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On the Beach Your Ship is Burning: Erick Erickson
The Candyass Conundrum: House of Eratosthenes
Mexican Military Incursion Into Arizona May Point To Cartel Collusion: John Stanton

Why Rand Paul is Winning: Roger L. Simon
Boehner Wants to Wear Us Down on Amnesty: AT
McConnell waves musket, falls flat at CPAC: Joseph Gerth

Discretion: Joe Huffman
GOP guv candidate who appeared in Obama ad is Labor's choice in IL: Marathon
Stick It To The RINOs! — Support Kerry Bentivolio (MI-11)!: NoisyRm

Rahm Emanuel Screws Voters Out Of A Referendum: Michael Ciric
Big Labor: Wait, this #Obamacare thing we passed is going to hurt *us*?: Moe Lane
Global Debt Exceeds $100 Trillion as Governments Binge, BIS Says: Bloomberg

SC Wants Food Stamp Recipients to Prove They’re Looking for Jobs: RWN
College Grads Now Doing the Jobs High School Grads Used to Do: Leslie Eastman
Game Changer: It Will Be Shocking for the Average American: SHTFplan

Scandal Central
The president's power grab: LAT
'Un-American'? That's Harry Reid, the Senate's lowly smear artist: TribLive
Pat Caddell: "John Boehner has been Purposely Suppressing Anything on Benghazi": Outpost (2013)

Throwing an Issa Fit: Stephen Green
Lerner Won’t Talk Because Holder Has Obama’s Back: Bryan Preston
The IRS now an appendage of Barack Obama’s party: George Will

Climate & Energy
John Kerry Wants US Envoys To Make “Climate Change” Their Priority: Cove
Global warming dud predictions on the Great Barrier Reef: WUWT
Polar Vortex Emboldens Industry to Push Old Coal Plants: Bloomberg

Unbiased Media Alert: ABC’s Jon Karl LOLs At Ted Cruz During #CPAC Interview: Scoop
Judge Jeanine: Obama’s “Contract” is “Null and Void”: Capitalism Institute
Drudge readers surprise GOP elite for prez: Drew Zahn

NSA Chief Pushes For Laws to Silence Journalists - Says Legislation Coming in Weeks: SCG
Fox’s Eric Bolling schools ‘dummy’ Jon Stewart on food stamp abuse: BPR
President, Michelle all smiles after returning from weekend getaway at $2,500-a-night resort: Daily Mai

The Schoolhouse Rock “How Does a Bill Work?” is updated for Obama’s America: Joshua Riddle
‘Deal killer’: Why some conservatives won’t support Ben Carson: BPR
The Square: Aish

Cheney: Obama Has No Credibility With Allies: WFB
Kim Jong-Un Orders Massacre of 33 Christians: Rick Moran
Israeli Travelers Restricted by Cruise Line: BCF

Ted Cruz draws line with Rand Paul on foreign policy: Scoop
World View: Ukraine/Russia Crisis Presents Problems for China: Breitbart
UK: School bans all pork products from menu, replaces them with halal meat: JihadWatch

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
US court disallows NSA from holding phone records beyond five years: PC World
Hackers Claim Mt. Gox Still Has Investors' Bitcoins: Gizmodo
WSJ: Americans' Phone Bills Are Going Up: Slashdot

5 guys who hit on your girlfriend at CPAC in front of you: Patrick Howley
Russia's aggression prompts other nations to change names: Cube
Wake Up and Smell the Bacon!: MOTUS

Image: If All You See...
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Fire Mitch McConnell: Support Matt Bevin for U.S. Senate

QOTD: "The fights in which conservative now engage against their own Republican Party must be won. The party is dismissive of conservatives already. We all know that...

Still other conservatives have had no desire to get their hands dirty and they are angry at those of us who have dared to fight. But these conservatives — their ships are burning now too.

If conservatives do not win electoral fights against Republican incumbents in 2014, the Republicans will finally conclude the right has become a paper tiger. We are all CPAC and bluster and nothing more. The Republicans will conclude we need not have a seat at the table because we can bring nothing to the table.

...You may have not set your own ship of the conservative movement on the beach or even set it ablaze. But there it now rests in flames. You will either fight and win or be of no use to anyone anymore." --Erick Erickson

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