Fatoumata C.M. Jallow Tambajang CURRICULUM VITAE
P.O. Box 848, Banjul, The Gambia
Residence: Kotu West, The Gambia
Mobile Telephone: + (220) 705-5070
E-mail: fcmljallow@gmail.com
Gambian professional bilingual (BA French Language, France), mother of 8 children and an award winning UNDP-groomed development practitioner and trainer on gender mainstreaming, quality country programming/management and time management;
Dynamic human rights defender with effective women’s rights and political activism in the Gambian mainstream Struggle for Democratic Change against the 21 year dictatorial regime for social justice, poverty alleviation, equity and prosperity;
Nationally-elected mediator engaging opposition parties to create a credible gender-balanced coalition by 31 January for the 2016 National Elections;
Lifetime member of the Gambia National movement and the Mano River Women’s Peace Network (MARWOP); focus: advocating for African Governments’ and NGOs/CSOs’ accountability to National Constitutions, UN Convention on All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), African, Beijing and Millennium Development Declarations and UN Resolution 1325, Women, Peace and Security;
Former adviser on women and children affairs to the First President of The Gambia;
Chaired the Gambia National Women’s Council and represented it to the Gambia National Economic and Social Council for 6 years. Achievements- engineered and facilitated Government’s adoption of the CEDAW and approval of a first multi-faceted free standing Women in Development Program(USD15 million); funders: World and African Banks, UNDP Gambia and Norwegian Agency for Development (NORAD). Program strengthened the National Council/Women’s Bureau and key women NGOs, empowered women in entrepreneurship, basic education and maternal and healthcare; a marriage bill was also adopted against early marriage; Government also supported the elimination of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM): 1980 Council’s Act;
Former Secretary of State (SoS), Health, Social Welfare and Women’s Affairs: engineered reforms and motivated staff for mutual accountability to quality implementation: a comprehensive Health Policy and Strategy were adopted with remarkable achievements: quality delivery of primary healthcare and social services, community empowerment, staff capacity building, including established WID focal points in key ministries for gender-sensitivity in the national development process;
Initiated and launched a fund for special needy medical patients : The Sera Jarjue Fund;
Acted as Special Adviser on international foreign policy and national development issues to the Junta Chair: chaired and facilitated National Reconstruction Program formulation and adoption, negotiated and secured EU/ACP lifted sanctions on Gambia and brokered peace between Junta regime and Senegalese government;
Worked with UNDP and Women NGOs in various leadership capacities for 20 years in both in stable and challenging environments, including 5 years in war-torn Mano River and Great Lakes Regions: was victim of a rebel hostage situation in 2001 and 2002;
Achieved flagships for UNDP Banjul and Monrovia: initiated institutionalized quality program monitoring mechanisms to address gender gaps in country programs and development cooperation reports (DCR): Achievements: program efficiency and impact: strengthened women’s institutions and increased funding for women’s projects;
Initiated Gender Program support to the First established process of Ministry of Gender Affairs and diverse women NGOs and civil society organizations (CSOs);
Former teacher in French and English languages, civics, history and mentoring girls to contribute to social change. Achievements: most students’ popular program; students won second best national results with girls in the lead by 3%.
International Students Silver Award for Bradford University, UK, (British Council, UK 2005);
Member of the Republic of The Gambia (MRG) (Gambia Government,1994);
Lifetime member of the National Women’s Council (Gambia 1993);
Eminent Women, Economic Community of West Africa States (Gambia Government, 1993);
Certificate for Distinguished Service (UNDP Monrovia, Liberia, 1991);
Certificate for first 10 years distinguished service in UNDP Banjul, Gambia, (William Draper, Administrator, UNDP Regional Bureau for Africa, New York, (1991).
Prominent, articulate, passionate and inspiring human rights defender with fund raising and social media networking expertise participating in civil engagement and women’s rights activism in the Gambian Struggle for Democratic Change against the 21-year APRC dictatorial regime;
First national mediator for creation of a credible gender-balanced coalition by opposition parties focusing on winning the December 1, 2016 National Elections, establishing a credible gender-balanced government of national unity by January 2017 and democracy;
Active participant in national and international open campaigns: political rallies, protests and Gambian online radio interviews, debates, fund raising and NGOs/CSOs consultative meetings with key human rights organizations on the Gambian situation.
Popular support to my civil engagement public rallies, one-to-one dialogue, international Gambian online radio interviews, political meetings with Human Rights Watch (HRW), Amnesty International, Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Organization and Open Society Foundation;
Launched mediation process and supporting opposition parties to create a credible gender-balanced coalition to win the 2016 National Elections, to establish a credible gender-balanced government of national unity by January 2017 and democracy;
First mediation meeting scheduled for 21 December 2015.
Nominated for a US Government Award for Courage.
Constant threats to my life and family: anonymous phone calls, monitoring of my phone calls and movements by the current military apparatus and NIA;
Tackling situation though courage, personal vigilance, networking with many circles.
Including a discreet community youth vigilantes.
Lead consultant to track and submit a sound report on issues of Government and NGOs/CSOs compliance with UN Resolution1325-Women, Peace and Security in the Mano River (Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea Conakry) and Great Lakes Regions (Burundi, DRC and Rwanda).
Submitted an excellent mission report to UNDP RBA for action. Findings: Government’s non-compliance with the UN Resolution 1325- low representation of non-political women in decision-making, funding constraints for Women NGO/CSOs initiatives and persistent gender-based violence.
UNDP adopted report and incorporated it into its Regional Gender Program support for the targeted regions.
All the Regions are war-torn, volatile and dangerous. Tackled challenges by speaking key local languages (Kiswahili and Lingala) and exhibiting courage, preventive diplomacy and humility during meetings with war lords and commandos in rebel captured areas as well as war-affected women and their families in poor shelters: built trust with targeted persons and documented their real life testimonies and development priorities.
Supervisor: Deputy Resident Representative, Program Section:
Acted as spoke person on gender issues for UNDP and UN Coordination offices in collaboration with the UNIFEM Lagos-based Regional Office to strengthen UNDP leadership and UN system accountability to the gender equality architecture;
Ensured policy advocacy, capacity building and institutionalization of gender mainstreaming in the country programming cycle, staff and project recruitment within and outside the Program Appraisal Committee (PAC), Program Management Support Unit (PMSU), UN Development Forum and workshops for all stakeholders;
Provided sound policy advice and technical support to the UNDP Country Office to leverage its leadership in engaging Government to adopt gender-sensitive reforms in line with the CEDAW, African and Beijing Declarations and UN Resolution 1325-Women, Peace and Security;
Formulated a multi-faceted gender program, mobilize funding and managed the program to support implementation of above reforms; . Program Focus: to strengthen national and women gender management machineries to influence increased female representation in decision-making, programs, including peace missions; alleviation of feminized poverty and zero tolerance to gender-based violence;
Facilitated establishment of an efficient Inter-Ministerial Program Coordinating Committee (IPCC) under the auspices of the Ministry of Planning and Economic Affairs (MPEA); provided technical support to preparation, approval and quality implementation of the program work plan in collaboration the IPCC: National Gender Forum, Women NGOs/CSOs representatives and UN Gender Theme Group;
Provided technical support to the Ministry of Planning and Economic Affairs (MPEA) in the preparation of a gender-sensitive Statistics Bill/Act to inform policy on the implications of gender inequality on sustainable human development (SHD);
Initiated and coordinated national and international consultancies in collaboration with the Lagos-based UNIFEM Regional Office and Government to ensure the gender program’s responsiveness to evolving priority needs of women;
Coordinated UNDP/UNIFEM-funded Independent Experts’ Assessment Mission on Women, War and Peace (2002), consultants: Elisabeth Rehn and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf (now President of Liberia);
Performed special assignments, as required, for personal career growth.
Reliable information on gender situation available and was packaged for policy advocacy through my initiated quarterly News Letter: Partnership; Gender Program attracted additional funding $900,000 and adopted as model in the West African Region;
National Women’s movement was revived and influential: competent UN and national gender management systems (Focal Points: National Gender Forum) established: increased gender capacities (50) key policy and operational capacities and stakeholders’ mutual compliance with CEDAW and UN Resolution1325;
First Ministry of Gender and Development established (4/2001) and influential: efficient coordination of government’s-wide gender mainstreaming programs; increased female representation in decision-making, including in the legislature, from 10%-25%;
Key women’s institutions created, strengthened and influential: National Women NGOs Secretariat, Liberia Women’s Business Association (LIWIBUS), Association of Female Lawyers of Liberia (AFELL), National Women’s Secretariat, National Rural Women’s Association of Liberia, University of Liberia and Media Gender Advocacy Groups: efficient coordination of women NGOs/CSOs programs, women participated and benefitted from national and post-war development opportunities; research revealed decrease reduction in gender-based violence and imprisonment of guilty perpetrators;
Program commissioned and launched a special and successful study on Socio Economic and Gender-Dimensions to HIV/AID, 2001; report incorporated in the UNAIDS action plan;
Government adopted a gender-sensitive Statistics Act (2001) and improved the engendering of the development process;
Progress on all gender issues reported quarterly on UN and national projects’ scorecards.
War-torn volatile environment: security risk, poor infrastructure and brain drain: constraints to development process, capacity building and networking.
Tackled challenges through adaptability to working environment, established an efficient Gender Program Management Support Unit (PMSU in the city: efficient program coordination, built capacities and encouraged program staff and National Gender Forum members on UNDP mandates, modus of operandi, policies and procedures, effective leadership and quality project management focusing on accountability and maximize gender capacity for program success;
Initiated and coordinated recruitment of short-term returning national professionals to broaden gender capacity and national program ownership.
Managed UNDP-funded social sector: Health, Education and Women;
Reactivated and managed the United Nations Population Fund Activities (UNFPA) in consultation with the Freetown –based UNFPA Country Director;
Assessed the country program priority needs and on-going projects in the health sector in close collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, WHO, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), UNAIDS Secretariat and relevant NGOs;
Assisted in the coordination of UNDP and the UNFPA country Programming cycle and recruitment of international and consultants to support the process;
Organized and conducted gender mainstreaming workshops;
Initiated and facilitated the establishment of Gender Focal Points in the UN system and key national planning institutions for institutionalization and tracking purposes;
Performed special policy and operational assignments, as required
UNFPA Office reactivated and functioned efficiently; UNFPA country program formulated, approved and implemented in partnership with support from its regional consultants program;
Appointed co-chair for UN Gender Theme Group and Assistant Coordinator to leverage my leadership role in promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment;
Provided policy advice and technical support to UNDP and UNFPA country offices on gender mainstreaming institutionalization process: gender-sensitive products adopted: UN Common Country Assessment (UNCCA), National Demographic Survey (DHS) United Nations Development Assistance Fund (UNDAF), UNDP/UNFPA Country Programs and National Health Policy and Strategic Work Plan;
National Women’s movement launched a successful Girls Empowerment Program in partnership with UNDP, UNFPA and UNICEF to mitigate gender imbalance in the education system: studies (2000 )on school enrolment revealed increase of10% in girls education as compared to 4% in 1997.
Seven year post civil war environment: break down of law and order, enormous security risks, traumatized population, looted infrastructure and UNFPA office, health issues, including HIV/AIDS pandemic and national brain drain;
Tackled challenges through adaptability to work environment, provided effective leadership in program management, built winning teams and synergies with other UN programs and applied preventive diplomacy to avert political sensitivities.
Chief Policy and Technical Advice for revival of MARWOPNET with participation of Liberia’s National Women’s Movement to strengthen Network’s capacity in peace negotiations, conflict resolution and management strategies to influence gender equality and women’s empowerment in peace missions focusing on restoration of democracy in the region (Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea Conakry.
Network empowered and brokered peace among war loads and political leaders and
influenced seize fire in Liberia, peace in the region in partnership with the Liberia National Women’s Movement;
MARWOPNET won a UN Award (2000) for the above achievements.
Worked in Liberia for 5 years without my family due to volatile environment;
Was personally rescued three times by villagers (twice ) and driver (once) from rebel hostage situations in 2000 and 2001;
MARWOPNET and Liberia’s National Women’s Movement were fragmented and members distrusted each other. Tackled challenges through courage, application of my passionate expertise in working with diverse women organizations coupled with my natural ability and preventive diplomatic eagle eye in brokering peace in women’s organizations. Also applied my pro-active leadership, humility and commitment to empower the Network and Women’s Movement to support war-affected women to rebuild their lives and communities in a peaceful environment.
Supervised the Ministry’s work in collaboration with senior management and relevant institutions;
Ensured relevant reforms in the sectors, including the Improved Prisons Bill;
Ensured a conducive work environment, mutual staff accountability, professional ethics and strategic capacity and partnership building for access and quality delivery of community-based primarily healthcare and social services;
Guided Government and partners to comply with human rights instruments on women and children focusing on Convention on All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC);
Prepared quality cabinet papers and briefs for Government’s and development partners’ increased support to women’s projects;
Ensured Gambia’s effective participation in the World Social Summit (WSS), International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) and Beijing Conference on Women;
Served as Special Adviser to The President; provided him with sound advice and briefs on preventive diplomacy to regain public and donors’ confidence in the regime; followed up implementation of approved decisions and updated briefs accordingly;
Oversaw the Ministries of Foreign Affairs. Sport and Youths during Ministers’ travel;
Coordinated preparation and launching of the National Reconstruction Program (NRP);
Represented Government in policy coordination and resource mobilization meetings;
Ministry achieved deliverables in a participatory manner: Ministry adopted reforms in Health and Social Welfare: Health Policy was adopted and a funding strategy launched, A Bill was proposed for improved conditions of Prisons; Prison Bill, 1995, Initiated and launched a Fund for needy medical patients-The Sera Jarjue Fund;
Mobilized 5 full containers (Euros 70,000) of Belgian Government-donated medical equipment and supplies for hospitals and major health centers;
Secured Government’s adoption of my initiated National Environment Cleansing Day: “Set Settal” in concert with relevant stake holders;
Government and the NGO community represented in the World Social Summit (WSS), International Conferences on Women in Beijing and International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), Cairo by a competent joint delegation. I represented Government in the latter conference with a resounding acknowledgement of conference participants: www.icpd.com/fatoumatatambajang
Junta regime gained international Community’s support;
EU sanctions on Gambia lifted and on-going projects’ implementation continued;
A sound National Reconstruction Program adopted and launched: 10/1994;
Brokered peace between the Junta regime and Senegalese government, 1995).
Complex work environment because of difference between military governance (state security) and democratic governance (human well-being/national development);
Instability, low morale and low productivity in the public civil service: constant sacking and incarceration of professional civil servants;
Tackled challenges by adopting creative working strategies: adopted mutual staff accountability to efficiency and impact of programs on communities to avoid political sensitivities; field monitoring of institutions and taking urgent actions on constraints; institutionalized weekly management and monthly general staff meetings, reporting and submission of weekly updates to the President’s office;
Prepared and circulated quality cabinet papers to the President prior meetings for comments- well acknowledged by President and approach adopted by Cabinet ;
Excelled in my special assignments;
Resigned from post after 7 months and returned to UNDP on grounds of social injustice but Government called a sacking to safe its face:
UNDP BANJUL NATIONAL Officer –B—1/1994- 7/1994
Selected, organized and summarized information on macro-economic trends and private sector issues;
Liaised with Government officials in key macro-economic and financial institutions and Bretton-woods institutions;
Assisted senior management in Country Program Coordination;
Prepared terms of reference of local and international consultancies, national working groups for County Program formulation and management;
Ensured timely recruitment of consultancies, coordinated their work and ensured timely submission and dissemination of sound reports to all stakeholders for review; followed up on implementation of approved consultants’ reports and prepared updates for discussions in weekly program staff meeting s and eventual senior management’s decisions on the way forward;
Performed special assignments, as required.
All required deliverables products, processes and services were adopted, disseminated to all stakeholders and incorporated in the Country Advisory Note, Country Profile, Country Program Management Plan(CPMP), Monthly Approval Reports (MARs), Development Cooperation Reports (DCRs), County Programs;
UNDP provided USD70,000.00 to support Short-term Advisory Service (STAS) for policy advice and capacity building for indigenous SMEs;
Entrepreneurs’ launched joint-ventures opportunities;
Sound updates on policy and operational issues on SMEs adopted and disseminated to inform policy;
UNDP gained strong leadership on macro-economic issues and funded a National Economic Capacity Build Program (ECBP);
Performed special tasks excellently: promoted to National Program Officer.
Work was overwhelming because of limited professional staff: a two year funding freeze on UNDP Annual Budgets and recruitment. Tackled challenges through application of my competence, hard work, ability to work under pressure and produce quality and timely deliverables, building synergies with other projects coupled with my passion for continuous learning.
Coordinated effectively preparation of accurate monthly approved budget revisions, (MARs) and the Country Program Management Plans (CPMPs) in line with UNDP Program and Projects Manual (PPM);
Analyzed and presented status of financial and implementation rate(Indicative Planning Figure (IPF) to ensure strict compliance with UNDP HQ’s Approved Interim and Annual Budget Levels (ABLs);
Coordinated the monitoring of Country Program implementation in accordance with the UNDP Program and Projects Manual (PPM);
Prepared monthly, quarterly and annual progress reports to inform annual tripartite reviews (TPRs) and Mid-Term Reviews (MTRs) on Country Programs;
Served as Team Leader for Agriculture, Trade and Industry, Communications and Natural Resource Management: (i) provided technical advice and support to quality project design and management processes through the Program Appraisal Committee (PAC) (ii) monitored national capacity building programs and ensure quality project implementation; (iii) facilitated adoption and tracking of WID approach for the Country Programming cycle, (iv) prepared and disseminated WID Balance Scorecards and relevant evaluation plans to address identified gaps;
Coordinated National Executed projects and Audit Exercises, analyzed reports, secured senior management’s approval for Government’s adoption and action;
Monitored and reported on UNDP capacity building support to the National Policy Analysis Unit (PAU), President’s office and Department of Statistics, Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs: formulation and implementation of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Program (PRSP);
Initiated and coordinated a UN Staff Development Program;
Conducted French classes for interested staff (25);
Performed special assignments, as required.
Required deliverables: quality products, including increased national project execution modality and capacity building adopted in a participatory manner; lessons learned and best practices shared with all stake holders; knowledge developed and recycled into the Country programming cycle: Country Program responsiveness to evolved national development priorities;
Promoted to National Program Officer –B.
Limited professional knowledge in Statistics. Tackled challenge through learning by doing and quality coaching from my supervisor.
Supported formulation of program strategies: socio-economic data collection, compilation and application into Country Programming cycle;
Prepared Country Program Management Plans (CPMP), Indicative Planning Figure (IPF) and relevant project budgets revisions for redeployment of unutilized funds to priority components and for closure of operationally and financially completed projects;
Prepared relevant terms of reference for competent consultants and national counterparts for quality external Country Program evaluation to ensure quality program management;
Performed special policy and operational assignments, as required.
Quality deliverables were produced and adopted: quality assurance of Country Programming cycle. Was promoted to National Program Officer –A.
Limited working experience of supervisor. Managed situation perfectly by sharing my experience with the incumbent and volunteering to work over time to assist incumbent to discharge the major assignments.
Supported supervisor in the coordination of the Country Program;
Assessed critically the capacity needs of program officers (6) and train them in deficit areas;
Initiated and supervised adoption of relevant mechanisms to ensure the Country Program efficiency and impact;
Coordinated preparation and implementation of annual results-based office work plans;
Act as team leader for: WID, Agriculture, Industry (Darsilami Women Salt Production and Marketing Initiative), Water Resources and the Environmental Management and Rangeland Development;
Encouraged women’s participation in and benefit from projects;
Performed special policy and operational assignments, including participating in and reporting on in meetings.
An efficient Program management Support Unit (PMSU) and Program Appraisal Committee (PAC) established: strengthened staff mutual accountability to efficiency and impact of Country Programs,
WID approach adopted and applied in the Country Programming cycle;
Women’s Council and Bureau visible in the Country programming cycle: strategic project support provided to women through the Women’s Bureau;
Initiated a widely read UNDP Newsletter, Njokor: leveraged UNDP visibility, increased public exposure to UNDP’s mandate and modus operandi;
Assigned projects were successful and included in the UNDP Annual Success Story Publications. Promoted to Program Analyst.
Acted as UNDP institutional memory and program adviser to the UNDP country office to ensure continuity and compliance with resource efficiency and impact requirements;
Acted as UNFPA desk officer, initiated sound project proposals in collaboration with all stakeholders in Maternal and Health (MCH), Reproductive Health and Population Census; secured UNFPA approval and funding and track implementation;
Acted as WFP Country Director for 6 months;
Monitored School Feeding and Food for Work projects; ensured Government’s submission of sound pipe projects portfolio (03) for rural schools in concert with UNHCR Liberian and Sierra Leoneans Refugee Program;
Participated in weekly national program coordinating meetings and reported to WFP Headquarters, Rome, with sound recommendations for improved program efficiency;
Performed special assignments, as required.
UNDP complied with PPM resource efficiency and impact requirements. Sound UNFPA Country Program, including a National Census Project (GAM/83/PO1), was formulated, approved and implemented; WFP-funded on-going on track; bankable projects formulated and approved; progress reported and informed remedial actions taken in problem areas. Promoted to Senior Program Assistant.
Employed by UNDP in 1980 as first and only Program Assistant: different background and exposure. Worked twice harder and excelled through learning by doing with tremendous coaching from my supervisor.
Fellow, Africa Board Fellow Americans for Community Cooperation In Other Nations (ACCION), 2015): capacity building in good corporate governance for financial inclusion for the poor through partnership with Gambia Women’s Finance Association (GAWFA)
Active member, African Group, Oxford University’s Development Studies Association 2005-to-date;
Co- Chair, Gambia Women’s Finance Association (GAWFA): 2009- current);
Founder member, Gambia Women’s Finance Association (GAWFA),1987;
Active member, International Women’s Foreign Policy Group (WFPG); 2010-to-current;
Active member, International Knowledge Network of Women In Politics (IKNOW POLITICS) 2010-current; empowerment of women in politics;
Former Chair and representative, Gambia National Women’s Council and First National Economic and Social Council respectively- 1987-1993.
Exposure: broadened members’ vision and strengthened their leadership on current and diverse issues affecting women in development, politics and international foreign policy; national and global movements and networks strengthened; movements influencing women’s visibility in at all fronts. GAWFA: nationally recognized-credible micro-financing institution and influencing gender-sensitive policy reforms in sector; Increased important development partners: Gambia Government, (Central Bank of The Gambia and Social Development Fund), NEPAD/ Spanish Agency for Development Cooperation, ACCION/Africa Board Fellowship, Action AID and HIV/AIDS-affected women organization. GAWFA won an international award (2015) from NEPAD/ Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation for empowering 20,000 out of its 49,000 clients. Evidence: improved economic and social status of clients, growth of their enterprises with created employment and access to basic social services opportunities.
Global networks: my Limited participation in organized meetings due to distance. Tackled challenge: contributed effectively through social network. GAWFA: board’s limited capacity in corporate governance, limited grants for loans, difficult loan recovery from farmers when the crops fail and political interference in this process. Challenges tackled by board’s adopted diverse funding raising strategy and awareness creation for clients on implications of political interference in loan recovery.
BA French Language, University of Nice, France 1975-1979
Higher Diploma in Teaching French, University of Nice,
France 1974-1975
Diploma In French Language, University of Dakar, Senegal 1973-1974
Armitage High School, Certificate in Ordinary Level
Gambia 1961-1966
Pakalinding Primary School, high school entrance certificate
Gambia 1956-1961
Reading and writing, Women’s rights and political activism. Volunteering in community-based development work and gardening.
Available upon request
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