
My 2nd year of law school is officially done (assuming I pass my classes lol). I just finished the longest finals period, ever...4.5 weeks of torture. I had 2 closed book exams, a 73-hour take-home final, a regular take-home final, and a 30-page paper to finish. It was intense, but I'm just glad it's over!

So lately I've been avoiding the blog because my life revolves around school and extracurriculars and all that over-achieving fun school stuff. But lately, I've just been thinking...law school doesn't last forever. You get stuck in this twilight zone of wanting to be the best in your class, with good grades and taking leadership roles in journals or moot court boards, obtaining prestigious jobs at firms or companies, and just generally feeling like you need to be this "person" that everyone wants to be. That's not real life at all.

Since I'm now 2/3 done with this experience, the future is a lot closer than it seemed when I first started. I will be taking the bar next July, and there won't be this current transition period where everything stands still. BF and I often talk about how we can't do anything about my debt right now. My loans are in deferral, he's paying off his loans, and we don't live together.

I miss those days before I went to school where I had a paycheck every other Friday, and I knew how much I could spend and how much I'd be saving. It was an amazing feeling, to be able to control that and have ZERO debt. I will forever look back fondly at those memories, but I'm also excited for what the future holds - hopefully with a new job, wedding planning (my next post will talk about engagement ring shopping!), starting a family, and just generally moving onto the next chapter of my life.

It's crazy how before law school the BF and I were much closer to our dream of owning a home and starting our lives together, and he put all of that on hold for me to pursue my dreams. He knew how much debt I was going to add to our relationship and he was willing to make things work as well as endure a 3-year long distance relationship. I'm forever grateful for him and I'm just looking at dealing with this debt as another challenge we will have to face.

For now and for another year, please bear with me as I forge on through another year of school. At 26, I definitely feel like I should have been done with school sooner, but at the same time if I didn't start working after college I wouldn't have learned about saving and budgeting. Everything happens for a reason.

This summer I hope to blog more, hoping I'll have more free time since I will be working two part-time jobs instead of one full-time job. I'll be working at the company I worked at prior to law school (doing legal things) as well as doing legal stuff for the boyfriend's start-up company.

I won't be making tons of money this summer so it will be interesting to keep up with my eating healthy regimen. I don't eat out often anymore, only the occasional celebration for a birthday or graduation here and there. It's cut down on my spending a ton so I hope to post more about cheap eats!

Other than working and being in San Diego for summer, I have a few more graduations to attend and I'll be in and out of LA visiting family. I'm excited for the next 2.5 months!

Anyone have any fun summer plans?

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