

Ok when fat ppl say “skinny shaming isn’t a thing” we’re not saying “thin ppl don’t get body shamed”

Skinny shaming is a term created by thin ppl to describe basically discrimination against them, like fat shaming

Except thin bodies aren’t discriminated against and certainly not on the same level as fat bodies

Thin ppl are not oppressed

So do you, thin ppl, experience body shaming, a term to describe unwarranted and often rude critiques of your bodies? Absolutely. Are you denied jobs, equal pay, proper medical care, media representation, and a slew of other basic human things all because of your body type alone? No, generally speaking, these things do not happen to the majority of thin ppl enough to be a studied and documented phenomenon.

Stand against body shaming but do not co opt terms used to describe oppression that does not exist for you.

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