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Computer Organization and Design,The Hardware/Software Interface
The fifth edition of Computer Organization and Design—winner of a 2014 Textbook Excellence Award (Texty) from The Text and Academic Authors Association—moves forward into the post-PC era with new examples, exercises, and material highlighting the emergence of mobile computing and the cloud. This generational change is emphasized and explored with updated content featuring tablet computers, cloud infrastructure, and the ARM (mobile computing devices) and x86 (cloud computing) architectures. Because an understanding of modern hardware is essential to achieving good performance and energy efficiency, this edition adds a new concrete example, "Going Faster," used throughout the text to demonstrate extremely effective optimization techniques. Also new to this edition is discussion of the "Eight Great Ideas" of computer architecture. As with previous editions, a MIPS processor is the core used to present the fundamentals of hardware technologies, assembly language, computer arithmetic, pipelining, memory hierarchies and I/O. Instructors looking for fourth edition teaching materials should e-mail Winner of a 2014 Texty Award from the Text and Academic Authors Association Includes new examples, exercises, and material highlighting the emergence of mobile computing and the cloud Covers parallelism in depth with examples and content highlighting parallel hardware and software topics Features the Intel Core i7, ARM Cortex-A8 and NVIDIA Fermi GPU as real-world examples throughout the book Adds a new concrete example, "Going Faster," to demonstrate how understanding hardware can inspire software optimizations that improve performance by 200 times Discusses and highlights the "Eight Great Ideas" of computer architecture: Performance via Parallelism; Performance via Pipelining; Performance via Prediction; Design for Moore's Law; Hierarchy of Memories; Abstraction to Simplify Design; Make the Common Case Fast; and Dependability via Redundancy Includes a full set of updated and improved exercises
by David A. Patterson
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Computer Organization and Design,The Hardware/Software Interface, Third Edition
This best selling text on computer organization has been thoroughly updated to reflect the newest technologies. Examples highlight the latest processor designs, benchmarking standards, languages and tools. As with previous editions, a MIPs processor is the core used to present the fundamentals of hardware technologies at work in a computer system. The book presents an entire MIPS instruction set-instruction by instruction-the fundamentals of assembly language, computer arithmetic, pipelining, memory hierarchies and I/O. A new aspect of the third edition is the explicit connection between program performance and CPU performance. The authors show how hardware and software components--such as the specific algorithm, programming language, compiler, ISA and processor implementation--impact program performance. Throughout the book a new feature focusing on program performance describes how to search for bottlenecks and improve performance in various parts of the system. The book digs deeper into the hardware/software interface, presenting a complete view of the function of the programming language and compiler--crucial for understanding computer organization. A CD provides a toolkit of simulators and compilers along with tutorials for using them. For instructor resources click on the grey "companion site" button found on the right side of this page. This new edition represents a major revision. New to this edition: * Entire Text has been updated to reflect new technology * 70% new exercises. * Includes a CD loaded with software, projects and exercises to support courses using a number of tools * A new interior design presents defined terms in the margin for quick reference * A new feature, "Understanding Program Performance" focuses on performance from the programmer's perspective * Two sets of exercises and solutions, "For More Practice" and "In More Depth," are included on the CD * "Check Yourself" questions help students check their understanding of major concepts * "Computers In the Real World" feature illustrates the diversity of uses for information technology *More detail below...
by David A. Patterson
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Computer Organization 5th Edition,
by Carl Hamacher
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Structured Computer Organization,
Structured Computer Organization, specifically written for undergraduate students, is a best-selling guide that provides an accessible introduction to computer hardware and architecture. This text will also serve as a useful resource for all computer professionals and engineers who need an overview or introduction to computer architecture. This book takes a modern structured, layered approach to understanding computer systems. It's highly accessible - and it's been thoroughly updated to reflect today's most critical new technologies and the latest developments in computer organization and architecture. Tanenbaum's renowned writing style and painstaking research make this one of the most accessible and accurate books available, maintaining the author's popular method of presenting a computer as a series of layers, each one built upon the ones below it, and understandable as a separate entity.
by Andrew S. Tanenbaum
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Computer Networks,
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Computer Networks, 5/e is appropriate for Computer Networking or Introduction to Networking courses at both the undergraduate and graduate level in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, CIS, MIS, and Business Departments. Tanenbaum takes a structured approach to explaining how networks work from the inside out. He starts with an explanation of the physical layer of networking, computer hardware and transmission systems; then works his way up to network applications. Tanenbaum's in-depth application coverage includes email; the domain name system; the World Wide Web (both client- and server-side); and multimedia (including voice over IP, Internet radio video on demand, video conferencing, and streaming media. Each chapter follows a consistent approach: Tanenbaum presents key principles, then illustrates them utilizing real-world example networks that run through the entire book—the Internet, and wireless networks, including Wireless LANs, broadband wireless and Bluetooth. The Fifth Edition includes a chapter devoted exclusively to network security. The textbook is supplemented by a Solutions Manual, as well as a Website containing PowerPoint slides, art in various forms, and other tools for instruction, including a protocol simulator whereby students can develop and test their own network protocols.
by Andrew S. Tanenbaum
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Computer Architecture,A Quantitative Approach
The computing world today is in the middle of a revolution: mobile clients and cloud computing have emerged as the dominant paradigms driving programming and hardware innovation today. The Fifth Edition of Computer Architecture focuses on this dramatic shift, exploring the ways in which software and technology in the cloud are accessed by cell phones, tablets, laptops, and other mobile computing devices. Each chapter includes two real-world examples, one mobile and one datacenter, to illustrate this revolutionary change. Updated to cover the mobile computing revolution Emphasizes the two most important topics in architecture today: memory hierarchy and parallelism in all its forms. Develops common themes throughout each chapter: power, performance, cost, dependability, protection, programming models, and emerging trends ("What's Next") Includes three review appendices in the printed text. Additional reference appendices are available online. Includes updated Case Studies and completely new exercises.
by John L. Hennessy
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Digital Design and Computer Organization,
Digital Design and Computer Organization introduces digital design as it applies to the creation of computer systems. It summarizes the tools of logic design and their mathematical basis, along with in depth coverage of combinational and sequential circuits. The book includes an accompanying CD that includes the majority of circuits highlighted in the text, delivering you hands-on experience in the simulation and observation of circuit functionality. These circuits were designed and tested with a user-friendly Electronics Workbench package (Multisim Textbook Edition) that enables your progression from truth tables onward to more complex designs. This volume differs from traditional digital design texts by providing a complete design of an AC-based CPU, allowing you to apply digital design directly to computer architecture. The book makes minimal reference to electrical properties and is vendor independent, allowing emphasis on the general design principles.
by Hassan A. Farhat
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Principles of Computer Hardware,
The fourth edition of this work provides a readable, tutorial based introduction to the subject of computer hardware for undergraduate computer scientists and engineers and includes a companion website to give lecturers additional notes.
by Alan Clements
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e-Study Guide for: Structured Computer Organization by Andrew S. Tanenbaum, ISBN 9780131485211,
Never Highlight a Book Again! Just the FACTS101 study guides give the student the textbook outlines, highlights, practice quizzes and optional access to the full practice tests for their textbook.
by Cram101 Textbook Reviews
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Computer Organization and Architecture,
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For graduate and undergraduate courses in computer science, computer engineering, and electrical engineering Fundamentals of Processor and Computer Design Computer Organization and Architecture is a comprehensive coverage of the entire field of computer design updated with the most recent research and innovations in computer structure and function. With clear, concise, and easy-to-read material, the Tenth Edition is a user-friendly source for people studying computers. Subjects such as I/O functions and structures, RISC, and parallel processors are explored integratively throughout, with real world examples enhancing the text for reader interest. With brand new material and strengthened pedagogy, this text engages readers in the world of computer organization and architecture.
by William Stallings
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Structured Computer Organization 5Th Ed.,
by Andrew S Tanenbaum
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Computer Organization,
This well-respected text for a first level course on computer organization has been thoroughly revised and updated. Computer Organization is suitable for a one-semester course in engineering or computer science programs and has a good mix if hardware- and software-oriented topics.The goal of the book is to illustrate the principles of computer organization by using a number of extensive examples drawn from commercially available computers. The authors feel this approach motivates the students and is the most practical. The machines discussed in Hamacher et. al. are the Motorola 680X0 and 683XX families, Intel 80X86 and Pentium families, ARM family, Sun Microsystems Sparc family, and DEC(Compaq) Alpha family. The 68000, Pentium, and ARM are used as detailed examples early in the book.
by V. Carl Hamacher
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VTU ISE 2010 (Syllabus),Syllabus
Scheme and Syllabus of Semesters III to VIII of B.E (With effect from 2010-2011) Information Science and Engineering VISVESVARAYA TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, BELGAUM
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Parallel Computer Organization and Design,
A design-oriented text for advanced computer architecture courses, covering parallelism, complexity, power, reliability and performance.
by Michel Dubois
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Business Data Communications: International Edition,
Business Data Communications and Security covers the fundamentals of data communications, networking, distributed applications, and network management and security. These concepts are presented in a way that relates specifically to the business environment and the concerns of business management and staff. While making liberal use of real-world case studies and charts and graphs to provide a business perspective, the book also provides the student with a solid grasp of the technical foundation of business data communications. The diverse set of projects and student exercises enables the instructor to use the book as a component in a rich and varied learning experience and to tailor a course plan to meet the specific needs of the instructor and students. The Seventh edition features a new co-author, Dr. Thomas L. Case, Professor and Chair of the Department of Information Systems at Georgia Southern University. New coverage of security-related issues is included in relevant places throughout the book to meet the needs of the IT/IS schools using this book and the growing emphasis on network security. Additionally, the Seventh edition now aligns with the ACM/AIS IS 2010 curriculum model.
by William Stallings
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