COUNTY OF FREMONT ) September 2, 2014
The Board of Fremont County Commissioners met in Regular Session at 9:00 a.m. with the following members present: Chairman Douglas L. Thompson, Vice-Chairman Keja Whiteman, Travis Becker, Stephanie Kessler and Larry Allen. County Clerk and Clerk of the Board Julie A. Freese was present for the meeting.
Travis Becker moved, Larry Allen seconded, to approve the Agenda, as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Travis Becker moved, Larry Allen seconded, to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held August 19, 2014. Motion carried unanimously.
Larry Allen moved, Stephanie Kessler seconded, to accept the regular bills for payment, with the exception of a voucher to Dave’s Asphalt. Motion carried unanimously. Building Maintenance Supervisor J.R. Oakley requested time to re-negotiate a cost on the voucher prior to approval.
Name Department Name Invoice Description Total Cost
4-Winds Motel Agriculture Department Lodging $875.00
Ace Hardware-Lander Fremont County Ambulance Materials/Supplies $9.45
Ace Hardware-Riverton Transportation Materials/Supplies $14.95
Albany County Circuit Court Payroll Deduction $902.77
Albany County Clerk of District Court Payroll Child Support $829.46
Alldata Vehicle Maintenance Subscription $1,500.00
Allen, Patrick C Md/Pc County Coroner Autopsy Fees $2,105.00
Alsco Inc County Buildings Laundry $106.06
American Family & Life Insurance Segregated Insurance $7,093.00
American Heritage Life Insurance Segregated Insurance $127.56
American Red Cross of Wyoming Health Nurse Training $19.00
Amos, James A. District Court Jury Duty $55.50
Atlantic City F.C.U. Segregated Savings $610.00
AXA Equitable Life Insurance Segregated Insurance $71.42
AXA Equitable Pedc Segregated Annuity $850.00
B & T Fire Extinguishers Inc Vehicle Maintenance Extinguisher Services $214.00
Bank of the West Investment Pool Bank Charges $1,608.08
Barry, Wayne A. District Court Jury Duty $65.00
Beddoes, Paul County Jail Reimburse Expenses $40.95
Bennett, Ginger District Court Jury Duty $60.00
Bill’s Quality Auto Glass Vehicle Maintenance Windshield Repair $25.00
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming Co Admin Health Insurance $29,329.95
Blumenshine, Ron County Jail Reimburse Expenses $170.00
Bohlender, Courtney V. District Court Jury Duty $177.00
Bowdel Steven P. County Jail Medical Services $1,856.25
Bull’s Service & Towing Llc Vehicle Maintenance Services $46.15
Burlingham, Ralph W. District Court Jury Duty $165.00
Business Mailing Solutions, Inc Support Services Postage Machine Repair $310.00
Cady, Barbara County Elections Reimburse Expenses $33.50
Campbell, Chera L. District Court Jury Duty $210.00
Capital Business Systems, Inc Computer/Fremont Co Ambulance Supplies & Mtce Contract $1,531.00
Carquest Auto Parts Fr Co Ambulance/Vehicle Mtce Parts & Supplies $1,143.77
CD Signs & Supply Transportation Signs & Supplies $170.20
Charter Communications Segregated Internet Provider $440.86
Chesley, Ronald D. District Court Jury Duty $30.00
Child Support Services/ORS Payroll Child Support $327.67
Citron Fire Mitigation Llc Forest Reserve Firewise $4,347.50
Clerk of Circuit Court – Lander Payroll Deduction $1,117.96
Clerk of Circuit Court – Riverton Payroll Deduction $814.55
CNA Surety County Treasurer Surety Bond $125.00
Cole,Sarah County Elections Reimburse Expenses $175.00
Collins, Kim Agriculture Department Reimburse Expenses $52.19
Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Segregated Insurance $208.47
Communication Technologies, Inc Support Services Maintenance Agrmt,Repairs $3,678.69
Corporate Benefits Consortium Health Benefit Plan Insurance Services $4,000.00
Cunningham, Ron Agriculture Department Reim. Expenses $80.00
DeGraw, Larry R County Sheriff Bailiff $367.50
Dell Marketing, L.P. Co Attorney/Maternal Child Hlth Computer Equipment,Supplies $2,473.23
Detimore, Donavan County Sheriff Bailiff $142.50
DNOW L.P. Vehicle Maintenance Parts $127.71
Dodrill, Marian S District Court Jury Duty $65.00
Doi, Matthew Fremont County Ambulance Reimburse Expenses $150.00
Dolbow, Michael R. District Court Jury Duty $73.00
Dornblaser, Troy M. District Court Jury Duty $55.00
Dubois Telephone Exchange Segregated Telephone $789.80
Dustbusters Enterprises Inc Transportation Mag Chloride $3,238.51
EnCana Natural Gas Inc Segregated CNG Costs $1,228.98
Fastenal Company Vehicle Maintenance Parts $32.18
FF Investments LP Eight Mile Road – Phase II Aggregate $188.20
First Interstate Bank Segregated Credit Card Purchases $3,775.94
Food Services of America County Jail Prisoner Board $7,645.12
Frank, Vikkilyn Juvenile Treatment Court Reim. Expenses $340.00
Fremont Counseling-Lander CAST Recovery Day 2014 $250.00
Fremont County Treasurer Co Admin Health Insurance $297,442.00
Fremont County Treasurer Co Admin Witholding/FICA $275,896.90
Fremont County Treasurer Co Admin Health Insurance Claims $149,039.30
Fremont County Treasurer Co Admin Section 125 Benefits $62,407.51
Fremont Motor Riverton Inc Vehicle Maintenance Parts/Supplies $293.20
Fremont Toyota Vehicle Maintenance Parts/Supplies $151.80
Fulcher, Henry C. Forest Reserve Firewise $2,600.00
Garrity, Bridget K. District Court Jury Duty $165.00
Gerard, Jonathan M. Public Defender Rent $450.00
Grainger County Buildings Materials/Supplies $197.99
Great American Financial Segregated Annuity $50.00
Greenwood Mapping Inc County Elections Sample Ballot to Mapserver $1,710.00
Grenier, Martin District Court Jury Duty $90.00
Hasco Industrial Supply Buildings/Transportation Parts & Supplies $827.57
Hays, Blake P. District Court Jury Duty $55.00
Healthsmart Benefit Solutions Segregated Insurance $1,072.00
Heil, Peggy A. District Court Jury Duty $55.00
Hill, Michael C. District Court Jury Duty $210.00
Hirdman, Claude E. District Court Jury Duty $30.00
Hobbs, Pam E. District Court Jury Duty $55.00
Hoffman, Robin A. District Court Jury Duty $180.00
Holiday Inn- Cheyenne County Assessor Lodging $2,172.67
Hooper, Kathlene District Court Jury Duty $165.00
Hopkin,Justin Co Health Officer/Health Nurse Contractual Services $3,900.00
Horizon Laboratory LLC County Coroner Toxicology Fees $1,237.50
Inberg-Miller Engineers Diversion Dam Bridge Repl Contractual Services $859.46
IIRP Youth Services Training $600.00
Irvine, Dudley County Elections Reim. Expenses $30.00
Jacobson, Matt Youth Services Reim. Expenses $32.00
King, Dawn A. District Court Jury Duty $30.00
Kracht, Linda J. District Court Jury Duty $53.00
Krebs, Corasue District Court Jury Duty $90.00
Laidlaw,Kathleen Health Nurse Reimburse Expenses $193.50
Lambert, Barbara J. District Court Jury Duty $55.00
Lander Journal County Attorney Subscription Renewal $39.95
Lawson Products, Inc Vehicle Maintenance Parts & Supplies $366.26
Leadership Fremont County CAST/JTC Tuition $1,125.00
Lee,Mary E. CAST Training $110.24
Linton’s Big R Store Fremont County Ambulance Supplies $13.48
Local Govt Liability Pool Support Services Deductible $343.18
Lyles, Jesse County Sheriff Reim. Mileage $26.00
Martinez,Lee County Sheriff Baliff Fees $412.50
McKee Medical Center County Coroner Autopsy Fees $2,203.60
McKesson Medical Surgical Inc Public Health Medical Supplies $3,721.35
Media Works, Inc Co Attorney/Transportation Equip/Supplies $37.97
Meridian Trust F.C.U. Segregated Savings $523.15
Midwest Cancer Screening Family Planning Services Screening Services $32.20
Miller, Lesli County Elections Reim. Mileage & Expenses $44.00
Mills, Thomas F District Court Jury Duty $55.00
Moore Medical, Llc Fremont County Ambulance Medical Supplies $662.31
Moore, William A. District Court Jury Duty $381.00
Mr D’s Food Center Inc District Court Supplies Account $183.18
Muellerleile, Bruce R. District Court Jury Duty $62.50
NAPA Auto Parts-Lander Segregated Parts & Supplies $2,114.46
National Business Systems Inc County Treasurer Postcards $547.85
Natrona County Attorney Health & Welfare Title 25 Services $2,266.25
Natrona County Circuit Court Payroll Deduction $719.36
Needham, Charlie E. District Court Jury Duty $55.00
New York Life Insurance Segregated Insurance $566.60
Office Shop, The Segregated Service Agreement/Copiers $16,234.74
Olson,Robert M District Court Jury Duty $165.00
Orchard Trust Company Segregated Wyoming Benefits $5,624.06
O’Reilly Automotive Inc County Buildings Equipment & Supplies $52.76
Osage Industries, Inc Cap Rev Fund/Fixed Asset Disp Ambulances $141,523.00
Parkway Plaza Transportation Lodging $272.00
Petermann, Dan A. District Court Jury Duty $30.00
Quill Corporation Segregated Office / Computer Supplies $1,872.31
R T Communications Segregated Telephone Services $563.68
Ramsey, Jeremiah D. District Court Jury Duty $47.50
Ratigan, Daniel, M.D. County Jail PA Supervisor Contract $2,975.00
Reed’s Moghaun Office Supply Segregated Office Supplies $1,007.52
Riverton Ranger, Inc Co Attorney/Fr Co Ambulance Advertising,Subscriptions $120.00
Riverton Tire & Oil Co Inc Fr Co Ambulance/Vehicle Mtce Tires,Parts,Spls,Services $1,916.87
Riverton, City of County Buildings Water/Sewer $1,221.43
Roman,Janice C District Court Jury Duty $45.50
Saltsgaver, Joshua A. District Court Jury Duty $65.00
Saltsgaver, Rusty M. District Court Jury Duty $192.00
Schoneberger, Valerie Public Defender Rent $450.00
Security Products Co Llc County Buildings Monitoring $240.00
Selby’s Segregated Maintenance & Supplies $23.05
Shopko Hometown Fremont County Ambulance Supplies $6.88
Simpson, Burton G. District Court Jury Duty $30.00
Smith,Julaine E. Juvenile Treatment Court Reimurse Expenses $121.00
SourceGas Segregated Utilities $1,789.07
Specialized Pathology Consult County Coroner Autopsy Fee $2,105.00
Spencer-Hockett, Pamela S. District Court Jury Duty $65.00
Springhill Suites Marriott Public Health – Emergency Prep Lodging $249.00
Stamps, Celeste L. District Court Jury Duty $30.00
State of Wyoming Public Defender Office Rent $1,650.00
Steward, Don A. District Court Jury Duty $100.00
Stroupe Pest Control Inc County Buildings Pest Control $95.00
Swann, Misty L. District Court Jury Duty $56.00
Sweetwater Aire Llc County Buildings Services/Materials $601.00
Swift, Ann P. District Court Jury Duty $36.00
Terrance R. Martin PC Public Defender Office Rent $450.00
Thomas, Cindy E. District Court Jury Duty $55.00
Thomas, Rebecca M. District Court Jury Duty $60.00
Total Net Salaries Segregated Salaries $780,903.57
Trehearne, Randy County Sheriff Reimburse Expenses $141.00
U.S. Dept of Education Payroll Deduction $845.57
Valdez, Robert E. District Court Jury Duty $45.00
Valley Lumber & Supply Co Inc County Buildings Materials/Supplies $25.98
Various County Elections Election Judges $280.00
Verizon Wireless Segregated Cellphone Provider $927.17
Vision Medical County Coroner Supplies $183.64
W A C O County Coroner Registration $440.00
W.A.R.M. Property Ins Pool Support Services Insurance Coverage $89,286.00
Walters, Scott County Coroner Reimbursement $47.50
Warren, Eleanor C. District Court Jury Duty $55.00
Washington St Support Reg. Payroll Child Support $182.00
Welch, Jamie S. District Court Jury Duty $30.00
West Payment Center District Court Library Plan Charges $1,338.75
Western Printing, Inc Fremont County Ambulance Printed Supplies $51.00
Wilkerson, James A, IV MD PC County Coroner Autopsy $1,040.00
Wilson, Phoebe A. District Court Jury Duty $35.00
Wilson,Terry Public Health – Emergency Prep Reimburse Expenses $359.50
Wind River Ranch Supply Llc County Buildings Materials/Supplies $45.00
Wintermote, Danielle N. District Court Jury Duty $77.00
Wy Public Health Laboratory Family Planning Services Lab Fees/Supplies $489.00
Wy SDU Payroll Child Support $1,000.00
Wy Windows & Cabinets Inc County Buildings Carpet Repair $125.00
Wynn, James D. District Court Jury Duty $30.00
Wyo Child Support Enforcement Segregated Child Support $2,162.00
Wyo Dept of Workforce Services Co Admin Workers Comp $22,259.66
Wyoming County Clerks’ Assoc County Clerk Dues $100.00
Wyoming G A L Program District Court Guardians Ad Litem Fees $5,632.55
Wyoming Retirement System Co Admin Contributions $171,217.53
Wyoming T2 Center Transportation Registration $180.00 Segregated Internet Svcs $1,689.50
The following items in the Signature File were reviewed: 1) Record of Proceedings; and 2) Interest refund check in the amount of $86.05 from ConocoPhillips Co. Keja Whiteman moved, Larry Allen seconded, to approve a Bureau of Reclamation Special Use Permit for temporary construction easements associated with the construction of the Diversion Dam Road Bridge. Motion carried unanimously. Keja Whiteman moved, Larry Allen seconded, to approve an Application/Permit to Construct Access Driveway from Jon Martin for West Powerline Road. Motion carried unanimously.
A letter from the Town of Shoshoni was reviewed in which the Town Council denied a 50 year lease for the Shoshoni Transportation Department Shop building; however, a term of 20 years was acceptable. The building will be transferred from the Solid Waste Disposal District to the Transportation Department for storage equipment storage in the area, pending the Lease Agreement finalization with the Town. Travis Becker moved, Larry Allen seconded, to have the County Attorney’s Office revise the Agreement to indicate a 20 year term, as requested. Motion carried unanimously.
A request from Lazy L & B Ranch was reviewed to change their Retail Liquor License licensed dispensing room from the current 650 square foot area in the main lodge to a 9’ x 18’ room in the main lodge. Travis Becker moved, Stephanie Kessler seconded, to approve the dispensing room location change. Motion carried unanimously. The Liquor Division will be apprised of the dispensing room change for their records.
A class “Enhancing Tribal and State Collaborations to Build Sustainable Public Safety Partnerships” hosted by the Northern Arapaho Tribe, was reviewed and will be sent to interested parties. The class will be presented on October 6-7, 2014 at the Wind River Hotel and Casino.
Deputy County Attorney Jodi Darrough stated two claims for damages have been timely filed with the Fremont County Clerk’s Office regarding the Mortimore Lane Road alteration process. The next step will be to appoint three appraisers, who within 10 days of their appointment, meet at the locations and view the ground upon which the claims are made. The claimants will be notified of the date and time of the viewing. Within 30 days of their appointment, the appraisers will file their report in writing, fixing the amount of damages sustained by the claimants. The Commissioners will have three names presented to them at their following meeting for appointment as appraisers in order to begin the process.
In other business, DOWL HKM Engineer Diane Oress joined Transportation Superintendent Dave Pendleton to give an update on the Mortimore Lane Reconstruction project. Oress stated she is currently reviewing the appraisal and upon finalization, the land agent will begin negotiations with landowners. She expects costs to be minimal, as most of the work is on grassland areas, and will be returned to same after construction. The guardrail on the bridge has been extended, which minimizes the impact to the landowner. A Transportation Alternative Program grant application will be the next step and the project should be ready to bid this winter with groundbreaking and constructing in the spring of 2015. Commissioner Kessler expressed some landowner concerns regarding a possible breakdown in communications and Oress reviewed the process to date which included several meetings with landowners as well as her open door policy. Pendleton presented a State Loan and Investment Board Grant Agreement for Countywide Consensus Block Grant funding for the Mortimore Lane Reconstruction – Phase I project. The amount is for $266,000.00. Travis Becker moved, Larry Allen seconded, to approve the Grant Agreement. Motion carried unanimously.
Dave Pendleton reviewed the status of the East Lost Cabin drainage crossing improvement project, a 1% project. In other business, Pendleton indicated that the asphalt pavement near the Lysite rail crossing on the Moneta to Lysite Roadway is developing ruts due to recent heavy truck traffic. Asphalt pavement roughness near Badwater Bridge is also causing impact loading onto the concrete bridge deck by this same truck traffic, also causing damage. He expressed concerns with the high truck travel, with 5,000 tons of oil being hauled daily to a pipeline injection terminal. The Board asked Dave to document his concerns and their recommendation that a meeting be set up with the contractual trucking company to discuss the road damage caused by the heavy loads as well as related safety issues. Commissioner Allen will help to provide contact names for the meeting.
Commissioner meeting reports were given:
Commissioner Allen attended an Airport Board meeting.
Commissioner Whiteman has been getting calls regarding ambulance concerns. She received a call from NACO regarding the wild horse and burro status.
Commissioner Kessler has also been getting calls related to ambulance concerns. She was in Cheyenne last week and met with Governor Mead regarding the County’s application for Federal Natural Resource Policy Account Grant funds for the Popo Agie flood study. She further expressed her appreciation to the Governor for signing the emergency rules for the Emergency Medical Services Sustainability Trust as well as discussion regarding certification issues. Governor Mead also expressed support for enhanced air revenue guaranteed funding. Stephanie then met with officials regarding the State Health Insurance Program and is expecting more information from them.
Commissioner Becker reminded the Board that tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. would be a meeting at the Fremont County Justice Center site to pick a color for the building. The Riverview Road pavement project is near completion and the walking path is yet to be completed. The Planning Commission monthly meeting was held last week and they are beginning work on reviewing the Subdivision Rules and Regulations in order to make it easier for citizens to understand.
Chairman Thompson attended the monthly Recreation Commission meeting held at the Youth Camp. The newly appointed board member was in attendance. J.R. Oakley also attended and provided an update on the Green Mountain Campground improvement project, which is $5,300 under budget at this time. Grant projects are being completed and invoices being submitted for various projects. He attended the national Wild Horse and Burro Committee meeting last week in Riverton and provided notes to County 10 regarding the meeting.
County Clerk Julie Freese provided an update on the upcoming Wyoming Association of County Officers (WACO) meeting to be held in Lander September 23-25, 2014.
Lloyd Dechert briefly joined the meeting to express his concerns regarding the north end of Burma Road. His safety issues will be discussed with the Transportation Superintendent.
Larry Allen moved, Keja Whiteman seconded, to adjourn into Executive Session with Deputy County Attorney Jodi Darrough regarding personnel. Motion carried unanimously. Travis Becker moved, Larry Allen seconded, to return to Regular Session. Motion carried unanimously.
Fremont County Library Director Tracy Cook was joined by Trihydro Engineer Jeff Young to discuss the Riverton Library skylight and drainage project. She presented a schedule from the Architectural firm that Young stated could be met by his firm as well. Final project costs were finalized at $1,146,000 and Cook stated she now needs to submit a Mineral Royalty Grant to the State Lands and Investments Board for $323,000. The Countywide Consensus Block Grant has approved $573,000 and she has applied for County funding for $250,000 through the Capital Improvement Maintenance Project: Long Term (CIMPL) funding process. County Treasurer Scott Harnsberger was present for the discussion and stated $250,000 would need to be infused into this account from the General Fund via the Cash Reserve. This can be either in the form of a loan or a grant. Keja Whiteman moved, Stephanie Kessler seconded, to approve Resolution No. 2014-22 “A Resolution authorizing Submission of a Federal Mineral Royalty Capital Construction Account Grant Application to the State Loan and Investment Board on behalf of the Governing Body for the Fremont County Library System for the Purpose of Replacing the Roof and Fixing Negative Drainage Problems at the Riverton Branch”. Motion carried unanimously. (A complete Resolution is on file in the Commissioners Office).
Building Maintenance Supervisor J. R. Oakley stated he had received one bid on a new connex storage container for the Fremont County Detention Center. Travis Becker moved, Larry Allen seconded, to accept the proposal from QuickSpace in the amount of $5,650.00. Motion carried unanimously.
In other business, J.R. Oakley stated the demolition of the old farmhouse on the Major property has been completed. Based on the weight of the materials, the disposal fees totaled $11,200. As a result of his earlier projection, this amount is about $2,800 higher. Stephanie Kessler moved, Travis Becker seconded, to accept the total of $11,200 for demolition costs from the Solid Waste District. Voting against the motion: Doug Thompson. Motion carried. Change Order No. 1 from Reilly Johnson Architecture was reviewed for a total additional amount of $24,919.00 as follows:
1. Relocate generator, transformer and gas meter $ 2,647.00
2. Concrete mat for perimeter footing excavation $ 5,720.00
3. Door, frame and hardware modifications $ 129.00
4. De-watering expenses $16,423.00
Travis Becker moved, Larry Allen seconded, to approve Change Order No. 1 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. In final business, a General Service Contract with Rocky Mountain Power was submitted for review. Deputy County Attorney Darrough had recommended a change in the terms stating if the customer is not ready to receive service from the Company within 150 days to 365 days from date of signature, then Company may terminate the Contract. Oakley was asked to renegotiate with Rocky Mountain Power to make the requested change.
Larry Allen moved, Keja Whiteman seconded, to adjourn into Executive Session with Fremont County and Prosecuting Attorney Michael Bennett and Deputy Jodi Darrough regarding personnel. Motion carried unanimously. Keja Whiteman moved, Stephanie Kessler seconded, to return to Regular Session. Motion carried unanimously. Keja Whiteman moved, Larry Allen seconded, to authorize the County Attorney to hire outside counsel at a maximum amount of $2,000 from his budget. Voting against the motion: Travis Becker. Motion carried.
County Attorney Michael Bennett presented Administrative Secretary Imogene Massey with a clock in recognition of her 30 years of service to Fremont County. Numerous co-workers and family were present in the audience.
County Clerk Julie Freese and Financial Assistant Jim Anderson presented a preliminary budget hearing. The information will be advertised and the final hearing held September 9th.
Commissioner Allen discussed options to perhaps discuss again the sick leave conversion that was discontinued when the Personnel Policy Handbook was revised several months ago. Commissioner Kessler had compiled a fact sheet on sick time conversion based on payroll figures for 279 employees. The topic will be readdressed the following meeting.
The Emergency Event Procedures policy will be reviewed at a later date. Several comments have been received as related to the policy.
County Clerk Julie Freese has met with the Transportation and Vehicle Maintenance Departments regarding the new time card system. A demo has been received and in order to work into the current Caselle program, a time keeper module and an HR component is also available for $1,000. The system will be discussed at the upcoming monthly Elected Officials and Department Heads meeting scheduled next week.
There being no further business, Travis Becker moved, Larry Allen seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 1:00 p.m. and reconvene for a Regular Meeting on September 9, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. Motion carried unanimously.