
STATE OF WYOMING         )                                                                                            LANDER, WYOMING


COUNTY OF FREMONT      )                                                                                                     February 10, 2015

The Board of Fremont County Commissioners met in Regular Session at 9:00 a.m. with the following members present:  Chairman Douglas L. Thompson, Vice-Chairman Keja Whiteman, Travis Becker, Larry Allen and Ray Price.  County Clerk and Clerk of the Board Julie A. Freese was present for the meeting.

Travis Becker moved, Ray Price seconded, to approve the Agenda as amended.  Motion carried unanimously.

Larry Allen moved, Ray Price seconded, to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on February 3, 2015.  Commissioner Thompson abstained due to his absence at said meeting.  Motion carried.

Larry Allen moved, Ray Price seconded, to accept the regular bills for payment, with the exception of a voucher needing clarification.  Travis Becker abstained from voting on The Print Shop voucher.  Motion carried.   Following clarification on a voucher to Timothy Hillger, Travis Becker moved, Ray Price seconded, to approve the voucher for towing expenses.  Motion carried unanimously.


Department Name

Invoice Description

Total Cost

A. D. Martin Lumber, Co

Vehicle Maintenance



Ace Hardware-Lander

Buildings/Vehicle Maintenance



Ace Hardware-Riverton

Buildings/Fremont County EMS



Airgas Intermountain, Inc


Safety Supplies



County Commission

Reimburse Expenses



County Buildings




Fremont County WIC

Reimburse Expenses


Bank of the West


Credit Card Purchases



County Commission

Reimburse Expenses


Big Horn Water




Bill’s Quality Auto Glass

Vehicle Maintenance

Windshield Repair


Bloedorn Lumber-Lander

County Buildings



Bloedorn Lumber-Riverton


Materials & Supplies


Bowdel Steven P.

County Jail

Medical Services


Business Mailing Solutions, Inc

Support Services

Ink Cartridge


Capital Business Systems, Inc

Clerk of District Court/Co Treasurer

Supplies & Service Contracts


Communication Technologies, Inc

Support Services

Maintenance Agreement,Repairs


Consumer Reports

Agriculture Department



Deluxe for Business

Clerk of District Court

Printed Supplies


Eagle Uniform & Supply Co

Vehicle Maintenance

Laundry Services


First Interstate Bank


Credit Card Purchases


Fremont Motors – Lander

Fremont Co EMS/Vehicle Mtce



Hammer Enterprises Inc

Fremont County Ambulance

Shredding Files


Hillger, Timothy B.

Vehicle Maintenance



HTO Chemical Company, LLC

County Buildings



I-State Truck Center

Vehicle Maintenance



John Deere Financial




K-Mart 4837

Fremont County Ambulance




Fremont County WIC

Reimburse Expenses


Lander’s Main St Car Wash, LLC

County Buildings

Wash Time


Lannan’s Supply Co

County Assessor

Computer Supplies


Lawson Products, Inc

Vehicle Maintenance

Parts & Supplies


Lee,Mary E.


MRT Training


LM Olson, Inc.

Fremont County Justice Center

Contractual Services


Malcolm, Alex

Agriculture Department

Reim. Expenses


Moore Medical, LLC

Fremont County WIC

Medical Supplies


Mr D’s Food Center, Inc

Buildings/Juv Det Alternatives



National Assoc. of Counties

County Commission

Conference Registration


Noble Medical, Inc

CAST/Juvenile Treatment Court

Drug Testing Supplies



Buildings/Fremont County EMS



Nutrition Matters, Inc

Fremont County WIC

Educational Handouts


Office Shop, The


Service Agreement


Pavillion, Town of

County Buildings



Perry’s Truck & Diesel, Inc

Vehicle Maintenance

Parts & Supplies


Peterbilt of Wyoming

Vehicle Maintenance




Agriculture Department

Box Rent


Price, Raymond

County Commission

Reimburse Expenses


Print Shop, The

County Coroner

Print Cartridges


Quill Corporation

County Assessor

Office / Computer Supplies


R C Lock & Key

County Buildings



Riverton Physician Practices LLC


Drug Testing


Riverton Ranger, Inc

Support Services



Rocky Mountain Boilers, Inc

County Buildings



Rocky Mountain Power




Rocky Mountain Wash LLC

County Coroner

Wash Time


SageWest Health Care

Health & Welfare

Title 25


Shirts & More, Inc

Juvenile Detention Alternatives

Uniform Supplies


Shoshoni,Town of




Terminix of Wyoming

Fremont County Ambulance



Tweed’s Wholesale Co

Agriculture Dept/Fremont Co EMS



University of Wyoming

County Coroner

Forensic Exam


V-1 Propane

County Buildings



Western Printing, Inc


Printed Supplies


Whiteman, Keja

County Commission



Wilkerson, James A, IV, MD, PC

County Coroner



Wind River Awards

Co Assessor/Co Commission

Name Plates/Recognition Plaques


Woodworkers Supply, Inc

County Buildings



Wyoming Waste Systems

Buildings/Fremont County EMS

Trash Removal



The following items in the Signature File were reviewed:  1) letters of appreciation to Assessor staff receiving Property Tax Appraisal certificates; 2) Record of Proceedings; and 3) condolence card.  Keja Whiteman moved, Ray Price seconded, to approve the report to the City of Lander regarding a request from Henry Bartell, Jr. to de-annex.  Motion carried unanimously.  Keja Whiteman moved, Travis Becker seconded, to approve a Volunteers of America Reimbursement Request in the amount of $9,575.82.  Motion carried unanimously.  Keja Whiteman moved, Travis Becker seconded, to approve a letter to Governor Mead and the Joint Appropriations Committee waiving the bidding requirements for the design/engineering firm for the Riverton Library Roof and Drainage Project.  Motion carried unanimously.  Keja Whiteman moved, Larry Allen seconded, to approve an Amended Administrative Services Agreement with Blue Cross Blue Shield.  Motion carried unanimously.  Keja Whiteman moved, Travis Becker seconded, to approve a Fremont County Bank of the West Credit Card Application for Kim Collins and Kathi Metzler with a limit of $2,500 each.  Motion carried unanimously.  Keja Whiteman moved, Travis Becker seconded, to ratify letters to the Wyoming Department of Health on behalf of the Court Assisted Supervised Treatment and Juvenile Treatment Programs verifying FY 2014 funding levels from Fremont County.  Motion carried unanimously.  Keja Whiteman moved, Travis Becker seconded, to approve Resolution No. 2015-10 “Appointment of a Special Prosecutor”.  Motion carried unanimously.  (A complete document is on file in the Commissioners Office).  Travis Becker moved, Larry Allen seconded, to approve an Agreement between Fremont County Government and Xcite Audiovisuals, LLC for purchase and installation of an Audio Courtroom Technology system in the Fremont County Justice Center, not to exceed $28,410.59.  Motion carried unanimously.

A letter from the Vehicle Maintenance Supervisor was reviewed that updated the Board on a deer crash involving a 2006 Van assigned to the CAST/Juvenile Treatment Court program.  Three bids were received; however, the Department is recommending the unit be repaired in-house for approximately $1,433.34.  Larry Allen moved, Ray Price seconded, to approve the recommendation for in-house repairs.  Motion carried unanimously.

Sheriff Hornecker presented a monthly update.  There are 149 inmates on the total roster; two juveniles are housed out of county.  This compares to one year ago of 134 total inmates with five housed out of county.  Fifty-three of the total 149 inmates are sentenced.  There were 180 intakes recorded in January, 96 inmates are pre-adjudicated.  The Division of Emergency Communications still has two open positions.  The Dispatch Steering Committee is scheduled to meet February 11th and is made up of the administrators of the Dispatch User Agencies.  The main agenda topic will be upcoming budgetary concerns, reviewing the cost allocation formula and discussing agency contributions for the next fiscal year.  The DEC has also been busy with the 2014 year end reports and conducting the yearly review of procedures and training programs.    In recent weeks, extensive discussions have been held with Wyoming’s Data Analysis Specialist on different E-911 topics.  The one database issue has been resolved.

Detention has three vacant certified positions.  Sheriff Hornecker will discuss some ideas on filling these positions at budget time. Patrol/Enforcement had a resignation in the Riverton division and the position has been filled.  Detention had one inmate needing a major medical life flight to Billings.  In closing, Sheriff Hornecker stated the Commissioners could expect his yearend report by the end of the month.

Commissioner meeting reports were given:

Commissioner Allen met with State Lands and Investments Office in Cheyenne regarding ideas for locations within the County for indigent burials.  The suggestion of possibly using the Wind River Life Center’s cemetery was discussed and will be followed up on.

Commissioner Whiteman stated the Juvenile Task Force has three recommendations to present to the Commission and they will schedule a time on an upcoming agenda for their presentation.  She stated the Task Force may continue to meet quarterly to discuss personnel and ongoing issues.

Commissioner Becker met with interested entities (municipalities, off-line boards, special districts) the previous day to discuss potential projects for the Countywide Consensus Block Grant funding.  Projects totals submitted are $26,000 over the available amount of $2,252,628.  A prioritized list of projects will be finalized in the near future.

Commissioner Ray Price attended the monthly Library Board meeting.  He attended the Lander Court Security meeting where ADA issues were discussed on that side of the Courthouse (bathroom availability, handrails, etc.)  They will provide the Building Maintenance Supervisor with a list of concerns.

Commissioner Thompson will draft the grant application on behalf of the City of Riverton to the Governor’s Federal Natural Resource Policy Account requesting funding to reimburse the City for their legal expenses related to the EPA ruling.  He will further draft a letter to the Forest Service Superintendent Joe Alexander regarding the Historic Preservation Commission’s offer to assist with restoring the Simpson Lake Cabins near Dubois.

Public Notice had been given regarding the Board’s intent to review a franchise agreement with Bresnan Communications, LLC d/b/a Charter Communications.  Treasurer Scott Harnsberger was present in the audience, there was no public present.  Deputy County Attorney discussed the permit fee equal to three percent (3%) of gross revenues received by the Company.  Harnsberger provided a three year recap of the franchise revenue to Fremont County, of which all payments are current.  Ray Price moved, Larry Allen seconded, to approve the Renewal of Permit with Bresnan Communications, LLC to operate a cable television system within Fremont County for a five year term.  Motion carried unanimously.

Planning Supervisor Steve Baumann requested the addition of a Flood Zone layer to MAPSERVER.  The additional layer would cost $200 for the update with Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Floodplain and Floodway information.  Baumann stated there are a large number of properties near Lander, Dubois and Hudson that fall under the Floodplain Zoning Regulations and allowing accessibility to this information and how it relates to individual properties would help in understanding what areas of parcels are impacted by the Regulations.  Ray Price moved, Travis Becker seconded, to approve the addition of the Flood Zone layer to MAPSERVER at a cost of $200.00 with funding by the Planning Department.  Motion carried unanimously.  Baumann stated his Department will be sending letters to landowners located within the FEMA designated Special Flood Hazard Areas (floodplain) to provide better understanding of the issues related to flooding, as well as required compliance with the Fremont County Floodplain Zoning Regulations.  In other business, Baumann stated the GIS position will be vacant and requested permission to begin advertising.  Travis Becker moved, Keja Whiteman seconded, to approve the Department to begin advertising for the GIS position replacement.  Motion carried unanimously.

Fremont County Library Director Tracy Cook and Facilities Manager Tom Norwood were present to discuss project management of the Riverton Library Roof and Drainage Project.  Treasurer Scott Harnsberger and County Clerk Financial Assistant Jim Anderson were present.  Cook stated the Library Board has recommended that Norwood take on the role of Project Manager.  The Commission agreed; however, did not approve additional compensation for the extra duties and suggested Norwood could receive assistance from Building Maintenance Supervisor J.R. Oakley if necessary.  Change Orders were discussed and the process was determined that Norwood will discuss them with his liaison, Commissioner Price, who will relay to the Commission.  The Board did state that Norwood should have the ability to approve change orders under $5,000 without seeking Commission approval, however would still like him to discuss them with Commissioner Price and Oakley, who could provide a second opinion.  The County Clerk’s Office had suggested the costs be set up under two projects (roof and drainage) for accurate cost accounting.  The Board agreed that Norwood should also serve as “Clerk of the Works” and be allowed to sign vouchers after verification the work has been completed.  Harnsberger stated a worksheet for grants is available and he and his Deputy, Jim Massman, would be available as well to ensure appropriate paperwork is completed for the two grants received for this project (Mineral Royalty Grant and Countywide Consensus Block Grant).   Keja Whiteman moved, Ray Price seconded, to appoint Tom Norwood as Clerk of the Works with a $5,000 threshold for change order approval authorization.  Motion carried unanimously.

Keja Whiteman moved, Ray Price seconded, to adjourn into Executive Session with Public Health Nurse Manger for personnel to review her annual performance evaluation.  Motion carried unanimously.  Following the session with Twist, the board remained in Executive Session for personnel.  Travis Becker moved, Larry Allen seconded, to return to Regular Session. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Whiteman was absent from a portion of the following session.

A work session was held with Fremont County EMS Director Joe Zillmer regarding sustainability of the Ambulance Service in Fremont County.  Also present at the table was Deputy Treasurer Jim Massman, Financial Assistant Jim Anderson and Chief Todd Smith.  Present in the audience were Treasurer Scott Harnsberger, Captain Kelly Shaffer and Administrative Assistant Kendra Bogacz.  Zillmer began the discussion by stating there will be four scenarios presented; however, in all of them, staffing and benefits account for 68% of the costs.  Massman and Anderson had assisted Zillmer in the spreadsheets showing comparative statements of revenues, expenses and changes in net assets, projected out until 2019.  The first scenario (status quo) is four two 24-hour ambulances in Riverton and one in Lander and Dubois that showed cash on hand the end of this fiscal year at $40,399 with decreasing amounts for 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 of $(1,117,661); $(2,523,061); $(4,094,661) and $(5,446,961) respectively.  A second scenario was for Advanced Life Support, and has two 24-hour ambulances in Riverton and Lander and one in Dubois, which shows a deficit of $(10,282,880) for 2019 and another scenario for Basic Life Support shows a deficit of $(8,949,454) for 2019 and would have two 24-hour ambulances in Riverton and Lander and one in Dubois.  The final scenario is for one 24-hour ambulance in Lander and Riverton, 10 hour shift in Dubois seven days/week from 8:00 am – 6:00 pm; one shift in Riverton from 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. five days/week, with a mixture of ALS and BLS staff.  Variables with each scenario was discussed, such as usable life of capital assets based on an 8-15 year life based on where the ambulances are located, Medicare reimbursement levels based on level of care provided (BLS vs. ALS), etc.  Smith gave a history of the declining volunteer pool on which to draw from, the trainings and classes offered and dropout rate, etc.

Sustainability of a full time ambulance in Dubois was discussed and statistics indicate 1.2 calls per 48 hours totaling 200/year.  Based on call volume, Zillmer stated it would be more appropriate to move the Dubois ambulance to Ethete.  Working with Fire Departments, Police Departments, etc. to train their officers on BLS and ALS measures would be helpful.  Commissioner Whiteman and Allen are working on meeting with leaders on the Wind River Indian Reservation who are discussing the establishment of an ambulance facility on the Reservation which would help alleviate calls and response time workload for the Fremont County EMS system.  Smith stated the County currently has 14 ambulances, some located in outlying areas that have responders available.  He stated the location of them as follows:   four in Lander and Riverton, two in Dubois and one each in Shoshoni, Jeffrey City, Kinnear, for a total of 13 in the County, with the 14th unit down for repairs.  Following discussion, Zillmer will work on another scenario by using call volumes per area, locations of responders and areas with support from other agencies (law enforcement, fire, etc.).  In closing, Zillmer expressed appreciation to Jim Massman and Jim Anderson for helping put together the four scenarios presented and they will continue to work on another one with the suggested components stated above.

County Clerk Julie Freese and Financial Assistant Jim Anderson reviewed the discussion the previous day with Elected Officials and Department Heads regarding components of last year’s budget packet request from the Commissioners (performance measures, priority list and 5-year plan).  Freese suggested making the performance measure optional and combine the priority list and five year plan into one document.  Revenues and Assessed Valuation figures are not available yet; however, Assessor Berg anticipates the valuation figures will hold steady this year and show a drop next year.  The Commissioners discussed the items they would put together for a cover letter to be included with the budget packets (asking that budgets stay as close as possible to last year, etc.).  Julie stated that J.R. Oakley will be presenting a draft plan of possible County office moves to the former Riverton Court building, once the Fremont County Justice Center is operational this summer.  She suggested related costs be incurred in Oakley’s budget and not the individual departments.  Social Services budgets will not require a hearing again this year, unless specifically asked for by the agency.

There being no further business, Travis Becker moved, Larry Allen seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 3:50 p.m. and reconvene for a Regular meeting on February 17, 2015 at 9:00 a.m.  Motion carried unanimously.





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