
What do American Christians believe most about the Great Commission?

Before diving into any potential answers, let’s take a moment to consider the most concise, clear reference point in Scripture regarding the Great Commission:

And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

~ Matthew 28:18-20

So now, with that fresh in mind, back to the question: What do American Christians believe most about the Great Commission?

Do they believe that all authority in heaven has been given to Jesus?

Oh sure. No prob there.

That one’s easy, what with “heaven” off yonder somewhere far away and probably not even a part of the physical universe. Yeah, allowing Jesus the position of holding all authority in some distant, far off kingdom of immaterial whateverness sure feels nice and completely nonthreatening to anything we want to do in detail here and now in “the real world.”

But what about earth?

Does the typical American evangelical Christian believe that all authority on earth has been given – as in past tense, meaning it’s already a done deal – to Jesus?

Oh no.

Not even close.

Jesus can be Lord and have authority over the fluffy, vague, wispy “spiritual” stuff out there in heaven or whatever, but most definitely not over the real-world details of law, government, art, education, economics and business right here and now in ‘Merica.

No, no, no…He doesn’t have any of that authority.

So what about making disciples who learn and actually obey all that He has commanded?

Uh, once again, no.

Are you kidding?

That can’t actually be done here in the real world!

Especially not here in America, where we celebrate and proudly defend the “God-given right” to everything from porn and gay marriage to child sacrifice and the “freedom” to openly worship any false god we like.

Okay, so what is the one thing that most American Christians actually do believe about the Great Commission?

That it can’t be done.

Which is exactly why American Christians are most responsible for the American culture that we’re living in now.

May God grace His people with conviction, repentance, and restoration so that they might take up His Gospel-fueled Great Commission right here and now, while there is yet time, all by His grace and all for His glory.

Article reposted with permission from Fire Breathing Christian

The post What Do American Christians Believe Most about the Great Commission? That It Can’t Be Done. appeared first on Freedom Outpost.

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