
The Board of Directors of the Canyon Lake Property Owners Association met in regular session on Tuesday, June 3, 2014. President David Eilers called the meeting to order at 7:12 p.m. Directors present were Eric Spitzer, Dawn Haggerty, Bruce Yarbrough, and Douglas Gordon. Five Board members were present; quorum was met. Also present were the General Manager, Christopher Mitchell; Legal Counsel, Howard Silldorf; Director of Member Services, Susanne Cordeiro; Director of Activities, Lynn Jensen; Controller, Bryan Knechtel; and Clerk of the Board, Denise Agostini.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Director Gordon, and Invocation was delivered by Member Dorothy Washle, 3716-073.

Approval of Minutes

The May 6, 2014 minutes were distributed in advance of the meeting.

Motion / Resolution: Director Haggerty moved to approve the regular session meeting minutes from May 6, 2014 as corrected. Director Yarbrough seconded. Five votes in favor, none against. Motion Carried

Public Officials

Mayor Randy Bonner was present. Mayor Bonner congratulated David Eilers on his re-election, Douglas Gordon’s election to the Board of Directors, and Eric Spitzer for being chosen as Vice President. The Mayor announced the next City Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 4 at 6:30 p.m. in the City Chamber Room.

Board Comments

President Eilers:

– Thanked the members for voting in this election and presented the 2014/15 Board of Directors. The Board will continue to work diligently in the best interest of the community.

– Thanked everyone involved in making this year’s Fiesta Day so successful.

– Taco Tuesdays started today and reminded the membership to have fun, be safe and respectful of each other.

– The Lodge held its soft opening on Friday, May 23, and the official grand reopening celebration was held on Friday, May 30.

– The Fairway Estates Community Action Committee did not have a meeting due to lack of quorum. The Facilities Review Committee (FRC) met on May 14. Discussion at this meeting included Main Gate redesign and technology, various Main Gate scenarios and mail box replacement. The Senior Committee meeting was held earlier today, June 3. Discussion included the center’s budget and a new TV. The Pot-Luck is scheduled for Sunday, June 29 from 5 to 9 p.m.

– The Roundtable meeting with the City was held on May 27. Topics discussed included Fiesta Day success, city polling update, CLPOA election results, Lodge Grand Reopening, and updates of the upcoming projects.

– The City, POA and Merchant’s Association will hold its first meeting on June 5, 10 a.m. at The Cup Above.

Director Gordon:

– Thanked everyone that came out to vote for him and expressed his optimism for accomplishing the work he is tasked to do as a member of the Board of Directors.

Director Spitzer:

– Appeals Committee meeting was uneventful. The Community Patrol Committee meeting hosted a room full of member participants who provided a great deal of input. Discussion at this meeting included the front gate and increased security.

Director Haggerty:

– Director Haggerty was out of the state and not able to attend the Green Committee and Tuesday Work Group (TWG) meetings. The Tuesday Work Group (TWG) worked 483 hours performing a myriad of maintenance items at the golf course in May.

– Director Haggerty addressed the erroneous rumors about the closing of the Country Club. Due to the lack of patronage and in order to help reduce the subsidy, the Board was considering the possibility of changes to the dinner service on Friday and Saturday nights at the Country Club. Director Haggerty encouraged the members to frequent the Country Club and Lodge.

– Director Haggerty shared the CL Youth Activities Summer Calendar containing teen activities and events scheduled June through August.

Director Yarbrough:

– Dog Park meeting held. Sierra Park north is strongly being considered as a location. An engineer has been hired to assist in managing the professional details.

– The Lake and Marina Committee also met. Director Yarbrough spoke of an issue with boat measuring and will propose modifying the rule to increase the size of the boats in our lake at an upcoming meeting.

– The first rendering of the final design of the Tennis Building has been received. The Tennis Facility Committee will meet to review in order to present the Board a recommendation for approval.

Report of Executive Session Actions

General Manager Christopher Mitchell reported the Executive Sessions for the Board Orientation were held Tuesday, May 27 through Friday, May 30, 2014. Topics discussed included legal, and planning.

Today’s executive session started at 1:05 p.m. Discussion included member discipline, legal, and personnel matters. The executive session adjourned at 5:27 p.m.

Member Comments on Non-Agenda

and Non-Personnel Issues

Jim Brown (3973-013) – Speed limit signs on Canyon Club Street.

Nick Vernaci (3863-279) – Speeding on Canyon Club Street.

Jack Wamsley (3131-040) – Congratulated Directors Eilers and Gordon. Commented on the non-participatory voting habits of the community.

Staff Reports

General Manager, Christopher Mitchell

– Taco Tuesday has started and a golf cart shuttle service has been instituted from 5 to 9 p.m. to help alleviate the congested parking situation.

– Management is working with the Board to focus on several projects to complete this year. Projects include the tennis facility, Dog Park, and Indian Beach playground equipment. Also, work on strategies to hold the line on assessments. Project Update Workshops will be scheduled in order for the members to attend.

– The Association is working on acquiring quotes for security cameras.

Security Patrol Report, Niko Sirios

– Reported on security updates for the month of May.

o Increases in security coverage to include an additional guard at the North Gate.

o Along with additional weekend staff, an additional patrol vehicle will patrol the streets on Friday and Saturday nights in order to decrease the response time to incidents.

o Additional coverage will be provided for Taco Tuesdays and other events as needed.

o General statistical report for May provided.

o With school almost out, a reminder of the strict enforcement of the 10:00 P.M. curfew was provided.

Corporate Counsel, Howard Silldorf

– Provided an update of the collection efforts of the Association.

– Provided an update on the governing documents re-write to address the multiple sets of CC&Rs and By-Laws, in order to eliminate inconsistencies. Member meetings will be scheduled in the near future to provide the members with the outlined changes in detail.

– The finalized set of the governing documents will go out for a vote of the members, where 51% is needed to pass this measure.

Department Reports

Staff written reports distributed in advance of the meeting.

Consent Agenda Items: There were five (5) items on the consent agenda (A-E). President Eilers tabled Item E –Record Retention Policy until the July 2014 meeting.

Upon motion properly made by Director Spitzer and seconded by Director Gordon, the following actions were taken regarding the remaining Consent Agenda items (A-D):

A. Authorization of Liens: approved authorization to record liens against the attached Assessor Parcel Numbers in accordance with Civil Code 5673

B. Approval of Committee Appointment to the Appeals Committee – Stacy Queen: appointment approved, effective immediately

C. Approval of Committee Appointment to Appeals Committee – Web (Tom) Green: appointment approved as an alternate member, effective immediately

D. Approval of Committee Appointment to Architectural Control Committee – Colleen Williams: appointment approved, effective immediately

Board Action Items

A. Approval: 1st Reading (30-Day Reading) – Rules and Regulations – General Rules – Section V – Rules for Motor Vehicles – GR.5.1t – Cell Phone Usage While Operating a Vehicle or Golf Cart

Motion / Resolution: Moved that the Board of Directors approve the 30-day reading of the new rule GR.5.1t – Cell Phone Usage While Operating a Vehicle or Golf Cart. President Eilers so moved, Director Yarbrough seconded. Five votes in favor, none against. Motion Carried

B. Approval: 1st Reading (30-Day Reading) – Rules & Regulations – Parks & Beaches – Section II – Parks and Beaches Rules – PB.2.10 – No Glass Containers.

Motion: Moved that the Board of Directors approve the 30-day reading of the new rule PB.2.10 – No Glass Containers. Director Yarbrough so moved, Director Haggerty seconded.

Subsidiary Motion: President Eilers moved that the Board of Directors table the 30-day reading of the new rule PB.2.10 – No Glass Containers until July 1, 2014 and delete the word “parks” from the new rule. Director Yarbrough seconded.

Resolution: The subsidiary motion to table the 30-day reading of the new rule PB.2.10 – No Glass Containers until July 1, 2014 and delete the word “parks” from the new rule was put to vote. Five votes in favor, none against. Subsidiary Motion To Table Carried

The motion to approve the 30-day reading of the new rule PB.2.10 – No Glass Containers was put to vote. No votes in favor, five against. Motion Fails

C. Approval: 3rd Reading (30-Day Reading) – Rules & Regulations – General Rules – Section V – Rules for Motor Vehicles – GR.5.3a – Restrictions for parking of any vehicle for sale.

Motion / Resolution: Moved that the Board of Directors table the 30-day reading of the revised rule GR.5.3a – Restrictions for parking of any vehicle for sale. Director Haggerty so moved, Director Yarbrough seconded. Five votes in favor, none against. Motion to Table Carried

D. Approval: Sale of the Old Marine Patrol Boats

Motion / Resolution: Moved that the Board of authorize the General Manager to work with staff to sell the 2001 Bayliner Trophy Boat (CF7303UB), 2005 Lowe Pontoon Boat (CF2789RC), and the 2006 Lowe Pontoon Boat (CF4891RL). Director Yarbrough so moved, Director Gordon seconded. Five votes in favor, none against. Motion Carried

E. Funding Request: Boat Replacement from Reserves

Motion / Resolution: Moved that the Board approve the replacement of the Trophy boat with the purchase of a “wakeless” boat that is better suited for the East Bay due to its size, maneuverability, and ability to get through the East Bay quickly without causing a large wake. Funding is not to exceed $22,000 from the Repair and Replacement reserves, line item 1902. Director Haggerty so moved, Director Yarbrough seconded. Five votes in favor, none against. Motion Carried

F. Funding Request: Emergency Replacement of 3-Ton Air Conditioning Unit

Motion / Resolution: Moved that the Board approve the funding for the replacement of the Air Conditioning Unit for the Magnolia Room in the amount of $3,500 from Operating to Repair and Replacement. Director Yarbrough so moved, Director Haggerty seconded. Five votes in favor, none against. Motion Carried

G. Funding Request: Purchase of 2-Full Size Trucks and 1-Flatbed Truck

Motion / Resolution: Moved that the Board approve the request for the purchase of 2-full size trucks and 1-flatbed truck in the amount not to exceed $98,000 from the Reserve Fund. Director Yarbrough so moved, President Eilers seconded. Five votes in favor, none against. Motion Carried

Discussion Items


Next Meeting

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Director Yarbrough moved to adjourn the meeting, Director Spitzer seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

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