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Computer Service and Repair,A Guide to Upgrading, Configuring, Troubleshooting, and Networking Personal Computers
Teaches the practices and principles needed to pass the A+ Certification Exams, as well as to build, upgrade, and troubleshoot your PC.
by Richard M. Roberts
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The Software Encyclopedia,

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Habits of the Heart,Individualism and Commitment in American Life
First published in 1985, "Habits of the Heart "continues to be one of the most discussed interpretations of modern American society, a quest for a democratic community that draws on our diverse civic and religious traditions. In a new preface the authors relate the arguments of the book both to the current realities of American society and to the growing debate about the country's future. With this new edition one of the most influential books of recent times takes on a new immediacy.
by Elliott Robert N Bellah
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Networking for Home and Small Businesses, CCNA Discovery Learning Guide,
Networking for Home and Small Businesses CCNA Discovery Learning Guide Allan Reid • Jim Lorenz Networking for Home and Small Businesses, CCNA Discovery Learning Guide is the official supplemental textbook for the Networking for Home and Small Businesses course in the Cisco® Networking Academy® CCNA® Discovery curriculum version 4. The course, the first of four in the new curriculum, teaches networking concepts by applying them to a type of network you may encounter in a home or small office. The Learning Guide, written and edited by instructors, is designed as a portable desk reference to use anytime, anywhere to reinforce the material from the course and organize your time. In addition, the book includes expanded coverage of CCENT™/CCNA exam topics. The book’s features help you focus on important concepts to succeed in this course: Chapter Objectives–Review core concepts by answering the focus questions listed at the beginning of each chapter. Key Terms–Refer to the lists of networking vocabulary introduced and highlighted in context in each chapter. The Glossary defines each key term. Summary of Activities and Labs–Maximize your study time with this complete list of all associated exercises at the end of each chapter. Check Your Understanding–Evaluate your readiness with the end-of-chapter questions that match the style of questions you see in the online course quizzes. The answer key explains each answer. Challenge Questions and Activities–Apply a deeper understanding of the concepts with these challenging end-of-chapter questions and activities. The answer key explains each answer. Hands-on Labs–Master the practical, hands-on skills of the course by performing all the tasks in the course labs and additional challenge labs included in Part II of the Learning Guide. Allan Reid is the curriculum lead for CCNA and a CCNA and CCNP® instructor at the Centennial College CATC in Toronto, Canada. Jim Lorenz is an instructor and curriculum developer for the Cisco Networking Academy. How To–Look for this icon to study the steps you need to learn to perform certain tasks. Interactive Activities–Reinforce your understanding of topics with more than 50 different exercises from the online course identified through-out the book with this icon. The files for these activities are on the accompanying CD-ROM. Packet Tracer Activities– Explore and visualize networking concepts using Packet Tracer exercises interspersed throughout some chapters. The files for these activities are on the accompanying CD-ROM. Packet Tracer v4.1 software developed by Cisco is available separately. Hands-on Labs–Work through all 26 course labs and 3 additional challenge labs included in Part II of the book. The labs are an integral part of the CCNA Discovery curriculum, so you can review the core text and the lab material to prepare for all your exams. Companion CD-ROM **See instructions within the ebook on how to get access to the files from the CD-ROM that accompanies this print book.** The CD-ROM includes Interactive Activities Packet Tracer Activity files IT Career Information Taking Notes Lifelong Learning OSI Model Overview This book is part of the Cisco Networking Academy Series from Cisco Press®. Books in this series support and complement the Cisco Networking Academy curriculum.
by Allan Reid
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Fire in the Valley,The Making of the Personal Computer
Traces the history of the personal computer industry, focusing on the individuals who developed new microcomputers and software, and created new computer companies.
by Paul Freiberger
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Flip,How to Find, Fix, and Sell Houses for Profit
FLIP, the third book in the National Bestselling Millionaire Real Estate Series (More than 500,000 copies sold!) FLIP provides a detailed, step-by-step process to analyze each investment, identify the best improvements, accurately estimate the costs and intelligently oversee the construction. It takes out all the guess work and almost all of the risk. Here's what industry experts are saying about FLIP: "Read this book before you flip that house! FLIP is an indispensable step-by-step guide to flipping houses that you will refer to again and again." -Carlos Ortiz, Executive Producer, "FLIP That House" (TLC's most popular real estate TV show) "At HomeVestors, we're in the business of buying and selling homes for profit and I can attest that there are few, if any, who can rival Rick's and Clay's expertise when it comes to fixing up houses for profit. This book is a must-read for any investor." -Dr. John Hayes, President and CEO of HomeVestors of America (the largest homebuyer in America) "FLIP is a must-read book for everyone in the real estate business. Every agent should have this book. They should read it and master its contents. Why? Because it is the best guide ever written on how to evaluate real estate and how to add value to a house." -Gary Keller, Founder and Chairman of the Board of Keller Williams Realty International and author of bestselling The Millionaire Real Estate Agent and The Millionaire Real Estate Investor "For anyone looking to build wealth in real estate, FLIP provides a step-by-step approach that really works in any market." -Loral Langemeier, bestselling author of The Millionaire Maker FLIP extends the national bestselling Millionaire Real Estate series with a step-by-step guide that is quickly becoming "the model" for successfully finding, fixing and selling investment properties for profit. Based on their involvement in over a 1,000 flips, Rick Villani and Clay Davis walk you through the proven five-stage model for successfully flipping a house: FIND: How to select ideal neighborhoods, attract sellers, and find houses with investment potential ANALYZE: Identify which improvements to make and analyze the profit potential of any house BUY: How to arrange financing, present the offer, and close on the purchase FIX: A 50-step, easy-to-follow plan for fixing up houses that keeps you on time, in budget and assures top quality SELL: How to add finishing touches to quickly sell for maximum profit Woven through the book is an entertaining narrative that follows the flipping adventures of Samantha, Ed, Bill, Nancy, Amy and Mitch as they find, buy, fix and sell their first investment houses. With all this plus the experience of over a thousand flips condensed into one book, FLIP gives new investors the tools they need to avoid common pitfalls, make a profit, and enjoy the process of house flipping. Rick Villani and Clay Davis are senior executives at HomeFixers, North America's leading real estate rehab franchise. HomeFixers has been involved in more than 1,000 flips nationwide.
by Rick Villani
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Handbook of Practical Program Evaluation,

by Joseph S. Wholey
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Handbook of Emotions,
Widely regarded as the standard reference in the field, this handbook comprehensively examines all aspects of emotion and its role in human behavior. The editors and contributors are foremost authorities who describe major theories, findings, methods, and applications. The volume addresses the interface of emotional processes with biology, child development, social behavior, personality, cognition, and physical and mental health. Also presented are state-of-the-science perspectives on fear, anger, shame, disgust, positive emotions, sadness, and other distinct emotions. Illustrations include seven color plates.
by Michael Lewis
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Thinking in Java,
Bruce Eckel's Classic, award-winning Thinking in Java, Fourth Edition - now fully updated and revised for J2SE 5.0!
by Bruce Eckel
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Catalog of Copyright Entries. Third Series,1971: Title Index

by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
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Quantum Change,When Epiphanies and Sudden Insights Transform Ordinary Lives
Most of us walk through each day expecting few surprises. If we want to better ourselves or our lives, we map out a path of gradual change; perhaps in therapy or a 12-step group. University of New Mexico psychologists William Miller and Janet C'de Baca were longtime scholars and teachers of this approach to self-improvement when they became intrigued by a different sort of change that was sometimes experienced by people and often described as "a bolt from the blue" or "seeing the light." When they placed a request in a local newspaper for people's stories of unexpected personal transformation, the deluge of of responses was astounding. These compelling stories of epiphanies and sudden insights inspired Miller and C'de Baca to examine the experience of "quantum change" through the lens of scientific psychology. Where does quantum change come from? Why do some of us experience it, and what kind of people do we become as a result? The answers that this book arrives at yield remarkable insights into how human beings achieve lasting change--sometimes, even, in spite of ourselves. Drs. Miller and C'de Baca began their collaborative research on quantum change in 1990, and this book is the first full report of their work.
by William R. Miller
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The Great Deformation,The Corruption of Capitalism in America
Former Reagan budget director David Stockman contends that capitalism has gone wrong and been corrupted, and that it might be restored, arguing that Washington--and especially the Federal Reserve--have fallen prey to the politics of crony capitalism and the ideologies of fiscal stimulus, monetary central planning, and financial bailouts.
by David Alan Stockman
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Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing,Materials, Processes, and Systems
Engineers rely on Groover because of the book’s quantitative and engineering-oriented approach that provides more equations and numerical problem exercises. The fourth edition introduces more modern topics, including new materials, processes and systems. End of chapter problems are also thoroughly revised to make the material more relevant. Several figures have been enhanced to significantly improve the quality of artwork. All of these changes will help engineers better understand the topic and how to apply it in the field.
by Mikell P. Groover
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College,What it Was, Is, and Should Be
As the commercialization of American higher education accelerates, more and more students are coming to college with the narrow aim of obtaining a preprofessional credential. The traditional four-year college experience--an exploratory time for students to discover their passions and test ideas and values with the help of teachers and peers--is in danger of becoming a thing of the past. In College, prominent cultural critic Andrew Delbanco offers a trenchant defense of such an education, and warns that it is becoming a privilege reserved for the relatively rich. In arguing for what a true college education should be, he demonstrates why making it available to as many young people as possible remains central to America's democratic promise. In a brisk and vivid historical narrative, Delbanco explains how the idea of college arose in the colonial period from the Puritan idea of the gathered church, how it struggled to survive in the nineteenth century in the shadow of the new research universities, and how, in the twentieth century, it slowly opened its doors to women, minorities, and students from low-income families. He describes the unique strengths of America's colleges in our era of globalization and, while recognizing the growing centrality of science, technology, and vocational subjects in the curriculum, he mounts a vigorous defense of a broadly humanistic education for all. Acknowledging the serious financial, intellectual, and ethical challenges that all colleges face today, Delbanco considers what is at stake in the urgent effort to protect these venerable institutions for future generations.
by Andrew Delbanco
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Becoming Attached,Unfolding the Mystery of the Infant-Mother Bond and Its Impact on Later Life

by Robert Karen
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