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The Essentials of Computer Organization and Architecture,
Updated and revised to reflect the most current data in the field, perennial bestseller The Essentials of Computer Organization and Architecture, Fourth Edition is comprehensive enough to address all necessary organization and architecture topics, but concise enough to be appropriate for a single-term course. Its focus on real-world examples and practical applications encourages students to develop a "big-picture" understanding of how essential organization and architecture concepts are applied in the computing world. In addition to direct correlation with the ACM/IEEE CS2013 guidelines for computer organization and architecture, the text exposes readers to the inner workings of a modern digital computer through an integrated presentation of fundamental concepts and principles.The fully revised and updated Fourth Edition includes the most up-to-the-minute data and resources available and reflects current technologies, including tablets and cloud computing. All-new exercises, expanded discussions, and feature boxes in every chapter implement even more real-world applications and current data, and many chapters include all-new examples. A full suite of student and instructor resources, including a secure companion website, Lecture Outlines in PowerPoint Format, and an Instructor Manual, complement the text. This award-winning, best-selling text is the most thorough, student-friendly, and accessible text on the market today.Key Features:* The Fourth Edition is in direct correlation with the ACM/IEEE CS2013 guidelines for computer organization and architecture, in addition to integrating material from additional knowledge units. * All-new material on a variety of topics, including zetabytes and yottabytes, automatons, tablet computers, graphic processing units, and cloud computing* The MARIE Simulator package allows students to learn the essential concepts of computer organization and architecture, including assembly language, without getting caught up in unnecessary and confusing details.* Full suite of ancillary materials, including a secure companion website, PowerPoint lecture outlines, and an Instructor Manual* Bundled with an optional Intel supplement* Ideally suited for single-term courses
by Linda Null
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Computer Organization and Architecture,
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For graduate and undergraduate courses in computer science, computer engineering, and electrical engineering Fundamentals of Processor and Computer Design Computer Organization and Architecture is a comprehensive coverage of the entire field of computer design updated with the most recent research and innovations in computer structure and function. With clear, concise, and easy-to-read material, the Tenth Edition is a user-friendly source for people studying computers. Subjects such as I/O functions and structures, RISC, and parallel processors are explored integratively throughout, with real world examples enhancing the text for reader interest. With brand new material and strengthened pedagogy, this text engages readers in the world of computer organization and architecture.
by William Stallings
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Parallel Computer Organization and Design,
A design-oriented text for advanced computer architecture courses, covering parallelism, complexity, power, reliability and performance.
by Michel Dubois
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This introductory text on ‘digital logic and computer organization’ presents a logical treatment of all the fundamental concepts necessary to understand the organization and design of a computer. It is designed to cover the requirements of a first-course in computer organization for undergraduate Computer Science, Electronics, or MCA students. Beginning from first principles, the text guides students through to a stage where they are able to design and build a small computer with available IC chips. Starting with the foundation material on data representation, computer arithmetic and combinatorial and sequential circuit design, the text explains ALU design and includes a discussion on an ALU IC chip. It also discusses Algorithmic State Machine and its representation using a Hardware Description Language before shifting to computer organization. The evolutionary development of a small hypothetical computer is described illustrating hardware-software trade-off in computer organization. Its instruction set is designed giving reasons why each new instruction is introduced. This is followed by a description of the general features of a CPU, organization of main memory and I/O systems. The book concludes with a chapter describing the features of a real computer, namely the Intel Pentium. An appendix describes a number of laboratory experiments which can be put together by students, culminating in the design of a toy computer. Key Features • Self-contained presentation of digital logic and computer organization with minimal pre-requisites • Large number of examples provided throughout the book • Each chapter begins with learning goals and ends with a summary to aid self-study by students.
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Foundations of Computer Science,
Based on the ACM model curriculum guidelines, this text covers the fundamentals of computer science required for first year students embarking on a computing degree. Data representation of text, audio, images, and numbers; computer hardware and software, including operating systems and programming languages; data organization topics such as SQL database models - they're all [included]. Progressing from the bits and bytes level to the higher levels of abstraction, this birds-eye view provides the foundation to help you succeed as you continue your studies in programming and other areas in the computer field.-Back cover.
by Behrouz A. Forouzan
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The Cognitive Dynamics of Computer Science,Cost-Effective Large Scale Software Development
A groundbreaking, unifying theory of computer science for low-cost, high-quality software The Cognitive Dynamics of Computer Science represents the culmination of more than thirty years of the author's hands-on experience in software development, which has resulted in a remarkable and sensible philosophy and practice of software development. It provides a groundbreaking ontology of computer science, while describing the processes, methodologies, and constructs needed to build high-quality, large-scale computer software systems on schedule and on budget. Based on his own experience in developing successful, low-cost software projects, the author makes a persuasive argument for developers to understand the philosophical underpinnings of software. He asserts that software in reality is an abstraction of the human thought system. The author draws from the seminal works of the great German philosophers--Kant, Hegel, and Schopenhauer--and recasts their theories of human mind and thought to create a unifying theory of computer science, cognitive dynamics, that opens the door to the next generation of computer science and forms the basic architecture for total autonomy. * Four detailed cases studies effectively demonstrate how philosophy and practice merge to meet the objective of high-quality, low-cost software. * The Autonomous Cognitive System chapter sets forth a model for a completely autonomous computer system, using the human thought system as the model for functional architecture and the human thought process as the model for the functional data process. * Although rooted in philosophy, this book is practical, addressing all the key areas that software professionals need to master in order to remain competitive and minimize costs, such as leadership, management, communication, and organization. This thought-provoking work will change the way students and professionals in computer science and software development conceptualize and perform their work. It provides them with both a philosophy and a set of practical tools to produce high-quality, low-cost software.
by Szabolcs Michael de Gyurky
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Computer Architecture and Organization,
Reflecting the changes in computer technology that have taken place over the past decade, this text covers the treatment of performance related topics such as pipelines, caches and RISCs as well as emphasising basic principles. Aimed at electrical and computing engineerering and undergraduates in computer architecture. Third revised edition.
by John Patrick Hayes
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Designed as an introductory text for the students of computer science, computer applications, electronics engineering and information technology for their first course on the organization and architecture of computers, this accessible, student friendly text gives a clear and in-depth analysis of the basic principles underlying the subject. This self-contained text devotes one full chapter to the basics of digital logic. While the initial chapters describe in detail about computer organization, including CPU design, ALU design, memory design and I/O organization, the text also deals with Assembly Language Programming for Pentium using NASM assembler. What distinguishes the text is the special attention it pays to Cache and Virtual Memory organization, as well as to RISC architecture and the intricacies of pipelining. All these discussions are climaxed by an illuminating discussion on parallel computers which shows how processors are interconnected to create a variety of parallel computers. KEY FEATURES ï¬ Self-contained presentation starting with data representation and ending with advanced parallel computer architecture. ï¬ Systematic and logical organization of topics. ï¬ Large number of worked-out examples and exercises. ï¬ Contains basics of assembly language programming. ï¬ Each chapter has learning objectives and a detailed summary to help students to quickly revise the material.
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Guide to Teaching Computer Science,An Activity-Based Approach
This textbook presents both a conceptual framework and detailed implementation guidelines for computer science (CS) teaching. Updated with the latest teaching approaches and trends, and expanded with new learning activities, the content of this new edition is clearly written and structured to be applicable to all levels of CS education and for any teaching organization. Features: provides 110 detailed learning activities; reviews curriculum and cross-curriculum topics in CS; explores the benefits of CS education research; describes strategies for cultivating problem-solving skills, for assessing learning processes, and for dealing with pupils’ misunderstandings; proposes active-learning-based classroom teaching methods, including lab-based teaching; discusses various types of questions that a CS instructor or trainer can use for a range of teaching situations; investigates thoroughly issues of lesson planning and course design; examines the first field teaching experiences gained by CS teachers.
by Orit Hazzan
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Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence,
The focus of this report is on artificial intelligence (AI) and human-computer interface (HCI) technology. Observations, conclusions, and recommendations regarding AI and HCI are presented in terms of six grand challenge areas which serve to identify key scientific and engineering issues and opportunities. Chapter 1 presents the panel's definitions of these and related terms. Chapter 2 presents the panel's general observations and recommendations regarding AI and HCI. Finally, Chapter 3 discusses computer science, AI, and HCI in terms of the six selected "grand challenge" areas and three time horizons, that is, short term (within the next 2 years), midterm (2 to 6 years), and long term (more than 6 years from now) and presents additional recommendations in these areas.
by Panel on Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
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Computer Science With C++ Programming - Class Xii,
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Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology,
This volume investigates automated scheduling and course scheduling at the University of Waikato to traffic control for real-time VBR services in ATM network.
by Allen Kent
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Computer Organization and Design,The Hardware/Software Interface
The fifth edition of Computer Organization and Design—winner of a 2014 Textbook Excellence Award (Texty) from The Text and Academic Authors Association—moves forward into the post-PC era with new examples, exercises, and material highlighting the emergence of mobile computing and the cloud. This generational change is emphasized and explored with updated content featuring tablet computers, cloud infrastructure, and the ARM (mobile computing devices) and x86 (cloud computing) architectures. Because an understanding of modern hardware is essential to achieving good performance and energy efficiency, this edition adds a new concrete example, "Going Faster," used throughout the text to demonstrate extremely effective optimization techniques. Also new to this edition is discussion of the "Eight Great Ideas" of computer architecture. As with previous editions, a MIPS processor is the core used to present the fundamentals of hardware technologies, assembly language, computer arithmetic, pipelining, memory hierarchies and I/O. Instructors looking for fourth edition teaching materials should e-mail Winner of a 2014 Texty Award from the Text and Academic Authors Association Includes new examples, exercises, and material highlighting the emergence of mobile computing and the cloud Covers parallelism in depth with examples and content highlighting parallel hardware and software topics Features the Intel Core i7, ARM Cortex-A8 and NVIDIA Fermi GPU as real-world examples throughout the book Adds a new concrete example, "Going Faster," to demonstrate how understanding hardware can inspire software optimizations that improve performance by 200 times Discusses and highlights the "Eight Great Ideas" of computer architecture: Performance via Parallelism; Performance via Pipelining; Performance via Prediction; Design for Moore's Law; Hierarchy of Memories; Abstraction to Simplify Design; Make the Common Case Fast; and Dependability via Redundancy Includes a full set of updated and improved exercises
by David A. Patterson
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Computer Science Handbook, Second Edition,
When you think about how far and fast computer science has progressed in recent years, it's not hard to conclude that a seven-year old handbook may fall a little short of the kind of reference today's computer scientists, software engineers, and IT professionals need. With a broadened scope, more emphasis on applied computing, and more than 70 chapters either new or significantly revised, the Computer Science Handbook, Second Edition is exactly the kind of reference you need. This rich collection of theory and practice fully characterizes the current state of the field and conveys the modern spirit, accomplishments, and direction of computer science. Highlights of the Second Edition: Coverage that reaches across all 11 subject areas of the discipline as defined in Computing Curricula 2001, now the standard taxonomy More than 70 chapters revised or replaced Emphasis on a more practical/applied approach to IT topics such as information management, net-centric computing, and human computer interaction More than 150 contributing authors--all recognized experts in their respective specialties New chapters on: cryptography computational chemistry computational astrophysics human-centered software development cognitive modeling transaction processing data compression scripting languages event-driven programming software architecture
by Allen B. Tucker
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Advances in Computer Science, Intelligent Systems and Environment,
CSISE2011 is an integrated conference concentrating its focus upon Computer Science,Intelligent System and Environment. In the proceeding, you can learn much more knowledge about Computer Science, Intelligent System and Environment of researchers all around the world. The international conference will provide a forum for engineers, scientist, teachers and all researchers to discuss their latest research achievements and their future research plan. The main role of the proceeding is to be used as an exchange pillar for researchers who are working in the mentioned field. In order to meet high standard of Springer Ìs Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing ,the organization committee has made their efforts to do the following things. Firstly, poor quality paper has been refused after reviewing course by anonymous referee experts. Secondly, periodically review meetings have been held around the reviewers about five times for exchanging reviewing suggestions. Finally, the conference organization had several preliminary sessions before the conference. Through efforts of different people and departments, the conference will be successful and fruitful. We hope that you can get much more knowledges from our CSISE2011, and we also hope that you can give us good suggestions to improve our work in the future.
by David Jin
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