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Laboratory Manual for Principles of General Chemistry,
This new edition of the Beran lab manual emphasizes chemical principles as well as techniques. The manual helps students understand the timing and situations for the various techniques. The Beran lab manual has long been a market leading lab manual for general chemistry. Each experiment is presented with concise objectives, a comprehensive list of techniques, and detailed lab intros and step-by-step procedures.
by Jo Allan Beran
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Purification of Laboratory Chemicals,
A best seller since 1966, Purification of Laboratory Chemicals keeps engineers, scientists, chemists, biochemists and students up to date with the purification of the chemical reagents with which they work, the processes for their purification, and guides readers on critical safety and hazards for the safe handling of chemicals and processes. The Seventh Edition is fully updated and provides expanded coverage of the latest commercially available chemical products and processing techniques, safety and hazards: over 200 pages of coverage of new commercially available chemicals since the previous edition. * The only comprehensive chemical purification reference, a market leader since 1966, Amarego delivers essential information for research and industrial chemists, pharmacists and engineers: '... (it) will be the most commonly used reference book in any chemical or biochemical laboratory' (MDPI Journal) * An essential lab practice and proceedures manual. Improves efficiency, results and safety by providing critical information for day-to-day lab and processing work. Improved, clear organization and new indexing delivers accurate, reliable information on processes and techniques of purification along with detailed physical properties. * The Sixth Edition has been reorganised and is fully indexed by CAS Registry Numbers; compounds are now grouped to make navigation easier; literature references for all substances and techniques have been added; ambiguous alternate names and cross references removed; new chemical products and processing techniques are covered; hazards and safety remain central to the book.
by W.L.F. Armarego
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Experiments in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Second Edition,
Written by an author with more than 40 years of teaching experience in the field, Experiments in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Second Edition responds to a critical classroom need for material on directed laboratory investigations in biological and pharmaceutical chemistry. This new edition supplies 75 experiments, expanding the range of topics to 22 major areas of pharmaceutical chemistry. These include biochemical groups, botanical classes important to pharmacy, and major drug classifications: Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Enzymes Inorganics Vitamins Steroids Plant Acids Flavonoids Alkaloids Tannins Resins Glycosides Gums Balsams Volatile Oils Analgesics Anesthetics Sulfa Drugs (Sulfonamides) Psychotropic Drugs Antibiotics Nucleic Acids Sections contain introductions to basic concepts underlying the fields addressed and a specific bibliography relating to each field. Each experiment provides detailed instructions in a user-friendly format, and can be carried out, in most cases, without the need for expensive instrumentation. This comprehensive laboratory manual offers much-needed instructional material for teaching laboratory classes in pharmaceutical chemistry. The breadth of subject matter covered provides a variety of choices for structuring a laboratory course.
by Charles Dickson
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Basic Principles of Forensic Chemistry,
This book focuses on a marvel approach that blends chemistry with forensic science and is used for the examination of controlled substances and clandestine operations. The book will particularly interest forensic chemists, forensic scientists, criminologists, and biochemists.
by JaVed I. Khan
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Biosecurity,Understanding, Assessing, and Preventing the Threat
Learn how to assess and prevent biosecurity threats to protect public health and national security With contributions from experts in all facets of biosecurity, this book explains the fundamental elements of biosecurity as well as the related concepts of biosafety and biosurety, detailing how all three concepts fit within the framework of biodefense. Readers are then given the tools needed to assess and prevent biosecurity threats and vulnerabilities. The book explores the nature of biosecurity threats to research laboratories as well as to agriculture, food, and mass transit. Moreover, readers will learn how to apply principles of biosecurity to assess epidemics and protect public health. Biosecurity takes a detailed look at today's biosecurity policy, explaining how it is likely to evolve given current and potential threats to national security. The authors stress the importance of education and advocacy, helping readers develop effective programs to build public awareness and preparedness. The book also presents a novel tool to assess the effectiveness of laboratory biosafety and biosecurity programs. Biosecurity is divided into four parts: Part I: An Introduction to Biosecurity Part II: Elements of Biosecurity Part III: Biosecurity in Various Sectors Part IV: Biosecurity Policy, Bioterrorism, and the Future This book will instill a deep understanding of what biosecurity is and what it is not. It urges readers to think about the importance of biosecurity as it relates to national security, safety, and health. By exposing major flaws in global biosecurity thinking, Biosecurity sets forth a clear pathway to correct those errors and build stronger biosecurity programs.
by Ryan Burnette
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Microbiological Examination Methods of Food and Water,A Laboratory Manual
Microbiological Examination Methods of Food and Water is an illustrated laboratory manual that provides an overview of current standard microbiological culture methods for the examination of food and water, adhered to by renowned international organizations, such as ISO, AOAC, APHA, FDA and FSIS/USDA. It includes methods for the enumeration of indicator microorganisms of general contamination, indicators of hygiene and sanitary conditions, sporeforming, spoilage fungi and pathogenic bacteria. Every chapter begins with a comprehensive, in-depth and updated bibliographic reference on the microorganism(s) dealt with in that particular section of the book. The latest facts on the taxonomic position of each group, genus or species are given, as well as clear guidelines on how to deal with changes in nomenclature on the internet. All chapters provide schematic comparisons between the methods presented, highlighting the main differences and similarities. This allows the user to choose the method that best meets his/her needs. Moreover, each chapter lists validated alternative quick methods, which, though not described in the book, may and can be used for the analysis of the microorganism(s) dealt with in that particular chapter. The didactic setup and the visualization of procedures in step-by-step schemes allow the user to quickly perceive and execute the procedure intended. Support material such as drawings, procedure schemes and laboratory sheets are available for downloading and customization. This compendium will serve as an up-to-date practical companion for laboratory professionals, technicians and research scientists, instructors, teachers and food and water analysts. Alimentary engineering, chemistry, biotechnology and biology (under)graduate students specializing in food sciences will also find the book beneficial. It is furthermore suited for use as a practical/laboratory manual for graduate courses in Food Engineering and Food Microbiology.
by Neusely da Silva
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Chemistry of Organic Fluorine Compounds,A Laboratory Manual with Comprehensive Literature Coverage

by Milos Hudlicky
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Workbook and Lab Manual for Mosby's Pharmacy Technician,Principles and Practice
With chapter-by-chapter review and practice, this easy-to-use workbook and lab manual helps you reinforce your understanding of key facts and concepts from Mosby's Pharmacy Technician: Principles and Practice, 3rd Edition. A wide variety of review questions, exercises, and activities help you study more effectively and learn to apply your knowledge for success on the job. Chapter-specific exercises (fill-in-the-blank, matching, true/false, and multiple-choice) reinforce key textbook concepts and help you prepare for exams. Experiential lab activities provide hands-on practice. Case scenarios and critical thinking questions strengthen your decision-making skills. UNIQUE! Internet research assignments challenge you to locate additional information and draw clinically relevant conclusions. Math calculation exercises enhance your proficiency with challenging mathematic calculations critical to practice.
by Teresa Hopper
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Chemistry and Life in the Laboratory,Experiments
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Class-tested by thousands of students, this popular lab manual provides a comprehensive collection of 34 experiments specific to the General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry course. The Sixth Edition includes discussion of important environmental and cultural topics that relate to the experiments, offers new and revised laboratory questions and problems, fully revised laboratory techniques and discussion sections, and much more.
by Victor L. Heasley
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Introduction to Polymer Chemistry, Third Edition,
Continuing the tradition of its previous editions, the third edition of Introduction to Polymer Chemistry provides a well-rounded presentation of the principles and applications of natural, synthetic, inorganic, and organic polymers. With an emphasis on the environment and green chemistry and materials, this third edition offers detailed coverage of natural and synthetic giant molecules, inorganic and organic polymers, biomacromolecules, elastomers, adhesives, coatings, fibers, plastics, blends, caulks, composites, and ceramics. Using simple fundamentals, the book demonstrates how the basic principles of one polymer group can be applied to all of the other groups. It covers reactivities, synthesis and polymerization reactions, techniques for characterization and analysis, energy absorption and thermal conductivity, physical and optical properties, and practical applications. This edition addresses environmental concerns and green polymeric materials, including biodegradable polymers and microorganisms for synthesizing materials. Case studies woven within the text illustrate various developments and the societal and scientific contexts in which these changes occurred. Now including new material on environmental science, Introduction to Polymer Chemistry, Third Edition remains the premier book for understanding the behavior of polymers. Building on undergraduate work in foundational courses, the text fulfills the American Chemical Society Committee on Professional Training (ACS CPT) in-depth course requirement.
by Charles E. Carraher Jr.
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Hazardous Materials Compliance for Public Research Organizations,A Case Study, Second Edition
Completely revised and updated, Hazardous Materials Compliance for Public Research Organizations: A Case Study, Second Edition presents a case study of one university’s policies and practices with regard to the procurement, use, storage and disposal of HAZMAT in the context of a changing internal structure and regulatory environment. The author’s presentation is no-holds-barred, using interviews, archival documentation, and unobtrusive observations as a participant where the research institution was at times noncompliant with the new federal guidelines. See What’s New in the Second Edition: Incorporates issues with all types of hazardous materials instead of just focusing on biological HAZMAT Updated information on current regulations on HAZMAT in relation to universities and research centers Follow-up on the case study university, disclosing the university’s progress in resolving the security and safety shortcomings By implementing key improvements in safety and security, the universities can also more easily obtain research grant money and satisfy both state and federal safety requirements. This book includes recommendations to improve safety while using and storing biotoxins, chemical, radioactive material, and industrial waste, and to improve overall security at the university. It also highlights improvements that can make the environment a safer and more secure location to perform biological research.
by Nicolas A. Valcik
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The Nanobiotechnology Handbook,
A thorough overview of nanobiotechnology and its place in advances in applied science and engineering, The Nanobiotechnology Handbook combines contributions from physics, bioorganic and bioinorganic chemistry, molecular and cellular biology, materials science, and medicine as well as from mechanical, electrical, chemical, and biomedical engineering to address the full scope of current and future developments. World-class experts discuss the role of nanobiotechnology in bioanalysis, biomolecular and biomedical nanotechnology, biosensors, biocatalysis and biofuel, and education and workforce development. It includes a companion CD that contains all figures in the book. The book begins with discussions of biomimetic nanotechnology, including a comprehensive overview of DNA nanostructure and DNA-inspired nanotechnology, aptamer-functionalized nanomaterials as artificial antibodies, artificial enzymes, molecular motors, and RNA structures and RNA-inspired nanotechnology. It shows how nanotechnology can be inspired by nature as well as adverse biological events in diagnostic and therapeutic development. From there, the chapters cover major important and widely used nanofabrication techniques, applications of nanotechnology for bioprocessing followed by coverage of the applications of atomic force microscopy (AFM), optical tweezers and nanofluidics as well as other nanotechnology-enabled biomolecular and cellular manipulation and detection. Focusing on major research trends, the book highlights the importance of nanobiotechnology to a range of medical applications such as stem cell technology and tissue engineering, drug development and delivery, imaging, diagnostics, and therapeutics. And with coverage of topics such as nanotoxicity, responsible nanotechnology, and educational and workforce development, it provides a unique overview and perspective of nanobiotechnology impacts from a researcher’s, entrepreneur’s, economist’s and educator’s point of view. It provides a resource for current applications and future development of nanobiotechnology.
by Yubing Xie
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Nanotechnology for Water and Wastewater Treatment,
The rapid development of nanoscience enables a technology revolution that will soon impact virtually every facet of the water sector. Yet, there is still too little understanding of what nanoscience and nanotechnology is, what can it do and whether to fear it or not, even among the educated public as well as scientists and engineers from other disciplines. Despite the numerous books and textbooks available on the subject, there is a gap in the literature that bridges the space between the synthesis (conventional and more greener methods) and use (applications in the drinking water production, wastewater treatment and environmental remediation fields) of nanotechnology on the one hand and its potential environmental implications (fate and transport of nanomaterials, toxicity, Life Cycle Assessments) on the other. Nanotechnology for Water and Wastewater Treatment explores these topics with a broad-based multidisciplinary scope and can be used by engineers and scientists outside the field and by students at both undergraduate and post graduate level. Table of Contents Introduction: Nanotechnology for water and wastewater treatment: potential and limitation; Characteristics and properties of nanoparticles; Physical and chemical analysis of nanoparticles; Fate and transport of nanoparticles/nanomaterials, toxicity studies; Nanoparticles and bioremediation; Nanosorbents; Effective Phosphate Removal Using Ca-based Layered Double Hydroxide Materials; Mg(OH)2 nanoadsorbent during Treating the Low Concentration of Cr; Nano catalysts; Visible-light doped titania for water purification: nitrogen and silver doping; Doping of Pd nanocatalysts for PCB removal; The use of bimetallic nanosystems to remove POPs from soils and sediments"; Nanomaterials for disinfection and microbial control; Microbial manufactured silver nanoparticles for water disinfection; Electrospun nanofibers for Point-of-Use Water Treatment; Nanomaterials to enhance filtration; Metalic and ceramic microreactors; Enzyme-Immobilized Nanofiltration Membrane To Mitigate Biofouling Based on Quorum Quenching; Biomimetic membranes for water filtration; Nano sensors ; Functionalised graphene: a novel platform for biosensors; Lab-on-a-Chip Interferometric Biosensor Nanotechnology; Nanosensors for pathogens; Nanomanufacturing: Materials Design and Production; Green synthesis of nanoparticles and nanocatalysts; Plant-based nanoparticle manufacturing.
by P. Lens
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A Microscale Approach to Organic Laboratory Techniques,
From biofuels, green chemistry, and nanotechnology, this proven laboratory textbook provides the up-to-date coverage students need in their coursework and future careers. The book’s experiments, all designed to utilize microscale glassware and equipment, cover traditional organic reactions and syntheses, the isolation of natural products, and molecular modeling and include project-based experiments and experiments that have a biological or health science focus. Updated throughout with new and revised experiments, new and revised essays, and revised and expanded techniques, the Fifth Edition is organized based on essays and topics of current interest. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
by Donald Pavia
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Continuing Garrett and Grisham’s innovative conceptual and organizing Essential Questions framework, BIOCHEMISTRY guides students through course concepts in a way that reveals the beauty and usefulness of biochemistry in the everyday world. Offering a balanced and streamlined presentation, this edition has been updated throughout with new material and revised presentations. For the first time, this book is integrated with OWL, a powerful online learning system for chemistry that engages students and improves learning outcomes. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
by Reginald Garrett
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