
A confidential David Brock memo obtained by the Washington Free Beacon lays out the ways the Democratic operative plans to use his numerous organizations to take down President Donald Trump through impeachment.

Brock is currently at the Turnberry Isle Resort in Aventura, Fla. for a weekend conference with more than 100 major liberal donors. Attendees are mapping out a course to combat the newly sworn-in president.

According to the private and confidential memo, Brock plans to defeat Trump “through impeachment,” using American Bridge, his liberal super PAC, as the main vehicle to do so.

“No other progressive organization has the resources and assets that American Bridge has amassed over the past several election cycles to hold Trump, his administration, and the politicians accountable,” the 44-page confidential memo states.

“Only Bridge stands ready with staff already hired, Trump’s web of business ties mapped out, and a massive video archive at our fingertips.”

“The right will bolster Trump aggressively and deceptively. The campaign to stop him must be nonstop. At American Bridge, it has already begun.”

Brock’s group claims to have more than 20,000 hours of video, 289 candidate research books, and the largest available archive of Trump research in the Democratic Party. Within weeks of the election, Bridge launched a “Trump War Room,” which has already scrutinized Trump’s transition team and will continue to watch the personnel, policies, and practices of the administration.

The “state-of-the-art Trump War Room” will strive to “uncover details of Trump’s affection for Russia and Putin.” They are tracking Trump’s foreign and domestic business partners, construction projects in foreign countries, and negotiations on potential future projects that he “could use to put personal profit ahead of our national security.”

“With so many opportunities for foreign governments and corporations to gain influence over Trump, American Bridge will use every means at its disposal to hold Trump and his administration accountable—including FOIA requests, lawsuits, and regulatory complaints. As the progressive movement’s political research clearinghouse, we will arm our allies to join us in taking on the administration through paid advertising, earned media, grassroots efforts, and legal recourse.”

The group laid out its strategic plan for the next four years. The top outcome is to defeat Trump “through impeachment.”

“The number of stories and the value of TV time for anti-Trump media coverage we generate will break all internal records,” the memo states. “Multiple Trump nominations will become a drag on his administration due to the research we unearth. Trump’s approval rating will remain historically low.”

American Bridge has a 2017 budget of $14.7 million, according to the memo. This figure represents both the work of Bridge’s 501(c)(4) and its super PAC staffed by 146 individuals.

“The 501(c)(4) is creating a 47-person war room to take on Donald Trump with a staff of 25 researchers, a communications team of 16 which is feeding out work to the press and doing rapid-response, and a team of six-media monitors. Bridge will also build out a robust digital program to deliver our content directly to voters. The total cost of the Bridge war will be $7.8 million in 2017.”

The super PAC will also conduct research in 16 to 20 of the most competitive Senate races in the 2018 cycle using two research teams of five people each.

Bridge will focus on defeating Trump either through impeachment or at the ballot box in 2020, changing the balance of power by impacting U.S. Senate, gubernatorial, and state legislative races and freeing themselves of reliance on the press by reaching voters directly online.

Brock hopes to build a liberal donor network for the left at his Florida retreat that rivals the network of the Koch brothers.

Free Beacon reporter Lachlan Markay contributed to this report.

The post Confidential David Brock Memo: Defeat Trump Through Impeachment appeared first on Washington Free Beacon.

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