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Computer Forensics and Cyber Crime,An Introduction
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. The leading introduction to computer crime and forensicsis now fully updated to reflect today's newest attacks, laws, and investigatory best practices. Packed with new case studies, examples, and statistics, Computer Forensics and Cyber Crime, Third Edition adds up-to-the-minute coverage of smartphones, cloud computing, GPS, Mac OS X, Linux, Stuxnet, cyberbullying, cyberterrorism, search and seizure, online gambling, and much more. Covers all forms of modern and traditional computer crime, defines all relevant terms, and explains all technical and legal concepts in plain English, so students can succeed even if they have no technical, legal, or investigatory background.
by Marjie T. Britz
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Traditional Organized Crime in the Modern World,Responses to Socioeconomic Change
Presenting a unique approach to the subject of cognition, this volume reaches beyond the standard view of exceptional cognition equaling superior intelligence. It examines the latest findings from psychobiology, cognitive psychology, and neuroscience.
by Dina Siegel
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Intellectual Property and Computer Crimes,
Intellectual Property and Computer Crimes examines criminal infringement, the expanded scope of computer hacking laws, and the important legal issues that arise when these crimes are prosecuted.
by Peter Toren
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Computer crime,legislative resource manual
by United States. Bureau of Justice Statistics
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Cyber Crime: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications,Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications
Threatening the safety of individuals, computers, and entire networks, cyber crime attacks vary in severity and type. Studying this continually evolving discipline involves not only understanding different types of attacks, which range from identity theft to cyberwarfare, but also identifying methods for their prevention. Cyber Crime: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications is a three-volume reference that explores all aspects of computer-based crime and threats, offering solutions and best practices from experts in software development, information security, and law. As cyber crime continues to change and new types of threats emerge, research focuses on developing a critical understanding of different types of attacks and how they can best be managed and eliminated.
by Management Association, Information Resources
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Policing in Modern Society,
Policing in Modern Society blends both practical and theoretical issues to create a well organized text with the necessary balance for the future criminal justice professional. The author's writing style draws heavily upon the use of contemporary examples taken from movies, television and the print media. The instructors guide includes chapter outlines, chapter objectives, summaries of chapters, key terms from chapters, a test bank consisting of the following types of questions: choice, true and false, matching, and discussion. The author has an appealing, easy reading style and uses varied pedagogical devices which makes the book very reader friendly. Draws on contemporary examples taken from movies, television and the print media Combines the practical and the theoretical issues Instructors manual includes chapter outlines, objectives, summaries, key terms and test questions
by Bruce L. Berg
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Computer Crime, Investigation, and the Law,
One can hardly open a newspaper or read news online without seeing another story about a computer-related crime. We are awash in identity theft, online child predators, and even cyber espionage. It seems overwhelming. And people in many different professi
by Chuck Easttom
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The Development and Evaluation of a Computer Crime Investigative Distance-learning Program for the National Cybercrime Training Partnership,
The purpose of this project was to develop and evaluate a computer crime investigative distance-learning program for the National Cybercrime Training Partnership. It had been alleged that the current training system did not meet the specific needs of individual law enforcement agencies resulting in a lack of computer crime investigators. A computer crime investigative distance-learning prototype and evaluative instrument were developed to answer each of the five research questions. Conclusions and recommendations were also included in the study.
by Richard Gissel
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Information Security Management Handbook on CD-ROM, 2006 Edition,
The need for information security management has never been greater. With constantly changing technology, external intrusions, and internal thefts of data, information security officers face threats at every turn. The Information Security Management Handbook on CD-ROM, 2006 Edition is now available. Containing the complete contents of the Information Security Management Handbook, this is a resource that is portable, linked and searchable by keyword. In addition to an electronic version of the most comprehensive resource for information security management, this CD-ROM contains an extra volume's worth of information that is not found anywhere else, including chapters from other security and networking books that have never appeared in the print editions. Exportable text and hard copies are available at the click of a mouse. The Handbook's numerous authors present the ten domains of the Information Security Common Body of Knowledge (CBK) ®. The CD-ROM serves as an everyday reference for information security practitioners and an important tool for any one preparing for the Certified Information System Security Professional (CISSP) ® examination. New content to this Edition: Sensitive/Critical Data Access Controls Role-Based Access Control Smartcards A Guide to Evaluating Tokens Identity Management-Benefits and Challenges An Examination of Firewall Architectures The Five "W's" and Designing a Secure Identity Based Self-Defending Network Maintaining Network Security-Availability via Intelligent Agents PBX Firewalls: Closing the Back Door Voice over WLAN Spam Wars: How to Deal with Junk E-Mail Auditing the Telephony System: Defenses against Communications Security Breaches and Toll Fraud The "Controls" Matrix Information Security Governance
by Micki Krause
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Cyber Crime & Warfare: All That Matters,
In Cyber Crime: All That Matters, Peter Warren and Michael Streeter outline the history, scale and importance of cyber crime. In particular they show how cyber crime, cyber espionage and cyber warfare now pose a major threat to society. After analysing the origins of computer crime among early hackers the authors describe how criminal gangs and rogue states have since moved into the online arena with devastating effect at a time when the modern world - including all the communication services and utilities we have come to take for granted - has become utterly dependent on computers and the internet.
by Peter Warren
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Information Security Management Handbook, Fifth Edition,
Since 1993, the Information Security Management Handbook has served not only as an everyday reference for information security practitioners but also as an important document for conducting the intense review necessary to prepare for the Certified Information System Security Professional (CISSP) examination. Now completely revised and updated and in its fifth edition, the handbook maps the ten domains of the Information Security Common Body of Knowledge and provides a complete understanding of all the items in it. This is a ...must have... book, both for preparing for the CISSP exam and as a comprehensive, up-to-date reference.
by Harold F. Tipton
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Business Law: Principles for Today’s Commercial Environment,
In addition to preparing you to ace your business law course, BUSINESS LAW: PRINCIPLES FOR TODAY’S COMMERCIAL ENVIRONMENT, Third Edition, provides information and resources to assist you in studying for the CPA exam. This book helps you grasp key legal concepts and principles by reinforcing your understanding through applications and examples of real-world dilemmas, issues, and problems. Current, comprehensive, easy-to-understand and fascinating to read, BUSINESS LAW: PRINCIPLES FOR TODAY’S COMMERCIAL ENVIRONMENT will help prepare you for class and give you all the resources you need to succeed in your business law course. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
by David Twomey
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This best-selling text provides a comprehensive analysis of criminological theory, crime typologies, and the criminal justice system. Renowned for its unbiased presentation of theories, issues, and controversies and for its exhaustive research base, Siegel’s CRIMINOLOGY, Tenth Edition, presents cutting-edge, seminal research, as well as up-to-the-minute policy and newsworthy examples. This tenth edition is updated to address the latest topics and has been rewritten for clarity and impact. CRIMINOLOGY, Tenth Edition, provides students with a gateway to online and multimedia resources that capture the immediacy of the field through videos, the Internet, and--to help students assess their mastery of key chapter concepts--CengageNOW, the ultimate Web-based student tutorial. With its updates and array of supplements, CRIMINOLOGY, Tenth Edition, presents a powerful set of teaching and learning tools for instructors and students alike. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
by Larry Siegel
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The Crypto Controversy,A Key Conflict in the Information Society
Cryptography is essential for information security and electronic commerce, yet it can also be abused by criminals to thwart police wiretaps and computer searches. How should governments address this conflict of interests? Will they require people to deposit crypto keys with a `trusted' agent? Will governments outlaw cryptography that does not provide for law-enforcement access? This is not yet another study of the crypto controversy to conclude that this or that interest is paramount. This is not a study commissioned by a government, nor is it a report that campaigns on the electronic frontier. The Crypto Controversy is neither a cryptography handbook nor a book drenched in legal jargon. The Crypto Controversy pays attention to the reasoning of both privacy activists and law-enforcement agencies, to the particulars of technology as well as of law, to `solutions' offered both by cryptographers and by governments. Koops proposes a method to balance the conflicting interests and applies this to the Dutch situation, explaining both technical and legal issues for anyone interested in the subject.
by Bert-Jaap Koops
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The Making of Modern Georgia, 1918-2012,The First Georgian Republic and Its Successors
When most of Eastern Europe was struggling with dictatorships of one kind or another, the Democratic Republic of Georgia (1918-1921) established a constitution, a parliamentary system with national elections, an active opposition, and a free press. Like the Democratic Republic of Georgia in 1918, its successors emerged after 1991 from a bankrupt empire, and faced, yet again, the task of establishing a new economic, political and social system from scratch. In both 1918 and 1991, Georgia was confronted with a hostile Russia and followed a pro-Western and pro-democratic course. The top regional experts in this book explore the domestic and external parallels between the Georgian post-colonial governments of the early twentieth and twenty-first centuries. How did the inexperienced Georgian leaders in both eras deal with the challenge of secessionism, what were their state building strategies, and what did democracy mean to them? What did their electoral systems look like, why were their economic strategies so different, and how did they negotiate with the international community neighbouring threats. These are the central challenges of transitional governments around the world today. Georgia’s experience over one hundred years suggests that both history and contemporary political analysis offer the best (and most interesting) explanation of the often ambivalent outcomes.
by Stephen F. Jones
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