


COUNTY OF FREMONT ) June 3, 2014

The Board of Fremont County Commissioners met in Regular Session at 9:00 a.m. with the following members present: Chairman Douglas L. Thompson, Vice-Chairman Keja Whiteman, Travis Becker, Stephanie Kessler and Larry Allen. County Clerk and Clerk of the Board Julie A. Freese was present for the meeting.

Larry Allen moved, Stephanie Kessler seconded, to approve the Agenda, as amended. Motion carried unanimously.

Travis Becker moved, Larry Allen seconded, to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held May 20, 2014. Vice-Chairman Whiteman abstained due to her absence at said meeting. Motion carried.

Keja Whiteman moved, Stephanie Kessler seconded, to accept the regular bills for payment. Motion carried unanimously.

Name Department Name Invoice Description Total Cost

A & I Distributors Vehicle Maintenance Fluids $525.21

Ace Hardware-Lander District Court/Transportation Materials/Supplies $170.39

Airgas Intermountain, Inc Vehicle Maintenance Welding Supplies $361.69

Albany County Clerk of District Court Payroll Child Support $829.46

Albright, Harold Planning Dept Reimburse Mileage $325.92

Alsco Inc Co Buildings – Admin Laundry $33.60

American Assoc. of Diabetes Educators Health Nurse Dues 2014 $165.00

American Family & Life Insurance Segregated Insurance $6,924.42

American Heritage Life Insurance Segregated Insurance $163.18

ANDA Inc Immunization Program Vaccine $4,115.27

Apex Surveying, Inc Lost Cabin Road Realignment Contractual Services $1,017.10

Atlantic City F.C.U. Segregated Savings $610.00

AXA Equitable Life Insurance Segregated Insurance $71.42

AXA Equitable PEDC Segregated Annuity $850.00

Bailey Enterprises, Inc Fuel Inventory Fuel,Parts,Supplies & Services $67,276.86

Bill’s Quality Auto Glass Vehicle Maintenance Windshield Repair $1,029.69

Blackhawk Security Inc Co Buildings Annual Monitoring $240.00

Bloedorn Lumber-Lander Transportation Materials,Supplies $300.35

Bound Tree Medical, LLC Ambulance Medical Supplies $729.92

Bull’s Service & Towing LLC Vehicle Maintenance Towing Service $18.40

Business Mailing Solutions, Inc Support Services Mail Machine Supplies $545.50

Capital Business Systems, Inc Segregated Supplies & Maintenance Contract $1,565.85

Carquest Auto Parts Vehicle Maintenance Parts & Supplies $835.50

CenturyLink Agriculture Dept Telephone Provider $274.59

Charter Communications Segregated Cable/Internet Provider $440.86

Child Support Services/ORS Payroll Child Support $327.67

Clerk of Circuit Court – Lander Payroll Deduction $1,006.96

CMI TECO Transportation/Vehicle Mtce Parts & Supplies $2,425.44

Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Segregated Insurance $208.47

Communication Technologies, Inc Support Services Maintenance Agreement,Repairs $3,595.96

Desert Mountain Corporation Transportation Product $53,331.87

DLT Solutions, LLC Transportation Autodesk Renewal $1,995.08

Dubois Telephone Exchange Segregated Telephone Provider $679.13

Duckwall-Alco Stores Inc Ambulance Supplies $8.38

Eaton Sales & Service, LLC Fuel Facility Parts & Supplies $456.80

Election Systems & Software, Inc Elections/Capital Rev Fund Voting Machines & Supplies $14,525.00

EBMS Co Admin Health Insurance $34,618.64

EnCana Natural Gas Inc Segregated CNG Costs $631.04

First Interstate Bank Segregated Credit Card Purchases $2,443.88

Fremont Ameri-Tech Equipment Co Inc Vehicle Maintenance Parts & Supplies $86.00

Fremont County Sheriff Juvenile Treatment Court Lunches $184.50

Fremont County Treasurer Co Admin Witholding/FICA $258,949.36

Fremont County Treasurer Co Admin Section 125 Benefits $54,658.57

Fremont County Treasurer Co Admin Health Insurance $326,068.00

Fremont County Treasurer Co Admin Health Insurance Claims $428,404.35

Fremont Motors – Lander Vehicle Maintenance Parts & Supplies $1,497.21

Fremont Toyota Vehicle Maintenance Parts & Supplies $69.95

Gorseth,Lori L Public Defender Office Rent $450.00

Gossett, Ray S. & Gail K. Family Planning Services Office Rent $720.00

Grainger Co Buildings – Admin Materials/Supplies $34.74

Great American Financial Segregated Annuity $50.00

Hasco Industrial Supply Transportation/Vehicle Mtce Parts & Supplies $266.78

Healthsmart Benefit Solutions Segregated Insurance $1,072.00

Honnen Equipment Vehicle Maintenance Parts $2,780.03

Hopkin,Justin Health Nurse/Co Health Officer County Health Officer $1,300.00

Inberg-Miller Engineers Riverview Rd Asphalt Overlay Contractual Services $9,773.99

Internal Revenue Service Payroll Deduction $1,114.46

Kessler,Stephanie County Commission Reimburse Expenses $95.34

Kratz, Charles R Youth Services Reimburse Expenses $20.16

Lawson Products, Inc Vehicle Maintenance Parts & Supplies $954.81

Lee,Mary E. CAST MRT Training $110.24

Leonhardt, Steve Vehicle Maintenance Reimburse Expenses $9.14

Lopez,Marcel Planning Dept Reimburse Expenses $195.29

McDonald Appraisal Service Inc Capital Project Riverton Justice Ctr Appraisal Services $600.00

Mercer,John W Jr MD Family Planning Services Contractual Services $100.00

Meridian Trust F.C.U. Segregated Savings $523.15

Mid-Amer Research Chemical Co Buildings Supplies $170.51

Mr D’s Food Center Inc County Commission Supplies $5.58

Myers Tire Supply Company Vehicle Maintenance Parts/Supplies $278.54

National Business Systems Inc County Treasurer Postage Prepayment $1,314.73

New York Life Insurance Segregated Insurance $566.60

Norco, Inc Ambulance Rentals,Oxygen,Supplies $1,016.75

Normont Equipment Company Vehicle Maintenance Parts & Supplies $38.00

Oakley, Gerald R. Planning Dept Reimbursement $43.68

Office Shop, The Circuit Ct/ Agriculture Dept Furniture/Service Agreement $1,075.73

Orchard Trust Company Segregated Wyoming Benefits $5,649.06

Park County Clerk County Commission Shoshone Forest Plan Share $427.52

Patrick Construction, Inc Capital Revolving Fund Green Mountain Improvements $24,537.69

Pitchengine, Inc Transportation Advertising $250.00

Postmaster County Assessor Permit Type PI #3 $220.00

Quick-Set Auto Glass Vehicle Maintenance Windshields,Repairs $1,085.00

Quill Corporation Co Treasurer/Co Assessor Office / Computer Supplies $872.20

R T Communications Segregated Telephone Services $573.24

Ramada Plaza Riverside Health Nurse Lodging $249.00

Ratigan, Daniel, M.D. Jail P.A. Supervisor Contract $2,700.00

Reed’s Moghaun Office Supply Segregated Office Supplies $112.75

Riverton, City of Buildings/Ambulance Water/Sewer $775.94

Shipley,Susan Juvenile Treatment Court Reimburse Expenses $362.34

Smith,Terri V. Public Defender Office Rent $450.00

SourceGas Segregated Utilities $5,600.60

State of Wyoming Public Defender Office Rent $1,650.00

Stitches Embroidery Health Nurse Embroidering $212.40

Terminix of Wyoming Ambulance Services $220.00

Terrance R. Martin PC Public Defender/Health & Welfare Office Rent/Contractual Services $3,200.00

Total Net Salaries Segregated Salaries $768,411.22

Trihydro Corporation Lower North Fork – Reconst Curve Contractual Services $2,840.25

U.S. Dept of Education Payroll Deduction $611.77

V-1 Propane Co Buildings – Admin Supplies $222.83

Valley Lumber & Supply Co Inc Transportation/Buildings Materials/Supplies $161.25

Verizon Wireless Emergency Mgmt/CAST Cellphone Provider $190.29

WACERS Transportation 2014 Dues $100.00

Warner, Steve Planning Dept Reimburse Expenses $25.58

West Payment Center District Court Library Plan Charges $752.75

Western Health Screening Health Benefit Plan Health Fair $20,609.00

Whiteman, Keja County Commission Mileage/Meals $2,874.23

Whiting Law, P.C. District Court Professional Services $2,276.25

Wind River Awards County Clerk Employee Recognition $58.80

Workwise Transportation Random Drug Testing $147.00

WY SDU Payroll Child Support $1,000.00

Wyo Child Support Enforcement Segregated Child Support $2,212.00

Wyo Dept of Workforce Services Co Admin Workers Comp $17,071.24

Wyoming Retirement System Co Admin Contributions $154,247.96

Wyoming.com Segregated Internet Svcs $1,689.50

Zubik, Valerie VOCA Grant – Attorney Reim. Mileage &/or Expenses $297.36

Total Bills Presented $2,325,219.71

Stephanie Kessler moved, Travis Becker seconded, to accept a voucher from Lander Regional Hospital (Sage West) for Title 25 patients in the amount of $11,900. Motion carried unanimously. The Board placed a voucher on hold to Wyoming Behavioral Institute, pending further review by the County Attorney’s Office regarding some pharmacy related charges.

Stephanie Kessler moved, Keja Whiteman seconded, to accept a voucher from EBMS for health insurance claims through June 2, 2014 in the amount of $59,950.62. Motion carried unanimously.

The following items in the Signature File were addressed: 1) Abatement Summary cover sheet; 2) Record of Proceedings. Travis Becker moved, Larry Allen seconded, to approve a Memorandum of Understanding between the State of Wyoming, Wyoming Guardian ad Litem Program, a Division of the Office of the State Public Defender and Fremont County, Wyoming for BFY15-16. Motion carried unanimously. Travis Becker moved, Larry Allen seconded, to approve a Payroll Insert request submitted by Guardian Flight, pending a disclaimer on the handout stating the County is not endorsing the product. Motion carried unanimously. Travis Becker moved, Keja Whiteman seconded, to approve a Memorandum of Understanding between the Ninth Judicial District Court of the State of Wyoming, Fremont County, and the Government of Fremont County where each party contributes a 50% match of the District Court Administrator’s annual salary. Motion carried unanimously. Travis Becker moved, Keja Whiteman seconded, to approve a Cooperative Law Enforcement Annual Operating Plan and Financial Plan between the Fremont County Sheriff’s Department and the USDA, Forest Service, Shoshone National Forest. Motion carried unanimously. Travis Becker moved, Larry Allen seconded, to ratify a decision to the Wyoming Business Council for a grant extension request for the Dry Creek Road Improvement Project. Motion carried unanimously. Travis Becker moved, Larry Allen second, to ratify Resolution 2014-16 (Statement of Authority for 2014 Flooding) appointing Fire Warden/Chief Craig Haslam as Incident Commander if needed. Motion carried unanimously. (A complete copy is on file in the Commissioners Office).

The following items in the Priority Mail were addressed: 1) Emergency Event Response Procedure questions (forwarded to a future meeting). A formal notice from Museum Board member Tom Duncan was received that stated he will not be seeking re-appointment for another term. Travis Becker moved, Keja Whiteman seconded, to accept the decision with regret and to further schedule him for his requested Exit Interview in July. Motion carried unanimously. A request for Catering Permits for Robert and Barbara Townsend d/b/a Miner’s Delight Bed and Breakfast were reviewed. Stephanie Kessler moved, Travis Becker seconded, to approve the request for June 28, 2014 and August 16, 2014 for “The Night Shift” events at South Pass City State Historic Site. Motion carried unanimously. A notice from the Office of the Wyoming State Public Defender’s Office was reviewed notifying the Board of their intent to hire Jonathan Gerard as a part-time contract Assistant Public Defender for the Ninth Judicial District. Mr. Gerard is replacing Lori Gorseth who is not renewing her contract. Stephanie Kessler moved, Larry Allen seconded, to approve the hiring of Mr. Gerard. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Becker acknowledged receipt of the following Water District Assessment Rolls: Warm Springs, South Lander Industrial Park and Spencer Homesites.

The Public Comment period was held. Shoshoni resident Keith Jansen again requested a list of proposed road projects. Transportation Superintendent Dave Pendleton was present and gave him a One Percent Fund and Road Construction Fund Budget Summary for FY 2015. Mr. Jansen expressed concern regarding the low number of projects scheduled for that side of the County which he stated is a large tax base. Regarding his other concerns, County Clerk Julie Freese informed Mr. Jansen how to access the County’s annual audit.

County Coroner Ed McAuslan was joined by Hudson’s Funeral Home Manager Dalton Sanders and Davis Funeral Home President Robert Davis and Manager Jamie Kirkland relating to the County’s earlier notice that several claims for unclaimed bodies have been put on hold (Davis Funeral Home – 3 cases; Hudson’s Funeral Home – 1 case; and one pending). The Commissioner’s requested each business submit proof that no other estate exists against which they can make a claim. McAuslan submitted a letter to the Board stating Davis Funeral Home had advised him they will no longer provide for the disposition of unclaimed bodies from the Office of the Fremont County Coroner due to the lack of payment for the previous disposition of three unclaimed bodies. Hudson’s Funeral Home subsequently submitted a like letter for their one unclaimed body. McAuslan cited W.S. § 7-4-207 “Disposition of body and effects of deceased” which states “that when the coroner investigates the death of a person whose body is not claimed by a friend or relative within five days of the date of discovery…….and if no property is found, the expense of the burial shall be paid by the county in which the investigation occurs”. He further stated he has found no statutory authority allowing a funeral home representative to enter a residence of the deceased and conduct an inventory of personal property and determine ownership of said property. McAuslan further stated in his letter that a Wyoming Death Certificate is prepared and entered into the state electronic system for completion. A funeral home must accept a body and then prepare the death certificate; however, if the body is not accepted, the required Wyoming Death Certificate, a legal document, cannot be completed. The Board was in agreement that the business owners had provided the service and should be compensated; however, proposed a sub-committee be formed to further discussion on the issues. Later in the day, the Hudson’s Funeral Home voucher for one unclaimed body totaling $1,800 and Davis Funeral Home vouchers for three unclaimed bodies totaling $5,400 were resubmitted for payment. Travis Becker moved, Larry Allen seconded, to accept the vouchers for payment. Voting against the motion: Keja Whiteman. Motion carried. Deputy County Attorney Jodi Darrough was requested to seek an Attorney General opinion regarding unclaimed bodies and responsible parties.

Chairman Thompson presented a plaque to Transportation Department employee Leonard Hinkle in recognition of 30 years of service to Fremont County. Hinkle was thanked for his service to Fremont County.

Transportation Superintendent Dave Pendleton stated the Eight Mile Road Asphalt Overlay – Phase II project is being funded by WYDOT Industrial Road Project funding and the Road Construction Fund. Bids had previously been opened and awarded to the low bidder, HK Contractors, Inc. Pendleton presented the Construction Contract for signature by Chairman Thompson. The Construction Contract for the Lost Cabin Road Re-Alignment and Culvert Project with Star Trucking was presented for signature as well. Pendleton stated a bid opening was held last week for the Road Maintenance Contract for the Dubois Area. The current contractor was the sole bidder. Travis Becker moved, Keja Whiteman seconded, to award the bid to T-Y Excavation, Inc. for Fiscal Year 2014-15. Motion carried unanimously. The bid amount is a maximum of $12,500/month. A bid opening was held previously for the Cold Mix Stockpiling 2014 project. Two bids were received as follows: Dave’s Asphalt – $406,100 and Synapse – $455,025 for 5,500 ton of product. Travis Becker moved, Stephanie Kessler seconded, to award the low bid to Dave’s Asphalt in the amount of $406,100. Motion carried unanimously. Pendleton reported on recent action taken in the Dubois area when debris was removed from under a private bridge in order to save it from being destroyed. The concern was that if the bridge failed, all the debris would move downstream and do major damage to a county bridge. In closing, Commissioner Kessler asked Pendleton for his thoughts on recent correspondence regarding the Emergency Event Response Procedure as it may affect some of his departmental employees. As he has not had an opportunity to study the issue, it will be discussed at a later date. The Transportation Department Commission liaison, Doug Thompson, will participate in interviews held the following day for the Riverton Crew Chief position.

A Public Hearing was held, as advertised, regarding proposed changes and additions to the Fremont County Floodplain Zoning Regulations. Present were Planning Commission Chairman Kristin Paulsen, Planning Floodplain Administrator Steve Warner and Small Wastewater Administrator Marcel Lopez. Details of the proposed changes were reviewed as: Page 4 – addition and expansion of reference to the enabling legislation; Pages 6 through 8 – the addition of definitions recommended by the Federal Emergency Management Agency; and Page 9 – specific inclusion of the recently updated floodplain map of Shoshoni. There was nobody present in the audience with comment, either for or against. Travis Becker moved, Stephanie Kessler seconded, to approve the proposed changes to the Fremont County Floodplain Zoning Regulations. Motion carried unanimously.

A proposed Re-Subdivision of the Re-Plat of Jon Martin Subdivision plat was presented. The proposal is precipitated by the owner’s mortgage holder who requires that the oil well on the property be on a separate parcel. Kristin Paulsen stated the Planning Commission approved the proposal on a unanimous vote. Travis Becker moved, Keja Whiteman seconded, to approve the Re-Subdivision of the Re-Plat. Motion carried unanimously.

In final business, Kristin Paulsen presented a Corrected Plat Vacation from Fremont County for Garden’s North Subdivision. Travis Becker moved, Larry Allen seconded, to approve the Corrected Plat Vacation as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

County Clerk Julie Freese presented a plaque to Jenny Parrill in recognition of 25 years of service to the Fremont County Clerk’s Office, in various positions.

Travis Becker moved, Stephanie Kessler seconded, to adjourn into Executive Session with County Attorney Michael Bennett and Deputy Jodi Darrough regarding litigation. Motion carried unanimously. Travis Becker moved, Larry Allen seconded, to return to Regular Session. Motion carried unanimously.

Executive Health Committee members Margy Irvine, Kristi Green, Judy Legerski and John Applegate were present, along with Cobecon representatives Rob Henderson, Michelle Conrad and Diana Madvig (via speaker phone). Henderson reviewed the process taken to solicit quotes for the Stop-Loss Insurance carrier for FY 2014/15. Following review, Cobecon and the Executive Health Committee are recommending the County accept the quote from RMTS, Inc. for Nationwide with a $135,000 specific deductible with $175,000 aggregating specific amount. The premium (per employee/month) for this coverage is $37.22 and $74.39 for single and family, respectively, with an estimated annual cost of $254,000. Travis Becker moved, Stephanie Kessler seconded, to accept the quote from RMTS, Inc. for Nationwide as the Stop-Loss carrier. Motion carried unanimously. Conrad reviewed the steps they will be taking to transition the employees from the current Third Party Administrator, EBMS, to the Third Party Administrator, Blue Cross Blue Shield, effective July 1, 2014.

Budget Hearing:

Recreation Board: Present was Chairman Cade Maestas and Board member Margaret Wells. They anticipate funding a variety of grants to a diverse amount of groups across Fremont County this year in an approximate amount of $140,000 to $180,000. They also will begin paying off the loan for the Green Mountain Campground renovations. They were hoping to find enough money to install the double bathrooms while the renovations are going on however, they don’t have all the money. Cade stated that although they have saved some money in the contingency fund of their project, it may not be enough to make up the additional money needed. They also are aware they can reduce funding to other groups to make that happen.

Building Maintenance Supervisor J.R. Oakley updated the Board on the successful grant for the Courthouse ADA Entryway Project. The Wyoming Business Council awarded the full amount of $150,000 with no County match required. As a result, this project can be deleted from the CIMPL project list.

Commissioner Becker stated a bid opening was held on May 22nd for contractor for the Fremont County Justice Center. Treasurer Scott Harnsberger was present in the audience. Commissioner Becker stated seven bidders participated, all from within Wyoming and bids ranged between $4.7 million and $5.4 million. With architect fees added in, the project will be between $300,000 – $500,000 over budget. In order to look at places to cut costs, an option to delete the smoke management system would result in a cost reduction between $100,000 – $125,000, as the generator could also be downsized. He plans to attend the SLIB meeting Thursday regarding the County’s request for a 50% match for the project. The Board requested written approval by the Riverton Building Inspector to delete the smoke management system for the Justice Center. Travis Becker moved, Larry Allen seconded, to notify Reilly Johnson Architecture that the County intends to delete the smoke management system for the Fremont County Justice Center, pending written confirmation by the Riverton Building Inspector. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Becker anticipates the bid will be offered to the successful contractor on June 10th, followed by negotiations with the contractor as related to the smoke management deduction.

Keja Whiteman moved, Stephanie Kessler seconded, to adjourn into Executive Session with Public Health Nurse Supervisor Julie Twist and Nurse Jamie Cardine regarding personnel. Motion carried unanimously. Travis Becker moved, Larry Allen seconded, to return to Regular Session. Motion carried unanimously.

Budget Hearings continued:

Public Health: Present was Director Julie Twist and Jamie Cardine. All of the budgets under this department are basically the same as last year. The PHN Office is fully staffed and the budget funds the salaries and benefits of three support positions as well as an administrative assistant position in both six state nurses. The Public Health Fund is self sustaining as they assess fees for vaccines, tests and other billable services. They use the revenue to purchase supplies for this program.

The Emergency Preparedness Budget is seeing a decrease from the federal level. Family Planning budget is being reviewed to make sure it is self-sustaining and Julie will report on her findings.

Museum Board: Present was Central Museum Director Scott Goetz, Board Chairman Jon Lane and board members Carla Crofts and Carol Chidsey. Scott explained that the budget is close to last year’s budget. One of the changes is the move from a bookkeeping/payroll employee to having the County Clerk perform these functions for a small administrative fee shown in the contractual line item. They also have included some changes in this line due to the development of a website, logo, Facebook, and chamber memberships. Utility costs are expected to increase and are included in this budget. The Museum system is undergoing a number of changes, one of which is hiring a Central Museum Director to oversee the entire museum system. Various changes are being made with regard to personnel as outlined in their salary page, however, they used last year’s salary total as their target to stay within for new hires. The goal for future summers will be to have all three museums open seven days a week. Scott felt the self-generated budgets will have less income this year in relationship to the current year and this is only due to receiving larger one-time donations during the current year. The board is looking to develop a comprehensive and consistent collections management, accession and operations policy for use at all three sites. They also want to develop a comprehensive volunteer program for each site and begin implementation.

Emergency Management: Present was Coordinator Kathi Metzler. There are no immediate changes in this budget for the next year. They estimate that they have saved approximately $30,000 or more by updating the Fremont County /Municipal Multi-Hazard Mitigation Action Plan-In House. They continue to work with many agencies around the county on a day to day basis.

Agriculture Extension: Present was Director Ron Cunningham and Kim Collins. With their budget staying mostly static, they support and operate two County Extension Offices in Lander and Riverton. They are celebrating 101 years as a County Office. They are back to full staff with the hiring of Diane Saenz and the Food and Nutrition Educator.

Transportation: Present was Superintendent Dave Pendleton. Discussion was held on the revenues received by various agencies that stipulate some or all be used on Road budgets and projects. The commissioners transferred $500,000 from the Road Construction Fund to the General Transportation budget in the current to assist with maintenance projects in the budget. Discussion was held on how much is included for gravel and where it is proposed to be used over the next year. The department is looking for new sources for gravel crushing as their pits have been depleted and they are purchasing at higher costs from other vendors.

The Road Construction Fund is used for a variety of Fremont County roadway infrastructure projects which draws revenue from the state fuel tax and coal severance tax as well as interest.

One Percent Projects were well underway this fiscal year with a list of 14 projects being adopted by the Citizens’ Committee. Projects that have been bid are the Lower North Fork/ N. 2nd Street 20 mph curve reconstruction and the Lost Cabin Road Realignment and should be completed in the summer of 2014. Phase I of the Mortimore Lane Reconstruction project has been designed and will be incorporated in the City of Lander’s Water Transmission Main project. The County also provided $500,000 in funding toward constructing of the Hill Street Section of Riverview Road in Riverton and is currently under construction.

County Treasurer: Present was Treasurer Scott Harnsberger. Scott stated that a majority of his budget is personnel and benefits. He further stated that his salary line item has decreased over the years while other departments have received increases in their line item. Scott feels that this discrepancy is due to him giving bonuses instead of increases even though the salary line item has not increased. Commissioner Becker asked why he did not pay for services in the Riverton Office and he stated that he has never supported it as the county seat is in Lander and they can do their business online or in Lander and he has no reason to assist with the office in Riverton. The Clerk has requested that she take his business so she can do work in the Riverton Office and he agreed only because of that.

Lower Wind River Soil Conservation District: Present was Manager Cathy Meyer. Although miscellaneous budget entities were not scheduled for a hearing, Cathy asked to have time to discuss this budget with the commissioners. They need county help to keep the managerial position. She has applied and received some grants but the project costs are a majority of the money with very little for the managerial employee. In order to increase their visibility, they opened a web page and are doing what they can with the funds they have. Discussion ensued regarding the lack of success in passing their own mill levy. Commissioner asked what would happen if they had no money. Cathy explained that they would exist but wouldn’t be able to perform any of the projects they are doing now. Nothing in the statutes say there has to be a certain number of districts in the state. They are currently doing the soil review for subdivisions and someone else would have to absorb that function if they were not in existence.

Commissioner Meeting reports were given:

Commissioner Allen has been busy with Emergency Management and Fire related issues.

Commissioner Kessler reminded the Board of Washakie Ranger District Steve Schacht’s invitation to participate in a field trip on September 3rd.

Commissioner Becker attended the monthly Planning Commission meeting and will travel to Cheyenne on June 5th to attend the SLIB grant hearing.

Chairman Thompson attended the monthly Historic Preservation Commission meeting and stated the Fremont County Solid Waste Disposal District is looking into health insurance options separate from the County insurance plan. He attended the monthly Fremont County Recreation Commission meeting where the Green Mountain Campground project is the main priority.

Vice-Chairman Whiteman reported on her recent trip to Alaska to attend the NACO Western Interstate Region meeting. She distributed each Commissioner with job descriptions for departments for which they serve as liaison. She requested they be reviewed and finalized so that the next phase of evaluations can be implemented. Juvenile Treatment Court underwent training last week for a new program that has proven very successful.

The Commissioners reviewed the renewal County Commissioner scholarship that was submitted. Travis Becker moved, Stephanie Kessler seconded, to award the renewal scholarship to Teal Stoll. Motion carried unanimously.

County Clerk Julie Freese stated she has started work on the Standard Occupational Classification requests that have been submitted. She stated those SOC changes requested by Elected Officials also had suggested salary adjustments attached; however, those submitted by Department Heads did not. She was asked to get suggested amounts from the Departments so that she can figure out the total cost adjustment required if the changes are approved. This topic is on the agenda for the following meeting.

Vice-Chairman Whiteman briefly reviewed the upcoming Citizens Equal Rights Alliance closed meeting for elected officials, etc. of June 13th, prior to the large public regional conference at the Fremont County Fairgrounds on June 14th. The topics will concern the recent EPA decision. Commissioner Whiteman wanted to make it clear that the meeting was not endorsed by the Commissioners and Chairman Thompson stated he had discussed concern with the closed meeting format on June 13th, which had been changed to an open meeting.

The Board reviewed the applications received for the County Planning Supervisor position. Commissioners Becker and Whiteman will narrow the field down to three applicants and schedule interviews. The interview committee will consist of those two Commissioners, County Assessor Tara Berg, County Clerk Julie Freese and Planning Commission Chairman Kristin Paulsen.

There being no further business, Travis Becker moved, Larry Allen seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 5:50 p.m. and reconvene for a Regular Meeting on June 10, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. Motion carried unanimously.





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