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Revision as of 20:58, 8 November 2013

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FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!








|version= 1.1.4



|mcversion = 1.5.2






'''{{PAGENAME}}''' is a spiritual successor of the popular modpack called [[FTB Ultimate]]. First release of Unleashed pack was under the private pack code "FTBUnleashed" on July 20, 2013 for ''Minecraft'' 1.5.2. It was released primarily as the result of a conflict between GregoriousT (maker of [[GregTech]]) and mDiyo (maker of [[Tinker's Construct]]). It replaces the [[Feed The Beast Ultimate Pack]] as the primary FTB modpack, while [[Feed The Beast Unhinged]] was created as an alternative which includes GregTech.






This pack, together with its two siblings [[Feed The Beast Unhinged]] and [[Direwolf20 152]], were released to public on July 30, 2013 as version 1.1.0.









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scope="col"|Version Number



scope="col"|Date of Addition



scope="col"|Additions Summary









|July 20, 2013



| *Modpack pre-release as a private pack under the password "FTBUnleashed"









|July 30, 2013



|Modpack became public with some mod additions and removals compared to private release









|July 31, 2013



|bugfixes (ID conflicts etc.)









|August 3, 2013



|Added 10 new mods to the pack, removed 1 mod, number of bugfixes and new config options to new and existing mods.









|August 5, 2013



|Updated 4 mods, rolled back Tinker's Construct & Misc. Peripherals. Fixed "Unnamed" items from Biomes O'Plenty









|August 28, 2013



|One new mod added to the pack, numerous bug fixes to the mods, [[IC2]]'s machine sounds turned off by default in the config. [[Force Stick|Force Sticks]] now actually craftable. [[Thermal Expansion|TE]] increased the number of vanilla ore spawns per vein.









|October 15, 2013



|One new mod added to the pack, numerous bug fixes to the mods and a few mods (like Natura) were updated. Required a re-upload because natura got corrupted on the first upload.












== Mod list ==



As of version 1.1.5 the {{PAGENAME}} contains the following mods, and is heavily subject to change as the development process wears on.






=== Core Mods ===






* [[Creeper Collateral]]



* [[Chickenbones Core|CodeChicken Core]]



* [[CoFH Core]]



* [[denLib]]



* [[iChunUtil]]



* [[InfiniBows]]



* [[Not Enough Items|Not Enough Items (NEI)]]



* [[Nucleum-Omnium]]



* [[PowerCrystals Core]]






=== Non-Core Mods ===



* [[Applied Energistics]]



* [[BackTools]] - '''client side only'''



* [[BiblioCraft]]



** [[BiblioWoods BoP]]



** [[BiblioWoods Forestry]]



* [[Biomes O' Plenty]] - '''disabled by default'''



* [[Buildcraft]]



** [[DenPipes]]



*** [[DenPipes-Emerald]]



*** [[DenPipes-Forestry]]



** [[Gate Copy]]



** [[Logistics Pipes]]



* [[ChickenChunks]]



* [[ComputerCraft]]



** [[Misc Peripherals]]



** [[Open Peripheral]]



* [[Damage Indicators]]



* [[DartCraft]]



* [[DeathTimer]]  - '''disabled by default'''



* [[Enchanting Plus]]  - '''disabled by default'''



* [[EnderStorage]]



* [[Equivalent Exchange 3]]



* [[ExtraUtils]]



* [[Factorization]]



* [[Flat Signs]]



* [[Forestry]]



** [[BinniesMods]]



*** [[Extra Bees]]



*** [[Extra Trees]]



** [[Magic Bees]]



** [[PluginsForForestry]]



* [[ForgeMultipart]]



* [[Gravity Gun]]



* [[Hats Mod]] - '''disabled by default'''



** [[HatStand]] - '''disabled by default'''



* [[IndustrialCraft 2]]



** [[Advanced Power Management]]



** [[Advanced Solar Panels]]



** [[Charge Pads]]



** [[CompactSolars]]



** [[Gravitation Suite]]



** [[Modular Force Field System|Modular Force Field System]]



** [[MFFS Calclavia]]



** [[Nuclear Control]]



* [[Inventory Tweaks]]



* [[Iron Chests]]



* [[MineFactory Reloaded]]



* [[Modular Powersuits|Modular Power Suits]]



** [[MPSaddons]]



* [[Mystcraft]]



* [[Natura]]



* [[NEIAddons]]



* [[NEI Plugins]]



* [[Nether Ores]] - '''disabled by default'''



* [[Obsidian Pressure Plates|ObsidiPlates]]



* [[OmniTools]]



* [[Portal Gun (Mod)|Portal Gun]]



* [[Power Converters]] - '''disabled by default'''



* [[QCraft]]



* [[Railcraft]]



* [[Soul Shards]]



* [[Steve's Carts 2]]



* [[Switches]]



* [[Thaumcraft 3]]



** [[Thaumic Tinkerer]]



* [[Thermal Expansion]]



* [[Tinker's Construct]]



* [[Twilight Forest]]



* [[Vending Block]] - '''disabled by default'''



* [[VoxelMap]] - '''client side only'''



* [[Wireless Redstone]] - Chicken Bones Edition



** [[WE-CBE Core]]



** [[WE-CBE Logic]]



** [[WE-CBE Addons]]



* [[Xeno's Reliquary]] - '''disabled by default'''






==External links==



*[http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/new-mod-packs.26682/ Official Modpack Thread]



*[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?key=0AoWBpEX_gP1AdEZNb0VlRkc5M1FHaUhWRkhWaHRyU0E&toomany=true#gid=0 Official Mod List]



*[http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/changelog-for-ftb-unleashed-modpack.27602/ Changelog for first public release]



*[http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/changelog-for-ftb-unleashed-modpack.27602// Changelog thread for versions 1.1.2, 1.1.3 and 1.1.4]



*[http://ftbmods.comlu.com/ List of mods ready for MC 1.6.x]







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