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Computer Organization,
Structure of a Computer System Brief history of computers, Von Neumann architecture, Functional units, Bus structures and Interconnection networks, Performance.Data Types and Computer Arithmetic Scalar data types, Fixed and floating point numbers, Signed numbers, Integer arithmetic, 2 s Complement multiplication, Booths algorithm, Hardware Implementation, Division restoring and Non-restoring algorithms, Floating point representations, IEEE standards, Floating point arithmetic.Control Unit DesignMachine instructions and addressing modes, Single bus CPU, Control unit operation: Instruction sequencing, Micro-operations, (Register Transfer).Hardwired control : Design methods, Design examples : Multiplier CU.Micro-programmed control : Basic concepts, Microinstruction-sequencing and execution, Micro-program control, Applications of microprogramming, Emulator.Processor DesignCPU Architecture, Register organization, Instruction set-instruction types, instruction formats (Intel, Motorola processors), Instruction cycles, Instruction pipelining, Types of operands, Addressing modes (Intel, Motorola processors), ALU design-ALU organization. Memory Organisation Characteristics of memory systems, Internal and external memory, Chip packaging. Main Memory - ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, RAM : SRAM, DRAM, SDRAM, RDRAM, error correction.High-speed memories : Cache memory, Organization and mapping, Replacement algorithms, Cache coherence, MESI protocol.Interleaved and associative memories, Performance characteristics, Virtual memory : Main memory allocation, Segmentation, Paging.Secondary storage : Magnetic disk, Tape, DAT, RAID, Optical memory, CDROM, DVD.I/O OrganisationInput/output systems, Programmed I/O, Interrupt Driven I/O, I/O channels, Direct Memory Access (DMA), Buses and standard Interfaces : Synchronous, Asynchronous, Parallel, Serial, PCI, SCSI, USB Ports.Peripherals : Keyboard, Mouse, Scanners, Video Displays, Dot-matrix, Desk-jet, Laser Printers,ultiprocessor ConfigurationsClosely coupled and loosely coupled multiprocessor architectures, Problems of bus contentions. Interprocess communications, Coprocessor and I/O Processor, Bus controller, Bus arbitration, System Bus-Uni-Bus, Multibus.RISC and Superscalar Processors : RISC - features, Register file, RISC Vs CISC, Superscalar processors - Overview, Organization.
by D.A.Godse A.P.Godse
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Computer Organisation and Architecture,
OverviewGeneral organization and architecture; Structural/functional view of a computer; Evolution/brief history of computers.System busesComputer components-memory, cpu, i/o; Interconnection structures; Bus interconnection, multiple bus hierarchies, pci bus structure.Memory organizationInternal memory-characteristics, hierarchy; Semiconductor main memory-types of ram, chip logic, memory module organisation; cache memory-elements of cache design, address mapping and translation, replacement algorithms; Advanced dram organization; Performance characteristics of two-level memories; External memory : magnetic disk, tape, raid, optical memory; High speed memories : associative and interleaved memories.Data path designFixed point representation; Floating point representation; Design of basic serial and parallel high speed adders, subtractors, multipliers, Booth's algorithm; The arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) : Combinational and sequential ALU's.The central processing unitBasic instruction cycle; Instructions sets, formats and addressing; Processor organization;Register organization; Instruction pipelining; Co-processors, pipeline processors; RISC computers, RISC versus CISC characteristics.The control unitMicro-operations; Hardwired implementation; Microprogrammed control; Micro-instruction format; Applications of microprogramming.Input and output unitExternal devices : keyboard, monitor, disk drive and device drivers; I/O modules : programmed I/O, interrupt driven I/O, DMA, I/O channels and I/O processors; Serial transmission and synchronization.Multiple processor organizationsFlynn's classification of parallel processing systems; Pipelining concepts.
by D.A.Godse A.P.Godse
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Computer Architecture & Organisation,
History and evolution of computers, Architecture of a general purpose computer, Stored program computer operation.Data Path DesignComputer system design, Gate level design, Register level design and processor level design, Fixed point arithmetic, Data paths of Two s complement addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, Booths algorithm for multiplication, Floating point arithmetic and data path of floating point ALU.Processor DesignCPU organization and operation, Accumulator based CPU, CPU with general registers, Instruction types, Formats and addressing arithmetic - logic unit design, Sequential ALUs, Structure of a basic sequential ALU, Register files, Co-processors and pipeline processors, RISC and CISC computers.Control DesignGeneral structure of hardwired and micro-programmed control units, Hardwired control design, State tables, Greatest common divisor processor, Classical design of the gcd processor control unit, Design of a typical of CPU control unit, Micro-programmed control, Control unit organization, Microinstruction addressing and timing, Micro-program sequences, Pipeline control, Instruction pipeline, Structure multistage pipeline, Organization of CPU with multistage instruction pipeline, Pipeline performance, Measures.Memory OrganizationOrganization of multilevel memory system in a computer, Main memory: Random access memory organization, Semiconductor RAMs, RAM's design structure of D-RAM chip, Secondary memory : Several access memory, Access methods, Memory organization magnetic disc and tape reluctant array of inexpensive disks, Memories, Optical memory and read out devices.High Speed Cache Memory SystemCache and virtual memory, Address translation with segmentation and paging with caches, Cache organization, Operation address mapping associative memory, Cache types and performance.System Buses and I/O, CommunicationBuses, Bus interfacing timing bus arbitration, I/O and system control, I/O control methods, Programmed I/O, I/O processors: I/O instruction types, Measures, I/OP organization, CPU and IOP interaction.Multiple Advanced Processor OrganizationsParallel processing shared and distributed memory computers, Processor interconnection network structures and performance, Multiprocessors(MIMD).
by D.A.Godse A.P.Godse
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Digital Ic Applications,
CMOS LogicIntroduction to logic families, CMOS logic, CMOS steady state electrical behavior, CMOS dynamic electrical behavior, CMOS logic families.Bipolar Logic and Interfacing Bipolar logic, Transistor logic, TTL families, CMOS/TTL interfacing, Low voltage CMOS logic and interfacing, Emitter coupled logic, Comparison of logic families, Familiarity with standard 74XX and CMOS 40XX series, ICs-Specifications.The VHDL Hardware Description Language Design flow, Program structure, Types and constants, Functions and procedures, Libraries and packages.The VHDL Design ElementsStructural design elements, Data flow design elements, Behavioral design elements, Time dimension and simulation synthesis.Combinational Logic DesignDecoders, Encoders, Three state devices, Multiplexers and demultiplexers, Code converters, EX-OR gates and parity circuits, Comparators, Adders and subtractors, ALUs, Combinational multipliers. VHDL code for the above ICs.Design Examples (using VHDL) Design examples (using VHDL) Barrel shifter, Comparators, Floating-point encoder, Dual parity encoder.Sequential Logic Design Latches and flip-flops, PLDs, Counters, Shift register and their VHDL models, Synchronous design methodology, Impediments to synchronous design.Memories ROMs : Internal structure, 2D-decoding commercial types, Timing and applications. Static RAM : Internal structure, SRAM timing, Standard SRAMS, Synchronous SRAMS.Dynamic RAM : Internal structure, Timing, Synchronous DRAMs. Familiarity with component data sheets-Cypress CY6116, CY7C1006, Specifications.
by D.A.Godse A.P.Godse
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Computer Organization and Architecture,Designing for Performance
Computer Organization & Architecture: Designing for Performance, Seventh Edition provides comprehensive, far-reaching, and up-to-date coverage of computer organization and architecture, including memory, I/O, and parallel systems. Author and consultant William Stallings systematically covers the state of the art, from superscalar and IA-64 design to the latest trends in parallel processor organization. Throughout, he illuminates fundamental principles, while focusing on the critical role of performance in driving computer design, and practical techniques for designing balanced systems that maximize utilization of all elements.
by William Stallings
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Basic Electronics,
by A.P.Godse
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Electronic Measurement Systems,
by U.A.Bakshi
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Digital Design & Computer Organisation,
Sequential Circuit Design Synchronous and asynchronous FSM design, Basic design steps, State encoding techniques, VHDL coding of state machines, Analysis of sequential circuits, Algorithmic State Machine (ASM) charts.HDL Introduction to HDL, VHDL, Library, Entity, Architecture, Modeling styles, Signals and variables, Sequential and concurrent statements, Synthesis and simulation concepts, Implementation of logic function.ALU Design Addition and subtraction of signed numbers, Design of fast adders, Multiplication of positive numbers, Signed operand multiplication - Booth's algorithm, Fast multiplication Bit pair recoding of multipliers. Carry save addition of summands.Integer division, Floating point numbers and operation, IEEE standards for floating point numbers, Arithmetic operations on floating point numbers, Guard bits and truncation, Implementing floating point operation.CPU Design Memory operation, Instruction and instruction sequencing, Addressing modes, Assembly language, Basic input/output operations, Stacks and queues, Subroutines, Execution of a complete instruction, Multiple bus organization.Input/Output Organization Accessing I/O devices, Interrupts, Direct memory access, Buses, Interface circuits.Memory Organization Semiconductor RAM memory, Read only memory, Speed, Size and cost, Cache memories, Performance considerations, Virtual memories, Memory management requirements, Secondary storage.
by D.A.Godse A.P.Godse
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Antennas And Wave Propagation,
Antenna Fundamentals Introduction, Radiation mechanism - Single wire, 2 wire, Dipoles, Current distribution on a thin wire antenna. Antenna parameters - Radiation patterns, Patterns in principal planes, Main lobe and side lobes, Beamwidths, Beam area, Radiation intensity, Beam efficiency, Directivity, Gain and resolution, Antenna apertures, Aperture efficiency, Effective height related problems.Thin Linear Wire AntennasRetarded potentials, Radiation from small electric dipole, Quarterwave monopole and halfwave dipole - Current distributions, Evaluation of field components, Power radiated, Radiation resistance, Beamwidths, Directivity, Effective area and effective height. Natural current distributions, Fields and patterns of thin linear center-fed antennas of different lengths, Radiation resistance at a point which is not current maximum. Antenna theorems - Applicability and proofs for equivalence of directional characteristics, Loop antennas : Small loops - Field components, Comparison of far fields of small loop and short dipole, Concept of short magnetic dipole, D and R relations for small loops.Antenna Arrays2 element arrays - Different cases, Principle of pattern multiplication, N element uniform linear arrays - Broadside, Endfire arrays, EFA with increased directivity, Derivation of their characteristics and comparison; Concept of scanning arrays, Directivity relations (no derivations), Related problems, Binomial arrays, Effects of uniform and non-uniform amplitude distributions, Design relations.Non-Resonant RadiatorsIntroduction, Travelling wave radiators - Basic concepts, Longwire antennas - Field strength calculations and patterns, V-antennas, Rhombic antennas and design relations, Broadband antennas : Helical antennas - Significance, Geometry, Basic properties; Design considerations for monofilar helical antennas in axial mode and normal modes (Qualitative treatment).VHF, UHF and Microwave Antennas - IArrays with parasitic elements, Yagi-Uda arrays, Folded dipoles and their characteristics.Reflector antennas Flat sheet and corner reflectors, Paraboloidal reflectors - Geometry, Characteristics, Types of feeds, F/D ratio, Spill over, Back lobes, Aperture blocking, Off-set feeds, Cassegrainian feeds.VHF, UHF and Microwave Antennas - IIHorn antennas - Types, Optimum horns, Design characteristics of pyramidal horns; Lens antennas - Geometry, Features, Dielectric lenses and zoning, Applications.Antenna measurements - Patterns required, setup, Distance criterion, Directivity and gain measurements (Comparison, Absolute and 3-Antenna methods).Wave Propagation - IConcepts of propagation, Frequency ranges and types of propagations. Ground wave propagation - Characteristics, Parameters, Wave tilt, Flat and spherical earth considerations. Sky wave propagation - Formation of ionospheric layers and their characteristics, Mechanism of reflection and refraction, Critical frequency, MUF and skip distance - Calculations for flat and spherical earth cases, Optimum frequency, LUHF, Virtual height, Ionospheric abnormalities, Ionospheric absorption.Wave Propagation - IIFundamental equation for free-space propagation, Basic transmission loss calculations. Space wave propagation - Mechanism, LOS and radio horizon. Tropospheric wave propagation - Radius of curvature of path, Effective earth's radius, Effect of earth's curvature, Field strength calculations, M-curves and Duct propagation, Tropospheric scattering.
by K.A.Bakshi A.V.Bakshi U.A.Bakshi
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Computer Organisation,
Basic Structures of ComputersComputer types : functional units : input unit, memory unit, arithmetic and logic unit, output unit, control unit; basic operational concepts : bus structures : performance : processor clock, basic performance equation, pipelining and superscalar operation, clock rate, performance measurement; multiprocessors and multicomputers : historical perspective : the first generation, the second generation, the third generation, the fourth generation, beyond the fourth generation, evolution of performanceMachine Instructions and ProgramsNumbers, arithmetic operations and characters, memory locations and addresses : byte addressability, big-endian and little-endian assignments, word alignment, accessing numbers, characters and character strings, memory operation : instructions and instruction sequencing : register transfer notation , assembly language notation, basic instruction types, instruction execution and straight-line sequencing, branching, condition codes, generating memory addresses, addressing modes, implementation of variables and constants, indirection and pointers, indexing and arrays, relative addressing , additional modes, assembly language :assembler directives, number notation; basic input/output operations: stacks & queues :subroutines : subroutine nesting and processor stack, parameter passing, the stack frame : additional instructions : logic instructions, shift and rotate instructions, multiplication and division, encoding of machine instruction : general features of CISC and RISCInput/Output Organisation Accessing I/O Devices : interrupts : interrupt hardware, enabling and disabling interrupts, handling multiple devices, controlling device requests, exceptions, direct memory access: bus arbitration; buses :synchronous bus, asynchronous bus, interface circuits : serial port, standard I/O interfaces, PCI bus, SCSI bus, USBThe Memory System Some basic concepts : semiconductor RAM memories : internal organisation of memory chips, static memories, asynchronous DRAMs, structure of larger memories, memory system considerations, RAM bus memory; read only memories, ROM, PROM, EPROM , EEPROM, flash memory; speed, size and cost : cache memories :mapping functions : performance considerations :interleaving, hit rate and miss penalty, virtual memories : address translation : secondary storage : magnetic hard disks, optical disks.ArithmeticAddition and subtraction of signed numbers : addition / subtraction logic unit; design of fast adders : carry - lookahead addition; multiplication of positive numbers : signed operand multiplication; booth's algorithm; fast multiplication : bit-pair recoding of multipliers; integer division : floating point numbers and operations : IEEE standard for floating-point numbers implementing floating-point operations.Basic Processing UnitSome Fundamental concepts : register transfers, performing an arithmetic or logic operation, fetching a word from memory, storing a word in memory, execution of a complete instruction :branch instruction; multiple bus organisaton : hardwired control : A complete processor; microprogrammed control : microinstruction, microprogram sequencing, microinstruction with next-address field.Embedded SystemsExamples of embedded systems : microwave oven, digital camera, home telemetry; processor chips for embedded applications : a simple microcontroller
by D.A.Godse A.P.Godse
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Electronics Devices And Linear Circuits,
Bipolar Junction Transistor BJT modeling, The hybrid equivalent model, Graphical determination of the h-parameters, Negative feedback. Field Effect Transistor Construction of JFETs, Transfer characteristics, FET small signal model, JFET configurations (Fixed bias, Self bias, Voltage divider, Source follower and common gate), Common source amplifier. Operational Amplifier Block diagram representation, Analysis of equivalent circuit, The ideal op-amp, Open loop op-amp configuration. Practical Op-amp Input offset voltage, Input bias current, Input offset current, Total output offset voltage, Thermal drift, Effect of variation in power supply voltage on offset voltage, Common mode configuration and common mode rejection ratio. General Linear Application, Comparators and Converters AC-DC amplifier, Summing amplifier, Instrumentation amplifier, The integrator, The differentiator, Zero crossing detector, Schmitt trigger, Analog to digital and Digital to analog converter. Timer and Voltage Regulator The IC 555 timer, Monostable and astable multivibrator, PLL, Voltage regulator (Fixed, Adjustable, Switching regulator).
by U.A.Bakshi
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Data Structure and Files,
Data Structures Definition, The abstract data type (ADT), Arrays, Strings, Recursion. File Handling File organization, Types of files, File operations. Sorting and Searching Sorting : Insertion sort, Selection sort, Exchange sort (Bubble, Quick), Merge sort, Heap sort. Searching : Linear search, Binary search, Hashing technique and collision handling. Stacks The stack as ADT, Representation, Stack operations, Applications. Queue The queue as an ADT, Representation, Queue operations, Circular and priority queues, Applications. Linked List The linked list as an ADT, Operation on linked list, Linked stacks and queues, The linked list as a data structure, Array implementation of linked list, Linked list using dynamic variable, Comparison of dynamic and array implementation of linked list, Doubly linked list, Circular linked list. Trees Basic tree concepts, Binary tree operations and applications, Binary tree representations, Binary tree traversals, Threaded binary tree, The Huffman algorithm, Binary search tree implementation, Expression trees, Introduction of multiway tree (B - tree, B+trees, AVL tree). Graphs Graph as an ADT, Graph representation, Graph traversal (Depth first search, Breadth first search).
by A.A.Puntambekar
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Managerial Economics And Financial Analysis,
Introduction to Managerial EconomicsDefinition, Nature and Scope Managerial Economics, Demand Analysis : Demand Determinants, Law of Demand and its exceptions.Elasticity of DemandDefinition, Types, Measurement and Significance of Elasticity of Demand. Demand Forecasting, Factors governing demand forecasting, methods of demand forecasting (survey methods, statistical methods, expert opinion method, test marketing, controlled experiments, judgemental approach to demand forecasting)Theory of Production and Cost AnalysisProduction Function-Isoquants and Isocosts, MRTS, Least Cost Combination of Inputs, Production function, Laws of Returns, Internal and External Economies of Scale.Cost AnalysisCost concepts, Opportunity cost, Fixed Vs. Variable costs, Explicit costs Vs. Implicit costs, Out of pocket costs Vs. Imputed costs. Break-even Analysis (BEA)-Determination of Break-Even Point (simple problems), Managerial Significance and limitations of BEA.Introduction to Markets & Pricing StrategiesMarket structures, Types of competition, Features of Perfect competition, Monopoly and Monopolistic Competition, Price Output determination in case of Perfect Competition and Monopoly. Pricing Strategies.Business & New Economic EnvironmentCharacteristic features of Business, Features and evaluation of Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Joint-Stock Company, Public Enterprises and their types, Changing Business Environment in Post-liberalization scenario.Capital and Capital BudgetingCapital and its significance, Types of Capital, Estimation of Fixed and Working capital requirements, Methods and sources of raising finance.Nature and scope of capital budgeting, features of capital budgeting proposals, Methods of Capital Budgeting : Payback Method, Accounting Rate of Return (ARR) and Net Present Value Method (simple problems).Introduction to Financial AccountingDouble-Entry Book Keeping, Journal, Ledger, Trial Balance. Final Accounts (Trading Account, Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet with simple adjustments).Financial Analysis Through RatiosComputation, Analysis and Interpretation of Liquidity Ratios (Current Ratio and quick ratio), Activity Ratios (Inventory turnover ratio and Debtor Turnover ratio), Capital structure Ratios (Debt-Equity ratio, Interest Coverage ratio), and Profitability ratios (Gross Profit Ratio, Net Profit ratio, Operating Ratio, P/E Ratio and EPS).
by V.S.Bagad
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Digital Logic Design,
by A.P.Godse
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Linear Ic Applications,
Integrated Circuits : Differential amplifier-D.C. and A.C. analysis of dual input balanced output configuration, Properties of other differential amplifier configuration (Dual input unbalanced output, Single ended input - Balanced/Unbalanced output), D.C. coupling and cascade differential amplifier stages, Level translator.Characteristics of Op-amps, Integrated circuits - Types, Classifications, Package types of temperature ranges, Power supplies, Op-amp block diagram, Ideal and practical op-amp specifications, D.C. and A.C. characteristics, 741 op-amp and its features, FET input. Op-amps, Op-amp parameters and measurement, Input and output off-set voltages and currents, Slew rates, CMRR, PSRR, Drift, Frequency compensation technique.Linear Applications of Op-Amps : Inverting and non-inverting amplifier, Integrator and differentiator, Difference amplifier, Instrumentation amplifier, A.C. amplifier, V to I , I to V converters, Buffers.Nonlinear Applications of Op-Amps : Nonlinear function generation, Comparators, Multivibrators, Triangular and square wave generators, Log and antilog amplifiers, Precision rectifiers.Oscillators and Waveform Generators : Introduction, Butterworth filters - order, order LPF, HPF filters, Band pass, Band reject and all pass filters, Applications of VCO (566).Timers and Phase Locked Loops : Introduction to 555 timer, Functional diagram, Monostable and astable operations and applications, Schmitt trigger. PLL-Introduction, Block schematic, Principles and description of individual blocks, 565 PLL, Applications of PLL - Frequency multiplication, Frequency translation, AM, FM and FSK demodulators.D to A and A to D Converters : Introduction, Basic DAC techniques, Weighted resistor DAC, R-2R ladder DAC, Inverted R-2R DAC, And IC 1408 DAC, Different types of ADCs - Parallel comparator type ADC, Counter type ADC, Successive approximation ADC and dual slope ADC. DAC and ADC specifications, Specifications AD 574 (12 bit ADC).Analog Multipliers and Modulators : Four quadrant multiplier, Balanced modulator, IC 1496, Applications of analog switches and multiplexers, Sample and Hold amplifiers.
by A.P.Godse U.A.Bakshi
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