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Special Features: " Discusses virtual reality in three dedicated chapters" Explains the topics with their theoretical, mathematical and programming perspectives" Presents topics form elementary display systems to the most advanced animation and virtual reality systems " Matches with the engineering syllabus of Mumbai UniversityIncludes over: § 262 neatly-drawn illustrations and figures§ 44 solved examples § 255 review questions § 70 multiple-choice questions and their solutions § 57 programming exercises as an appendix§ 40 programming practice About The Book: Computer Graphics with Virtual Reality Systems is a comprehensive book for undergraduate engineering students of computer science and information technology. The book is a must-have for students, professionals and practitioners interested in object design, transformation, visualization and modeling of real world. Besides, the book is also useful to students of diploma courses and vocational courses at open universities, distance education universities in graphics and animation. Scholars and practitioners, studying computer graphics, image analysis and multimedia courses, can also find the book very helpful.
by Rajesh K. Maurya
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Market_Desc: Mumbai UniversityBE (Sem V), (Course: Computer Graphics with Virtual Reality Systems) B.Sc. (2nd year), (Course: Computer Science)UPTUTCS-501 (Course: Computer Graphics), JNTU3rd year, Sem 1 (Course: Computer Graphics)Anna UniversityCourse Code: CS1354 (Course: Graphics and Multimedia)VTUCourse Code: 06CS65, 06IS665 (Course: Computer Graphics and Visualization) Special Features: · Presents well-organized topics from elementary display systems to the most advanced animation.· Explains the topics with their theoretical, mathematical and programming perspectives.· Discusses topics such as scan conversion, 2D and 3D transformation, viewing and clipping, curve design and surface generation, and color models in great details. · Includes excellent pedagogy:ü 254 neatly-drawn illustrations and figuresü 44 solved examplesü 218 review questionsü 55 MCQsü 20 sample programs in C/C++ (on CD)ü 52 programming exercises (on CD)· Accompanying CD containsü 20 sample programs in C/C++ (on CD)ü 52 programming exercises (on CD)ü List of Abbreviationsü Bibliography About The Book: Computer Graphics is a comprehensive book for undergraduate students of computer science and information technology. The book is also useful to students, professionals and practitioners interested in object design, transformation, visualization, image analysis and modeling of real world. The topics in the book have been supplemented with adequate solved examples. Review questions and MCQs presented at the end of each chapter would help students sharpen their concepts. Topics on animation have been included along with the core graphics topics that are very relevant in modern visualization and animation industry. The companion CD contains Sample Programs in C/C++ to better understand the topic and Programming Exercises for skill assessment.
by Rajesh K. Maurya
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Computer Graphics with Open GL,
For junior- to graduate-level courses in computer graphics. Assuming no background in computer graphics, this junior- to graduate-level textbook presents basic principles for the design, use, and understanding of computer graphics systems and applications. The authors, authorities in their field, offer an integrated approach to two-dimensional and three-dimensional graphics topics. A comprehensive explanation of the popular OpenGL programming package, along with C++ programming examples illustrates applications of the various functions in the OpenGL basic library and the related GLU and GLUT packages.
by Donald Hearn
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Handbook of Research on Strategic Business Infrastructure Development and Contemporary Issues in Finance,
The dynamic economic climate invites participants who are grounded in strategic financial management and infrastructure development. Thus, a lack of sufficient infrastructure, in both quality and quantity, often disqualifies developing countries from being key players in the global economy and influences other socioeconomic problems like unemployment, quality of work life, and quality of life. Handbook of Research on Strategic Business Infrastructure Development and Contemporary Issues in Finance discusses the efficiency of good infrastructure and its impact on socioeconomic growth and socioeconomic development in general and addresses contemporary aspects of the strategic financial management essential for accomplishing the objective of wealth maximization in today's challenging and competitive economy. This book is an essential research work for policy makers, government workers and NGO employees, as well as academicians and researchers in the fields of business, finance, marketing, management, accounting, MIS, public administration, economics, and law.
by Ray, Nilanjan
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Ignited Minds,Unleashing the Power within India
What is it that we as a nation are missing? Why, given all our skills, resources and talents, do we settle so often for the ordinary instead of striving to be the best? At the heart of Ignited Minds is an irresistible premise: that people do have the power, through hard work, to realize their dream of a truly good life. Kalam’s vision document of aspiration and hope motivates us to unleash the dormant energy within India and guide the country to greatness.
by A P J Abdul Kalam
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India,A Country Study
This edition provides updated information on the world's second most populous and fastest growing nation - India. Although much of India's traditional behaviour and organizational dynamics have remained the same since the first edition, internal and regional events have continued to shape Indian domestic and international policies. Particular attention is devoted to the people who make up the society.
by James Heitzman
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Inspiring Thoughts,
Inspiring Quotations by Indian President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam
by Apj Abdul Kalam
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Market_Desc: Primary Market· Undergraduate I Year Engineering student of RGPV, Bhopal (More than 1 lac intake)Course: Basic Computer EngineeringCourse Code: B.E. - 205Secondary Market· Undergraduate first year students of various universities, such as· UPTU (ECS-101/ECS-201 : Computer Concepts and Programming in C)· UTU (Fundamentals of Computer & Programming)· PTU (CS-101 Fundaments of Computer Programming and Information Technology)· RTU (Computer Systems and Programming [104])· GTU (Computer Programming and Utilization)· Anna (GE2112 Fundamentals of Computing and Programming)· JNTU (C Programming and Data Structures)· BPUT (BCSE 3101 PROGRAMMING IN C )· VTU (10CCP13/10CCP23 Computer Concepts and C Programming)· CSVTU (300224 Introduction to Computing) Special Features: · Completely covers the syllabus as a textbook for B.E. first year course Basic Computer Engineering , RGPV (Bhopal) and similar courses in other universities.· Single-handedly caters to the requirements of several engineering disciplines that have this course in their curriculum.· Explains programming in C++ in detail.· Covers operating systems such as Windows, DOS and UNIX; database management systems; data structures; algorithms and C++, without entering into the specifics of programming languages and complex technologies.· Makes liberal use of screenshots to show how the screen would look like after processing the command.· Has increased utility owing to the presence of a large number of examples and illustrations.· Covers programming assignments and experimental portions under specific chapters to take into account the practical nature of the course.· Contains appendices that introduce readers to emerging areas of research such as neural networks and fuzzy logic.· Provides model question papers for practicing questions based on the examination pattern.· Excellent pedagogy having:ü 160+ Figuresü 70+ Tablesü 40+ Programs with outputü 70+ Syntaxes and explanatory examplesü 220+ Objective questionsü 170+ Review questionsü 50+ Programming assignments. About The Book: This book helps in familiarizing students with the basic organization of the computer, and then moving on to study of the operating systems such as Windows, DOS and UNIX; database management systems; data structures; algorithms and C++, without entering into the specifics of programming languages and complex technologies. It provides an insight into the basics of computers as delineated by the syllabi of RGPV and various reputed Indian universities. This book is suitable for self-study because of clear explanation of the topics, uniformity in presentation, illustration of concepts through numerous examples; and chapters are laced with various screenshots to give an idea as to how the screen would look like while performing that particular step.
by Sanjay Silakari
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IMovie '11 & IDVD: The Missing Manual,
Apple's video-editing program is better than ever, but it still doesn’t have a printed guide to help you get started. That's where this gorgeous, full-color book comes in. You get clear explanations of iMovie's impressive new features, like instant rendering, storyboarding, and one-step special effects. Experts David Pogue and Aaron Miller also give you a complete course in film editing and DVD design. Edit video like the pros. Import raw footage, add transitions, and use iMovie’s newly restored, intuitive timeline editor. Create stunning trailers. Design Hollywood-style "Coming Attractions!" previews for your movies. Share your film. Distribute your movie in a variety of places—on smartphones, Apple TV, your own site, and with one-click exports to YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, CNN iReport, and MobileMe. Make DVDs. Design the menus, titles, and layout for your DVDs, and burn them to disc. This book covers version 9 of Apple's iMovie software.
by David Pogue
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A History of Ancient and Early Medieval India,From the Stone Age to the 12th Century
Basic Approach Developed as a comprehensive introductory work for scholars and students of ancient and early medieval Indian history, this books provides the most exhaustive overview of the subject. Dividing the vast historical expanse from the stone age to the 12th century into broad chronological units, it constructs profiles of various geographical regions of the subcontinent, weaving together and analysing an unparalleled range of literary and archaeological evidence. Dealing with prehistory and protohistory of the subcontinent in considerable detail, the narrative of the historical period breaks away from conventional text-based history writing. Providing a window into the world primary sources, it incorporates a large volume of archaeological data, along with literary, epigraphic, and numismatic evidence. Revealing the ways in which our past is constructed, it explains fundamental concepts, and illuminates contemporary debates, discoveries, and research. Situating prevailing historical debates in their contexts, Ancient and Early Medieval India presents balanced assessments, encouraging readers to independently evaluate theories, evidence, and arguments. Beautifully illustrated with over four hundred photographs, maps, and figures, Ancient and Early Medieval India helps visualize and understand the extraordinarily rich and varied remains of the ancient past of Indian subcontinent. It offers a scholarly and nuanced¿yet lucid¿account of India¿s early past, and will surely transform the discovery of this past into an exciting experience. Tabel of Contents List of photographs List of maps List of figures About the author Preface Acknowledgements A readers guide 1. Understanding Literary and Archaeological Sources 2. Hunter-Gatherers of the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Ages 3. The Transition to Food Production: Neolithic,Neolithic¿Chalcolithic, and Chalcolithic Villages, c. 7000¿2000 bce 4. The Harappan Civilization, c. 2600¿1900 bce 5. Cultural Transitions: Images from Texts and Archaeology, c. 2000¿600 bce 6. Cities, Kings, and Renunciants: North India, c. 600¿300 bce 7. Power and Piety: The Maurya Empire, c. 324¿187 bce 8. Interaction and Innovation, c. 200 BCE¿300 ce 9. Aesthetics and Empire, c. 300¿600 ce 10. Emerging Regional Configurations, c. 600¿ 1200 ce Note on diacritics Glossary Further readings References Index Author Bio Upinder Singhis Professor in the Department of History at the University of Delhi. She taught history at St. Stephen¿s College, Delhi, from 1981 until 2004, after which she joined the faculty of the Department of History at the University of Delhi. Professor Singh¿s wide range of research interests and expertise include the analysis of ancient and early medieval inscriptions; social and economic history; religious institutions and patronage; history of archaeology; and modern history of ancient monuments. Her research papers have been published in various national and international journals. Her published books include: Kings, Brahmanas, and Temples in Orissa: An Epigraphic Study (AD 300¿1147) (1994); Ancient Delhi (1999; 2nd edn., 2006); a book for children, Mysteries of the Past: Archaeological Sites in India (2002); The Discovery of Ancient India: Early Archaeologists and the Beginnings of Archaeology (2004); and Delhi: Ancient History (edited, 2006).
by Upinder Singh
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Chanakya Neeti,
by B. K. Chaturvedi
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Big Book of Apple Hacks,Tips & Tools for unlocking the power of your Apple devices
Bigger in size, longer in length, broader in scope, and even more useful than our original Mac OS X Hacks, the new Big Book of Apple Hacks offers a grab bag of tips, tricks and hacks to get the most out of Mac OS X Leopard, as well as the new line of iPods, iPhone, and Apple TV. With 125 entirely new hacks presented in step-by-step fashion, this practical book is for serious Apple computer and gadget users who really want to take control of these systems. Many of the hacks take you under the hood and show you how to tweak system preferences, alter or add keyboard shortcuts, mount drives and devices, and generally do things with your operating system and gadgets that Apple doesn't expect you to do. The Big Book of Apple Hacks gives you: Hacks for both Mac OS X Leopard and Tiger, their related applications, and the hardware they run on or connect to Expanded tutorials and lots of background material, including informative sidebars "Quick Hacks" for tweaking system and gadget settings in minutes Full-blown hacks for adjusting Mac OS X applications such as Mail, Safari, iCal, Front Row, or the iLife suite Plenty of hacks and tips for the Mac mini, the MacBook laptops, and new Intel desktops Tricks for running Windows on the Mac, under emulation in Parallels or as a standalone OS with Bootcamp The Big Book of Apple Hacks is not only perfect for Mac fans and power users, but also for recent -- and aspiring -- "switchers" new to the Apple experience. Hacks are arranged by topic for quick and easy lookup, and each one stands on its own so you can jump around and tweak whatever system or gadget strikes your fancy. Pick up this book and take control of Mac OS X and your favorite Apple gadget today!
by Chris Seibold
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Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics,
by David F. Rogers
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OS X Yosemite: The Missing Manual,
With Yosemite, Apple has unleashed the most innovative version of OS X yet—and once again, David Pogue brings his expertise and humor to the #1 bestselling Mac book. Mac OS X 10.10 includes more innovations from the iPad and adds a variety of new features throughout the operating system. This updated edition covers it all with something new on practically every page. Get the scoop on Yosemite’s big-ticket changes Learn enhancements to existing applications, such as Safari and Mail Take advantage of shortcuts and undocumented tricks Use power user tips for networking, file sharing, and building your own services
by David Pogue
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GarageBand,The Missing Manual
Explains how to install and effectively use GarageBand, digital recording software and MIDI sequencer that creates, records, and edits music on the Macintosh.
by David Pogue
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