
Liz: Today we’ve got a guest post from our friends at element14, who have been running a competition over the last few months that’s had Raspberry Pi owners making movie magic. Our very own James Adams did the judging, and we’ve really enjoyed seeing the entries – we think you’ll find them as amazing as we did.

Thanks folks!

Whatever the science fiction film, television show or novel, all sci-fi fans share one commonality: an appreciation for the technology that helps their favourite heroes overcome even the most impossible odds. That appreciation is also evident with the Raspberry Pi, which has spurred countless science fiction-themed projects and inventions around the world. That’s why we set up the Sci Fi Your Pi design competition, in which 25 challengers used the Raspberry Pi to bring their favourite science fiction projects to life.

The participants worked tirelessly to complete their projects, documenting their progress along the way via blog posts, photos and video at element14. Today, we’re excited to announce the winning entry.

After much deliberation, Enrico Miglino was named the winner for his MediTech system, inspired by the Star Trek series. Enrico’s device used the Raspberry Pi 2 and a multimeter to create a portable multi-tool medical examination kit. The device measures heart rate, body temperature, blood pressure and blood glucose, assess eye health and is capable of doing body surface image analysis. For his design, Enrico will receive a replica of Boba Fett’s Mandalorian helmet created by the legendary Don Post Studios valued at $2,300 (£1,500).

Boba Fett’s ACTUAL helmet is currently a bit acid-etched.

Several other participants impressed us with their creations. Finalist Michael Hahn also drew inspiration from Star Trek to build a scientific tricorder that can evaluate the environment’s atmospheric conditions, temperature and humidity.

Finalist Joey Thompson built a QuadCop, a low-cost, custom-built quadcopter that performs security screenings, inspired by the Terminator series.

Frederick Vandenbosch, the fourth finalist, created a PiDesk, which leverages the Raspberry Pi 2 Model B+ to turn an ordinary work desk into an interactive series of touch and motion controls, similar to the one featured in the Tron Legacy franchise.

As part of the challenge, element14 created the movie posters you can see above, representing each finalist’s project and the film that inspired it.

All 25 of the projects submitted show just how much the Pi has captured the imagination of engineers and tech enthusiasts alike. And while the Sci Fi Your Pi challenge may officially be over, this is just the beginning of new opportunities to creatively use our technologies in fun ways. Thank you to everybody who took part in the competition and to all Raspberry Pi enthusiasts at element14 and beyond who continue to inspire new applications for the Raspberry Pi 2. To learn more about the Sci Fi Your Pi challenge and view the full gallery of projects, visit www.element14.com/scifiyourpi.

The post Sci-Fi your Pi appeared first on Raspberry Pi.

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