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Computer Science,5th Edition
by C S French
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Computer Science,
'An excellent course text around which to base lectures.' 'Well structured, not too complicated, breaks down topics into easily assimilated components.' 'The most comprehensive around ...' Lecturers This highly popular text is used on a wide range of computing courses, including A Level, BTEC, City & Guilds, BCS and BSC. Information has been included on the Internet, RAD and Object Oriented methods. Some obsolete or peripheral material has been cut in order to keep the text to a manageable length.
by Carl French
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Computer Music,Rhythm Programming, Processing and Mastering
With today's technological advancement, the making of digital music is possible with just a click of the mouse. In other words, this book fuses the two worlds of computer and music; thereby adding musical creativity to the average computer user, while for the conventional musician, this remains the best cost effective and innovative approach to music making in this new millennium. This is a fully illustrative and simplified approach to rhythm programming, processing and mastering! Some of the main topics covered in this book: Fundamental principles of rhythm programming; Creating realistic and inhuman music; Creating samples and SoundFont bank modules; FruityLoops and drum notation; Music styles and their basic rhythms ; Creating groovy bass lines; Programming sampled orchestra; Real-time or automated rhythm control; Rhythm arrangement in space and in time; Creating special effects; Effective use of effects in rhythm tracks; PC troubleshooting for optimal audio performance. Furthermore, because the major areas of challenge in Computer Music include PC Mastery, Music Theory/Practical, Creativity, Sound, Audio Production and digital audio programming, this book will shed some light on them; giving the reader a clearer understanding of how to face them with high expectations of fruitful results. There are lots of books written on music and computer - separately though. This book, however, is a cutting edge in these areas; since it provides the musician with the opportunity to digitalize his creative ideas.
by E. J. Garba
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Computer Science Illuminated,
This guide offers students an overview of computer science principles, and provides a solid foundation for those continuing their study in this dynamic and exciting discipline. New features of this edition include: a chapter on computer security providing readers with the latest information on preventing unauthorized access; types of malware and anti-virus software; protecting online information, including data collection issues with Facebook, Google, etc.; security issues with mobile and portable devices; a new section on cloud computing offering readers an overview of the latest way in which businesses and users interact with computers and mobile devices; a rewritten section on social networks including new data on Google+ and Facebook; updates to include HTML5; revised and updated Did You Know callouts are included in the chapter margins; revisions of recommendations by the ACM dealing with computer ethic issues. --
by Nell B. Dale
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The Complete Idiot's Guide to Learning French,
You're no idiot, of course. You appreciate wine and brie, can pronounce "croissant," and know that "bonjour" means hello. But when it comes to actually learning the language, you feel stranded on the Eiffel Tower with no way down. Don't strap on your parachute just yet! The Complete Idiot's Guide to Learning French, Second Edition makes mastering French fun and entertaining--instead of bogging you down with verb tenses and vocabulary lists. You'll feel confident about "parlaying" your new proficiency into conversations with native speakers. In this Complete Idiot's Guide, you get:
by Gail Stein
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Motifs: An Introduction to French,
Immersing you in the world of French language and culture, MOTIFS: AN INTRODUCTION TO FRENCH, Sixth Edition, teaches you to communicate with confidence. Lively, culturally authentic contexts enable you to communicate on larger, real-life themes, such as housing, school, food, work, and relationships. Offering a systematic study of French, the MOTIFS program provides the structures, vocabulary, communication strategies, and cultural background that enable you to experience French as it is spoken today. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
by Kimberly Jansma
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Computers,Tools for an Information Age
For introductory courses in concepts courses, including those in Business and Information Technology. This direct, complete text with easy-to-use style teaches the latest in computers and information technology.
by H. L. Capron
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Introduction to Algorithms,
A new edition of the essential text and professional reference, with substantial newmaterial on such topics as vEB trees, multithreaded algorithms, dynamic programming, and edge-baseflow.
by Thomas H. Cormen
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Linux in a Nutshell,
Everything you need to know about Linux is in this book. Written by Stephen Figgins, Ellen Siever, Robert Love, and Arnold Robbins -- people with years of active participation in the Linux community -- Linux in a Nutshell, Sixth Edition, thoroughly covers programming tools, system and network administration tools, the shell, editors, and LILO and GRUB boot loaders. This updated edition offers a tighter focus on Linux system essentials, as well as more coverage of new capabilities such as virtualization, wireless network management, and revision control with git. It also highlights the most important options for using the vast number of Linux commands. You'll find many helpful new tips and techniques in this reference, whether you're new to this operating system or have been using it for years. Get the Linux commands for system administration and network management Use hundreds of the most important shell commands available on Linux Understand the Bash shell command-line interpreter Search and process text with regular expressions Manage your servers via virtualization with Xen and VMware Use the Emacs text editor and development environment, as well as the vi, ex, and vim text-manipulation tools Process text files with the sed editor and the gawk programming language Manage source code with Subversion and git
by Ellen Siever
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Artificial Intelligence,A Modern Approach
Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 3e offers the most comprehensive, up-to-date introduction to the theory and practice of artificial intelligence. Number one in its field, this textbook is ideal for one or two-semester, undergraduate or graduate-level courses in Artificial Intelligence. Dr. Peter Norvig, contributing Artificial Intelligence author and Professor Sebastian Thrun, a Pearson author are offering a free online course at Stanford University on artificial intelligence. According to an article in The New York Times , the course on artificial intelligence is “one of three being offered experimentally by the Stanford computer science department to extend technology knowledge and skills beyond this elite campus to the entire world.†One of the other two courses, an introduction to database software, is being taught by Pearson author Dr. Jennifer Widom. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 3e is available to purchase as an eText for your Kindle™, NOOK™, and the iPhone®/iPad®. To learn more about the course on artificial intelligence, visit To read the full New York Times article, click here.
by Stuart Jonathan Russell
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The MATHEMATICA ® Book, Version 4,
With over a million users around the world, the Mathematica software system created by Stephen Wolfram has defined the direction of technical computing for the past decade. The enhanced text and hypertext processing and state-of-the-art numerical computation features will ensure that Mathematica 4, takes scientific computing into the next century.The Mathematica Book continues to be the definitive reference guide to this revolutionary software package and is released in this new edition to coincide with the release of the new version of Mathematica.The Mathematica Book is a must-have purchase for anyone who wants to understand the opportunities in science, technology, business, and education made possible by Mathematica 4. This encompasses a broad audience of scientists and mathematicians; engineers; computer professionals; financial analysts; medical researchers; and students at high-school, college, and graduate levels.Written by the creator of the system, The Mathematica Book includes both a tutorial introduction and complete reference information, and contains comprehensive description of how to take advantage of Mathematica's ability to solve myriad technical computing problems and its powerful graphical and typesetting capabilities.New to this version:* Major efficiency enhancements in handling large volumes of numerical data.* Internal packed array technology to make repetitive operations on large numerical datasets radically more efficient in speed and memory.*Improved algebraic computation facilities, including support for assumptions within Simplify, and related functions, and specification of domains for variables, as well as full support of symbolic Laplace, Fourier, and Z transforms.* Additional Mathematica functions, including Dirac Delta, Stuve, Harmonic numbers, etc.* Enhanced graphics and sound capabilities, including faster graphic generation and additional format support for graphics and sound.* Full-function spell checking including special technical dictionaries.
by Stephen Wolfram
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Epileptic Syndromes in Infancy, Childhood and Adolescence,
This text examines epileptic syndromes in infancy, childhood and adolescence.
by J. Roger
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Computer Networks,
Computer Networks, 5/e is appropriate for Computer Networking or Introduction to Networking courses at both the undergraduate and graduate level in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, CIS, MIS, and Business Departments. Tanenbaum takes a structured approach to explaining how networks work from the inside out. He starts with an explanation of the physical layer of networking, computer hardware and transmission systems; then works his way up to network applications. Tanenbaum's in-depth application coverage includes email; the domain name system; the World Wide Web (both client- and server-side); and multimedia (including voice over IP, Internet radio video on demand, video conferencing, and streaming media. Each chapter follows a consistent approach: Tanenbaum presents key principles, then illustrates them utilizing real-world example networks that run through the entire book--the Internet, and wireless networks, including Wireless LANs, broadband wireless and Bluetooth. The Fifth Edition includes a chapter devoted exclusively to network security. The textbook is supplemented by a Solutions Manual, as well as a Website containing PowerPoint slides, art in various forms, and other tools for instruction, including a protocol simulator whereby students can develop and test their own network protocols.
by Andrew S. Tanenbaum
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Proofs from THE BOOK,
Inside PFTB ("Proofs from The Book") is indeed a glimpse of mathematical heaven, where clever insights and beautiful ideas combine in astonishing and glorious ways. Some of the proofs are classics, but many are new and brilliant proofs of classical results--"Notices of the AMS," August 1999.
by Martin Aigner
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Invitation to Computer Science,
Introduce learners to a contemporary overview of today’s computer science with the best-selling INVITATION TO COMPUTER SCIENCE, 7E. Using a flexible, non-language-specific model, INVITATION TO COMPUTER SCIENCE provides a solid foundation with an algorithm-driven approach that’s ideal for students’ first course in Computer Science. Expanded chapter exercises and practice problems, feature boxes and the latest material on emerging topics, such as privacy, drones, cloud computing, and net neutrality, keep learners in touch with today’s most current issues. A wealth of effective visual and hands-on activities allow your students to both master and experience the fundamentals of today’s computer science. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
by G.Michael Schneider
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