceeds go to the church campership fund.


SUMMER PLAY GROUP:  Stories, crafts and games in the nursery for the children (preschool through elementary) while the parents chat.  Tuesdays from 9:30 – 11 am starting June 25th.  FREE!  Please tell new families on your block, friends and relatives!  A wonderful way to spend the morning!

JOSEPH’S AMAZING FAITH ADVENTURE SUMMER SUNDAYSCHOOL starts next Sunday, June 23, at 10 am.  One service, one room, one amazing story.  All children, preschool through elementary with older children as helpers.  Totally cool!

Vacation Bible Adventure (VBA):  Athens

Monday – Friday, July 15 -19, 9 – 11 a.m.

Learn the jaw-dropping story of the Apostle Paul straight from Paul himself and learn about Athenian life through games, music, crafts, and food.  Paul will inspire kids to share God’s love today through donations of school supplies for UMCOR school bags, and Congregations for Kids annual school supply drive.

Registration forms on the church website (www.fumcbellevue.org).  Invite your friends, grandchildren, neighbors and a couple of people you hardly know!  LOADS of volunteers needed, so see Laurie Edwards if you are interested.

·          Register on-line through the education page of the church website!

·         Adults who want to come join the fun should see Laurie Edwards soon!  Opportunities for volunteering still available

ROLL BAKERS needed for VBA!  The kids love these rolls and they are simple to make:  let rise and bake!  If you would be able to help by baking one bag of rolls one day that would be wonderful!  See Laurie


Ongoing classes for Adults:

·         FaithLink: An Adult Education offering built around current events meets at 9:00 am. This Sunday, June 16, will be the last session of FaithLink. We will take the summer off. See you in the fall!

·         Fitness, Faith and Friends: On Monday, June 17, we will meet at Juanita Bay Park at 6:30 pm, for a walk.  See Nancy Berry for further info.


UMW News

Circle is on vacation until September 11. We will put together health kits for UMCOR at that meeting. Callers will remind folks who signed up what they need to bring. More information will be coming in August.

Executive Board will meet on August 6; no meeting in July.

Women’s Bible Study is taking a break for the summer. See you in the fall.



Changes will be coming to our church facility in the next few months. The Trustees have been working on a plan for some changes and upgrades. Here is a brief description of some of the first changes you can expect to see:

Benson Hall – One hundred new chairs have been ordered to replace the old pews and motley collection of chairs that we now have in that area. The chairs will arrive around the end of July. If you would like a pew for your porch or another chair, or know someone who might like to have the oak lumber from the pews please let Gary O’Neal know.

New Carpet and Paint  - The carpeting in our north entry and at the back of the Sanctuary has become quite wrinkled and cannot be tightened any further. At the same time, many have commented on the need to fix or cover the broken red tile and get rid of the area rug in the south entrance. There have also been comments regarding the need for more light in the north entry. To address these concerns, the following changes are coming:

Two skylights will be installed in the north narthex ceiling. The art installation facing the entry doors will be removed and put into storage. This is necessary for painting and carpet installation and it may open up some new possibilities in the entrance area. The ceiling and walls of both entries and the hall between will be painted with some pleasing light colors. New lighter colored carpeting will then be installed down the aisle and behind the pews in the sanctuary, in both entry areas and the office hallway. Current plans call for the painting to be done before the end of July and the carpeting installed in early August. New baseboards and trim painting will then follow.

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