
Business Name: AGOGA

Business Address: 164 Bondi Rd

Business Telephone#: 02 8004 5056

Business Website: http://agoga.com.au

Business Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/u/0/110196486539916244278

Business Category: Fitness centre / gym
Personal Trainer
Fitness Program

Business Description: AGOGA is a functional training gym in Bondi where you’ll experience the cutting edge of exercise science from Australia and around the globe. It’s a personal training experience in a premium group environment, so classes are usually around 5 to 10 people, with a maximum of 16. This makes personal training more affordable but importantly, we usually find people are more motivated when training with others. Our core principles of functional movement patterns and interval training are designed to create athletic and symmetrical bodies that are lean, agile and strong. This means if you’re looking for huge, puffed-up muscles AGOGA isn’t right for you – our goal is to create the look and function of an athlete.

It’s a personal training experience in a premium group environment, so classes are usually around 5 to 10 people, with a maximum of 16. This makes personal training more affordable but importantly, we usually find people are more motivated when training with others.Our core principles of functional movement patterns and interval training are designed to create athletic and symmetrical bodies that are lean, agile and strong. This means if you’re looking for huge, puffed-up muscles AGOGA isn’t right for you – our goal is to create the look and function of an athlete.

Functional Training, High Intensity Interval Training, Bodyweight Training, Tabata Training

Business Keywords: gym bondi NSW,
bondi gym NSW,
functional training Bondi NSW,
functional fitness Bondi NSW,
bodyweight training Bondi NSW,
high intensity interval Bondi NSW,
personal trainer Bondi NSW,
bondi NSW personal trainer

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