
As jQuery plugins and its use on modern day websites increase we have decided to add some plugins or say code snippets to enhance the front end user experience to a new level.

Not only website jQuery is implemented on applications as its functionality is much more smoother than other modules out there.

From sliders, maps, image carousels you will find best free jQuery plugins here today for you to download and implement the code on your website. Also take a look at our related articles which might interest and add to your jQuery collection.

Highly Customizable Range Slider Plugin For Bootstrap – Bootstrap Slider

A jQuery plugin that uses native Bootstrap styling to generate highly configurable, accessible single value sliders or range sliders from normal range inputs.

Fully Customizable Organisational Chart Plugin With jQuery – OrgChart

OrgChart is a simple, flexible and highly customizable organization chart plugin for presenting the structure of your organization in an elegant way.

Performant Image Magnifying Glass Effect With jQuery – jZoom

jZoom is a simple fast jQuery plugin which provides a customizable magnifying glass effect for image zoom.

Pretty Event Calendar & Datepicker Plugin For jQuery – Calendar.js

Calendar.js is highly customizable jQuery plugin that helps you create inline event calendars and date pickers for your website or web application.

Image Upload Preview Plugin With jQuery And Bootstrap – img-upload

img-upload is a tiny jQuery plugin that allows you to upload local or remote image files with live preview, styling with Twitter Bootstrap.

Drag’n’drop Flow Chart Plugin With jQuery And jQuery UI – flowchart.js

flowchart.js is a jQuery & jQuery UI based flowchart plugin which enables you to create drag’n’drop flowchart boxes and connect between them with a custom line.

Responsive Youtube & Vimeo Video Lightbox Plugin – YouTubePopUp

YouTubePopUp is a jQuery plugin that displays Youtube and Vimeo videos in a responsive, fullscreen, retina-ready modal window with or without autoplay.

Multi-Select & Autocomplete Dropdown Plugin For jQuery – MSelectDialogBox

A jQuery plugin that attaches a dropdown list with capabilities of multi select and autocomplete to any DOM elements (e.g. input fields) when getting focused.

Instagram-style Photo Gallery With jQuery And Bootstrap

A jQuery & Bootstrap based photo gallery web app that allows to display large photos in a carousel view when clicking on a thumbnail image.

Responsive Masonry-style Gallery Plugin With jQuery And Bootstrap – mp-mansory.js

mp-mansory.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin used for creating a responsive, fluid, Masonry- and Pinterest-style grid layout / gallery using Bootstrap’s grid system.

Touch-enabled Burger Push Menu Plugin With jQuery – SwipeNav

SwipeNav is a mobile-friendly jQuery site navigation plugin which reveals an off-screen push menu with touch swipe events or by clicking on the hamburger toggle button.

Simplest Dropdown Navigation With jQuery And CSS

A simple, beautiful jQuery & CSS dropdown navigation menu built using nested html lists and jQuery’s slideDown & slideUp animations.

jQuery Plugin For Fixed Positioned Scroll To Top Button – ap-scroll-top

A simple jQuery implementation of a customizable scroll to top button on your webpage for better UX.

Stylish Multi-level Sidebar Menu Plugin With jQuery – sidebar-menu.js

sidebar-menu.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin used for creating a nice-looking, multi-level, treeview-style sidebar navigation menu for dashboard / admin / control panel pages.

Smooth Sidebar Navigation with jQuery and CSS3

A jQuery based sidebar navigation helps you create an off-canvas sidebar navigation menu with smooth transitions based on CSS3 animations.

Responsive Cross-platform jQuery Mega Menu Plugin – megamenu-js

megamenu-js is a lightweight, responsive, cross-browser jQuery mega menu plugin that helps you create multi-column dropdown navigation for both desktop and mobile devices.

Custom Schedule / Timeline / Time Slider Plugin – TimeSlider

TimeSlider is a jQuery plugin for rendering a timeline / schedule widget on your webpage, featuring custom time ranges, drag’n’drop time cells and auto timestamp update.

Responsive Timeline Generator With jQuery – Timeline

Timeline.js is a dead simple jQuery plugin which helps render a basic, responsive timeline from plain html structure.

jQuery Plugin To Create Responsive Scrolling Bootstrap Tabs

A tiny jQuery plugin for responsive Bootstrap tabs component that makes your Bootstrap tab navigation scrollable when there’s no enough screen space to display all tabs.

Customizable Radial Progress Bar Plugin With jQuery

Radial Progress Bar is a lightweight jQuery plugin that uses plain HTML and CSS to draw animated, highly customizable, circular progress bars to visualize your percentage values.

Left-to-right Push Menu With jQuery And CSS3

Yet another mobile-friendly navigation system that allows your users to toggle a vertical off-screen navigation menu while push the main content from left to right.

Custom Loading Indicator Plugin with jQuery and Font Awesome – faloading

faloading is a jQuery plugin used for generating a custom loading overlay / indicator over a specific element while waiting for some data to be loaded.

Flat AJAX/JSON Table Plugin With jQuery – Table Populator

Table Populator is a dynamic table plugin for rendering a flat style data table with pagination, filtering and sorting using remote data via AJAX request.

Minimalist Navigation Drawer Plugin With jQuery – Push Menu

Push Menu is a jQuery plugin used to create an Android style navigation drawer (also known as off-canvas menu) that slides in from the left side of the webpage.

Drag And Drop File Upload Plugin For Bootstrap – dropzone

dropzone is a jQuery plugin used to create a highly customizable drag’n’drop zone for file uploading with a progress bar.

Session Timeout Alert Plugin With jQuery – userTimeout

Yet another jQuery session timeout plugin that checks the user activities and shows an alert modal dialog asking your users if they want to stay connected or to log off.

3D Book Flipping Modal Popup With jQuery And CSS3

A jQuery and CSS3 based modal popup which allows to reveal the hidden content with a 3D book flipping animation.

Mobile First Swipe Navigation With jQuery and Hammer.JS

A jQuery / CSS3 / Hammer.js based, Android style navigation which allows the user to reveal / hide an off-canvas sidebar menu via touch swipe and mouse drag events.

Path Style Flyout Menu With jQuery And CSS3 – Flyout Menu

Just another jQuery implementation of a Path.com style animated flyout circle menu that works on all major browsers which have CSS3 support.

Bootstrap Sidebar Extension With jQuery And CSS / CSS3

A jQuery & CSS extension that creates a CSS3 animated, toggleable off-canvas sidebar for your Bootstrap based webpages.

jQuery Plugin For Impressive Galleries With CSS Effects – Filterizr

Filterizr is a lightweight jQuery plugin for sorting, filtering and shuffling your responsive gallery with smooth CSS3 transition effects.

Simplest 3D Image Carousel Plugin For jQuery – Carousel.js

A dead simple, unobtrusive jQuery carousel plugin for cycling automatically through a list of images like a 3D rotator.

Minimalist Sidebar Navigation With jQuery And CSS3

A simplest sidebar navigation that uses jQuery and CSS3 transitions to slide out an off-canvas menu overlaying the main content.

Simplest Responsive Nav Menu With jQuery And CSS3 – nav-mobile.js

Just another jQuery & CSS based mobile-friendly navigation system that automatically converts the regular horizontal site menu into a sliding dropdown menu with a toggle link.

Custom On/Off Toggle Switch Plugin For jQuery – on-off-switch.js

on-off-switch.js is a simple to use jQuery plugin used for generating toggle switches with custom text, colors and sizes form ‘hidden’ or checkbox inputs.

3D Interactive Image Hover Effect With jQuery And CSS3 – hover3d

hover3d is a jQuery plugin that uses CSS3 3D transforms to create an Apple tvOS like, interactive parallax hover effect on your images.

jQuery Plugin For Auto One Page Scroll Navigation – Section Scroll

Section Scroll is a lightweight jQuery plugin for automatically generate a side bullet navigation on your one page scrolling website.

Simple Flexible jQuery Autocomplete Plugin – Flexdatalist

A simple, flexible, powerful jQuery plugin which provides the ‘autocomplete’ functionality on your input field with support for local datalist and remote JSON data.

Create A CRUD Tree Table With jQuery And Bootstrap – edittreetable

edittreetable is a jQuery plugin used for rendering a hierarchical CRUD tree table from JSON objects using Bootstrap styles.

Minimal Countdown Plugin With jQuery And Moment.js – downtime-timer

downtime-timer is a very small jQuery plugin used to create a countdown timer with timezone support for coming soon / under construction pages.

Beautiful Animated Modal Window Plugin With jQuery – SweetModal

SweetModal is a simple, sweet, customizable, animated jQuery modal plugin used to replace the default alert / prompt / confirm dialog boxes.

Beautiful Multifunctional Calendar Plugin For jQuery – PIGNOSE Calender

PIGNOSE Calender is a jQuery plugin used for creating a beautiful, responsive, mobile-friendly calendar on the webpage.

Minimal Like / Dislike Button Plugin with jQuery – like-dislike

like-dislike is a really simple jQuery plugin for generating a like button widget on your website that displays the number of users who liked / disliked each content.

JSON Based Form Builder with jQuery and Bootstrap – FormForm

FormForm is a jQuery based form generation plugin that allows to dynamically generate a Bootstrap form from JSON data.

Responsive CSS3 Animated jQuery Modal Plugin – iziModal

iziModal is a simple, fast jQuery plugin which lets you create responsive, beautiful, highly customizable modal windows with CSS3 powered transition effects.

Touch-enabled Fullscreen Page Slider Plugin With jQuery – XSwitch

XSwitch is a jQuery one page scroll plugin which allows horizontal or vertical scrolling within specified fullscreen elements, with touch swipe and mouse wheel support

Bootstrap Drawer Panel/Navigation Plugin With jQuery

Bootstrap Drawer is a JQuery plugin which adds mobile-friendly, app-style, off-canvas drawer panels/navigation to your Bootstrap project.

Minimal Overlaying Off-canvas Plugin With jQuery – Iptools Offcanvas

Iptools Offcanvas is a really simple jQuery plugin that uses CSS3 transitions and transforms to create an overlaying, multi-purpose off-canvas panel.

Cross-browser Draggable jQuery Popup Window Plugin – jPopup

jPopup is a cross-browser jQuery plugin which helps you create a highly customizable, drag’n’drop, Material Design-style popup box on your web application.

Simple jQuery Animated Counter With Easing Support – SimpleCounter.js

SimpleCounter.js is a simplest jQuery counter plugin which counts up or counts down to a specified number with custom easing and duration support.

Responsive Overflow Off-canvas Navigation Plugin With jQuery – okayNav

A mobile-friendly jQuery navigation plugin that automatically hides overflowing items and shows them in a off-canvas sidebar navigation on small screens.

Minimalist Client-side Live Search Plugin For jQuery – Search.js

An ultra-light and fast jQuery live search plugin that provides a fast, client-side, case sensitive live filter functionality on your large data sets like lists and tables.

Fullscreen Sliding Navigation Menu with jQuery and CSS3

A jQuery fullscreen navigation solution that uses CSS3 transitions to slides smoothly out a fullscreen nav menu when you click or tap on the hamburger toggle button.

Easy Data Table Manipulation Plugin With jQuery – easyTable

easyTable is a simple and Bootstrap-compatible jQuery table manipulation plugin which allows you to filter, sort and multi-select table rows.

Responsive Multi-level Dropdown & Toggle Menu Plugin With jQuery

A jQuery based responsive dropdown navigation menu that automatically switches to a mobile-friendly toggle menu when the window width reaches a specified breakpoint.

Combo Box Date & Time Picker Plugin With jQuery – Combodate

Combodate is a jQuery and Moment.js based date & time picker plugin which lets you select date and time using combo dropdown boxes.

Simplest jQuery Sortable Table Plugin – sorttable.js

sorttable.js is a small, fast jQuery plugin which provides ascending/descending sort functionality for your html table by click on the table header.

Responsive Adaptable Image Slider Plugin For jQuery – resize-slider

A responsive, mobile-friendly background slideshow which automatically applies the user specified CSS background properties based on the screen orientation.

Simple Animated Timeline Plugin For jQuery – Timelify

Timelify is a really simple jQuery plugin for creating a vertical timeline that animates events with the scroll event using Animate.css powered CSS3 animations.

Responsive Off-canvas Sidebar Navigation With jQuery And CSS3

A jQuery/CSS3 based responsive, off-canvas navigation where the sidebar menu is displayed by sliding the entire page to the left (or right) side when toggled.

Stylish Off-canvas Sidebar Plugin With jQuery – Sidebar.js

Sidebar.js is a lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that lets you create an off-screen, toggleable off-canvas sidebar for site navigation or control panels.

Fullscreen Lightbox Style Gallery Plugin For jQuery – jBox

jBox is a simple jQuery image viewer plugin which allows the users to view full size versions of thumbnails in a responsive, navigatable lightbox popup gallery.

3D Layered Parallax Effect With jQuery And CSS3

A layered parallax effect which uses JavaScript and CSS3 3D transforms to create an interactive multi-layered parallax card with depth reacting to the mouse move.

Simple Toggle Switch Plugin With jQuery And Bootstrap – Bootstrap Switch

A minimalist jQuery plugin that converts normal checkboxes into highly customizable toggle switches using Bootstrap styles.

Multilevel Dropdown Menu Plugin For Bootstrap – Dropdown On Hover

Dropdown On Hover is a jQuery plugin used to create hover-triggered multi-level Bootstrap dropdown menus with fancy CSS3 animations based on Animate.css.

JSON API Driven CRUD Data Table Plugin With jQuery – Cruddy

Cruddy is a jQuery & Bootstrap plugin used to assist with JSON API driven CRUD tasks.

Date Range Picker With jQuery And jQuery UI – DateRangePicker

A jQuery plugin for converting a jQuery UI date picker widget into a date range picker which enables the visitor to select a date range in one control.

CSS3 Animated Text Rotator / Carousel Plugin – Changethewords.js

Changethewords.js is a really small (~1kb) jQuery plugin which help rotate through pieces of text with CSS3 based animations based on Animate.css.

Flexible Popover-like Drop Down Plugin With jQuery – SweetDropdown

SweetDropdown is a jQuery plugin used for creating flexible, animated, popover-style dropdowns which can be attached to any DOM element in any direction.

Simple Flexible Parallax Scrolling Plugin With jQuery – Parally

Parally is a simple, flexible jQuery parallax scrolling plugin which can be applied to background images or any other DOM elements.

Interactive Stacked Chart Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 – barChart

barChart is a simple jQuery chart plugin that presents multiple datesets in an interactive, customizable, stacked column / bar chart.

Simple Responsive Gallery Popup Plugin with jQuery – Darkbox

Darkbox is a lightweight jQuery gallery lightbox plugin for showing large images in a fully responsive, fullscreen gallery popup.

10 Newest Free jQuery Plugins For This Week #13 (2016)

Here’s our #123 hand-picked collection of 10 New Free jQuery Plugins with examples we found around the web from last week (March 25th, 2016 ~ March 31th, 2016).

Simplest Fullscreen Background Slideshow With jQuery – Chocolate.js

chocolate.js is a simplest responsive fullscreen slideshow which allows you to fade through an array of background images at a specific speed.

Responsive Yearly Time Line Plugin For jQuery – Timeliny

Timeliny is a simple to use jQuery plugin for generating a responsive, interactive yearly timeline that allows you to scroll through events via drag and drop.

Tiny Versatile Carousel / Slider Plugin For jQuery – slide.js

Just another jQuery slider plugin which helps create any types of content carousels or sliders you can imagine.

Responsive Any Content Parallax Plugin With jQuery – Parallux

A jQuery plugin which makes use of CSS3 3D transforms (translate3d) to create smooth hardware accelerated parallax scrolling effect on any content.

Dynamic Table Operation Plugin With jQuery – Tabullet

Tabullet is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin which provides basic table operations (add / delete / edit rows) on your html table.

jQuery Plugin To Resize And Center An Image Within Its Container – Image Cover

Image Cover is a jQuery plugin which dynamically resizes and centers your image to fit its parent container in your responsive webpage.

Basic Login/Signup Form Validation Plugin With jQuery – Validatr

Validatr is a simple to use jQuery plugin which provides basic form validation functionality for required, email and zip input fields.

Medium-style Floating Text-highlight Menu With jQuery And CSS3

Medium Highlight Menu is a jQuery script for displaying a Medium-style menu floating on the top of user selected text. Useful for context menu, inline editor or social share links.

Minimal Fullscreen Responsive Carousel Plugin With jQuery

Yet another jQuery based fullscreen responsive carousel plugin which rotates through a group of background images with custom text using CSS3 transforms and transitions.

Simple Shopping Cart Plugin With jQuery And Bootstrap – mycart

mycart is a jQuery plugin used to create a shopping cart interface with Bootstrap styles that features add to cart, payout modal and add/remove/edit cart items.

Feature-rich Responsive Data Grid Plugin With jQuery – Grid.js

Grid.js is a customizable jQuery data grid plugin that features inline editing, AJAX loading, responsive design, paging, sorting, top toolbar and collapsible grid rows.

Full Window Modal-style Photo Gallery Plugin with jQuery – picEyes

picEyes is a simple, lightweight jQuery gallery / image viewer plugin for presenting your images in fullscreen mode.

Fancy Clock-style Time Picker Plugin For jQuery – Timedropper

Timedropper is a fancy jQuery & jQuery UI time picker plugin which allows the user to select a time from a clock interface with a 360° drop-style slider handle.

Google Style Expanding Thumbnail Grid Plugin With jQuery – Mg-Space

Mg-Space is a jQuery plugin to create a responsive photo gallery that allows to open an expanding thumbnail grid when clicking on an image like an accordion.

jQuery Plugin For Sortable Bootstrap Tables – Bootstrap Sortable

Bootstrap Sortable is a jQuery extension for Bootstrap that adds the capability of sorting rows of your Bootstrap tables by your own rules.

Responsive Collapsible Toggle Menu Plugin With jQuery – eosMenu

eosMenu helps you create a responsive, multi-level, accordion-style menu where all the menu items will be collapsed into a dropdown toggle menu on small screens.

jQuery Plugins To Visualize Date Using D3.js – Noterik DataVisualizations

A set of jQuery plugin which takes advantage of D3.js library to visualize your plain data into animated, dynamic, interactive pie/bar charts or a word cloud.

Simple Image Hover Zoom Plugin With jQuery – spzoom

spzoom is a really simple jQuery image hover zoom plugin which displays zoomed image next to the original one with support of caption bar and image loading indicator.

Responsive Accessible Lightbox Gallery Plugin For jQuery – littlelightbox

littlelightbox is a simple, flexible, responsive jQuery gallery lightbox plugin that helps you create image galleries with lightbox integration.

Minimalist Masonry-style Grid Layout Plugin – Masonry.js

Yet another jQuery plugin that makes it easier to create responsive, fluid/elastic grid layout like the famous Masonry or Pinterest layouts.

Multi-level Vertical Accordion Menu Plugin – lazeemenu

lazeemenu is a dead simple jQuery plugin used for generating a multi-level, vertical accordion menu from nested html lists.

jQuery Plugin To Enlarge Images On Mouseover – image-tooltip.js

image-tooltip.js is lightweight jQuery image zoom plugin which enlarges your image and display it in a tooltip-like popup on mouse hover.

Multilevel Orbital Navigation Plugin With jQuery – Orbitlist

Orbitlist is a fancy jQuery navigation plugin which helps you generate a multilevel circular/radial site menu from plain nested html lists.

Responsive Interactive HTML5 Video Player With jQuery / CSS3

A jQuery based responsive, interactive HTML5 video player with custom controls and transcript support.

Highly Customizable jQuery Toast Message Plugin – Toastr

Toastr is a simple yet robust jQuery toast notification plugin which lets you create highly customizable toast messages on your webpage.

jQuery Gallery Lightbox With Image Zoom – zbox

zbox is a cool jQuery plugin which lets you display a responsive fullscreen gallery lightbox with ability to zoom in images on mouse hover.

Collapsible Data Grid Plugin With jQuery – Treegrid

Treegrid is a jQuery plugin which converts a standard Html table into a collapsible data grid like the tree structure.

This post originally appeared on jQuery Script.

The post 100+ Best Free jQuery plugins published in 2016. appeared first on Free Web Design Tutorials.

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