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Nestled between stately live oaks, magnolia trees, and Cane River is the beautiful old town of Natchitoches. The oldest settlement in the Louisiana Purchase and the third-oldest town in the United States, Natchitoches was founded in 1714 by Louis Juchereau de St. Denis, who was sent by the French governor to establish a colony in Louisiana. In Images of America: Natchitoches see the town as the backdrop for such movies as Steel Magnolias and view rare vintage photographs of plantation homes, the laying of bricks on Front Street, and the development of Northwestern State University.
by Joyous Coast Foundation
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Principles of Accounting, Chapters 14-28,
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by Belverd Needles
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Financial and Managerial Accounting,
Needles/Powers/Crosson delivers interactive pedagogy by illustrating accounting principles and real-world examples to encourage critical thinking. This revision is based on an understanding of the nature, culture, and motivations of today's students and on extensive feedback from instructors. These substantial changes meet the needs of students, who not only face a business world increasingly complicated by ethical issues, globalization, and technology but also have more demands on their time. To help them meet these challenges, this textbook shows students how business transactions, which are the result of business decisions, are recorded in a way to show their effects on the financial statements. Built on historically strong pedagogy, this edition demonstrates strengthened transaction analysis and its link to the accounting cycle. Proven Presentation: Students learn from a trusted approach built on proper accounting principles and technical detail to ensure mastery of core accounting concepts. Relevant Coverage: Chapter-opening Decision Points have been enhanced to expose students to the changing financial reporting environment and IFRS. Critical-Thinking Tools: New Stop & Think features help students develop the judgment skills they need in the modern business world. Needles/Powers/Crosson demonstrates accounting in motion! Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
by Belverd Needles
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Principles of Accounting,
Needles/Powers/Crosson delivers interactive pedagogy by illustrating accounting principles and real-world examples to encourage critical thinking. This revision is based on an understanding of the nature, culture, and motivations of today's students and on extensive feedback from instructors. These substantial changes meet the needs of students, who not only face a business world increasingly complicated by ethical issues, globalization, and technology, but who also have more demands on their time. To help them meet these challenges, this textbook shows students how business transactions, which are the result of business decisions, are recorded in a way to show their effects on the financial statements. Built on historically strong pedagogy, this edition demonstrates strengthened transaction analysis and its link to the accounting cycle. *Proven Presentation: Students learn from a trusted approach built on proper accounting principles and technical detail to ensure mastery of core accounting concepts. *Relevant Coverage: Chapter-opening Decision Points have been enhanced to expose students to the changing financial reporting environment and IFRS. *Critical Thinking Tools: New Stop & Think features help students develop the judgment skills they need in the modern business world. Needles/Powers/Crosson demonstrates accounting in motion! Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
by Belverd Needles
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Personal Financial Planning,
In the midst of today’s shifting financial environment and fast-paced, changing lives, it’s more important than ever before that your students gain a solid foundation in personal financial planning. Gitman/Joehnk/Billingsley’s market-leading PERSONAL FINANCIAL PLANNING, 12E provides students with the tools, techniques, and understanding they need to define and achieve their financial goals. The book follows a life-cycle approach -- addressing financial plans, assets, credit, insurance, investment, and retirement -- as individuals and families progress through a lifetime. The latest updates throughout this edition reflect the most recent financial developments and research -- from new tax laws and the latest financial data to professional financial advice that considers the impact of the recent global financial crisis. This edition’s inviting new design incorporates opening vignettes, cases, and numerous examples from life with an integrated learning system to ensure understanding. Step-by-step features teach students to use today’s most critical financial tools and technology, including financial planning software. CFP practice questions provide valuable student practice. A complete support package, including CengageNOW online course management system, saves you time as you put the best in personal financial planning in your students’ hands. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
by Lawrence Gitman
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The Spike,How Our Lives Are Being Transformed By Rapidly Advancing Technologies
The rate at which technology is changing our world--not just on a global level like space travel and instant worldwide communications but on the level of what we choose to wear, where we live, and what we eat--is staggeringly fast and getting faster all the time. The rate of change has become so fast that a concept that started off sounding like science fiction has become a widely expected outcome in the near future - a singularity referred to as The Spike. At that point of singularity, the cumulative changes on all fronts will affect the existence of humanity as a species and cause a leap of evolution into a new state of being. On the other side of that divide, intelligence will be freed from the constraints of the flesh; machines will achieve a level of intelligence in excess of our own and boundless in its ultimate potential; engineering will take place at the level of molecular reconstruction, which will allow everything from food to building materials to be assembled as needed from microscopic components rather than grown or manufactured; we'll all become effectively immortal by either digitizing and uploading our minds into organic machines or by transforming our bodies into illness-free, undecaying exemplars of permanent health and vitality. The results of all these changes will be unimaginable social dislocation, a complete restructuring of human society and a great leap forward into a dazzlingly transcendent future that even SF writers have been too timid to imagine.
by Damien Broderick
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Commentaries on the Laws of England,

by William Blackstone
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The Big Book of Library Grant Money, 2004-2005,Profiles of Private and Corporate Foundations and Direct Corporate Givers Receptive to Library Grant Proposals
With libraries under the gun to provide more and better services, and with fewer resources in many cases, they need to come up with innovative and reliable ways to fund new initiatives. Providing targeted access to the most promising major givers, The Big Book of Library Grant Money 2004-2005 is the largest directory available, pulled from an authoritative and up-to-the-minute database of library-specific funders. This forward-looking edition includes more than 2,400 private and corporate foundations and givers that have either indicated an interest in giving money to libraries or have already done so. Organized by state, potential donors in The Big Book are profiled with contact and portfolio information, past contributions summary and analysis, and application information. With historical data, you can track contributions and assets and predict future giving patterns. Offering you the most "hooks" for connecting with actual people, The Big Book also provides contact information for more than16,000 foundation officers and directors. Over 1,000 library recipients are also listed, making it possible to connect with peers in other libraries who have successfully worked with funders. As an added feature, ALA's own development office experts have included tips on winning grants for libraries. Tailored to be the definitive sourcebook for identifying library-friendly givers, the 2004-2005 edition is a must-have for libraries seeking a share of the more than 13.8 billion dollars set aside by Big Book givers. With more than 30 years of experience, The Taft Group is a leading publisher of reference works on the philanthropic activities of wealthy individuals, corporations, and foundations.Recognized for the depth and timeliness of its data, Taft publishes print and electronic resources for members of the nonprofit arena, which includes nonprofit organizations, professional fundraisers, prospect researchers, foundations, universities, hospitals, social agencies
by The Taft Group
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Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: An Introduction to Family Social Work,
Designed for students who will work with families, but not necessarily continue with advanced family therapy training, AN INTRODUCTION TO FAMILY SOCIAL WORK, Fourth Edition provides a strong foundation in the concepts and skills necessary for success in the profession. The text features engaging case studies, end-of-chapter exercises, illustrations, and graphics to help students master the material. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
by Donald Collins
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Springer Handbook of Crystal Growth,
The Springer Handbook of Crystal Growth brings together the science and technology of growing crystals, defect characterization and techniques, and understanding the defect formation including defects modelling. This unique effort will provide users with fundamental understanding of crystal growth and defects with the latest instrumentation/ techniques available both for crystal fabrication and defects. Understanding in this rapidly advancing field deals with three main areas: Crystal growth and defect formation, growth methods, and various techniques used in characterization.
by Govindhan Dhanaraj
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Math Principles for Food Service Occupations,
MATH PRINCIPLES FOR FOOD SERVICE OCCUPATIONS, 6E stresses the direct relevance of math skills in the food service industry while teaching the basic math principles that affect everything from basic recipe preparation to managing food and labor costs in a restaurant operation. All the mathematical problems and concepts presented are explained in a simplified, logical, step-by-step manner. New to this edition, illustrations in full color add visual appeal to the text and help culinary students to master important concepts. Now in its 6th edition, this book demonstrates the importance of understanding and using math concepts to effectively make money in this demanding business. Part 1 trains your students to use the calculator. Part 2 reviews basic math fundamentals. Subsequent parts address math essentials and cost controls in food preparation and math essentials in food service record keeping, while the last part of the book concentrates on managerial math. New topics to this 6th edition include controlling beverage costs; clarifying and explaining the difference between fluid ounces and avoirdupois ounces; and an entire new section on yield testing and how to conduct these tests. There are new methods using helpful memory devices and acronyms to help the student remember procedures and formulas, such as BLT, NO, and the Big Ounce. New strategies and charts are also shown and explained on how to use purchases in order to control food and beverage costs and how transfers affect food and beverage costs. In addition, sections have been added on how to control costs using food (or liquor, or labor) cost percentage guidelines. The content in MATH PRINCIPLES FOR FOOD SERVICE OCCUPATIONS, 6E meets the required knowledge and competencies for business and math skills as required by the American Culinary Federation. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
by Anthony Strianese
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The Chartered accountant,

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Cengage Advantage Books: Strategic Public Relations: An Audience-Focused Approach,
With nearly thirty years of experience as both a public relations teacher and practitioner, Barbara Diggs-Brown has written a text based on her unwavering belief that to practice effective public relations today requires strategic thinking and audience focus, which can only be accomplished by listening and hearing audiences through formative, process, and evaluative research. In addition to highlighting audience-focused principles and techniques of audience research and recurring assessment, STRATEGIC PUBLIC RELATIONS: AN AUDIENCE-FOCUSED APPROACH is based on the premise that public relations is a management function, one coordinated with an organization’s other management divisions. Intended for undergraduate courses in PR, serving both majors in the field and nonmajors, this text provides a comprehensive survey of PR’s foundations, processes, tactics, and contexts. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
by Barbara Diggs-Brown
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Fundamentals of Law Office Management,
Fundamentals of Law Office Management: Systems Procedures and Ethics, fourth edition, was created to present knowledge of the industry, an understanding of how a law office functions, and to provide essential skills. The text is divided into three sections in order to best accomplish these goals. The first section, consisting of five chapters, provides an overview of the legal industry. These chapters explain the parameters and policies of the business of law and provide a strong foundation upon which to build a legal career. The information contained in these chapters is essential to understand why law firms, and other types of legal offices, conduct business differently from other industries. The second section, consisting of five chapters, introduces students to the functions and procedures common to a law office environment. The third section, consisting of four chapters, provides students with essential skills that will be utilized throughout their legal career. The text is enhanced with the inclusion of features such as key words, ethics alerts, side bars, and tech tips. New to this fourth edition is material on federal employment laws and law office marketing, along with revised tables and charts and updated web resources. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
by Pamela Everett-Nollkamper
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Guide to the Companies Act,

by Arunachala Ramaiya
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