COUNTY OF FREMONT ) February 3, 2015
The Board of Fremont County Commissioners met in Regular Session at 9:00 a.m. with the following members present: Vice-Chairman Keja Whiteman, Travis Becker, Larry Allen and Ray Price. Chairman Douglas L. Thompson was absent for professional reasons. County Clerk and Clerk of the Board Julie A. Freese was present for the meeting.
Ray Price moved, Travis Becker seconded, to approve the Agenda as amended. Motion carried unanimously.
Ray Price moved, Travis Becker seconded, to approve the Minutes of the Special Meeting held on January 5, 2015. Commissioner Allen abstained due to his absence at said meeting. Motion carried. Larry Allen moved, Ray Price seconded, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held on January 20, 2015. Commissioner Whiteman abstained due to her absence at said meeting. Motion carried.
Travis Becker moved, Larry Allen seconded, to accept the regular bills for payment, with the exception of a voucher to LGLP, pending clarification. Motion carried unanimously. Later in the meeting, Larry Allen moved, Ray Price seconded, to approve the voucher to LGLP from the Ambulance Service. Motion carried unanimously.
Department Name
Invoice Description
Total Cost
Ace Hardware-Lander
Ace Hardware-Riverton
Ahlers & Company
Family Planning Services
License & Support
Airgas Intermountain, Inc
Vehicle Maintenance
Albany County Clerk of Dist Court
Child Support
Allied 100 LLC
County Sheriff
Alsco Inc
County Buildings
American Family & Life Insurance
American Heritage Life Insurance
American Red Cross of Wyoming
Health Nurse
First Aid Instructor
Amerigas Propane LP
County Buildings
Anda Inc
Public Health
Arcasearch Corporation
County Clerk
Digitizing County Records
Atlantic City F.C.U.
AXA Equitable Life Insurance
AXA Equitable PEDC
B I Inc
County Jail
Monthly Charges
Bailey Enterprises, Inc
Bank of the West
Investment Pool
Bank Charges
Bender, David S.
Fremont County Ambulance
Ambulance Consultant
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming
Co Admin
Health Ins Claims/Insurance
Bob Barker Company, Inc
County Jail
Inmate Supplies
Bob’s Fire & Safety
County Sheriff
Extinguisher Services
Bull’s Service & Towing LLC
Vehicle Maintenance
Capital Business Systems, Inc
Supplies & Maintenance Contract
Carquest Auto Parts
Fremont Co EMS/Vehicle Mtce
Agriculture Dept/Dispatch Center
Charter Communications
Internet Provider
Child Support Services/ORS
Child Support
Circuit Court of the 3rd Judicial Dist
Citron Fire Mitigation LLC
Forest Reserve
Vehicle Maintenance
Parts & Supplies
Colonial Life & Accident Insurance
Communication Technologies Inc
Maintenance Agreement,Repairs
Davis Funeral Home
Health & Welfare
Indigent Burial
Desert Mountain Corporation
Ice Slicer
Div of Criminal Investigation
Fremont County Ambulance
Background Check
Mortimore Lane Reconstruction
Change Order 3
Dubois Hardware Co
Fremont County Ambulance
Dubois Telephone Exchange
Eagle Uniform & Supply Co
Vehicle Maintenance
Laundry Services
Eaton Sales & Service, LLC
Fuel Facility
Parts & Supplies
Eggleston, Bobby
County Sheriff
Reimburse Expenses
Encana Natural Gas, Inc
CNG Costs
Farmer Bros. Co.
County Jail
Fastenal Company
Transportation/Vehicle Mtce
Federal Express Corp
Shipping Fees
First Interstate Bank
Credit Card Charges
Food Services of America
County Jail
Prisoner Board
Dispatch Center
Reimburse Expenses
Fremont Chevrolet GMC
Vehicle Maintenance
Fremont County Ambulance
County Jail
Inmate Medical
Fremont County Clerk of Dist Court
Child Support
Fremont County Solid Waste
County Buildings
Dump Fees
Fremont County Treasurer
Co Admin
Health Insurance
Fremont County Treasurer
Co Admin
Fremont County Treasurer
Co Admin
Section 125 Benefits
Fremont Motor Riverton Inc
Fremont Co EMS/Vehicle Mtce
Fremont Motors – Lander
Vehicle Maintenance
Gerard, Jonathan M.
Public Defender
Globalstar USA
Search & Rescue
Satellite Phone Service
County Buildings
Great American Financial
Greenwood Mapping Inc
County Elections
Sample Ballot To Mapserver
Hammer Electronics
Agriculture Dept/Co Attorney
Harnsberger, H Scott
County Treasurer
Reim. Expenses
Hasco Industrial Supply
Vehicle Maintenance
Parts & Supplies
Healthsmart Benefit Solutions
High Plains Power, Inc
Fremont Co EMS/Buildings
Hometown Oil Co
Vehicle Maintenance
Health Nurse/Supplement
County Health Officer
Horizon Laboratory LLC
County Coroner
Toxicology Fees
Hudak, Jere
County Clerk
Courier Service
Inberg-Miller Engineers
Contractual Services
Inland Truck Parts Co.
Vehicle Maintenance
Jack’s Saw Shop Inc
Jack’s Truck & Equipment
Vehicle Maintenance
James Gores & Associates, P.C.
Wyoming Canal Bridge Relocation
Engineering Services
John Deere Financial
Transportation/Vehicle Mtce
Johnson Controls, Inc
Fixed Asset Acquisitions
Lander, City of
Water & Sewer/Air Service Task Force
Lander’s Main St Car Wash LLC
Vehicle Maintenance
Wash Time
Lawson Products, Inc
Vehicle Maintenance
Parts & Supplies
Local Govertnment Liability Pool
Fremont County Ambulance
Meadow Gold Dairies Inc
County Jail
Inmate Board
Media Works, Inc
Transportation/Vehicle Mtce
Meridian Trust F.C.U.
MHL Systems
Cutting Edges
Mid-Amer Research Chemical
Vehicle Maintenance
Midwest Cancer Screening
Family Planning Services
Screening Services
Moore Medical, LLC
Fremont County Ambulance
Medical Supplies
Mountain States Lithographing LLC
Historic Preservation Commission
Historical Books
Mr D’s Food Center Inc
NAPA Auto Parts-Lander
Fremont Co EMS/Vehicle Mtce
Parts & Supplies
NAPA Auto Parts-Riverton
Fremont Co EMS/Vehicle Mtce
Parts & Supplies
National Food Group Inc
County Jail
Inmate Board
New York Life Insurance
County Buildings
Norco Inc
Transportation/Vehicle Mtce
Office Ally LLC
Family Planning Services
Insurance Processing
Office Shop, The
Service Agreement
One Stop Market
Vehicle Maintenance
Vehicle Washes
OR Dept. of Justice
Child Support
Orchard Trust Company
Wyoming Benefits
O’Reilly Automotive Inc
County Buildings
Equipment & Supplies
Peterbilt of Wyoming
Vehicle Maintenance
Plainsman Printing & Supply
Clerk of District Court
File Cabinet / Supplies
Power Equipment Company
Quill Corporation
Office / Computer Supplies
R C Lock & Key
Fremont Co EMS/Buildings
Keys,Supplies & Services
R T Communications
Telephone Services
Radar Shop Inc
County Sheriff
Radar Certification
Ratigan, Daniel, M.D.
County Jail
P.A. Supervisor Contract
Reed’s Moghaun Office Supply
Office Supplies
Reynolds,Terry L.
County Jail
Inmate Uniform Repair
Riverton Physician Practices LLC
Drug Testing
Riverton Ranger, Inc
Riverton Tire & Oil Co Inc
Fremont Co EMS/Vehicle Mtce
Riverton, City of
1% Infrastructure Projects
Riverview Road Reconstruction
Riverton, City of
Fremont Co EMS/Buildings
Schoneberger, Valerie
Public Defender
Public Defender Rent
Maintenance & Supplies
Shortgrass Hospitality LLC
Shoshoni,Town of
412 West 1st Water/Sewer
Smith,Julaine E.
Juvenile Treatment Court
Reimburse Expenses
Snyder, David
Reimburse Expenses
Staples Advantage
Co Clerk/Co Commission
State of Wyoming
Public Defender
Office Rent
Stevens, Cynthia B. MD
Clinical Supervision
Stroupe Pest Control Inc
County Buildings
Pest Control
Sweetwater Aire LLC
Symbol Arts LLC
County Coroner
Terrance R. Martin PC
Public Defender
Office Rent
Total Net Salaries
Tufts University Health
Agriculture Department
T-Y Excavation Inc
Road Maintenance
Tyler Technologies Inc
County Clerk
Union Telephone Company
County Sheriff
Cellphone Charges
V-1 Propane
Buildings/Fremont Co EMS
Valley Lumber & Supply Co Inc
Vaughn, Abbigail
County Attorney
Reimburse Expenses
Verizon Wireless
Cellphone Provider
Washington St Support Reg.
Child Support
West Payment Center
District Court
Library Plan Charges
Western Printing, Inc
Printed Supplies
Wilkerson, James A, IV, MD, PC
County Coroner
Witmer Public Safety Group Inc
County Coroner
Wy Dept of Health
Health Nurse
2nd Quarter Payroll
Wy Public Health Laboratory
Family Planning Services
Lab Fees/Supplies
Child Support
Wyo Child Support Enforcement
Child Support
Wyo Dept of Workforce Service
Co Admin
Workers Comp
Wyoming Dept of Transportation
Wyoming Machinery Co
Vehicle Maintenance
Parts & Service
Wyoming Retirement System
Co Admin
Internet Svcs
Ray Price moved, Larry Allen seconded, to accept vouchers from SageWest Health Care in the amounts of $2,975 and $23,800 for Title 25 patients. Motion carried unanimously.
The following items in the Signature File were reviewed: 1) Amended Administrative Services Agreement with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming (action postponed until the following meeting, pending further information); 2) Abatement Summary Cover sheet; 3) Record of Proceeding; 4) Checklist for Professional Exemption “Standard” Test for Planning Director; 5) Fremont County Bank of the West Credit Card Applications for Margy Irvine and J.R. Oakley (credit limit adjustments only); and 6) Employee information sheets for two newly hired Truck Drivers. Travis Becker moved, Larry Allen seconded, to approve the annual contract for the Fremont County Family Planning Medical Director, Justin Hopkin, M.D. Motion carried unanimously. Travis Becker moved, Ray Price seconded, to approve Certificate of Rights-of-Way with Mortimore Lane landowners for temporary and permanent construction easements. Motion carried unanimously.
The following items in the Priority Mail were addressed: Lou’s Midvale Store had requested a dispensing room change on their Retail Liquor License from the current 28’ x 31’ room in the southeast corner of the building to a 1,628 square foot room encompassing the entire building. Larry Allen moved, Ray Price seconded, to approve the dispensing room description as requested. Motion carried unanimously.
A request from the City of Riverton was reviewed in which they requested the County make application to the State of Wyoming for Federal Natural Resource Policy Account funding. They are seeking reimbursement of legal fees associated with the EPA ruling of $16,512.50 and copy fees of $1,088.85. The FNRPA funds are only available for application by the state, state agencies or a county, who can then reimburse the City as requested. Larry Allen moved, Ray Price seconded, to submit an application on behalf of the City of Riverton for the fees associated with the EPA ruling. Voting against the motion: Keja Whiteman. Motion carried.
A request for de-annexation from the City of Lander by Henry Bartell, Jr. was reviewed. Deputy County Attorney Jodi Darrough asked that this be postponed until the following week in order to get additional time for her to prepare the required report from the County.
The Board acknowledged a letter from the Department of Revenue listing the following County Assessor employees who have received Property Tax Appraiser certificates who have met educational requirements pursuant to Wyoming Statute Department of Revenue rule: Lisa Back, Tara Berg, Maureen Cole, Yvonne Facinelli, Dave Geible, Michel Klaassen, Lesli Miller and Angela Wilson. The Board expressed appreciation and will forward their letter of appreciation as well.
The Board will ask Commissioner Thompson to review Encana permit renewals for two existing Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality authorized soil treatment facilities.
Fremont County Attorney Patrick LeBrun and Deputy Jodi Darrough reviewed an outdated Contract with the City of Riverton to provide a municipal court attorney for the sum of $3,500 per month. The Contract, following expiration, is proceeding on a month-to-month basis at this time. LeBrun recommended renewal of the Contract which makes it possible for an additional attorney in the Riverton office which has proven to be very effective. The Board was in agreement; however, asked LeBrun to review caseload vs. time constraints of this position to make sure the agreement cost is meeting the cost of doing business.
Transportation Superintendent Dave Pendleton was joined by James Gores and Associates Engineers Eric Carr and Brendan Thoman to review results of the Public Open House Meeting held at the North Portal Fire Hall regarding the Tunnel Hill Road Realignment project. This project was approved for 1% funding in the amount of $1.3 million. Three options were presented for the route: Route A – shortest route; Route B – Utilize existing road; and Route C – Combination. Of the thirteen attendees, eight selected Route A; two selected Route B and three had no comment. Pendleton asked the Board to concur on a preferred Route so that engineering design can commence. Ray Price moved, Larry Allen seconded, to accept Route A. Motion carried unanimously. James Gores and Associates assembled a preliminary cost estimate for Route A which totaled $1,764,849. As Encana is operating in this area, the majority of federal NEPA and environmental clearances are already in place; however, a Bureau of Reclamation easement will need to be applied for on the roadway. Materials from Lost Wells Butte property will be used for surfacing the road. Big R Manufacturing provided a materials cost estimate for a 30’ x 70’ steel bridge at $136,000 for crossing the Wyoming Canal. Pendleton estimated the project going out for bid in late 2015 or early 2016.
Trihydro Engineer Jeff Young gave an update on the North 2nd Street Road Realignment and Reconstruction project. Due to additional office and field work and time required to complete the project, he submitted Amendment No. 1 in the amount of $6,600, which would make the final Trihydro cost total $60,600. This includes out–of-scope work already completed, as well as his estimate for work remaining. The Commissioners had questions regarding the road being closed by the contractor to thru traffic, traffic control costs approved in the contract, etc. Young stated final reporting will require proof of expenses relating to the traffic control budgeted item of $26,000. Larry Allen moved, Ray Price seconded, to approve the Trihydro Amendment No. 1 in the amount of $6,600. Voting against the motion: Travis Becker, who felt the engineering costs were high compared to the overall reconstruction project. Motion carried.
Dave Pendleton stated the immediate need for replacement of a culvert on West Powerline Road, crossing Five Mile Creek. He presented a Preliminary Opinion of Probable Project Costs totaling $50,548 and stated Road Construction Funds are available. He estimated he would close the road for one week to perform the work, which will require excavating 25’ fill over the top of the 120’ culvert, as well as armoring the slope to prevent further eroding. Ray Price moved, Travis Becker seconded, to approve the West Powerline Culvert Replacement. Motion carried unanimously. Pendleton stated he intends to begin within the next several weeks
In final business, Dave Pendleton stated the Oil Springs Road is nearly impassable in inclement weather, and receives major oilfield and agricultural usage. A free gravel source has been identified; however, hauling 23 miles and placing on the road will be the costs to the county. He recommended using six county trucks and contracting with another six to ten trucks to haul the 8,000 yards of required material. He will look at funding sources and project costs and report back.
Commissioner Allen relayed a concern he received for a landowner on Wilson Road, which is located off of Clothesline Road. The landowner requested a lower speed limit. Dave Pendleton will research the matter.
A Public Hearing was held at 10:00 a.m., as advertised, regarding an application for a new County Retail Malt Beverage Permit submitted by Lysite Corner Store LLC d/b/a Lysite Corner Store. Applicants Katherine and Michael McCoy and Kenneth Morein were present. All requirements have been met by the applicant and there was no comment from the audience. The renewal process has already begun for Fremont County liquor licensees for the upcoming license year (April 15, 2015 – April 15, 2016) and Administrative Secretary Becky Enos informed the Board that Barbara Muir d/b/a Lysite Store had informed her she would not be seeking renewal of her County Retail Malt Beverage Permit for the upcoming year. Larry Allen moved, Ray Price seconded, to approve the new County Retail Malt Beverage Permit for Lysite Corner Store. Motion carried unanimously.
Fremont County Coroner Mark Stratmoen was present for a monthly update. A Memorandum of Understanding with the Bureau of Land Management regarding discovery, recovery and disposition of human remains found on Federal Lands. All Coroner employees have received and accepted both updated Coroner and County Policy and Procedure Manuals. He gave an update on “Unclaimed Remains” disposition. Document destruction has taken place in compliance with Wyoming State Archive guidelines and retention schedules. He reviewed disposal of old equipment. He is in the process of developing a process for cash handling procedures with the Treasurer’s Office. The Chief Deputy will be receiving advanced training and an ongoing project is resolution on morgue storage fees. The Board expressed their appreciation to Coroner Stratmoen for the update.
Fremont County Wellness Coordinator Penny Fahey was joined by Executive Health Insurance Committee representative Margy Irvine to discuss a Wellness Program Progress Report. Since July of 2014, 29 new participants have been added to the Premium Reduction Program, increasing the total number of participants to 418. During the same time period, the county has added 37 new members to the insurance program. There are currently 96 active members of the Prescription Coverage Program (increasing from 91 in July 2014). Participants receiving incentives are 57, totaling $15,375.00 (44% participation). Irvine encouraged everyone to log on to the Extracon Program that Fahey is using for very helpful and informative information.
Fremont County Fair Manager Barney Cosner reviewed the polished concrete project just completed in the former gymnasium area of the Fremont Center. The project was a priority for the Fair Board as relating to safety and aesthetics; however, had not been budgeted for. Cosner stated the project total was $33,600, of which Friends of the Fair have contributed $14,800, leaving a balance of $18,750. He presented an official request from the Fair Board to authorize them to borrow this amount from the Fair Cash Reserve account. The amount borrowed would then be repaid. Operational Cash Reserves for Offline Board procedures was reviewed and County Clerk Julie Freese recommended the amount be paid out of the Fair’s general budget and see where they end up at the end of the fiscal year, at which time an infusion could be made as necessary. She further stated she would be meeting with all Off Line Boards to review their budget prior to presentation to the Commission for the upcoming fiscal year. Travis Becker moved, Ray Price seconded, to authorize the Fair Board to pay $18,750 to Polished Concrete of Wyoming from their general fund and their budget would be monitored and infused, if necessary, prior to the end of the fiscal year. Motion carried unanimously. Cosner also updated the Board on damages to a corner fence, which has been driven into four times now. Cost to repair is estimated to be $1,600 and will be done when weather permits.
County Clerk Julie Freese had reviewed the County Pool Vehicle Policy and stated the need to address issues of commuting to work in personal vehicles. As a result, she had drafted a Mileage Reimbursement Policy for review and had been amended with suggested changes. Following review, Travis Becker moved, Larry Allen seconded, to approve the Mileage Reimbursement Policy as finalized. Motion carried unanimously.
County Planner Steve Baumann presented a proposed plat for Shearer Subdivision, a four lot simple subdivision located on Longview Lane, approximately two miles northwest of the City of Lander. The Planning Commission approved the plat with the addition of a statement that read “due to soil conditions small waste water systems designed by a professional engineer may be required to service the lot within the subdivision.” Travis Becker moved, Ray Price seconded, to approve Shearer Simple Subdivision. Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Meeting reports were given:
Commissioner Price will attend the monthly meeting on the Library Board and Lander Court Security meeting this week.
Commissioner Becker attended the Historic Preservation Commission meeting several weeks ago where they are working on restoring Simpson Cabins, located above Dubois. This project requires Forest Service approval. The Planning Commission is reviewing Subdivision Rules and Regulations and has scheduled a full day work session February 26th. On February 9th at 10:00 a.m. a Countywide Consensus Block Grant meeting has been scheduled. He has been working with the Fremont County Justice Center architect and Building Maintenance Supervisor J.R. Oakley regarding cabling for the Center. RFP’s were sent to 12 entities and eight were returned and he expects to make a final recommendation next week.
Commissioner Allen stated the Airport Board meeting did not have a quorum. He attended a meeting with Indian Health Services the previous day with Commissioner Whiteman. While in Cheyenne last week at the Wyoming County Commissioners Association Legislative Meeting, he met with State Lands to begin talks about a pauper’s gravesite for Fremont County.
Vice-Chairman Whiteman stated the Extension Office is experiencing some telephone difficulties. She attended the meeting with Indian Health Service representatives the previous day.
Emergency Management Coordinator Kathi Metzler reminded the Board of the Fremont County National Incident Management System (NIMS) Training Plan. Federal mandates require all county personnel be appropriately trained in the NIMS and prepared to effectively and efficiently execute their county duties under the Plan. She reviewed training requirement for compliance and classroom hour requirements that would be required for the majority of county personnel: ICS 100 – 8 hours; ICS 200 – 12.5 hours and ICS 700 – 8 hours. Elected Officials and Department Heads would require additional training in ICS 300 – 18 hours and ICS 400 – 14 hours. She further presented a list of employees in compliance, totaling 137. As these trainings represent a large amount of hours for Metzler as trainer, not including employee’s time, she was asked to continue researching the possibility of contracting the training out. She also reminded the board that the training is also available on-line. She was further given suggestions to set up satellite group sessions.
Bank of the West Financial Services Consultants Doris MacDonald and Charity Cowling requested permission to place promotional brochures as payroll inserts. They will complete the form and ensure the required disclosure is printed on their promotional materials. Larry Allen moved, Ray Price seconded, to approve the Payroll Inserts from Bank of the West. Motion carried unanimously.
County Clerk Julie Freese and Financial Assistant Jim Anderson discussed the upcoming FY 2015-2016 budget preparations. In March, Revenue and Assessed Valuation projections and budget projections will be available. They developed a new budget packet and demonstrated a power point presentation. The Commissioners will need to draft their letter, consider what they want to say regarding salaries, benefits, etc. The 5-Year plan was discussed and the Commissioners had some discussion on what they liked to see and what was helpful to them with this plan. More direction may be needed so that every department is submitting like information for comparison purposes. Julie restated that they will be working with all offline boards before their budget packets are presented to the Commissioners. She distributed a preliminary schedule of budget hearings and stated the board would need to consider if they wished Social Services to present their budgets personally. This information will be presented to the Elected Officials and Department Heads during the regular monthly meeting on February 9th. Vice-Chairman Whiteman asked for discussion on the 5-Year plan with that group.
Vehicle Maintenance Supervisor Glen Steers gave a COG update, and more specifically, the possibility of a fueling site in Fremont County. Administrative Assistant Pennie Buffington was in the audience, and they have held conference calls with other counties and the State of Wyoming who have experience in this area. Steers proposed building a CNG fueling site in Lander that would not compete with private industry but would allow all governmental entities to use. By State Statute, the State of Wyoming entities will replace 50% of their fleet (as replacements occur) with CNG vehicles, and Steers recommended the county only purchase CNG vehicles in the future in addition to the eight already in the fleet, when applicable. Cost savings of these vehicles in the fleet was discussed. The Board was generally receptive to researching the idea and gets more concrete costs and ideas from counties with such a site. Once this information is available for the Board’s review, the next step would possibly be enlisting the help of the Fremont County Association of Governments grant writer to look for funding opportunities.
Travis Becker moved, Ray Price seconded, to adjourn into Executive Session with Susan Shipley for personnel. Motion carried unanimously. Once the session with Shipley was completed, discussion continued on finalizing an evaluation for a Department Head. Following that session, Vehicle Maintenance Supervisor Glen Steers was present for personnel. Travis Becker moved, Larry Allen seconded, to return to Regular Session. Motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business, Travis Becker moved, Larry Allen seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 3:50 p.m. and reconvene for a Regular meeting on February 10, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. Motion carried unanimously.