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Don't Make Me Think, Revisited,A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability
Offers observations and solutions to fundamental Web design problems, as well as a new chapter about mobile Web design.
by Steve Krug
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Advanced Global Illumination, Second Edition,
This book provides a fundamental understanding of global illumination algorithms. It discusses a broad class of algorithms for realistic image synthesis and introduces a theoretical basis for the algorithms presented. Topics include: physics of light transport, Monte Carlo methods, general strategies for solving the rendering equation, stochastic path-tracing algorithms such as ray tracing and light tracing, stochastic radiosity including photon density estimation and hierarchical Monte Carlo radiosity, hybrid algorithms, metropolis light transport, irradiance caching, photon mapping and instant radiosity, beyond the rendering equation, image display and human perception. If you want to design and implement a global illumination rendering system or need to use and modify an existing system for your specific purpose, this book will give you the tools and the understanding to do so.
by Philip Dutre
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OpenGL Shading Language,
OpenGL® Shading Language, Third Edition, extensively updated for OpenGL 3.1, is the experienced application programmer’s guide to writing shaders. Part reference, part tutorial, this book thoroughly explains the shift from fixed-functionality graphics hardware to the new era of programmable graphics hardware and the additions to the OpenGL API that support this programmability. With OpenGL and shaders written in the OpenGL Shading Language, applications can perform better, achieving stunning graphics effects by using the capabilities of both the visual processing unit and the central processing unit. In this book, you will find a detailed introduction to the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) and the new OpenGL function calls that support it. The text begins by describing the syntax and semantics of this high-level programming language. Once this foundation has been established, the book explores the creation and manipulation of shaders using new OpenGL function calls. OpenGL® Shading Language, Third Edition, includes updated descriptions for the language and all the GLSL entry points added though OpenGL 3.1, as well as updated chapters that discuss transformations, lighting, shadows, and surface characteristics. The third edition also features shaders that have been updated to OpenGL Shading Language Version 1.40 and their underlying algorithms, including Traditional OpenGL fixed functionality Stored textures and procedural textures Image-based lighting Lighting with spherical harmonics Ambient occlusion and shadow mapping Volume shadows using deferred lighting Ward’s BRDF model The color plate section illustrates the power and sophistication of the OpenGL Shading Language. The API Function Reference at the end of the book is an excellent guide to the API entry points that support the OpenGL Shading Language.
by Randi J. Rost
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Game Design Workshop,A Playcentric Approach to Creating Innovative Games, Third Edition
Create the Digital Games You Love to Play Discover an exercise-driven, non-technical approach to game design without the need for programming or artistic expertise using Game Design Workshop, Third Edition. Author Tracy Fullerton demystifies the creative process with a clear and accessible analysis of the formal and dramatic systems of game design. Examples of popular games, illustrations of design techniques, and refined exercises strengthen your understanding of how game systems function and give you the skills and tools necessary to create a compelling and engaging game. The book puts you to work prototyping, playtesting, and revising your own games with time-tested methods and tools. It provides you with the foundation to advance your career in any facet of the game industry, including design, producing, programming, and visual design.
by Tracy Fullerton
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Delivering Satisfaction and Service Quality,A Customer-based Approach for Libraries
Discusses methods for understanding what library patrons want in order to improve services, covering strategies to evaluate customer satisfaction, use computer technology to conduct surveys, analyze survey results, and spot trends.
by Peter Hernon
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Eloquent JavaScript,A Modern Introduction to Programming
Provides information and examples on writing JavaScript code, covering such topics as syntax, control, data, regular expressions, and scripting.
by Marijn Haverbeke
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Michael Abrash's Graphics Programming Black Book,
No one has done more to conquer the performance limitations of the PC than Michael Abrash, a software engineer for Microsoft. His complete works are contained in this massive volume, including everything he has written about performance coding and real-time graphics. The CD-ROM contains the entire text in Adobe Acrobat 3.0 format, allowing fast searches for specific facts.
by Michael Abrash
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The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook,Your Self-treatment Guide for Pain Relief
A step-by-step guide to self-treatment for pain shows readers how to use trigger point therapy to relieve soft-tissue pain, repetitive strain injuries, accident trauma, and sports injuries.
by Clair Davies
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3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development, 2nd Edition,
This engaging book presents the essential mathematics needed to describe, simulate, and render a 3D world. Reflecting both academic and in-the-trenches practical experience, the authors teach you how to describe objects and their positions, orientations, and trajectories in 3D using mathematics. The text provides an introduction to mathematics for game designers, including the fundamentals of coordinate spaces, vectors, and matrices. It also covers orientation in three dimensions, calculus and dynamics, graphics, and parametric curves.
by Fletcher Dunn
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The Mythical Man-month,Essays on Software Engineering

by Frederick P. Brooks (Jr.)
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Companies and Their Brands,

by Donna J. Wood
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Sweet Cream and Sugar Cones,90 Recipes for Making Your Own Ice Cream and Frozen Treats from Bi-Rite Creamery
San Francisco’s Bi-Rite Creamery is as well known for its small-batch, handcrafted, show-stoppingly inventive ice cream as it is for the long line that snakes around the block. Guests young and old flock to the destination ice cream shop, craving a toasty banana split, a jewel-toned ice pop, a scoop of cooling sorbet, a mouthwatering ice cream sandwich, or one of the best ice cream cakes around. Lucky for ice cream lovers, Bi-Rite Creamery’s secret is in plain sight: their irresistible goods are all made using top quality, farm-fresh, seasonal ingredients—locally sourced, whenever possible—and now you can bring their legendary creations into your home. This essential guide to making your own delicious ice cream and treats covers all the classic flavors and delectable variations, plus creative combinations like Orange-Cardamom,Chai-Spiced Milk Chocolate, Balsamic Strawberry, Malted Vanilla with Peanut Brittle and Milk Chocolate, and Honey Lavender. Driven by the Creamery’s most popular flavors, each chapter in Sweet Cream and Sugar Cones serves as a meditation on a particular ingredient. Featuring recipes for Bi-Rite’s famed cakes, frostings, pie crusts, and cookies, you can easily mix and match to create an infinite array of delicious custom frozen treats. Filled with step-by-step techniques and insider’s secrets, this lavishly illustrated cookbook will turn your kitchen into a personal Bi-Rite Creamery (without the long line).
by Kris Hoogerhyde
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Mathematics for Computer Graphics,
John Vince explains a wide range of mathematical techniques and problem-solving strategies associated with computer games, computer animation, virtual reality, CAD and other areas of computer graphics in this updated and expanded fourth edition. The first four chapters revise number sets, algebra, trigonometry and coordinate systems, which are employed in the following chapters on vectors, transforms, interpolation, 3D curves and patches, analytic geometry and barycentric coordinates. Following this, the reader is introduced to the relatively new topic of geometric algebra, and the last two chapters provide an introduction to differential and integral calculus, with an emphasis on geometry. Mathematics for Computer Graphics covers all of the key areas of the subject, including: Number sets Algebra Trigonometry Coordinate systems Transforms Quaternions Interpolation Curves and surfaces Analytic geometry Barycentric coordinates Geometric algebra Differential calculus Integral calculus This fourth edition contains over 120 worked examples and over 270 illustrations, which are central to the author’s descriptive writing style. Mathematics for Computer Graphics provides a sound understanding of the mathematics required for computer graphics, giving a fascinating insight into the design of computer graphics software and setting the scene for further reading of more advanced books and technical research papers.
by John Vince
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Learning Processing,A Beginner's Guide to Programming Images, Animation, and Interaction
The free, open-source Processing programming language environment was created at MIT for people who want to develop images, animation, and sound. Based on the ubiquitous Java, it provides an alternative to daunting languages and expensive proprietary software. This book gives graphic designers, artists and illustrators of all stripes a jump start to working with processing by providing detailed information on the basic principles of programming with the language, followed by careful, step-by-step explanations of select advanced techniques. The author teaches computer graphics at NYU's Tisch School of the Arts, and his book has been developed with a supportive learning experience at its core. From algorithms and data mining to rendering and debugging, it teaches object-oriented programming from the ground up within the fascinating context of interactive visual media. Previously announced as "Pixels, Patterns, and Processing" *A guided journey from the very basics of computer programming through to creating custom interactive 3D graphics *Step-by-step examples, approachable language, exercises, and LOTS of sample code support the reader's learning curve *Includes lessons on how to program live video, animated images and interactive sound
by Daniel Shiffman
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Signals, Systems, & Transforms,
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For sophomore/junior-level signals and systems courses in Electrical and Computer Engineering departments. This book is also suitable for electrical and computer engineers. Signals, Systems, and Transforms, Fifth Edition is ideal for electrical and computer engineers. The text provides a clear, comprehensive presentation of both the theory and applications in signals, systems, and transforms. It presents the mathematical background of signals and systems, including the Fourier transform, the Fourier series, the Laplace transform, the discrete-time and the discrete Fourier transforms, and the z-transform. The text integrates MATLAB examples into the presentation of signal and system theory and applications.
by Charles L. Phillips
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