We are going to see a lot more ecumenical apostasy creeping into the churches. Many churches have been hoodwinked by Pastor Rick Warren's Satanic Emerging Church deception. Mr. Warren also teaches the heresy of Lordship Salvation. Warren is a disgusting compromiser, who has apologized to many his “gay friends” for taking a stand against homosexual marriage. Warren is far more concerned what people think about him, than what God thinks about him (John 12:42-43).
John Calvin was a monster! It does not surprise me that a crypto-Jewish occultist, fraudulently named John Calvin, introduced a false plan of works-based salvation into the churches, which infectes many churches still today. There are Satanic forces at work to corrupt and transform the churches into spiritually dead religious centers, instead of an assembly of Holy Spirit indwelled born-again Christians. Spirituality is replacing theology in the churches! Without the sound doctrines of the inspired Words of God in the King James Bible, the churches are losing their foundation. Psalms 11:3, “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?”
Please beware of John Calvin's teachings, commonly referred to as, what else... “CALVINISM”! Please beware of Calvinist influenced ministers and institutions; such as (to name but a few), Evangelist Paul Washer, Dr. John Piper, Evangelist Ray Comfort, Dr. John MacArthur, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fuller Theological Seminary, Moody Bible Institute, any churches that support and promote John MacArthur, et cetera.
Satan knows that the best way to hinder truth is to confuse people by introducing lies into the mix. The Bible teaches us about “the simplicity that is in Christ” in the Gospel (2nd Corinthians 11:3-4; 1st Corinthians 15:1-4). In sharp contrast, there is nothing “simple” about having to surrender all to Christ to be saved. There is nothing “simple” about forsaking sinful bad habits and confessing Christ before men publicly to be saved. The lie of Lordship Salvation places extremely heavy burdens upon men's shoulders; whereas Christ bore the total weight of every man's sins upon the cross, so that salvation could be made freely available to all mankind, by simple faith in the Gospel.
The true Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is free and simple to anyone who wants it, by simply receiving Christ's sacrifice upon the cross as the payment for one's sins, and believing that Jesus bodily raised up the third day for our justification. This is drastically different than the extra-biblical requirement to cease from sinful living, forsake the world, confess Christ before men and surrender all to Christ to be saved. These latter are all self-righteous works, which are forbidden in God's plan of salvation (Isaiah 64:6). The false doctrine of Lordship Salvation is also held (or a variation of) by Roman Catholics, Seventh-day Adventists, Mormons, Church of Christ and Jehovah's Witnesses, to name but a few Satanic cults.
Man has no part in God's salvation of man, except to BELIEVE the Gospel. When the Scriptures teach believers in Philippians 2:12, “...work out your own salvation with fear and trembling,” it does NOT say to work out God's salvation. 2nd Corinthians 4:3, “But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost.” The heresy of Lordship Salvation cleverly hides the Gospel behind a wall of holy living, teaching people that to be saved they must repent in the sense of changing their life, and then continue repenting for the rest of their life if they're really saved. This effectively requires a lifetime of good works, and abstaining from bad works, to be saved. I've heard this garbage theology taught on UNSHACKLED by Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago, Grace To You with Dr. John MacArthur, and also by Evangelist Chip Ingram, and also Seeking Him ministry online, to name just a few.
Wake up oh Christian from your spiritual slumber! We are in a relentless spiritual war for God!!! Thank you for reading this.