
This section contains information on local activities and items of interest to Canyon Lake residents. Information should be submitted to news@goldingpublications.com no later than 5 p.m. Monday.

'Mulan Jr.'

Canyon Lake Middle School is presenting "Mulan Jr." today and tomorrow, March 20 and 21, at 7 p.m. in the school's multi-purpose room. Tickets are available at the door.

Happy Hour at The Cup Above

Happy Hour takes on a whole new meaning this evening, March 20, from 6 to 9 p.m. at The Cup Above in the Towne Center. It's a BYOB "Guys and Girls Night," offering a painting party with dinner. For $35, participants can paint a ceramic mug and have dinner. Those over 21 are invited to bring their own booze or beverage. For more information, call 951-244-3434.

Caregivers Connection

What are among the 10 leading reasons elderly people are sent to the hospital? Falls? Pneumonia? Adverse reaction to medication? Find out on Monday, March 23, at 10 a.m. when Dr. Julie Zimmerer speaks to the Caregivers Connection group in room C6 at Canyon Lake Community Church.

Dr. Julie, who many Canyon Lakers know through her chiropractic practice in the Towne Center, learned first-hand the difficulties of hiring in-home caregivers when she had to hire one to help her father with day-to-day activities after he developed paraplegia following a stroke. It was that experience that prompted her to create a new type of senior care, My Choice In-Home Care, which was named the 2014 Top Workplace by the Press-Enterprise.

Caregivers Connection provides an opportunity for caregivers to share common problems, needs and experiences as they offer around the clock care for their husbands, wives or parents. Anyone caring for a loved one 24/7 for illnesses such as dementia, Alzheimer's, stroke, heart issues or Parkinson's is welcome to attend.

The group meets on the second and fourth Monday of each month. For more information, contact the group’s facilitator Jo Ann Wickerath at 679-7736.

Chamber Luncheon

The next Chamber Luncheon will be held on April 8, at 11:30 a.m. at Pepe’s Mexican Restaurant. The guest speaker will be Lt. Earl Quintana of the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department, who will be giving crime-prevention tips for residents and businesses. The cost for lunch is $14. RSVP to 951-244-6124 by April 6.

Scholarship Pageant

The Miss Canyon Lake Scholarship Pageant will be held May 16 at the Lodge. Signups begin March 25, at 7 p.m. at the Lodge. This year's pageant will be limited to Miss Canyon Lake and younger (college age to age 4). For more information, call CoCo Morrison at 951-204-7777.

National Day of Prayer

On May 7, Canyon Lake will celebrate its third National Day of Prayer. Harry Truman designated the first NDP in 1952, and Ronald Reagan, in 1988, made it the first Thursday in May. A group of local churches, including Canyon Lake Community Church, Elevation, Crimson Crown Music Ministries, New Hope, Canyon Lake Bible Club and others will participate.

A continental breakfast will be served at the Lodge at 10 a.m. All are invited to join in to pray for our country, state, city, protectors (fire, police and military) and our people. For more information or to sponsor this event, call Nancy Horton at 951-246-2928. For tickets, call LaRue McNamara at 244-6470.

Lioness Collecting Pull-tabs

Residents are invited to collect pull-tabs for a fundraising project to benefit Loma Linda Ronald McDonald House. Aluminum pull-tabs can be popped off of soda, beer, soup and other food cans. Each year Lioness members welcome donations of pull-tabs from residents and combine them with their own collection to take to Redlands College. Many clubs, businesses and organizations throughout Riverside and San Bernardino Counties deliver pull-tabs, which are then weighed and sold with the proceeds going to Ronald McDonald House.

The collection will be delivered on Friday, May 1. Anyone wanting to donate pull-tabs may give them to any member of the Lioness Club or deliver them to Joanna Spiller at 23651 Cruise Circle Dr. For more information, contact Joanna at dinosaurs35@verizon.net.

Yacht Club Scholarship

The Canyon Lake Yacht Club announces its scholarship program for 2015 is open to high school seniors who reside in Canyon Lake and attend a local high school. Applications are available in high school career centers or by calling the CLYC Scholarship Chair Joanne Lee at 951-244-4945.

Jr. Women's Club Scholarship

The application for Jr. Women's Club scholarships can be requested via high school counselors or by contacting JWC Scholarship Chair Shannon Anderson at avalon.monroe@gmail.com or 951-821-1453. The due date for applications to be submitted in April 10.

Steampunk Carnivale'

Families are invited to the "Iron Horse/Family Steampunk Carnivale and Concert" this weekend, March 21 and 22, at the Orange Empire Railway Museum in Perris. The event pays homage to the Victorian Era, Edwardian science fiction and the Industrial Revolution with a real steam-powered locomotive being the backdrop.

The event includes Steampunk artisans displaying jewelry, steam-driven contraptions and imaginative gadgets, Steampunk workshops and a Victorian era fashion show and costume contest. For ticket prices and information, visit www.oerm.org.

Bingo at the Senior Center

The Lioness Club hosts Bingo every first and third Sunday, from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Senior Center. Games are open to all members of the community and are $20 for a 12-sheet set and $10 for a six-sheet set. Funds raised by bingo are contributed to Lions' projects for the sight-impaired and the needy of the area.

Teen Collecting Eyewear

Local high school student Cody Hankins continues to collect glasses to help those in need, both locally and around the world. He is doing so in conjunction with the Lions and Lioness Clubs of Canyon Lake. Cody thanks the many Canyon Lakers who have contributed to this cause over the past six months. He now calls his organization "A Clear Future."

Those with an old pair of reading or prescription glasses may contact Cody at 951-805-7301 or ydochankins@verizon.net to arrange for pickup. All donations collected will be given to the local Lions and Lionesses for international distribution.

Help for the Homeless

Jill Batinich thanks Canyon Lakers for helping stock supplies for her non-profit organization, Serenity Sacks. Jill says the organization fills bags and sacks with travel size toothbrushes, toothpaste, feminine hygiene products, granola bars, combs, hair brushes, hand sanitizer, soap, shampoo, etc. Those who would like to make a donation may call her at 951-244-1972 and she will arrange pick-up from home or office.

Renaissance Faire

The Jr. Women's Club and Family Matters Club are planning to host a Renaissance Faire on October 17. They want to let the community know that vendors will be invited to participate. The event is expected to fill Holiday Harbor, with the Family Matters Club handling a kids section on the lower level and JWC handling an area geared toward adults on the upper level. Contact Julie at aguirrejulie@aol.com.

Breast Cancer Resources

Michelle's Place is a breast cancer resource center serving this area, located at 27645 Jefferson Ave., Ste. 117, in Temecula. The center's mission is to provide emotional and educational support to those touched with breast cancer and facilitate breast health care services. Regular hours are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Learn about available services and resources at michellesplace.org or 951-699-5455.

Clothing Wanted

A couple in Canyon Lake regularly makes deliveries of food and clothing to the Riverside City Mission, where the needs of the hungry and homeless are continuous. Donations can be dropped off at the Coldwell Banker office in the Towne Center, 31620 Railroad Canyon Rd.


The Lioness Club hosts Bingo every first and third Sunday, from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Senior Center. Games are open to all members of the community and are $20 for a 12-sheet set and $10 for a six-sheet set.

Carl's Jr. Coupon Books

The Lioness Club is selling Carl’s Jr. Community Star Fundraising coupon books for $5 each. These books contain $55 worth of super coupons that are valid until the end of December 2015. Contact Joanna Spiller at 244-1553 to get one before they are gone.

Steering Wheel Covers

The Lioness Club is selling custom-made steering wheel covers to protect hands from hot steering wheels. The covers are made of many different materials and patterns and work equally well during the cold months. The price is $8 for one, or two for $15. To purchase a cover, contact Laverne Can at 951-244-5715. Profits from this project will go to one of the Lioness Club's ongoing philanthropic projects.

Farmers Market

The Farmers Market operates every Sunday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., in the upper section of the Towne Center parking lot. It features fresh produce from local farmers and fresh flowers from area growers as well as handcrafted items, vendor merchandise and freshly prepared food. It's a good place to pick up fresh food for holiday meals and gifts from local vendors.

Lock Vehicles

Canyon Lake Community Patrol reminds residents to double-check the doors and windows in their vehicles each evening and be sure alarm systems are activated. Records show most thefts from vehicles in Canyon Lake occur because doors were left unlocked or windows left open. They also say residents shouldn't leave items of value in front yards or driveways.

Open cars and valuables left outside can lead to "crimes of opportunity" that can be easily prevented. If a crime is in progress, call 9-1-1 immediately. Then call Community Patrol.

Call Community Patrol at 951-244-5950 any time there is a suspicious-looking person.

Grandparents Raising Grandkids

The Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Task Force (GRGTF) consists of representatives from the variety of county agencies that impact the lives of these families, as well as representatives of county and state elected officials, grandparents, and community volunteers.

As part of its goal to address the multiple, complex issues faced by grandparents who have taken the responsibility of primary caregiver, the Task Force hosts several support groups throughout the county. The Murrieta/Temecula area support group meets the third Thursday of each month at 10 a.m. at the Mary Phillips Senior Center in Old Town Temecula, 41845 Sixth St., just behind the fire station.

GRG invites all grandparents raising grandchildren to come and share experiences, challenges and concerns, and learn about programs that are designed to assist in raising grandchildren. For more information, call 1-800-510-2020.

Al-Anon Family Groups

For those whose lives are affected by someone else’s drinking, the Al-Anon family groups provide a fellowship for sharing experiences, strength and hope in order to solve common problems. Al-Anon believes alcoholism is a family illness and that changed attitudes can aid recovery. Even if the alcoholic continues to drink, his or her relatives and friends can achieve serenity as a result of Al-Anon Family Group.The group meets Wednesdays at 10 a.m. at Lamb’s Fellowship, 21901 Railroad Canyon Rd. in Lake Elsinore. For more information, call 244-0081 or visit alanonriverside.org.

Tiles at the Tennis Courts

The Tennis Club is placing ceramic tiles made by kids or adults on the wall around Court 5, overlooking the parking lot. Tiles can be painted at The Cup Above in the Towne Center for $10, plus tax.

TOPS Meets in Lake Elsinore

Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) meets each Tuesday at the Senior Center Annex, 420 E. Lakeshore Dr. in Lake Elsinore, next to Lake Point Park. The active club is led by Jean King. Weigh-in is from 8:30 to  9:15 a.m. and business and therapy is from 9:15 to 10:30. Visitors are welcome. Annual dues to join the national organization of TOPS are $28; the Lake Elsinore TOPS's monthly dues are $2. For more information, call 674-0880.

Safe Alternatives

Safe Alternatives for Everyone (S.A.F.E.) is a non-profit agency in Temecula that is committed to providing programs and services to children, youth and families who have experienced or are at risk of violence and abuse. For more information on S.A.F.E.’s services go to www.safefamiliesca.org or call 951.587.3900.

Parkinson’s Support Group? The meetings of a local Parkinson's Support Group are free and open to Parkinson's patients and their caregivers. Meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month, beginning at 1 p.m. in the Murrieta Senior Center, 41717 Juniper St. in Murrieta. For more information, call 285-4008 or 696-7130.

Hospital Volunteers Needed

Menifee Valley Medical Center is seeking hospital volunteers. Only four hours of volunteer service per week qualifies one to become an active member of the hospital volunteer team. No experience is necessary; training is provided. Minimum age is 16. Contact 679-8888, ext. 7254.

Women's Home

A couple from Wildomar would like to let area women who are experiencing domestic abuse, homelessness or other difficulties know they have opened a women's home in Wildomar. Bruce and Phyllis Carranza call the women's home a "lighthouse guiding women in need of changing their lives, a place where they can receive love and support, an anchor in Christ." To learn more, call the Carranzas at 471-1791 or 445-0948.

Adult Day Care

Adult day care services are offered by Care Connexxus at 29995 Evans Rd. in Menifee. The non-profit organization is a non-medical licensed program that provides adult day care/adult day services to elderly and younger qualifying adults who are mentally, physically or socially dependent on others to complete tasks of daily living. For more information, contact Tiffany Kenny at 672-9536.

Elks Lodge Bingo

Bingo is open to Elks and the general public at the Lake Elsinore/Wildomar Elks Lodge, 33700 Mission Trail in Wildomar, on Thursdays. Doors open at 4 p.m. and games start at 6. For more information, call 674-6804.

Alcoholics Anonymous

Temecula Valley Alcoholics Anonymous holds meetings in most nearby cities. The primary purpose is to help members achieve sobriety. For more information, visit temeculacentraloffice.org or call 695-1535.

Wheelchairs for Seniors

Miracle on Wheels is notifying the public about the opportunity for seniors and others with debilitating conditions such as stroke, heart and breathing problems or diabetes to obtain a power wheelchair at little or no cost. According to Miracle on Wheels, Medicare’s regulations now make it easier to obtain a power wheelchair for seniors and others with problems getting around their home, or who are in danger of falling due to their medical condition. For more information and to learn about qualifying call 800-400-4210.

Mothers of Preschoolers

MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) is for mothers of children, newborn to kindergarten age. The meetings are held at the Canyon Lake Community Church on the first and third Tuesdays of the month. For more information, contact Heather Weber at 852-7478 or Jaclyn Copeland at 265-9938.


MOMS Next is a group for mothers of elementary school aged children. Meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays at Canyon Lake Community Church. For more information, contact Dana Kocik at 246-1013 or Melissa Roberts at 757-6010.  Both groups can be registered through the church office.

Senior Softball

Softball players 55 and older are invited to join the senior men’s league in Menifee. The league plays on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 to 11 a.m. at Wheatfield Park, next to the Menifee campus of Mt. San Jacinto Community College. For more information, call Ed Hustead at 679-8626.

Thank the Troops

Xerox Corporation has created a simple way for citizens to thank military personnel overseas at www.letssaythanks.com. The sender selects a design and message, which is then personalized with the sender’s name and town. Xerox then prints and sends a postcard to a member of the military stationed overseas. It only takes a few minutes to send a postcard and say thanks.

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