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Computer Security: Principles and Practice, Global Edition,
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, Third Edition, is ideal for courses in Computer/Network Security. In recent years, the need for education in computer security and related topics has grown dramatically—and is essential for anyone studying Computer Science or Computer Engineering. This is the only text available to provide integrated, comprehensive, up-to-date coverage of the broad range of topics in this subject. In addition to an extensive pedagogical program, the book provides unparalleled support for both research and modeling projects, giving students a broader perspective. It covers all security topics considered Core in the EEE/ACM Computer Science Curriculum. This textbook can be used to prep for CISSP Certification, and includes in-depth coverage of Computer Security, Technology and Principles, Software Security, Management Issues, Cryptographic Algorithms, Internet Security and more. The Text and Academic Authors Association named Computer Security: Principles and Practice, First Edition, the winner of the Textbook Excellence Award for the best Computer Science textbook of 2008. Teaching and Learning Experience This program presents a better teaching and learning experience—for you and your students. It will help: Easily Integrate Projects in your Course: This book provides an unparalleled degree of support for including both research and modeling projects in your course, giving students a broader perspective. Keep Your Course Current with Updated Technical Content: This edition covers the latest trends and developments in computer security. Enhance Learning with Engaging Features: Extensive use of case studies and examples provides real-world context to the text material. Provide Extensive Support Material to Instructors and Students: Student and instructor resources are available to expand on the topics presented in the text.
by William Stallings
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Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, International Edition,Principles and Practice
For one-semester, undergraduate- or graduate-level courses in Cryptography, Computer Security, and Network Security A practical survey of cryptography and network security with unmatched support for instructors and students In this age of universal electronic connectivity, viruses and hackers, electronic eavesdropping, and electronic fraud, security is paramount. This text provides a practical survey of both the principles and practice of cryptography and network security. First, the basic issues to be addressed by a network security capability are explored through a tutorial and survey of cryptography and network security technology. Then, the practice of network security is explored via practical applications that have been implemented and are in use today. An unparalleled support package for instructors and students ensures a successful teaching and learning experience. Teaching and Learning Experience To provide a better teaching and learning experience, for both instructors and students, this program will: Support Instructors and Students: An unparalleled support package for instructors and students ensures a successful teaching and learning experience. Apply Theory and/or the Most Updated Research: A practical survey of both the principles and practice of cryptography and network security. Engage Students with Hands-on Projects: Relevant projects demonstrate the importance of the subject, offer a real-world perspective, and keep students interested.
by William Stallings
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Network and internetwork security,principles and practice
Comprehensive in approach, this introduction to network and internetwork security provides a tutorial survey of network security technology, discusses the standards that are being developed for security in an internetworking environment, and explores the practical issues involved in developing security applications.
by William Stallings
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e-Study Guide for: Computer Security : Principles and Practice by William Stallings, ISBN 9780136004240,
Never Highlight a Book Again! Just the FACTS101 study guides give the student the textbook outlines, highlights, practice quizzes and optional access to the full practice tests for their textbook.
by Cram101 Textbook Reviews
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Network Security Essentials,Applications and Standards
Intended for college courses and professional readers where the interest is primarily in the application of network security, without the need to delve deeply into cryptographic theory and principles (system engineer, programmer, system manager, network manager, product marketing personnel, system support specialist). A practical survey of network security applications and standards, with unmatched support for instructors and students. In this age of universal electronic connectivity, viruses and hackers, electronic eavesdropping, and electronic fraud, security is paramount. Network Security: Applications and Standards , Fifth Edition provides a practical survey of network security applications and standards, with an emphasis on applications that are widely used on the Internet and for corporate networks. An unparalleled support package for instructors and students ensures a successful teaching and learning experience. Adapted from Cryptography and Network Security, Sixth Edition, this text covers the same topics but with a much more concise treatment of cryptography.
by William Stallings
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Data and Computer Communications,
Data and Computer Communications, Eighth Edition offers a clear, comprehensive, and unified view of the entire fields of data communications, networking, and protocols. William Stallings organizes this massive subject into small, comprehensible elements, building a complete survey of the state-of-the-art, one piece at a time. Stallings has substantially revised this international best-seller to reflect today's latest innovations, from WiFi and 10 Gbps Ethernet to advanced congestion control and IP performance metrics.
by William Stallings
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Business Data Communications,
Business Data Communications, 6/e, is ideal for use in Business Data Communications, Data Communications, and introductory Networking for Business courses. Business Data Communications, 6/e,covers the fundamentals of data communications, networking, distributed applications, and network management and security. Stallings presents these concepts in a way that relates specifically to the business environment and the concerns of business management and staff, structuring his text around requirements, ingredients, and applications. While making liberal use of real-world case studies and charts and graphs to provide a business perspective, the book also provides the student with a solid grasp of the technical foundation of business data communications. Throughout the text, references to the interactive, online animations supply a powerful tool in understanding complex protocol mechanisms. The Sixth Edition maintains Stallings' superlative support for either a research projects or modeling projects component in the course. The diverse set of projects and student exercises enables the instructor to use the book as a component in a rich and varied learning experience and to tailor a course plan to meet the specific needs of the instructor and students.
by William Stallings
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Computer Organization and Architecture,
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For graduate and undergraduate courses in computer science, computer engineering, and electrical engineering Fundamentals of Processor and Computer Design Computer Organization and Architecture is a comprehensive coverage of the entire field of computer design updated with the most recent research and innovations in computer structure and function. With clear, concise, and easy-to-read material, the Tenth Edition is a user-friendly source for people studying computers. Subjects such as I/O functions and structures, RISC, and parallel processors are explored integratively throughout, with real world examples enhancing the text for reader interest. With brand new material and strengthened pedagogy, this text engages readers in the world of computer organization and architecture.
by William Stallings
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Computer Organization and Architecture,Designing for Performance
Four-time winner of the best Computer Science and Engineering textbook of the year award from the Textbook and Academic Authors Association, Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance provides a thorough discussion of the fundamentals of computer organization and architecture, covering not just processor design, but memory, I/O, and parallel systems. Coverage is supported by a wealth of concrete examples emphasizing modern RISC, CISC, and superscalar systems. Undergraduates and professionals in computer science, computer engineering, and electrical engineering courses will learn the fundamentals of processor and computer design from this award-winning text. The eighth revision has been updated to reflect major advances in computer technology, including multicore processors and embedded processors. Interactive simulations have been expanded and keyed into relevant sections of text.
by William Stallings
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Cryptography And Network Security Principles And Practices,
by William Stallings
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Operating Systems,Internals and Design Principles
Serving as both a basic reference and a survey of the state of the art, this text covers the concepts, structure, and mechanisms of operating systems. Stallings emphasises both fundamental principles and design issues in contemporary systems. This edition is richer in both pedagogy and instructor/student support.
by William Stallings
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Computer and Information Security Handbook,
The second edition of this comprehensive handbook of computer and information security provides the most complete view of computer security and privacy available. It offers in-depth coverage of security theory, technology, and practice as they relate to established technologies as well as recent advances. It explores practical solutions to many security issues. Individual chapters are authored by leading experts in the field and address the immediate and long-term challenges in the authors’ respective areas of expertise. The book is organized into 10 parts comprised of 70 contributed chapters by leading experts in the areas of networking and systems security, information management, cyber warfare and security, encryption technology, privacy, data storage, physical security, and a host of advanced security topics. New to this edition are chapters on intrusion detection, securing the cloud, securing web apps, ethical hacking, cyber forensics, physical security, disaster recovery, cyber attack deterrence, and more. Chapters by leaders in the field on theory and practice of computer and information security technology, allowing the reader to develop a new level of technical expertise Comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of security issues allows the reader to remain current and fully informed from multiple viewpoints Presents methods of analysis and problem-solving techniques, enhancing the reader's grasp of the material and ability to implement practical solutions
by John R. Vacca
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Network management,
Network management technology; network management functional requirements; integrated network management systems; distributed network management; rinding fault; knowledge technologies for evolving networks; management information; managing communication networks by monitoring databases; network information modeling for network management; development and integration of a management information base; understanding network management with OOA; system management information modeling; distribution of managed object fragments and managed object replication: the data distribution view of management information; OSI management information base implementation; simple network management protocol(SNMP); network management in the TCP/IP protocol suite; an integrated architecture for LAN/WAN management; MIB II extends SNMP interoperability SNMP security; coming soon to a network near you; OSI systems management; an implementation of an OSI network management system; the OSI network management model; management by exception: OSI event generation, reporting, and logging; optimizing OSI management system performance; network management of TCP/IP networks: present and future; glossary; list of acronyms; annotated bibliography; about the author.
by William Stallings
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Security in Computing,
This third edition of the all time classic computer security book provides an overview of all types of computer security from centralized systems to distributed networks. The book has been updated to make the most current information in the field available and accessible to today's professionals.
by Charles P. Pfleeger
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Wireless Communications & Networks: Pearson New International Edition,
For courses in wireless networking, wireless communications, wireless data communications or wireless technology in departments of Computer Science, Engineering, IT, and Continuing Education. The rapid growth of mobile telephone use, satellite services, and the wireless Internet are generating tremendous changes in telecommunications and networking. Combining very current technical depth with a strong pedagogy and advanced Web support, this new edition provides a comprehensive guide to wireless technology–exploring key topics such as technology and architecture, network types, design approaches, and the latest applications. Visit Stallings Companion Website at for student and instructor resources and his Computer Science Student Resource site Password protected instructor resources can be accessed here by clicking on the Resources Tab to view downloadable files. (Registration required) They include Power Point Slides, Solutions, tables and figures.
by William Stallings
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