
This is a complete guide to the game Sim Girls - Full Version, and it contains all the information I could gather in quite some time playing it. It have really lots of information, and should help you, even if you are a complete beginner and don't even know what Sim Girls is.But, even if you are an experienced player, do check out this guide. You never know, I may have discovered something you don't know yet, or I may have used resources in a different way you are accustomed, getting better results.And even if not, and this guide couldn't help you at all, because you have a way of doing things better than I do, please, let me know it. After all, the goal of this guide is exactly that: sharing information, and finding ways even better of doing things.Man, read this even if you don't want to, so you can send me a comment saying “this thing is crap, don't waste my time, stupid!”.Because this is my objective here, write something for you, and hear you back, even if it's not what I want to hear!Must dedicate some thanks to Sim Man, for creating this genial game.Thanks, too, for Robin and Soham Banerjee, from the Blackspears Forum, for providing me valuable information that enriched this guide a lot, and made this guide as complete as possible.Also, thanks for everyone that liked/commented/shared my other works, which gave me incentive on concluding this work.And, ultimately, thanks to YOU, for reading this! After all, you are the main reason that motivated me to write this guide!I've integrated the information of my other, more specific, guides I already posted, and added a lot of more contents.Before we really start, as you all know, Sim Girls may appear to be a simple game, but it takes A LOT of planning and strategy, if you want the best results.Apart from this, there is not one single way of gameplaying. Every player haves his own style, his own pace, preferences and priorities. So, my goal here is make a proposition, suggest a way that was quite planned and tested, but I'm not saying that this is the ONLY way of doing things. Try your own plans. But if things don't work out as you meant to, then allow me to show you some hints.In my opinion, it's important that you have high stats early in the game, because it will leverage a lot of possibilities, and as soon as you can do it, the better.This way, the strategy tries to take you to the highest attributes level, as soon as possible, and before doing anything else. But don't worry, all the possibilities and events were taken in consideration. The goal to reach maximum stats early is to unlock long-term benefits, like being easier to make money, and getting maximum xp in the interactions with the girls, not to mention filling requirements to enable benefical events, like the one that happens in day 16 with Tomoyo.Another important fact is that the strategy to achieve the ending “Getting Tomoko in Two Weeks” I'll keep separate from the main strategy, for several reasons. The first, it's because you don't have to wait until the last day to reach it. In fact, if you do, you'll miss it. Also, the best planning for this specific ending is very different than the planning for the long-term game, and some solutions for it will not apply for the “2 Weeks” ending. So, if you want the “2 Weeks”, please check straight the section 10 of the guide.I've collected almost all in-game information. My intention is to concentrate here all the information you can get in-game, so that you don't have to waste time (not to mention, “energy” :P) looking for it. And I also added a lot of information from observations, so here, you'll have all you need to know from the game, and a little plus!One more thing: I'll use the expression “stats”, and “attributes” to refer to the main values that represents your character, as you can see in section 2. So, in case you're wondering, that both expressions mean the same thing.And this part is for Sim Man! Yes! Since I have to opportunity to reach the game creator, I've added here a section where I present some of my oppinions about the game, as well as some ideas and suggestions, to make the game even better. If you could check it out, it'd be nice!
1 - Some general hints:
- Choose the ending you want beforehand! For that, check out the hints Ami gives you, in the ASK - Endings.As long as I hate to say this, there's no way you can get all the endings avaliable with only one gameplay. Because sometimes, one ending's requisite exclude another ending.So, make sure the path you take is the one that goals your wished ending.I'll try to keep a note on that as the guide goes on, but pay attention! Sometimes, one tiny mistake can close a door later!
- If you want the ending “Getting Ms. Fukoma in Two Weeks”, please, refer to that part of the guide, straight. It's because this ending demands a focused strategy, and the other part of the guide will not help you that much.
- There's a bug, since some previous version, that prevents the Criminal and Intelligent types of character of dating Ami at the Blue Mountain. Just for the records, this bug remains at the version 5.6 of the game. Thanks to this, the strategy options grow a bit thin, specially for the Intelligent type, which could use some dates at the Blue Mountain with Ami.
- I found out another way of strategy for the Intelligent type. I showed the previous one in the other guide, the one for raising the stats in the begining of the game. But, after some gameplays, and testings, I saw that one was not very good, as it leaves the xp making with the girls entirely to the 3rd week. Getting Close Friend relationship with Tomoko before day 16 required an imense patience, as you had to wait for her calls a lot. In this guide, I'll adopt a new strategy. It takes the attributes raising until day 14 (one day after the other), but the xp building with Tomoko will go smoother, so I think this is the most efficient way, in the end.And still about the other guide, with the Playful, I'll use here the “Day 11 Strategy”, as it's more efficient than the other, in my oppinion.
- ALWAYS SAVE YOUR GAME. This is important either for raising your stats as for all the other things. Specially when you are making xp with the girls. Each time you try to talk to a girl, you may be interrupted by Ryuji, wasting 20 energy points, and worse, making you lose a little xp with that girl. To avoid this, follow my advice: ALWAYS SAVE YOUR GAME!
Now, let's go through some game concepts, and the relevance of those for the gameplay.
2 - The Stats - the stats in the Sim Girls are very simple to understand. They are Strength, Knowledge and Charm.
2.1 - Strength is the physical force of your character, measures how much buffed he is and how much damage he can make or take in a combat situation.It's a very important stat, as it's one of the attributes that you will need to make good xp with Tomoko (as she likes “strong” and “charming” guys...).Not only that, but whenever you got in a fight, the higher your strength is, the easier will be to beat up your opponent. Considering that the best way to get money early in the game is beating up the enemies in the Street Fighting Club, you will probably want to have maximum strength very soon.
2.2 - Knowledge is the mental attribute of your character. Measures how cult you are, and how many study you have.First, it is one of the requisites to get xp with Kotomi (that likes “Smart” and “Charming” guys).Moreover, as in any other school, you will have to make tests, the Exams. Those require you to have a determinated level of knowledge for each one. The rewards are definitely worth your while, specially because that, if you succeed, you will unlock an alternative ending in the end. So, don't underestimate your studies, boy. Your future depends on this... or something like that...
2.3 - Charm is the attribute of your character that can be explained as his “charisma”. It is the ability to make that other people like you, just by looking at you.Another thing important about charm is that all the actions you take with the girls, from talking to dating, everything is affected by charm. The higher your charm, the more effective your actions will be.Moreover, you may have noticed by now, but BOTH GIRLS, Tomoko and Kotomi, likes CHARMING guys.So, my friend, this is A MUST skill to have, as high as you can, and as fast as you can!Also, there are some events in the game that require some level of Charm, so raise it really as soon as you can. It will be important later. But not THAT later, it'll be sooner than you think, so don't slack off!
3 - Character Types - As you start playing the game, you have to choose “your own style”, in other words, what type of character you want to create. In this game, there are 4 kinds of character, depending on his personality: Criminal, Playfull, Inteligent and Casual.
3.1 - Criminal - as the name says, your character will be the delinquent of the school, the kind of “tough guy”. He will have a large advantage in the Strength stat, making it easier to raise. But, in the other hand, raising his knowledge will not be that easy, because that's his weak point.
3.2 - Playful - he is the “joker” of the school, never taking anything in life too much serious: being too serious is bad for his health, or so he says... Anyway, he is the expert in Charm, but is weak in knowledge, just as the Criminal.
3.3 - Intelligent - The brains of the group is here, because the Intelligent is the one that lives for study. His advantage is, of course, the knowledge. But he is weak in strength. This one could be a problem, after all he is only “average” in charm, and his strength is really hard to raise. But, anyway, if you like that kind, here he is!
3.4 - Casual - Last, but not least, we have the “casual guy”. He is the “average” man, being not too strong at anything, and not too weak at anything. He is the typical “hey man, whassup?” kind of guy.
3.5 - Personally, I think that, in the overall performance, the Playfull is the kind of character who have a little advantage about the others, specially when raising stats from 200 to 300.On the other hand, the Intelligent is a hard challenge, because of his weaknesses make him very difficult to be put in the same level as the others, and it still affects him later. So, the intelligent will take a little bit longer to get things than the others. I preffer a most malleable kind of character, which can accomplish everything with a little more effort than the others. And this kind, for me, is the Casual.Not that it makes a big difference in the end, as you will see. Because, later in the game, after you reach the maximum stat, there won't be any difference, except about jobs, but I'll talk about this next. Besides, with the right planning, all of them can reach the maximum stat almost in the same time. So, you can choose as you wish, I have a sollution for all of them.
4 - Jobs - one of the challenges of the game, as in almost any other game (and in life, actually...), is making money. You will need money to do many things, including buy gifts for the girls (making them easier to get), supplies to help you advance in some events (like the Time Machine Project, for example) and even to save your life during fights - and now I'm gonna be a spoiler, YES there is a BOSS FIGHT in this game, so be ready. Not only that, there will be some events that require a specific amount of cash, and if you don't have it, you will miss it and won't be able to recover unless re-starting the gameplay.There are several ways of making cash in the game. But in the early stages, the options are not that vast. One of the ways is getting a job.To get a job, from the map screen, go to the Downtown. There you will see all the jobs that you can perform.
4.1 - The Model's Manager is a very good job. You just “pimp” the girls, and they make money for you. JUST KIDDING. But it is a really good job, as it may get you big amounts of cash in a single day. But it's not avaliable to you in the start of the game, as it requires you to have at least 3 girls to begin, and also requires some investiment, which I imagine you won't be able to make so early. Please, reffer the section 8, for more information about the details of the Model's Manager.
4.2 - The Salesman is the carreer for the Playful character. It consumes 45 energy, and pays you based on your charm - Charm X $1.5. Not only that, the Playful haves a bonus of 50% over the others.
4.3 - The Tutor is the job exclusively for the Intelligent. Takes 35 points of energy, and pays you on the rate of your knowledge X $2.5. Being your character Intelligent, you get a 20% bonus, being a Casual haves no effects, and being a Playful or Criminal you get a penalty of -20% in your pay. But, lets be honest, who the hell will want to be tutor, if any other jobs pay more (except for the intelligent, of course).
4.4 - The Drug Dealer is, in my opinion, the best job for all, except when you can run the Model Agency. It consumes 50 energy, but you are paid directly over your strength - Strength X $5,0. The good part is: if you are not a criminal, it doesn't matter, you will get the same pay whatever your type is. The catch is: you have a chance of getting caught (of course, there's always a catch...). The advantage of the criminal is here: as the others have 15% chance of being caught, the criminal only haves 10% (big, HUUUUGE diference, but anyway...).What makes Drug Dealer be so good? As I said before, strength is a very important stat to raise soon. That's one of the reasons: you can make money from it!Are you scared about getting caught? Simply save your game before.And this requires a parenthesis: how do you save your game? In the Map Screen, go to the little red house in the top of the screen, called Mystic Shop. There will be a star inside a purple circle. Click it, then save game. If, by any reason, you want to step back, you can load the game from the point saved, doing the same thing and pressing Load Game.This is a very useful tool, we will be using it A LOT here, THOROUGHLY!And returning where we were, that is one of the aplications for the SAVE/LOAD procedure. If you get caught, simply load the game, and try again.Only for you information, if you actually get busted, besides not receiving a damn cent, you will have to pay the triple of the value you were suposed to receive. So, if your strength is 100, you were suposed to receive $ 500. If you bust it, you will have to pay $1500. That said, please, let's keep it simple: just load the game and try again.Another point that makes the Drug Dealer your best shot is that, no matter what type of character you have, you will always get the full pay. Of course, if you are a criminal, you will get strong faster. But once you have the maximum strength, you will get the maximum pay, without penalties for being from a different type (it's even more democratic, isn't it?).The last argument is statistical: you will always receive more cash working as a drug dealer than any other job. Later in the game, you will get itens that allow you to raise your stats until you have 300 points (the magazines). We won't get there in this guide, my pourpose here is to reach the maximum stats EARLY in the game, and getting those magazines require those early high stats. But when you get it, you will be able to level your stats until 300. Plus, there are the “job” itens (eyeglasses, knuckles and fragrance), which multiplies by 3 the value you get from jobs.So, if you are a Playful, and have all the itens, you will be able to work 2 times as a salesman (45 energy each = 90 energy - lefting 10 energy points). From that, you will get 300 X 1.5 = $450 +50% = $ 225, total = $ 675 X 3 = $2.025, each time you work, in the end getting you $ 4050.If you are an Intelligent, and work as a tutor, you will be able to work the same 2 times (35 energy each time = 70 energy - lefting 30 energy points), and the job will profit you 300 X 2.5 = $750 +20% ($ 150) = $900 X 3 = $ 2.700 each time, with a total profit of $ 5.400.But if you are a drug dealer, no matter what type you are, if you have 300 points at strength, you will be able to work the same 2 times (50 energy each, leaving no energy behind), profiting 300 X 5 X 3 = $ 4500 each time, for a total of $ 9000 a day. To get more than this, only “pimping” the girls at the Model Agency. And besides, I don't know about you, but I never found a way of making money with only 30 energy points left... So you don't waste energy, and get almost twice than what you'd get in the others.Of course, early in the game you will get only $ 1000 (200 X 5) each time, as you will not have the itens, but you will get there!
4.5 - The Street Fight Club at the Pub - In the Map Screen, you can find in the right side of the screen a building named Pub. Enter it, and you will have three options. You will be able to have sex, train in the punch bag (matters about I'll talk later...), and you can have a FIGHT. I'll explain everything about the Street Fight Club, in the section 7.
5 - Raising the Stats - So now, you know what stats is, you know that the type of character you have affect the evolution of the stats, and know one aplication of raising the stats soon: making money. Now, how the hell can you raise those damn stats?
5.1 - Strength - There are several ways to raise the strength.The main one (and the one we will use most here) is the punch bag! In the Map Screen, click on the building named PUB. There you will see a punch bag hanging from the ceiling. Simply click on it. It will consume 50 energy points to do it. The result of this training will depend on the type of character you have. If you are a Criminal, you will get a random value, between 25 and 33 points. If you are a Playful or a Casual, you will get between 20 and 25 points, and if you are an Intelligent, between 15 and 17.Other way to raise the strength is using the Swimming Facility, at school. In the Map Screen, click on the building called Fukoma High, and then East Wing, and then Swimming Facility. It's a minigame in which you will compete with two other adversaries in a swimming contest. The results of the training depends on you winning the contest, as well as the level of your adversaries. You can choose between the levels Kids (you gain $100, and 5 points in strength and charm), Novice (you gain $200, and 6 points in strength and charm), Intermediate (you gain $400, and 7 points in strength and charm), Advanced (you gain $600, and 8 points in strength and charm) and Mania (you gain $800, and 10 points in strength and charm).I know what you are thinking: hey, this is THE BEST WAY to raise stats! You gain cash, and upgrades 2 stats at a time. Problem is: did you see the amount of stat you raise each time? Besides, you need to be at a considerable level of strength to win in the advanced and mania levels. Later in the game, after you get the magazines, sure, it's a great way to raise the stats from 200 to 300 (you make a lot of money while training). But right now, my friend, just forget about the pool.There's yet another way to raise the strength: Do you know Ami? Yeah, Ami, your childhood friend! That annoying chick that wakes you up in the begining of the game. You can find her at the Fukoma High (you know how to find by now, right?). From day 1, independently from the xp level, you can ask her for a date! But hold your pants, mister. Absolutely nothing happen in those dates, except that you get a little xp in the relationship with her, and a little bonus in some stat.To raise your strength, take her to a date in the Blue Mountain.About dates: this information shall apply to any date you will try. First, dates are only liberated when you achieve the level Close Friend with a girl. How do you make this? Anytime you interact with a girl, by clicking on her, and talking to her, giving her gifts (flowers, teddy bears and diamond rings), you gain a certain quantity of xp in the relationship with that girl. The amount you gain depends on how high your stats for that girl are. For example, for Tomoyo, you have to have a high level of strength and charm. The higher your stats are, more xp you will gain each time you interact with her. I'm not sure if the xp gained from giving her gifts have some relation with your own stats, but remember, the higher the better!You may use the command ASK in the interaction menu, and ask her a personal question. If your xp with her is high enough, she will answer, and your relationship level with that girl will go up. Refer to the in-game help, for more information about it.Well, when your relationship level is at Close Friend, you can invite her for a date, using the command DATE in the interaction menu.Before you do this, however, I highly recommend you to save your game. Because you will have to guess what day of the week is she free for a date. Answer a number from 1 to 5, meaning the week days (1 for monday, 2 for thursday, and so on). If you go straight, you may have to spend all your energy trying to guess. So, if you save you game, you can find out what day she is free, and then load the game, do something else first, then go back to the girl and give the correct day in the first try.I recomend this because, once you finish a date, your energy will be at 0. Yes, day over! So, do everything you want to do before you talk to her, and when you are at 20 energy, save your game and go for a date!Fine, everything I said here was to give you a overlook of what a date is. But we were talking about a date with Ami. Well, for Ami, forget everything I said, because nothing applies, except the part of guessing a day she is free. But you can have up to 5 dates with Ami in a single day (20 energy each), you don't have to worry about your relationship level (after all, she is your childhood friend since the begining), and if you think you will get a hentai scene with Ami during a date, FORGET, NOW, because it will NOT HAPPEN. On the contrary, that “date” looks more like two children playing (like “Let's play hide and seek”, and things like that).Now going back to the topic (I almost lost myself around here...), to raise your strength stat by dating with Ami, ask her for a date in the Blue Mountain. You will get a random value depending on the type of character you have. The Casual will get between 7-9, and the Playful, between 7-9 points each date.There's a bug in the game, that when you try to take Ami to the Blue Mountain as a Criminal or as an Intelligent, it will not be possible to enter the area. You can click as many as you want, but it will never enter. Just to mention.So, considering that you can have 5 dates per day with Ami, the highest score you will get is 45 points.Personally, I think that there are more benefical ways to do it. The main advantage of dating Ami is that, if you are broken ($$$), this is a free way to raise your stats. But since you don't have to pay anything to use the punch bag, it looses its advantages, and you will get less stat points. Well, let's go on.
5.2 - Charm - there are also three ways of raising your charm.First, you can go to the PUB, and click on the prostitute, to have sex. It will consume 30 energy, and will cost you $30 each time. The amount of stat given depends on the type of character. For the Casual, Criminal and Intelligent, you will gain between 12-15 points, and for the Playful, between 15-20 points each time.You can try, as I said before, the Swimming Club, and dating Ami. In the last one, take her to the Sleeping Forest. Each date, the Casual, Criminal and Intelligent will get 5-7 points, while the Playful will get 8-11.HERE is where the “free” advantage of dating Ami will take place, if you are broken. But, if you have some cash, any at all, you will not be spending it.... you will be investing it. Try to use the hooker first and, in the worst case scenario, appeal to Ami. Or, if you are brave, try the swimming pool, but I really don't recommend it, even if you already have maximum strength. Neither the cash, or the xp are worthy.
5.3 - Knowledge - This one have a little more options, and combo oportunities.You can raise the knowledge in the Fukoma High, inside the classroom, clicking on the book over the table. This will make your character STUDY, consuming 50 energy points. And, as always, the results depends on the character type: the Criminal and Playful get between 15-17 points, the Casual gets 20-25, and the Intelligent between 25-33 points.Alternatively, you can date Ami, taking her to the Golden City. The results are: Criminal and Playful => 5-7 points; Casual => 7-9 points; and Intelligent => 9-11 points, each time. But let's be honest at this point, and do some math: studying 2 times the Intelligent can get between 50-66 points, and dating Ami (poor Ami, I'm starting to feel sorry for her) he will get 45-55 points. Dating he will get, TOPS, 5 points more than studying and getting minimal score twice. And lets talk about probability: it's much easier to get higher scores with just two tries than with five!!! The same logic applies to the rest of the characters.Some events during the story offer you the oportunity to gain knowledge. Before each exam, Ami will offer to study with you, at the cost of 60 energy. Honestly, if you still are needing xp in knowledge one day before an exam, then I recommend refusing her offer and study by yourself (with the STUDY command), you will get more xp doing this. But, if you don't, and since you get a real good bonus in the relationship with her, do it. It's a counted oportunity, unless you are already at max knowledge (it'd be a waste of your time, and energy, and those are precious to us here).Last, comes the hot shot! The famous computer. In the Map Screen, the blue house in the south part of the map is you home (forgive me if i'm being stupid, but I must describe the details for the ones that doesn't know). Once you enter your house, you can rest in the bed (closing a day and starting another), go to the basement (in the begining, it's empty, but it will become important very soon), or use the computer.Using the computer, you have the option to play puzzles (once you collect them all from the successful dates with Tomoyo), sign in the Social Network (with the password provided by Blackspears, if you are reading this, you probably already have one), or surf the web.Surfing the Web costs you only 10 energy points, and grants you a small bonus in the knowledge. This bonus varies between 2-6 points, for ALL THE CHARACTER TYPES.If you remember well, the Intelligent type gains from studying between 25 and 33 points, costing 50 energy. If you study an entire day, you will get a score in the range 50-66 points. The others will gain less, as the Casual gets 20-25 each time, for a total of 40-50, and the Criminal and Playful will get 15-17 each time, for a total of 30-34 the day.The knowledge you gain from surfing the web each time is worthless, only 2-6 points. But remember: it only costs you 10 energy, allowing to use it to the limit of 10 times a day. This way, you will get a value that goes from 20 to 60 points of knowledge, per day. Let's analyze it some more: studying, with the Intelligent type, you can get a top score of 66 points a day, with a Casual you get 50, and with the Criminal and Playfull you get 34. Surfing the web, WITH ANY KIND OF CHARACTER, you can get a top score of 60 points. For the intelligent type, it's useless, but for the other character types, getting that top score will put them pratically in the same foot as the intelligent, with a drawback of only 6 points. So, if your character is weak in knowlegde, it doesn't matter, if you use the “surf the web” strategy.And, gentleman, there is a combo oportunity: sometimes, when you do things during the day that don't match exactly 100 energy, there will be a little bit left. For example, when you work as a salesman, or as a tutor, twice in the same day, there will be respectively 10 and 30 energy left. With the 30, you can do a lot of things, but with the 10, you don't. Other examples are after joining the Drama Club, after you help with the Time Machine Project, and after the Swimming Contest, you will have only 40 energy, during the weekends, in other words, you can't interact with the girls, but you can't use it for work. Unless you already have the phone number of the girls, you will have nothing to do, and end up loosing precious playing time.The surf the web, when you still don't have the maximum knowledge, can fit those holes perfecly well.And the combo I was talking about is this: while you are training charm, you will have sex with the prostitute three times a day (now that's a fun way to train!!!). You will use 90 energy during this, lefting 10 energy, enough to nothing but surfing the web. So that's the Charmous Knowledge Combo - while you train charm, you can also go training knowledge. We will use this combo a lot during the strategies.Thanks to the bugs during the dates with Ami in the Criminal and Intelligent types, I couldn't find other possible benefical combos. But it'd be a nice combo to combine some dates in the Blue Mountain with the cham training for the Intelligent type. Unfortunately, that's not gonna happen.
6 - General informations about Relationship XP and Datings:
6.1 - What is relationship XP: The game Sim Girls is, as you may know, a date simulator. The goal of the game is that the player can achieve an affective and intimate relationship with the girls, to the point to allow sexual, and some even more perverted kinds of relations.To reach this goal, the player must develop a relationship with the girls, that goes from the unknown to the point where they can be considered lovers.This development of the relationship between the girls and the player can be measured through the experience (or XP) points. So, the xp is what tells how much the player is intimate to the girls.
6.2 - How can you gain XP: When you can see a girl, at school for example, you can see the interaction menu. Through this menu, you can Talk, Give gift, Date, and Ask. Those are the ways to interact with the girl.Anytime you interact with a girl, by talking to her, giving her gifts (flowers, teddy bears and diamond rings), you gain a certain quantity of xp in the relationship with that girl. The amount you gain depends on how high your stats for that girl are. For example, for Tomoyo, you have to have a high level of strength and charm. The higher your stats are, more xp you will gain each time you interact with her.The Charm stat is directly linked to the xp you gain from any interaction with a girl. The higher theCharm, the more xp you'll gain, so the energy and money invested will give you better results.Each girl have one other attribute that she “likes” more. Tomoko likes “strong” guys, so the higher charm and strenght, even more xp you get with her at each interaction. For Kotomi, that likes “smart” guys, knowledge and charm are the bases.So, you gain xp by interacting with a girl, which is basicaly when you talk to her, give her gifts, and date her.With 200 at all stats, each time you talk to a girl you get a +20 xp points. If you gift her a flower, you gain +15, for a teddy bear you gain +90, and with a diamond ring you gain +300. Keep in mind that you can't just give any gift you want. The more expensive the gift is, the more intimate with the girl you must be, in other words, the higher must be your level with the girl.There's an exception to this rule: during dates, you can give any gift you want. However, even here this is not entirely true, as the different gifts have different effects in each location, so you should choose the right gift for each location. But this allows you, for example, gift a girl a diamond ring, even if she is only Close Friend yet.Dating will give you a lot of xp, and that'll depend on the location you choose to take your girl, and the gift that you'll give her there. Overall, you can get from about + 1.000 points until about +2.000.When you go talk to a girl, and you get interrupted by Ryuji, you lose -5 relationship points.When you talk to a girl, she may give you a bonus opportunity. She makes a question, and answering correctly will grant you an XP bonus.For example, once you have level Good Friends with a girl, she will have given her phone number when you ASK. So, in this level, whenever you talk to her, she may ask if you remember her phone number. Answer it right, and you gain a +50 xp bonus.If she asks if you like her, answer “Yes I do!!!”, for +10 xp.She can ask you “How do I look today?”. If you answer Fantastic! you get +30 xp bonus.At the Close Friends level, she may ask what is her sign. Answer it right for a +100 xp points.As a Girlfriend, if she asks you where are you looking at, answer “your body” for a +150 xp bonus.There will be other bonus oportunities at the other levels as well, and as far as I know, those chances come randomly, meaning that each time you talk to her you have a chance of getting a bonus opportunity. I call it opportunity because you have to answer it correcly. There'll be 3 choices, one is the bonus, one is the neutral (you'll gain nothing and lose nothing), and the other one is the “jack@ss”, and even make you lose points. You can even abuse the “randomness” of the bonus opportunity, and save your game before each time you talk to a girl, and then talk until she give you a bonus. However, I'll not use this in the strategy, but you're free to try.Another way of gaining xp is from the phone calls. I'll speak more about it later, but when you get a girl's phone number, you can call her, and she can call you, giving you a little xp each time.
6.3 - The Relationship Levels: The command ASK in the interaction menu have the function to make your character ask a girl a personal question. If your xp with her is high enough, she will answer, and your relationship level with that girl will go up. For the Girlfriend and Lover levels, the proceding will be a little different. Here is a little bit about each Relationship Level:
6.3.1 - Unknown: You not even saw the girl yet, so you don't even know she exists. You'll have to wait until an event in the future reveals this girl to you. The only case is Karin, before day 10.
6.3.2 - Childhood Friend: This is the complete reverse of the unknown! You guys are so, so intimate, and you two know each other for so long time, that each one see the other as a person with the same sex. This is another unique relationship level. Only Ami haves it, and she will keep like this until much later, when during an event you become straightly lover with her.
6.3.3 - Strange: You know the girl, but you know each other from passing through the same corridor every day. You never talked to her, and “as far as she is concerned”, you're “in another planet”. This is how Tomoko beggins. You know her, but she don't have a clue about who you are.Here, there's no intimacy at all, and you'll have the opportunity to do anything besides talking to her!But don't worry, this level goes only until 20 xp points, when you can ASK her name. Once she answer that, your relationship will level up.
6.3.4 - New Friend: You know the girl, and you guys already talked before. But nothing too much.You have a little bit of intimacy, and you can even gift her flowers. Kotomi starts like this.This level goes until 100 xp points, when you can ASK her phone number.
6.3.5 - Good Friend: You and the girl already talked a lot, and already even flirted a bit, but still from a distance. You guys are the kind of friends that walk home together from school.Once you get the level Good Friends in your relationship with one girl, you must remember that the question she answered when you asked her was about her phone number.Well, at the Map Screen, at the bottom right side of the screen, there's an icon of a white rectanlge, with a black one whitin. This represents you Smartphone.Just a little curiosity about this, in the older versions, there were no smartphone, but only your cell phone. Since it only could be used to make calls, there were two icons, one for the phone, and another for the agenda.Anyway, once you exchange phone numbers, not only you have her phone number, but she also have yours.You can call her, from your smartphone, at the cost of 5 points of energy. Each time you talk to her, you gain aproximately +15 xp bonus.Not only that, but she can also call you. And here is when the things get interesting.Whenever you are at the Map Screen, you may see your smartphone icon have a green vibration sign, and you'll hear the sound of a phone ringing. When this happens, you be receiving a call from one of the girls.Each call gives you +60 xp bonus, and COSTS NO ENERGY. Another thing, once you receive a call, you will be receiving another call within a period between 2 minutes and 30 seconds, and 3 minutes (in real time).So, my friends, this is an almost unlimited way of gaining xp with absolutely no cost of energy.Besides you guys being able to phone each other, you can also gift her Teddy Bears.If you are really desperate about building xp, you can always leave your browser opened in the Map Screen, and do anything else in your PC (check your e-mails, listen to some music, watch a movie, whatever...), while you go getting xp from the phone calls. I already made up about +2.000 xp while I was watching The Hobbit, once. If you want to “pause” the calls, then simply enter any screen other then the Map Screen. The Status Screen is OK (hit space).This level goes until 500 XP, when you can ASK about her birthday.
6.3.6 - Close Friend: You guys are very, very close, to the point you meet each other outside school, and hang out together for fun.With this level, you can start taking her for a DATE.This level goes until 2.000 xp points, when during a date the girl blushes. When this happens, it means you can kiss her. And the first time you two do that, she'll become your Girlfriend.
6.3.7 - Girlfriend: You and the girl begin a romantic relationship! Congratulations! But it's not gonna be that fun, as you'll stay only on the kiss, and no further, for now. A little bit more, and you'll get the jackpot!You are so close to her that she'll let you visit her at her place! Not only that, from now on you can gift her Diamond Rings outside dates!This will go until you have 8.000 XP with her. When you do, go to her home, and then ASK to do something H! You'll have to impress her one more time, like during dates, but much harder! However, if you succeed, then you'll get the jackpot!
6.3.8 - Lover: Are you ready to ruuuuumbleeeeeee ??? Yeah, you got it!Now you can have sex with her, and you're ready to fullfill at least one of the conditions to the endings involving that girl.Sometimes, this is the only condition so, depending on the girl, once you have this, you don't have any other worry.One interesting thing about the Lover level is that, sometimes after you become lover with a girl, and visits her place, she will be in a bad mood, saying you don't really care about her. When this happens, gift her something expensive (a diamond ring is OK), and then she says she was only on a bad mood, and she will make it up to you! With Tomoko, you'll get an interactive scene at the bathroom. Click her to acess the choices, and have fun!!!
6.4 - ABOUT DATES: The first thing about dates is that they are only liberated when you achieve the level Close Friend with a girl, as I showed you above. The only exception to this is Ami, as I'll show you later.Before you go to a date, however, I highly recommend you to save your game. Because you will have to guess what day of the week is she free for a date. If you go straight, you may have to spend all your energy trying to guess. So, if you save you game, you can find out what day she is free, and then load the game, do something else first, then go back to the girl and give the correct day in the first try.I recommend this because, once you finish a date, your energy will be at 0. Yes, day over! So, do everything you want to do before you talk to her, and when you are at 20 energy, save your game and go for a date! But be sure to reserve 20 points of energy, or else you'll not have energy to interact with her, and there'll be no date at all!Still before going to the date, make sure you buy a gift to give her during the date. It's important for a fully successful date. Also, make sure the gift is the best one for the location you'll choose. Check the info below for more details.
6.4.1 - Guessing the girl's free day: Each time you want to invite a girl for a date, and press the DATE at the interaction menu, you will have to guess the day the girl is free, between 1 (monday) and 5 (friday). If you save the game before talking to the girl, it will not be a problem. If you guess it wrong, just load the game, and talk to her again.Another form of get through it without saving the game is getting the Saiyan Scouter, a special item that allows you identify several data only from seeing the girl. Her free day is one of the data.
6.4.2 - Locations, Best Gifts and Date Rewards: After you choose correctly her free day, you'll have to choose the Location where you want to take the girl.The locations are important, because each one have a cost, and some of those will only be avaliable after you achieve the Girlfriend level with the girl. Those are the Blue Mountain, the Hot Beach and the Space.Also, each location is ideal to give one specific kind of gift. But know that, the more fancy is the location, and the more expensive are the gifts, the higher will be your XP. So, choose wisely.Not only this, but also, for each successfull date with each girl, you can gain as a reward an unique item, you coudn't get any other way.Here are something about the locations:
Ocean Restaurant - $ 150 - Best Gift: Teddy Bear - Avaliable only for Tomoko.Reward (date with): Tomoko - Nothing.
Sleeping Forest - $ 300 - Best Gift: FlowerReward (date with): Kotomi - Nothing. Tomoko - Nothing.
Golden City - $ 200 - Best Gift: Diamond RingReward (date with): Kotomi - Fashion Magazine. Tomoko - Fragrance.
Blue Mountain - $ 500 - Best Gift: Flower - Avaliable only after level Girlfriend.Reward (date with): Kotomi - Fitness Magazine. Tomoko - Eyeglasses.
Hot Beach - $300 - Best Gift: Teddy Bear - Avaliable only after level Girlfriend.Reward (date with): Kotomi - Time Magazine.Tomoko - Metal Knuckles.
Space - $5.000 - Best Gift: Diamond Ring - Avaliable only after level Girlfriend, and only for Tomoko.Reward (date with): Tomoko - Saiyan Scouter.
6.4.3 - The Car Minigame: With the location chosen, then you will have the choice to rent a car. It costs you $100 to do it, and play the car minigame. But it is worthy, since that if you succeed, you will get a bonus in her mood, which will make the date to go smoother. If you crash the car, simply go to prision, load the game, and try again. If you succeed, you get +50 xp relationship with the girl you're dating, and +60 at her mood. Her condition will always be normal.
6.4.4 - Girl's Conditions and Mood: When the date really starts, you can only interact with the girls when their condition is Normal. To know if she's normal, only check the picture of her. If there's nothing different, then her condition is normal. One thing that'll help you is playing the Car Minigame, as it'll make almost always the girls condition to be normal.However, there may have some times when unfavorable conditions appears.Those are the Sleepy, Tearfull and the Sick.The Sleepy is when, in her picture, she apperars with her eyes closed, and some ZZZZ... shows up. To solve this, you can, in the interaction menu, select the USE function, and select a coffee can. This way, she will be wide awake, and you'll be able to interact with her.The Tearfull is when she appears to be crying. Use a handkerchief to make her return to normal.The Sick is when she appears to be crying. To solve this, USE one medicine pill.Those unfavorable conditions appears normally during the “last date”, when you go to the girl's house and asks her to do something H. But they may appear during regular dates. This is why it's always usefull to carry at least one of each supply item, before go into a date.About her mood is, once her condition is normal, she will show you some facial expressions, and there'll be a yellow bar under her picture. You should identify her mood by her expression.Depending on her mood, you'll be able to do, or not, some kinds of actions.If she is not smiling, it means her mood is neutral. The only thing to do is talk.When she is smiling, means she's happy! OK, now you can do whatever you want, except kiss her.When she blushes, then that's green light! Everything is liberated!Note that you'll only impress her during the date if her “mood meter” is nearly full (the yellow bar almost touch the limits), full or beyond full (when the yellow bar goes beyond the limits).If you take an action in an inapropriate moment, like doing something in the wrong mood, she will reject the action, and her mood meter will go down.The same thing if you try make anything if her condition is not Normal. You'll be able to do nothing, or you'll keep the mood meter going down.I'm not sure what happens if the mood meter goes to 0, as I never tested, and never happened to me during my gameplays. But certainly is nothing good....
6.4.5 - Interactions during a date: - Talk to her: Once in the date, and you make sure her condition is normal, the first thing to do is to choose the option to TALK.Each time you do this, she will make questions about her and her likes. Later on, in the Girlfriend level, she will even ask you about things like her hip or breast sizes, or her weight and height. If you already kissed her, now it's the time to put your memory to test, as one of the questions can be the day you two first kissed, and this info will depend entirely of your own gameplay.Keep talking to her until she asks if you two can do something else.Here is all the info you need to know:
Tomoko Saeki
1st kiss: 25Sign: Scorpiophone 866-656-7354like strong and charming guysBirthday "nov 21"favorite food "sushi"favorite song "blurry eyes"sport car "carrera gt"favorite movie "love generation"favorite colors "black, red, blue, pink"47kgbody size W56 H89 B88blood type AB163cm tall
Kotomi Takanashi
1st kiss: 16Sign: Virgophone n° 866-731-8410smart and charming guybirthday "aug 29"favorite food "noodle soup"favorite movie "titanic"sport car "360 spider"favorite song "you and me song"favorite colors "black, red, brown, yellow"body size W53 B84 H83155cm tall43kgBlood type O - Take her Photograph: This is a fine action to take after you finish to talk to her. This will give a little up at the mood meter, and later, when you can visit your girl at her home, you'll have as one of the possible actions to see the Photo Album. There, will appear the image of the girl as she was in the date. A pity you can only take one shot, and she'll then ask to do something else! - Give Gifts: After the photo, it's a good time to give a gift. It'll boost her mood meter a lot, specially if the gift is the best for that location! So, make sure to give it! - Kiss: When she blushes, you can kiss her. Attention: It's not because you already kissed her before that you can kiss her again whenever you want. You have to wait until she blushes.
This should be what was left to fill the mood meter. However, there may be times when you don't have to get that far, as the mood meter will be full very sooner. But remember that the XP you'll gain is based on the final result of the mood meter, so the higher the better!
Another thing that may happen, specially when both Tomoko and Kotomi become your Close Friends. When on a date with one girl, the other one may phone you! What a mess! If this happens, you shouldn't even think, turn off the phone right away! If you pick it up, the girl you are on a date with will get a major mood penalty! She will get from happy to mad in a blink! In other words, you'll bust your date completely!
6.4.6 - Dating Ami: As I said, with Ami, you have an unique relationship. You still have to pay 20 energy points to interact with her, but the date itself will take no energy, meaning that at the end of the date your energy will not be 0. So, as long as you have energy, you can have up to 5 dates with Ami in a single day (20 energy each).Also, you can date her from day 1, so you don't have to worry about your relationship level (after all, she is your childhood friend since the begining).There are only two problems. First, the part of guessing a day when she is free still exists, so you still have to save your game before talking to her, in order that you don't take the risk to waste 20 energy each time.Also, if you think you will get a hentai scene with Ami during a date, FORGET, NOW, because it will NOT HAPPEN. On the contrary, that “date” looks more like two children playing (like “Let's play hide and seek”, and things like that).You can take Ami to the Blue Mountain, to the Sleepy Forest, and to the Golden City. Each of those dates will grant you a small quantity of XP in your relationship with her, as well as a random boost to the strenght, charm and knowledge stats, respectively.But I have to add this: since the previous version, which still can be found in the 5.6 version of the game, there's a bug. With the Criminal and the Intelligent types of character, you won't be able to take Ami to the Blue Mountain. Doesn't matter how hard you press the button, it'll never go! It closes some important doors, specially to the Intelligent type, who needs strenght from wherever he can get!
7 - The Street Fight Club:
7.1 - Welcome to the Street Fight Club: At the Map Screen, you can see a building in the right part of the screen, named The Pub. Enter it, and you'll have some options inside.Here, you can have Sex, with the prostitute, in the left side, or in the middle, you can train your strenght in the punch bag.In the right part of the Pub, you can see a man sitting in the floor. Click him, and you'll have the option to Fight.Once you click him, welcome to the Street Fight Club!The first time you'll hear about the Street Fight Club is in day 2, when you enter the wrong classroom, and ends up getting a class from teacher Akira.She tells you to meet her after class, at the local Pub. Getting there, she reveals that she is actually a member in the Street Fight Club, and K.O.'s you.You'll have another incentive to participate the Street Fight Club at day 36, when you'll need the help of Akira in some tecnological affairs. She says she will help you, if you can get the Golden Belt. And you can get the Golden Belt by beating the Bloody King, the King of the Street Fighters, here at the Street Fight Club.Now you know that, even if you don't want to, you'll have to give some attention to the Street Fight Club, as the main storyline demands you to. But puting that aside, you'll find other reasons for doing so, as I'll show you along this section. Not only that, but you may have to fight at the end of a successful date, when an enemy appears and takes your girl hostage. You'll have no other way of getting her back but fighting. So, yes, fighting is an important part of the game, so be prepared!
7.2 - Some previous considerations: First, it's recommended that you train a little bit first, if it is your first time. Training will require no energy from you, and you will have infinite itens to use. Try to learn all the special hits, specially the Hadoken, and the Dragon Punch, as they are the ultimate weapons on those fights.Leaving the tutorial, before you enter the Real Fight, it is important to know some other things.First, that each fight is a bet. Other words, if you win, you receive money, and if you lose, you pay.One more thing, entering each fight will require 50 energy, so you can fight tops twice a day.Last, until you have at least 200 strenght, forget the Fights. For the lower levels, it is possible to win, but the reward over the energy consume makes them worthless. For example, and I'll explain more later, if you fight Ryuji (yes, he is a street fighter too...), and win, you will gain $ 1.000, and, according to Robin, you have to be at level 160+ to defeat him.Well, let's think: if you have level 160, what do you preffer? Facing a fight, and a hard one, where if you lose you pay $1.000 (and there are A LOT of chances to losing, trust me), and even if you win, you'll have to buy supply itens to help so you will not get the full $1.000, or simply work as a drug dealer, getting $800, when you can be secured for the SAVE/LOAD procedure?I'd preffer the safest solution, the one I have 100% chances of winning, and that's working as a drug dealer...BUT, if you ARE at 200 strenght, things are different, as you will be able to face the Bloody King, betting for no less than $3.000 each time, a total of $6.000 a day.In the early stage of the game, NOTHING gives you $6.000 a day, and even later. Only working as a drug dealer, or even more later, at the Model Agency, can get you more than that.So, in the beggining of the game, your best shot to make money is beating the Bloody King at the Street Fights in the Pub, once you have 200 strenght.
7.3 - Inside the Fight Club: As you hit the FIGHT at the Pub, there are two options, have a tutorial or have a Real Fight.At the tutorial, your teacher Akira will show you the basics on surviving a fight. Hey, is it only me, or do you think it as well? This Akira girl is all over it! She is a teacher, she is a street fighter, she is a model, she is a model agent, she is a sex-starving-bisexual-rapist-hot-for-school-girls perv, did I forgot something? Well, let's go back, before there's no way back...Anyway, as I said earlyer, you should really have some training, since it'll cost you nothing, and you'll be able to get the basic and advanced moves.But I warn you: don't think that all the fights will be like this one! You can face Akira even with a very low level of strenght! But the other ones will severely kick you @ZZ if you are not carefull! But don't worry, we'll get there.
7.4 - About the Fights: In the fights, first you'll be given the choice of the resolution you'll use it. As it's an online game, your internet connection may be a problem. If it is, choose the Medium or Low quality, specially when you have a lot of downloads/uploads running. But this shouldn't be a problem, so try the High quality. Only when you find problems, choose the other resolutions.After that, you'll see one person standing in the middle of the screen, which is you opponent, and a pair of fists in the lower part of the screen, which is you.In the top of the screen, you'll see a yellow bar, which is your opponent HP, his health. When this bar is empty, you opponent falls, and you'll win the fight.Still in the top of the screen, you can see the Combo Hit field. It shows you the actual number of hits in a row you are making at the moment. You can strike you enemy several times, if you keep attacking without stop, without pointing the aim to a NIL position (outside the body of the opponent), or pressing a key corresponding a different part of the body than what you're aiming (example, aim to the head, and press “A”), and without grounding your enemy. You ground your enemy when, after a number of hits in sequence, he opens his guard and then falls to the ground. I'll call this “grounding” the enemy. Anyway, that'll be a Combo. Combos are usefull, depending on the ocasion.If you are fighting at the Street Fight Club (in the Pub), the longer your combos, the more bonus money you'll get at the end. If you are fighting in the end of a date, you'll get bonus xp with the girls instead.In the lower part of the screen, in the left side, you'll see Your Strenght (you actual strenght stat), a yellow/orange bar HP, being your health - it gets empty, you lose the fight-, and a green bar EN, being your energy. Energy is used to make special attacks, if the bar is empty, you'll have to count only with regular attacks.In the middle, you'll see the Target field, which indicates the part of the body you're aiming at the moment.In the right, you'll see the Use Item field. It shows you an icon representing a coffee can, and another representing a medicine pill, as well as the respective quantities. Each time you use a coffee can, you recover a small quantity of EN, and the medicine pills recover one third of your HP.You'll see a circular yellow aim, that follows your mouse movement. This is your attack focus. Use it to point to the places you want to hit.You may choose 3 parts of the opponent body to hit: Head, Upper Body, and Lower Body. The Head, is from the top of the head to the neck. The Upper Body is from the neck to the waist. And the Lower Body is from the waist down.Each time you want to hit one part of the body, you'll have a matching key: to hit the Head, you must press the “Q” key, to hit the Upper Body the “A” key, and to hit the Lower Body, the “Z” key. The attack in the head is the Hi Punch, in the Upper Body is the Mid Punch, and in the Lower Body the Low Punch. If you press a key corresponding to a part of the body different than what you're aiming, then the attack will not go out. So, to make a hi puch, aim to the head and then press “Q”, and so on.Each part of the body have a corresponding special attack. The special attack for the Lower body is the Hurricane Kick: aim to the lower body, and press “X”. It's not a very good hit, as it consumes both HP and EN, and the damage is not that impressive.The Middle special attack is the Hadoken. Point to the Upper Body, and press “S”. This is one of the most usefull strikes you may ever use. You always hit the target, and the damage is quite considerable. The bad part: you spend too much energy to use it. However, there's a way of using it, with much less energy, as I'll explain later, and will make the Hadoken the center of your fighting technique.The Upper special attack is the Dragon's Punch, also know as the Uppercut. You point to the head, and then press “E”. However, this is one of the most challenging hits you can try, as it's easy for the enemy to dodge. In order to successfuly hit an uppercut, you must open you enemy's guard.It happens when the enemy opens his arms, with a face of pain. To do it, make a serie of hits, until you have about 5 or 6 hit combo. It happens a little before you ground your enemy.An important information is that all the special attacks grounds your enemy. So, if you're trying to build up a large combo, using them will brake them.The last command is the Defense, by pressing the “D” key. Doing this, you'll disable any attacks, but you'll take less damage. Usefull to use itens, while your enemy is standing and attacking.
7.5 - Opponents: Now that you know what the Street Fight Club is, how can you get there, you know the basics about fighting, and had some training, it's time to know who will you be up against!Once you press the Real Fight, you'll be deduced the 50 energy points, and you will be able to choose your opponent. Let's know a little bit about them:
7.5.1 - Akira - She is your english teacher, and a street fighter, a model, a model agent, and also a sex-starving-high-school-girls-rapist perv! Wow, that's quite a title!In the fight against her, you'll bet $150. You'll be getting $3 for each energy point spent! Man, that's just changes!
She haves Strenght Weak, Speed Slow, and her Weakness is her Lower Body.You'll need about 50 strenght points to beat her stilly.The very own game says that's “for your practice purpose”.Actually it's quite funny to play around with Akira, as she is pathetically weak, and once she is defeated, you get a nice view... Other than that, there's no real reason to beat her.
7.5.2 - Snake Man - This is the guy you may find during dates, with whom you'll have to fight to rescue your girls.With him, the bet in the fight will be of $450. Here, you get $9 for each energy point spent. A little more interesting than Akira, but it's still just changes!
His Strenght and Speed are Normal, and his Weakness is his Head.If you're an ultimate badass, you can beat him with about 80 strenght points. But, if you want a stilly way, wait until you have about 100 points.“An experienced Street Fighter”, the game calls him. In fact, he is just a punk, and will deserve your attention only if you need to rescue your girls after a date.
7.5.3 - Ryuji - Serious, not kidding! That twerp is also a street fighter!And a strong one! His Strenght is Normal, but his Speed is Supreme! His Weakness is his Upper Body.In this fight, you'll gain or lose $1.000, $20 for each energy point spent! Now we're starting to talk!You guys, badasses on duty, can take him down with about 115 strenght points. If you want to go smoothly, go up until 150.They say he is “the best fighter in High School”. I say he is just a stupid jerk, that deserves no attention!If you want that badly to beat him, just wait until you get level Girlfriend or more with the girls. Then, when you find him at school hitting on the girls, you go there and hit him hard, and show this little moron-playboy-failed-project what a REAL MEGA-PLAYBOY is made of!Of course, the pay is pretty good. At strenght 150, you'll get a pay of $750 as a drug dealer, with the same energy spent, so monetarily speaking it could be interesting.But if you ask me, if you are at 150 strenght, don't spend your energy trying to make an “ok” money.Train a bit more, and go for the real big fish!
7.5.4 - Bloody King - Now THIS is the real deal! Here is one that's really worthy to focus on, because of many things. This guy can give you a really, REALLY hard time, but his rewards are more than worthy the risk. Check his info:He is “The King of Street Fighting”, and he surelly deserves his title. He is tough like hell!His Strenght is Supreme, his Speed Normal, and his Weakness is Unknown! In other words, he won't give a breach. So, don't go only punching him around, the effects will be ridiculous. In this fight, you must use your head (either to win, or to take punch!).The fight against him will earn you $3.000, or $60 for each energy point spent! This is an amazing pay! As a drug dealer, you'll be getting $1.000 with the same energy cost. Even when you are able to go with stats above 200, you'll be getting $1.500 tops!Only much later, when you obtain the “Job” itens, you can revert in favor of the drug dealer, and then get a pay up to $4.500, $90 for each energy point spent.As for the other jobs, even with the multiplier of X3 and the character type bonuses, there's not gonna have such a big difference, as the Tutor as an Intelligent type will get $2.700 for 35 energy used, going to about $77 per energy point, and the Playfull Salesman will get $2.025 for 45 energy, meaning a pay of $45 per energy point.Only way, WAY much later, in the Model Agency, when your girls have maximum number of fans, you'll be getting a pay of about $272 per energy point. But even there, the pay is not always what you expect, and a lot of things may happen to change this value to a much lower value!This is for you to know: beating the Bloody King is a real nice job, but a very dangerous one as well, because this guy is like a wall that punchs you! So, don't get nice on him, because he will kick your @ZZ until the moon if you let him!Don't even dream about beating him until you have at least 200 strenght! And keep in mind that, even with 300 strenght, it's not an easy fight.But don't disheart yourself! It's only hard, but not impossible. In fact, as I said it before in the other guide, defeating him it's not that hard. Actually, it's not hard at all, when you use the right means.Another reward you gain from beating him, is that in the first time you do it, you will get the Golden Belt, a special item that's required to get the help of Akira at day 36.But I think you'll be getting it very sooner!
7.6 - One Way to beat the Bloody King: According to Soham Banerjee, the best way of beating him is using the Uppercut move along with High Punch and Hadoken.Well, thanks for the hint man, and it is really usefull against all the others.But, just between us, have you already tried to make an uppercut hook? It's really hard. And against the King, it's even harder!As I am a strategist, not a fighter, then I preffer work by the numbers, and safe methods, and leave the action and adrenaline for those who seek emotion. So I'll stick up to my upgraded old strategy. Check it out: I found a way of beating him using only 10 coffee cans, so buy them.Strike him with the Hadoken until your energy bar is empty (completely empty, not just a little bit). W

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