You are cordially invited to attend one of two meetings of our members to secure information and ask questions regarding Leadership Council’s recommendation to host Camp Unity Eastside (CUE) to be located in our parking lot from September 14, 2013 through December 7, 2013.
Many of you will remember the success of our hosting of Tent City 4 at the same location in late 2009 and early 2010.
Our Tent City Committee has found that CUE has a much stronger rehabilitation and host church support program than does TC #4; and CUE now has 84 residents and a carefully run security and sanitation program.
Our Tent City Committee, CUE, the Kirkland Interfaith Network (KIN) (Support group for CUE), will all have representatives at the meetings.
DATE: Next Sunday, June 2
TIME: 10 am and 12:15 pm
PLACE: Room S-15 downstairs
Your Tent City Committee Co-Chairs – Joe Matsen and Reid Stevens
FOOD OF THE MONTH for the Eastside Emergency Feeding Program: Help us celebrate Cinco de Mayo by donating 2 lb. packages of dried pinto beans and/or canned diced tomatoes! Please put all donations in labeled boxes near both entrances. Thanks for helping the Sunday School kids help others!
Ongoing classes for Adults:
· FaithLink: An Adult Education offering built around current events meets each Sunday, at 9:00 am. Some upcoming topics: “Ministry and Art,” “Update on Immigration Reform,” “Update on North Korea,” and “Struggles for Men.” No pre-registration is required. Class leaders: Jean Walker and Joan Ernest.
· Got Questions? The “Living the Questions” series will resume in the fall.
· Fitness, Faith and Friends will not meet this Monday, May 27. On Monday, June 3, we will walk at Kelsey Creek Park. Meet at 6PM in the church parking lot to carpool to Kelsey Creek, or meet us there.
Special Choir Concert
One of the most well-known and beautiful choral works is Fauré’s Requiem, and now you get a chance to hear it. Our Chancel Choir, along with the Lake Washington UMC choir, will be performing it at our church on Saturday, June 8, at 3:00 pm. Besides this wonderful, combined choir, we will have violas, cellos, horns, harp, organ and violin (Takumi is playing!). Mark your calendars now for a beautiful and peaceful afternoon.
Driver Refresher Course
Another Driver Refresher Course will be held at our church on Thursday, June 6, from 9 am – 4 pm. Successful course completion qualifies drivers 55 years of age and over for automobile insurance premium discounts. Check with your insurance agent for the amount and duration of the discount. Cost for the class is $16. To register, phone 206-243-3564.
DISCOVER Bellevue First -- Sunday, June 30
This gathering, hosted by Pastor Steve, is for anyone who wants to find out more about Bellevue First United Methodist Church. Learn about our church’s history and ministry; learn how to be connected; find out how to join; tour the facility. This group will gather on Sunday, June 30, immediately following worship at approximately 11:15 am for about 1 hour. Childcare is available by calling the church office at 425-454-2059.
Taizé Worship Returns
Taizé Worship Services will be held in the sanctuary on Wednesdays, June 26, July 24, and August 28, at 7:30 pm. Each service will be preceded by a potluck supper at 6:30 pm. Stay tuned for more information.
Women’s Bible Study
The Women’s Bible Study group will be taking a break for the summer. See you next fall!
Women’s Retreat – Saturday, June 1, 9:30 am – 4:00 pm
All women are invited to a great day of fellowship, as Rev. Dr. Beryl Ingram leads us in “Learning to Trust the Songs in Our Hearts.” Before you come, give some thought to the songs in your heart to share. (i.e. what is the first song you learned? and what songs are always in your memory?) This one-day retreat will be held at our church. Registration is $15/person, which includes continental breakfast and lunch. Registrations will be taken after worship today. Childcare will be provided; please bring lunch for your child/children. Questions? Call Mitzi Karg at 425-883-8146.
Sunday School End-of-Year celebration for families and teachers: Sunday, June2 from 4 – 7:30 p.m. at Camp River Ranch in Carnation. Hot dogs and s’mores on the campfire/potluck for the rest. We’ll say goodbye to the Cairds with a campfire treat called “damper” from Australia, have a visit from Cap’n Jenny (a local pirate), and have plenty of time for games, singing, frisbee/soccer, relaxation and fun! RSVP to Laurie Edwards for directions, potluck sign up and information!
Vacation Bible Adventure (VBA): Athens
Monday – Friday, July 15 -19, 9 – 11 a.m.
Learn the jaw-dropping story of the Apostle Paul straight from Paul himself and learn about Athenian life through games, music, crafts, and food. Registration forms on the church website (www.fumcbellevue.org). Invite your friends, grandchildren, neighbors and a couple of people you hardly know! LOADS of volunteers needed, so see Laurie Edwards if you are interested.
VBA (it’s an Adventure NOT a School!) Work Party
Tuesday, June 4 from 9:30 – noon
Something for everyone! Loads of painting so wear your grubbies, but we’ll also have some cutting, gluing, labeling, and much more! Coffee, tea and goodies to bribe you, but, honestly, it’s a blast! Come and join the fun!!!!
In the Community
Breaking Down the Walls: An Immigration Workshop
The Seattle District UMW and the PNW Conference UMW Committee on Racial Justice are offering this workshop on the complex immigration challenges and options for humane action. Speakers include Rev. Lyda Pierce, Rev. Larry Warren and Liz Dunbar. The date is Saturday, June 8, 8:30 am – 12:30 pm, at Ronald UMC, 17839 Aurora Ave N, Shoreline. Cost is $10 which includes lunch. See the registration form on the UMW bulletin board in the main hallway.
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