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Advanced Data Structures,
Advanced Data Structures presents a comprehensive look at the ideas, analysis, and implementation details of data structures as a specialized topic in applied algorithms. Data structures are how data is stored within a computer, and how one can go about searching for data within. This text examines efficient ways to search and update sets of numbers, intervals, or strings by various data structures, such as search trees, structures for sets of intervals or piece-wise constant functions, orthogonal range search structures, heaps, union-find structures, dynamization and persistence of structures, structures for strings, and hash tables. This is the first volume to show data structures as a crucial algorithmic topic, rather than relegating them as trivial material used to illustrate object-oriented programming methodology, filling a void in the ever-increasing computer science market. Numerous code examples in C and more than 500 references make Advanced Data Structures an indispensable text. topic. Numerous code examples in C and more than 500 references make Advanced Data Structures an indispensable text.
by Peter Brass
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Data Structures and Algorithms in C++,
Using the C++ programming language, author Adam Drozdek highlights three important aspects of data structures and algorithms. First, the book places special emphasis on the connection between data structures and their algorithms, including an analysis of the algorithms' complexity. Second, the book presents data structures in the context of object-oriented program design, stressing the principle of information hiding in its treatment of encapsulation and decomposition. Finally, the book closely examines data structure implementation. Overall, this practical and theoretical book prepares students with a solid foundation in data structures for future courses and work in design implementation, testing, or maintenance of virtually any software system. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
by Adam Drozdek
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Algorithms & Data Structures: The Science Of Computing,
While many computer science textbooks are confined to teaching programming code and languages, Algorithms and Data Structures: The Science of Computing takes a step back to introduce and explore algorithms -- the content of the code. Focusing on three core topics: design (the architecture of algorithms), theory (mathematical modeling and analysis), and the scientific method (experimental confirmation of theoretical results), the book helps students see that computer science is about problem solving, not simply the memorization and recitation of languages. Unlike many other texts, the methods of inquiry are explained in an integrated manner so students can see explicitly how they interact. Recursion and object oriented programming are emphasized as the main control structure and abstraction mechanism, respectively, in algorithm design. Designed for the CS2 course, the book includes text exercises and has laboratory exercises at the supplemental Web site. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
by Douglas Baldwin
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Data Structures Using Java,
Data Structures & Theory of Computation
by Duncan A. Buell
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An Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms,
Data structures and algorithms are presented at the college level in a way that is unique in content and presentation from current available texts. A highly accessible format presents algorithms with one page displays that will appeal to both students and teachers of computer science. The thirteen chapters systematically and comprehensively cover Models of Computation, Lists, Induction and Recursion, Trees, Algorithm Design, Hashing, Heaps, Balanced Trees, Sets Over a Small Universe, Discrete Fourier Transform, Strings, Graphs, Parallel Computation.
by J.A. Storer
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Data Structures and Algorithms,
This is an excellent, up-to-date and easy-to-use text on data structures and algorithms that is intended for undergraduates in computer science and information science. The thirteen chapters, written by an international group of experienced teachers, cover the fundamental concepts of algorithms and most of the important data structures as well as the concept of interface design. The book contains many examples and diagrams. Whenever appropriate, program codes are included to facilitate learning.This book is supported by an international group of authors who are experts on data structures and algorithms, through its website at http: //www.cs.pitt.edu/jung/GrowingBook/, so that both teachers and students can benefit from their expertise
by Shi Kuo Chang
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Foundations of Multidimensional and Metric Data Structures,
Samet offers a thorough treatment of multidimensional point data, object and image-based representations, intervals and small rectangles, and high-dimensional datasets. This work includes a thorough introduction; a comprehensive survey to spatial and multidimensional data structures and algorithms; and implementation details for the most useful data structures.
by Hanan Samet
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Data Structures and Algorithms in Java,
Using the Java programming language, author Adam Drozdek highlights three important aspects of data structures and algorithms. First, the book places special emphasis on the connection between data structures and their algorithms, including an analysis of the algorithms’ complexity. Second, the book presents data structures in the context of object-oriented program design, stressing the principle of information hiding in its treatment of encapsulation and decomposition. Finally, the book closely examines data structure implementation. Overall, this practical and theoretical book prepares students with a solid foundation in data structures for future courses and work in design implementation, testing, or maintenance of virtually any software system. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
by Adam Drozdek
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Data Structures and Algorithms in Java,
This new book provides a concise and engaging introduction to Java and object-oriented programming with an abundance of original examples, use of Unified Modeling Language throughout, and coverage of the new Java 1.5. Addressing critical concepts up front, the book's five-part structure covers object-oriented programming, linear structures, algorithms, trees and collections, and advanced topics.KEY FEATURES: Data Structures and Algorithms in Java takes a practical approach to real-world programming and introduces readers to the process of crafting programs by working through the development of projects, often providing multiple versions of the code and consideration for alternate designs. The book features the extensive use of games as examples; a gradual development of classes analogous to the Java Collections Framework; complete, working code in the book and online; and strong pedagogy including extended examples in most chapters along with exercises, problems and projects.For readers and professionals with a familiarity with the basic control structures of Java or C and a precalculus level of mathematics who want to expand their knowledge to Java data structures and algorithms. Ideal for a second undergraduate course in computer science.
by Peter Drake
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Handbook of Data Structures and Applications,
Although there are many advanced and specialized texts and handbooks on algorithms, until now there was no book that focused exclusively on the wide variety of data structures that have been reported in the literature. The Handbook of Data Structures and Applications responds to the needs of students, professionals, and researchers who need a mainstream reference on data structures by providing a comprehensive survey of data structures of various types. Divided into seven parts, the text begins with a review of introductory material, followed by a discussion of well-known classes of data structures, Priority Queues, Dictionary Structures, and Multidimensional structures. The editors next analyze miscellaneous data structures, which are well-known structures that elude easy classification. The book then addresses mechanisms and tools that were developed to facilitate the use of data structures in real programs. It concludes with an examination of the applications of data structures. The Handbook is invaluable in suggesting new ideas for research in data structures, and for revealing application contexts in which they can be deployed. Practitioners devising algorithms will gain insight into organizing data, allowing them to solve algorithmic problems more efficiently.
by Dinesh P. Mehta
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Introduction to Algorithms,
A new edition of the essential text and professional reference, with substantial newmaterial on such topics as vEB trees, multithreaded algorithms, dynamic programming, and edge-baseflow.
by Thomas H. Cormen
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Data Structures and Algorithms,

by Aho Alfred V
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Algorithms on Strings, Trees and Sequences,Computer Science and Computational Biology
String algorithms are a traditional area of study in computer science. In recent years their importance has grown dramatically with the huge increase of electronically stored text and of molecular sequence data (DNA or protein sequences) produced by various genome projects. This 1997 book is a general text on computer algorithms for string processing. In addition to pure computer science, the book contains extensive discussions on biological problems that are cast as string problems, and on methods developed to solve them. It emphasises the fundamental ideas and techniques central to today's applications. New approaches to this complex material simplify methods that up to now have been for the specialist alone. With over 400 exercises to reinforce the material and develop additional topics, the book is suitable as a text for graduate or advanced undergraduate students in computer science, computational biology, or bio-informatics. Its discussion of current algorithms and techniques also makes it a reference for professionals.
by Dan Gusfield
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Data Structures and Algorithms Using Visual Basic.NET,
This is the first Visual Basic.NET book to provide a comprehensive discussion of the major data structures and algorithms. Here, instead of having to translate material on C++ or Java, the professional or student VB.NET programmer will find a tutorial on how to use data structures and algorithms and a reference for implementation using VB.NET for data structures and algorithms from the .NET Framework Class Library as well as those which must be developed by the programmer. In an object-oriented fashion, the author presents arrays and arraylists, linked lists, hash tables, dictionaries, trees, graphs, sorting and searching as well as more advanced algorithms, such as probabilistic algorithms and dynamic programming. His approach is very practical, for example using timing tests rather than Big O analysis to compare the performance of data structures and algorithms. This book can be used in both beginning and advanced computer programming courses that use the VB.NET language and, most importantly, by the professional VB programmer.
by Michael McMillan
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Algorithms and Data Structures in C++,
Algorithms and Data Structures in C++ introduces modern issues in the theory of algorithms, emphasizing complexity, graphs, parallel processing, and visualization. To accomplish this, the book uses an appropriate subset of frequently utilized and representative algorithms and applications in order to demonstrate the unique and modern aspects of the C++ programming language. What makes this book so valuable is that many complete C++ programs have been compiled and executed on multiple platforms. Each program presented is a stand-alone functional program. A number of applications that exercise significant features of C++, including templates and polymorphisms, is included. The book is a perfect text for computer science and engineering students in traditional algorithms or data structures courses. It will also benefit professionals in all fields of computer science and engineering.
by Alan Parker
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