
Every Friday we give away some extra PCBs via Facebook. This post was announced on Facebook, and on Monday we’ll send coupon codes to two random commenters. The coupon code usually go to Facebook ‘Other’ Messages Folder . More PCBs via Twitter on Tuesday and the blog every Sunday. Don’t forget there’s free PCBs three times every week:

Free PCB Sunday. The classic. Every week, get free PCBs right here on the blog comments

Tweet-a-PCB Tuesday. Follow us and get boards in 144 characters or less

Facebook PCB Friday. Free PCBs while you wait for the weekend

Check out our video on how we mail PCBs worldwide.

Some stuff:

Yes, we’ll mail it anywhere in the world!

We’ll contact you via Facebook with a coupon code for the PCB drawer.

Limit one PCB per address per month, please.

Like everything else on this site, PCBs are offered without warranty.

We try to stagger free PCB posts so every time zone has a chance to participate, but the best way to see it first is to subscribe to the RSS feed, follow us on Twitter, or like us on Facebook.

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