
kundalini yoga para desintoxicar y desestresar intro 1-3 youtube.com/watch?v=_QfUlJ9yTFI kundalini yoga para desintoxicar y desestresa ejercicios …
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Question by Waheed Yousry: increased consciousness as a result from kundalini yoga?
I already have Social Anxiety Disorder, was hoping to get it cured by practicing yoga , i practice kundalini but the results are upsetting , i get really conscious in social situations my body heats up really fast my ears heat up whenever i listen to music , i get warm alot , DNT KNOW WHAT TO DO ReaLLY NEED HELP sick of being abnormal around people

Best answer:

Answer by Tesl-goddess
Hello, let me start by saying I am a certified Hatha yoga instructor who also reads and writes articles on clinical yoga research. I am not a psychologist or doctor of any kind. However, I do sympathize with your situation and applaud you for looking at complementary therapies to improve your situation.

Clinical studies show doing yoga helps you reduce anxiety and depression by affecting your brain chemistry in a good way. Here is a quote from an article I wrote for YogaHathaYoga.com, “yoga influences your hypothalamus to reduce bad feelings such as anxiety, fear, aggression and rage, and increase good feelings bliss and pleasure.” I have placed a link to the article below which also provides a link to the actual study if u r so inclined.

Additionally, don’t limit your yoga to only the physical kind. Think about trying meditation yoga like Yoga Nidra or Sahaja Yoga and doing breathing exercises called pranayama. I wish you all the best.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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